American Century Investments has announced the closure and liquidation of its Low Volatility ETF (LVOL). The fund will cease trading on the NYSE Arca at market close on April 22, 2025. Following this date, shareholders will no longer be able to trade their shares on the exchange.
The final asset distribution to remaining shareholders is scheduled for around April 29, 2025. During the preparation for final distribution, the fund may deviate from its stated investment objectives and strategies. As of February 12, 2025, American Century's total ETF assets under management stand at $59.7 billion.
American Century Investments ha annunciato la chiusura e la liquidazione del suo Low Volatility ETF (LVOL). Il fondo cesserà di essere negoziato sulla NYSE Arca alla chiusura del mercato il 22 aprile 2025. Dopo questa data, gli azionisti non potranno più negoziare le loro azioni sulla borsa.
La distribuzione finale degli attivi agli azionisti rimanenti è prevista intorno al 29 aprile 2025. Durante la preparazione per la distribuzione finale, il fondo potrebbe deviare dai suoi obiettivi e strategie di investimento dichiarati. A partire dal 12 febbraio 2025, il totale degli attivi ETF gestiti da American Century ammonta a 59,7 miliardi di dollari.
American Century Investments ha anunciado el cierre y la liquidación de su Low Volatility ETF (LVOL). El fondo dejará de cotizar en la NYSE Arca al cierre del mercado el 22 de abril de 2025. Después de esta fecha, los accionistas ya no podrán negociar sus acciones en la bolsa.
La distribución final de activos a los accionistas restantes está programada para alrededor del 29 de abril de 2025. Durante la preparación para la distribución final, el fondo puede desviarse de sus objetivos y estrategias de inversión declarados. A partir del 12 de febrero de 2025, el total de activos ETF bajo gestión de American Century asciende a 59,7 mil millones de dólares.
아메리칸 센추리 인베스트먼트는 저변동성 ETF (LVOL)의 종료 및 청산을 발표했습니다. 이 펀드는 2025년 4월 22일 시장 종료 시 NYSE Arca에서 거래를 중단합니다. 이 날짜 이후, 주주들은 더 이상 거래소에서 주식을 거래할 수 없습니다.
남아 있는 주주에 대한 최종 자산 분배는 2025년 4월 29일경 예정되어 있습니다. 최종 분배 준비 중에 펀드는 명시된 투자 목표 및 전략에서 벗어날 수 있습니다. 2025년 2월 12일 현재, 아메리칸 센추리의 총 ETF 자산은 597억 달러입니다.
American Century Investments a annoncé la fermeture et la liquidation de son Low Volatility ETF (LVOL). Le fonds cessera d'être négocié sur le NYSE Arca à la clôture du marché le 22 avril 2025. Après cette date, les actionnaires ne pourront plus négocier leurs actions sur la bourse.
La distribution finale des actifs aux actionnaires restants est prévue aux alentours du 29 avril 2025. Pendant la préparation de la distribution finale, le fonds peut s'écarter de ses objectifs et stratégies d'investissement déclarés. Au 12 février 2025, les actifs totaux des ETF gérés par American Century s'élèvent à 59,7 milliards de dollars.
American Century Investments hat die Schließung und Liquidation seines Low Volatility ETF (LVOL) angekündigt. Der Fonds wird am 22. April 2025 zum Marktende an der NYSE Arca den Handel einstellen. Nach diesem Datum können die Aktionäre ihre Anteile nicht mehr an der Börse handeln.
Die endgültige Vermögensverteilung an die verbleibenden Aktionäre ist für etwa den 29. April 2025 geplant. Während der Vorbereitung auf die endgültige Verteilung kann der Fonds von seinen angegebenen Anlagezielen und -strategien abweichen. Am 12. Februar 2025 beträgt das gesamte ETF-Vermögen von American Century 59,7 Milliarden Dollar.
- Substantial ETF AUM of $59.7 billion demonstrates strong market presence
- Closure and liquidation of LVOL ETF product
- Potential deviation from stated investment objectives before liquidation
LVOL will cease trading on the NYSE Arca, Inc. at the close of the market on April 22, 2025. After this date, shareholders will be unable to dispose of their shares on the NYSE Arca, Inc. On or about April 29, 2025, the fund will liquidate and distribute its remaining assets to shareholders who have not yet redeemed or sold their shares. Prior to liquidation, the fund may deviate from its stated investment objective and strategies in preparation for the final distribution to shareholders.
American Century's ETF assets under management total
About American Century Investments
American Century Investments is a leading global asset manager focused on delivering investment results and building long-term client relationships while supporting breakthrough medical research. Founded in 1958, American Century Investments' 1,400 employees serve financial professionals, institutions, corporations and individual investors from offices in
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Foreside Fund Services, LLC – Distributor, not affiliated with American Century Investment Services, Inc.
©2025 American Century Proprietary Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved
Contact: Laura Kouri
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