Livewire Ergogenics Introduces “Sol Vida Spray” First-of-its-Kind Cannabis Elixir Spray

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LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV) has introduced Sol Vida, a groundbreaking cannabis elixir spray. This first-of-its-kind product offers dose-controlled, easy-to-use cannabis in a convenient spray bottle. Produced by affiliate Estrella River Farms, Sol Vida uses sun-grown cannabis from Estrella Ranch and a solventless extraction method, resulting in high-terpene, potent live resin oil.

The product line includes six SKUs: four fruity, high-THC options and two for relaxation, sleep, and pain relief. Sol Vida aims to provide a safer, more palatable alternative to traditional tinctures, with quick absorption and accurate dosing. This launch is part of LiveWire's strategy to develop higher-margin retail products, positioning itself against bulk product sale fluctuations in the cannabis market.

LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV) ha lanciato Sol Vida, uno spray elisir di cannabis innovativo. Questo prodotto unico nel suo genere offre cannabis in un pratico flacone spray, con dosaggio controllato e facile da usare. Prodotto dall'affiliata Estrella River Farms, Sol Vida utilizza cannabis coltivata al sole da Estrella Ranch e un metodo di estrazione senza solventi, risultando in un olio di resina viva ad alto contenuto di terpeni e potente.

La linea di prodotti comprende sei SKU: quattro opzioni fruttate ad alto contenuto di THC e due per relax, sonno e alleviamento del dolore. Sol Vida mira a fornire un alternativa più sicura e gradevole rispetto alle tinture tradizionali, con rapida assorbimento e dosaggio preciso. Questo lancio fa parte della strategia di LiveWire di sviluppare prodotti retail ad alto margine, posizionandosi contro le fluttuazioni nelle vendite di prodotti all'ingrosso nel mercato della cannabis.

LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV) ha presentado Sol Vida, un innovador spray elixir de cannabis. Este producto único en su clase ofrece cannabis con dosificación controlada y fácil de usar en un práctico frasco spray. Producido por la afiliada Estrella River Farms, Sol Vida utiliza cannabis cultivado al sol de Estrella Ranch y un método de extracción sin solventes, resultando en un aceite de resina viva potente y con alto contenido de terpenos.

La línea de productos incluye seis SKUs: cuatro opciones frutales de alto THC y dos para relajación, sueño y alivio del dolor. Sol Vida busca proporcionar una alternativa más segura y agradable a las tinturas tradicionales, con rápida absorción y dosificación precisa. Este lanzamiento es parte de la estrategia de LiveWire para desarrollar productos minoristas con mayor margen, posicionándose contra las fluctuaciones en la venta de productos a granel en el mercado de cannabis.

LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV)가 혁신적인 대마초 엘리퀴드 스프레이 Sol Vida를 출시했습니다. 이 유일무이한 제품은 용량 조절이 가능하고 사용하기 쉬운 대마초를 편리한 스프레이 용기에 제공합니다. 에스트레야 리버 팜스(Estrella River Farms)에서 생산되는 Sol Vida는 에스트레야 Ranch의 햇볕에 자란 대마초를 사용하고 무용매 추출 방법으로 고테르펜과 강력한 생수지 오일을 생산합니다.

제품 라인은 여섯 가지 SKU를 포함합니다: 네 가지 과일 맛의 높은 THC 옵션과 두 가지 이완, 수면 및 통증 완화를 위한 옵션입니다. Sol Vida는 전통적인 팅크에 대한 더 안전하고 맛있는 대안을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 빠른 흡수와 정확한 용량 조절이 가능합니다. 이 출시는 대마초 시장에서 도매 제품 판매의 변동에 맞서기 위해 고마진 소매 제품을 개발하려는 LiveWire의 전략의 일환입니다.

LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV) a lancé Sol Vida, un spray d'élixir de cannabis révolutionnaire. Ce produit unique en son genre offre du cannabis facile à utiliser avec une dosage contrôlé dans un flacon spray pratique. Produit par la filiale Estrella River Farms, Sol Vida utilise du cannabis cultivé au soleil de Estrella Ranch et une méthode d'extraction sans solvant, aboutissant à une huile de résine vivante riche en terpènes et puissante.

La gamme de produits comprend six références: quatre options fruitées à haute teneur en THC et deux pour la détente, le sommeil et le soulagement de la douleur. Sol Vida vise à fournir une alternative plus sûre et plus agréable aux teintures traditionnelles, avec une absorption rapide et un dosage précis. Ce lancement fait partie de la stratégie de LiveWire de développer des produits de détail à marge élevée, se positionnant contre les fluctuations des ventes de produits en vrac sur le marché du cannabis.

LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV) hat Sol Vida, ein bahnbrechendes Cannabis-Elixier-Spray, eingeführt. Dieses einzigartige Produkt bietet gut dosierbares, leicht zu verwendendes Cannabis in einer praktischen Sprühflasche. Produziert von der Tochtergesellschaft Estrella River Farms, nutzt Sol Vida sonnengewachsenes Cannabis von Estrella Ranch und ein lösungsmittelfreies Extraktionsverfahren, das zu hochterpenhaltigem, potenten Live-Resin-Öl führt.

Die Produktlinie umfasst sechs SKUs: vier fruchtige, THC-reiche Optionen und zwei für Entspannung, Schlaf und Schmerzlinderung. Sol Vida zielt darauf ab, eine sichere, angenehmere Alternative zu traditionellen Tinkturen anzubieten, mit schneller Absorption und präziser Dosierung. Diese Markteinführung ist Teil der Strategie von LiveWire, hochmargige Einzelhandelsprodukte zu entwickeln und sich gegen die Preisschwankungen im Großhandel im Cannabismarkt zu positionieren.

  • Introduction of a unique, dose-controlled cannabis elixir spray 'Sol Vida'
  • Expansion into higher-margin retail products
  • Use of solventless extraction method for high-quality live resin oil
  • Development of six SKUs catering to different consumer needs
  • Strategy to hedge against bulk product sale fluctuations
  • None.

Anaheim, CA, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. (OTC: LVVV), a company focused on owning, leasing, managing, and licensing special purpose real estate properties and operations conducive to producing high-quality, handcrafted, and sun-grown organic style cannabis products for medical and recreational adult-use in California, announces that it has developed and is marketing a unique and groundbreaking cannabis product, “Sol Vida,” a dose-controlled, easy-to-use cannabis elixir in a conveniently sized spray bottle, ensuring safety and convenience for all users.

Bill Hodson, CEO of Livewire, states, "Through our affiliate company, Estrella River Farms, we are introducing 'Sol Vida,’ a premium cannabis elixir in a small, easy-to-use spray bottle. This is the first retail market entry from our Sol Vida Wellness branded product line. The elixir is produced using sun-grown cannabis from our Estrella Ranch and a solventless extraction method, producing a live resin oil with high terpene content and potency.

The product will be available in six SKUs, four catering to fruity flavors and high THC content, and two designed for relaxation, sleep, and pain relief. Each bottle will be sold in a child-resistant, high-barrier package for a safe cannabis experience, providing consumers with a convenient one-dose-per-spray.

The Sol Vida product supply chain starts at our affiliate Estrella River Farms where we are cultivating premium sun-grown cannabis on the beautiful Estrella Ranch in Paso Robles, California. The hand-crafted cultivation process of California’s best cannabis ensures the rich flavors and potent effects in every bottle of Sol Vida. The unique production process involves a chemical-free live resin processing method by applying heat and pressure without harmful chemicals or solvents. This results in a water-soluble powder that captures the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes for a holistic user experience in a conveniently sized spray bottle

The Sol Vida cannabis elixir provides a more palatable experience than a typical tincture, and is designed to provide relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being. It offers a subtle and uplifting effect that can help users feel more relaxed and at ease. The spray is discreet, easy to use, and perfect for on-the-go relief. With accurate dosing and quick absorption, users can experience the calming effects within minutes without any taxing side effects.

In addition to Sol Vida, Livewire is developing a complete line of stand-out products to extend its "Estrella Weedery" branded products roster. The focus is on delivering higher-margin retail products based on consumer demand and increasing awareness for Estrella River Farms. We are positioning the development of our proprietary and unique branded products as our hedge against bulk product sale fluctuations and pricing in a turbulent and hard-to-predict cannabis market. This approach allows us to provide better consistency and more reliable sales forecasting. Sol Vida Wellness products will be available through major online and retail shops.

With a clear view of the future of the cannabis business in the US, we are developing higher-margin retail products in response to increasingly sophisticated consumer behavior and demand for high quality, ease of use, and effectiveness. These products will create increased immunity to severe price fluctuations in the cannabis market at harvest time.

The Livewire Estrella Ranch Weedery

Estrella Ranch is a historic ranch property in Paso Robles, the center of California wine country. Together with its subsidiary Estrella Ranch Partners, Livewire has transformed the property into the world's first "Estate Grown Weedery ™," with three acres of high-end, organic, sun-grown cannabis products and ample room for expansion. Estrella Ranch is the central hub for all Livewire operations in California, with plans to eventually develop it into the ultimate Cannabis tourist and education destination. The Livewire “Estate Grown Weedery” cultivation process focuses on the cost-effective production of the best quality organic-style cannabis in California while generating the smallest possible carbon footprint using as few of California's energy resources as possible. For more details, visit

About LiveWire Ergogenics Inc. 

Livewire focuses on acquiring, managing, and licensing well-qualified cannabis real estate locations of fully compliant cultivation and manufacturing facilities to produce high-quality cannabis-based products for statewide distribution in California. This includes developing and licensing organic-style grown cannabinoid-based specialty products and services to create the high-quality "Estrella Weedery" brand. These products are cultivated by Livewire’s subsidiary/affiliate companies Estrella Ranch Partners and Estrella River Farms and distributed and delivered direct-to-consumer through established cannabis distributors and dispensaries in California. LiveWire Ergogenics does not produce, sell, or distribute products that violate the United States Controlled Substances Act. For more information about LiveWire Ergogenics, visit Follow LiveWire Ergogenics on Twitter @livewireLVVV or go to for non-material updates. 

Forward-Looking Statements 

This release contains forward-looking statements within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All forward-looking statements, predictions, and projections are inherently uncertain as they are based on current expectations and assumptions of the successful execution of planned events or the Company's general future performance. Readers are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements, which are only predictions and speak only as of the date hereof. In evaluating such statements, prospective investors should carefully review various risks and uncertainties identified in this release, the Company's Social Media postings, and matters set in the Company's SEC filings. These risks and uncertainties could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. 

1600 North Kraemer Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92806
Stockwatchindex, LLC
Tristan Cavato
(805) 835-2415


What is Sol Vida and how is it different from other cannabis products?

Sol Vida is a unique cannabis elixir spray introduced by LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV). It offers dose-controlled, easy-to-use cannabis in a convenient spray bottle, using sun-grown cannabis and a solventless extraction method for high-terpene, potent live resin oil.

How many SKUs of Sol Vida is LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV) offering?

LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV) is offering six SKUs of Sol Vida: four catering to fruity flavors and high THC content, and two designed for relaxation, sleep, and pain relief.

Where is the cannabis for Sol Vida grown by LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV)?

The cannabis for Sol Vida is grown at Estrella Ranch in Paso Robles, California, which LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV) has transformed into the world's first 'Estate Grown Weedery™'.

What is LiveWire Ergogenics' (LVVV) strategy behind launching Sol Vida?

LiveWire Ergogenics (LVVV) is launching Sol Vida as part of its strategy to develop higher-margin retail products, aiming to hedge against bulk product sale fluctuations and pricing in the turbulent cannabis market.



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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
United States of America