Southwest Airlines Awards 185 Students with Air Travel Through ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Higher Education Travel Award Program

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Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) are celebrating the 20th year of their ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Higher Education Travel Award Program. This year, 185 students from over 90 institutions across the United States were awarded four round trip tickets for travel between any Southwest Airlines domestic destination.

The program, which began in 2004, aims to support students studying away from home by helping them maintain family ties. Southwest has seen recipients achieve graduations, successful careers, and graduate degrees while balancing family responsibilities from afar. The airline's commitment to education extends beyond this program, including scholarships, STEM-focused learning, and career opportunities.

HACU represents more than 500 colleges and universities, offering various programs such as internships, scholarships, and professional leadership development opportunities.

Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) e l'Associazione Ispanica di Collegi e Università (HACU) stanno celebrando il 20° anniversario del loro programma ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! per i Premi di Viaggio nell'Istruzione Superiore. Quest'anno, 185 studenti provenienti da oltre 90 istituzioni negli Stati Uniti hanno ricevuto quattro biglietti di andata e ritorno per viaggiare verso qualsiasi destinazione domestica di Southwest Airlines.

Il programma, avviato nel 2004, ha l'obiettivo di supportare gli studenti che studiano lontano da casa, aiutandoli a mantenere i legami familiari. Southwest ha visto i destinatari conseguire la laurea, intraprendere carriere di successo e ottenere diplomi post-laurea mantenendo al contempo le responsabilità familiari da lontano. L'impegno della compagnia aerea per l'istruzione va oltre questo programma, includendo borse di studio, apprendimento focalizzato sulle STEM e opportunità lavorative.

HACU rappresenta oltre 500 collegi e università, offrendo vari programmi come tirocini, borse di studio e opportunità di sviluppo della leadership professionale.

Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) y la Asociación Hispana de Colegios y Universidades (HACU) están celebrando el 20º aniversario de su programa de Premios de Viaje en Educación Superior ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Este año, 185 estudiantes de más de 90 instituciones de todo Estados Unidos han sido galardonados con cuatro boletos de ida y vuelta para viajar a cualquier destino nacional de Southwest Airlines.

El programa, que comenzó en 2004, tiene como objetivo apoyar a los estudiantes que estudian lejos de casa ayudándoles a mantener los lazos familiares. Southwest ha visto a los beneficiarios graduarse, tener carreras exitosas y obtener títulos de posgrado mientras equilibran las responsabilidades familiares desde lejos. El compromiso de la aerolínea con la educación va más allá de este programa, incluyendo becas, aprendizaje enfocado en STEM y oportunidades laborales.

HACU representa a más de 500 colegios y universidades, ofreciendo varios programas como pasantías, becas y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional.

사우스웨스트 항공주식회사 (NYSE: LUV)와 히스패닉 대학 및 대학교 협회(HACU)는 ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! 고등교육 여행 장학 프로그램의 20주년을 기념하고 있습니다. 올해, 185명의 학생이 미국 전역의 90개 이상의 기관에서 왕복 항공권 4장을 수상하여 사우스웨스트 항공의 국내 모든 목적지로 여행할 수 있게 되었습니다.

2004년에 시작된 이 프로그램은 집에서 멀리 공부하는 학생들을 지원하고 가족과의 유대감을 유지하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 사우스웨스트 항공은 수혜자들이 졸업하고 성공적인 경력을 쌓으며 먼 곳에서도 가족의 책임을 지키며 대학원 학위를 취득하는 것을 보았습니다. 항공사의 교육에 대한 노력은 이 프로그램을 넘어서서 장학금, STEM 중심의 학습, 직업 기회 등을 포함합니다.

HACU는 500개 이상의 대학과 대학교를 대표하며, 인턴십, 장학금, 전문 리더십 개발 기회와 같은 다양한 프로그램을 제공합니다.

Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) et l'Association hispanique des collèges et universités (HACU) célèbrent la 20e année de leur programme de bourses de voyage pour l'enseignement supérieur ¡Lánzate!/Take Off!. Cette année, 185 étudiants provenant de plus de 90 établissements à travers les États-Unis ont été récompensés par quatre billets aller-retour pour des voyages vers toute destination domestique de Southwest Airlines.

Ce programme, qui a commencé en 2004, vise à soutenir les étudiants qui étudient loin de chez eux en les aidant à maintenir des liens familiaux. Southwest a vu des bénéficiaires obtenir leur diplôme, réussir dans leur carrière et obtenir des diplômes de cycle supérieur tout en jonglant avec leurs responsabilités familiales à distance. L'engagement de la compagnie aérienne envers l'éducation va au-delà de ce programme, y compris des bourses d'études, un apprentissage axé sur les STEM et des opportunités de carrière.

HACU représente plus de 500 collèges et universités, offrant divers programmes tels que des stages, des bourses d'études et des opportunités de développement du leadership professionnel.

Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) und die Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) feiern das 20-jährige Bestehen ihres ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Programms für Reisestipendien im Hochschulbereich. In diesem Jahr wurden 185 Studenten von über 90 Institutionen aus den Vereinigten Staaten mit vier Hin- und Rückflugtickets für Reisen zu einem beliebigen inländischen Ziel von Southwest Airlines ausgezeichnet.

Das 2004 ins Leben gerufene Programm soll Studenten unterstützen, die weit weg von zu Hause studieren, indem es ihnen hilft, familiäre Bindungen aufrechtzuerhalten. Southwest hat gesehen, dass die Empfänger Abschlüsse, erfolgreiche Karrieren und Hochschulabschlüsse erreichen konnten, während sie gleichzeitig die familiären Verpflichtungen aus der Ferne balancieren. Das Engagement der Fluggesellschaft für Bildung geht über dieses Programm hinaus und umfasst Stipendien, STEM-orientiertes Lernen und Karrieremöglichkeiten.

HACU vertritt mehr als 500 Hochschulen und Universitäten und bietet verschiedene Programme wie Praktika, Stipendien und Möglichkeiten zur beruflichen Führungskräfteentwicklung an.

  • Southwest Airlines maintains a 20-year commitment to supporting higher education through travel awards
  • 185 students received four round trip tickets each, potentially boosting passenger numbers
  • Program supports student retention and success, potentially enhancing Southwest's brand image
  • Partnership with HACU provides access to a large network of colleges and universities
  • None.

In partnership with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, the airline celebrates 20 years of connecting students to their families through travel

DALLAS, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) and the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) are partnering for the 20th year to provide tickets to students through the ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Higher Education Travel Award Program. This year's recipients were selected from more than 90 institutions across the United States to receive four round trip tickets valid for travel between any Southwest Airlines® domestic destination. Since the award program began in 2004, Southwest® has supported students nationwide in studying away from home.  

"Twenty years ago, Southwest Airlines identified an opportunity to support students' ability to maintain family ties while studying far away from home," said Laura Nieto, Managing Director Corporate Responsibility at Southwest Airlines. "Through scholarships, educational awards, STEM-focused learning, and meaningful careers, Southwest is committed to encouraging students as their dreams take flight."

Southwest is proud of the program and the achievements of its students, including graduations, fruitful careers, and graduate degrees, all while balancing family responsibilities from afar. 

"Because of your organization's work, I'll see my family in a week," said Isabella, 2024 ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Higher Education Travel Award recipient. "I'm so excited to see my little cousins (and how much they've grown), my grandparents (hopefully I can convince my grandma to make mole), and of course my mom (in-person this time). Without this award, I would have to wait until Christmas to see my family."

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities represents more than 500 colleges and universities and offers numerous programs, including internships, scholarships, and professional leadership development opportunities. Learn more by visiting

About HACU
 The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, founded in 1986, represents more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Latin America, Spain and school districts throughout the U.S. HACU is the only national association representing existing and emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). The Association's headquarters are in San Antonio, Texas, with offices in Washington, D.C., Sacramento, California, and Chicago, Illinois.

About Southwest Airlines Co.
Southwest Airlines Co. operates one of the world's most admired and awarded airlines, offering its one-of-a-kind value and Hospitality at 117 airports across 11 countries. Southwest took flight in 1971 to democratize the sky through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel and now carries more air travelers flying nonstop within the United States than any other airline1. Based in Dallas and famous for an Employee-first corporate Culture, Southwest maintains an unprecedented record of no involuntary furloughs or layoffs in its history. By empowering its more than 74,0002 People to deliver unparalleled Hospitality, the maverick airline cherishes a passionate loyalty among more than 137 million Customers carried in 2023. That formula for success has brought industry-leading prosperity and 47 consecutive years3 of profitability for Southwest Shareholders (NYSE: LUV). Southwest leverages a unique legacy and mission to serve communities around the world including harnessing the power of its People and Purpose to put communities at the Heart of its success. Learn more by visiting As the airline with Heart, Southwest has set a goal to work toward achieving net zero carbon emissions by 20504. Southwest has also set near-term targets and a three-pillar strategy to achieve its environmental goals. Learn more by visiting   

  1 Based on U.S. Dept. of Transportation quarterly Airline Origin & Destination Survey since Q1 2021 
  2 Fulltime-equivalent active Employees 
  3 1973-2019 annual profitability 
  4 Southwest's net zero by 2050 goal includes Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Category 3 emissions only and excludes any emissions associated with non-fuel products and services, such as inflight service items.   


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SOURCE Southwest Airlines Co.


How many students received travel awards from Southwest Airlines (LUV) in 2024?

Southwest Airlines (LUV) awarded 185 students with air travel through the ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Higher Education Travel Award Program in 2024.

What does the Southwest Airlines (LUV) ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! travel award include?

The Southwest Airlines (LUV) ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! travel award includes four round trip tickets valid for travel between any Southwest Airlines domestic destination.

How long has Southwest Airlines (LUV) been running the ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! program?

Southwest Airlines (LUV) has been running the ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! Higher Education Travel Award Program for 20 years, since 2004.

What is the purpose of Southwest Airlines' (LUV) ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! program?

The purpose of Southwest Airlines' (LUV) ¡Lánzate!/Take Off! program is to support students studying away from home by helping them maintain family ties through travel awards.

Southwest Airlines Co.


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