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Rhea-AI Summary

Quube Exchange is set to become a U.S. public company through a merger with LevelBlox (OTCM: LVBX). This strategic move aims to consolidate Quube's operations in the decentralized finance and NFT sectors. Quube's CEO, Anzor Zhemukhov, outlined a five-year strategy focusing on a cross-chain DeFi protocol for cryptocurrencies and NFTs, along with a new unified Mega-Chain-Wallet-Browser to enhance digital asset trading. The initiative positions Quube as a significant player in the evolving blockchain landscape, paving the way for innovative solutions in digital asset management.

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Rhea-AI Summary

Quantum Warriors OU has initiated a strategic merger with LevelBlox Inc. (OTC: LVBX) to enhance the Quube Exchange, establishing it as a major player in the cryptocurrency and digital asset trading space. The merger will see LevelBlox issue 90,400,000 new common shares, equating to 40% of its expanded capital. This move supports licensing efforts in global markets, including Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Hong Kong, and London. The merger aims to accelerate the development of a quantum-resistant blockchain platform, further enhancing security in tokenized asset trading.

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