Elliott Launches "Stronger Southwest" Podcast Featuring 1:1 Conversations with Its World-Class Director Nominees

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Elliott Investment Management L.P. has launched the 'Stronger Southwest' podcast featuring interviews with its director nominees for Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV). The podcast aims to provide shareholders with insights into the qualifications of these nominees as Elliott seeks to elect eight new directors to Southwest's Board at a special meeting on December 10.

The first episode features Gregg Saretsky, former CEO of WestJet, discussing his 40-year aviation career and potential improvements for Southwest. Saretsky emphasizes the importance of maintaining company culture, fostering strong union relationships, and leveraging Southwest's history to regain industry prominence.

Elliott, which manages funds with an approximately 11% economic interest in Southwest, is making the podcast available on major platforms including Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. The initiative is part of Elliott's campaign to bring change to Southwest, with more information available at

Elliott Investment Management L.P. ha lanciato il 'podcast Stronger Southwest' con interviste ai suoi candidati alla direzione per Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV). Il podcast ha lo scopo di fornire agli azionisti informazioni sulle qualifiche di questi candidati, mentre Elliott cerca di eleggere otto nuovi direttori per il Consiglio di Southwest in un incontro straordinario il 10 dicembre.

Il primo episodio presenta Gregg Saretsky, ex CEO di WestJet, che discute la sua carriera di 40 anni nell'aviazione e i potenziali miglioramenti per Southwest. Saretsky sottolinea l'importanza di mantenere la cultura aziendale, promuovere relazioni solide con i sindacati e sfruttare la storia di Southwest per riconquistare la rilevanza del settore.

Elliott, che gestisce fondi con un interesse economico di circa l'11% in Southwest, rende disponibile il podcast su piattaforme principali come Apple, Spotify e YouTube. L'iniziativa fa parte della campagna di Elliott per portare cambiamenti in Southwest, con ulteriori informazioni disponibili su

Elliott Investment Management L.P. ha lanzado el 'podcast Stronger Southwest' que presenta entrevistas con sus candidatos a directores para Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV). El podcast tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los accionistas información sobre las calificaciones de estos candidatos mientras Elliott busca elegir ocho nuevos directores para la Junta de Southwest en una reunión especial el 10 de diciembre.

El primer episodio cuenta con Gregg Saretsky, ex CEO de WestJet, quien discute su carrera de 40 años en la aviación y las mejoras potenciales para Southwest. Saretsky enfatiza la importancia de mantener la cultura empresarial, fomentar relaciones sólidas con los sindicatos y aprovechar la historia de Southwest para recuperar la prominencia en la industria.

Elliott, que gestiona fondos con un interés económico de aproximadamente el 11% en Southwest, está haciendo que el podcast esté disponible en plataformas importantes como Apple, Spotify y YouTube. La iniciativa es parte de la campaña de Elliott para traer cambios a Southwest, con más información disponible en

엘리엇 투자 관리 L.P.는 '강한 남서부' 팟캐스트를 시작하며, 이는 사우스웨스트 항공사(NYSE: LUV)의 이사 후보자들과의 인터뷰를 특징으로 합니다. 이 팟캐스트는 주주들에게 이 후보자들의 자격에 대한 통찰력을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하며, 엘리엇은 12월 10일 특별 회의에서 사우스웨스트 이사회에 8명의 새로운 이사를 선출하고자 합니다.

첫 번째 에피소드는 그레그 사레츠키, 전 웨스트젯 CEO가 40년 간의 항공 경력을 이야기하고 사우스웨스트의 잠재적 개선 사항에 대해 논의합니다. 사레츠키는 회사 문화를 유지하고 강력한 노조 관계를 조성하며 사우스웨스트의 역사를 활용하여 업계에서의 위상을 회복하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다.

엘리엇은 약 11%의 경제적 이해관계를 가진 자금을 관리하며, 팟캐스트를 애플, 스포티파이, 유튜브 등 주요 플랫폼에서 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 사우스웨스트에 변화를 가져오기 위한 엘리엇의 캠페인의 일환이며, 더 많은 정보는 StrongerSouthwest.com에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Elliott Investment Management L.P. a lancé le 'podcast Stronger Southwest' présentant des interviews de ses candidats directeurs pour Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV). Le podcast vise à fournir aux actionnaires un aperçu des qualifications de ces candidats alors qu'Elliott cherche à élire huit nouveaux directeurs lors d'une assemblée spéciale le 10 décembre.

Le premier épisode met en vedette Gregg Saretsky, ancien PDG de WestJet, qui discute de sa carrière de 40 ans dans l'aviation et des améliorations potentielles pour Southwest. Saretsky souligne l'importance de maintenir la culture d'entreprise, de favoriser des relations solides avec les syndicats et d'exploiter l'histoire de Southwest pour retrouver une place de choix dans l'industrie.

Elliott, qui gère des fonds avec un intérêt économique d'environ 11% dans Southwest, rend le podcast disponible sur les principales plateformes telles qu'Apple, Spotify et YouTube. Cette initiative fait partie de la campagne d'Elliott pour apporter des changements à Southwest, avec plus d'informations disponibles sur

Elliott Investment Management L.P. hat den 'Stronger Southwest'-Podcast ins Leben gerufen, der Interviews mit den von ihnen nominierten Direktoren für Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) bietet. Der Podcast zielt darauf ab, den Aktionären Einblicke in die Qualifikationen dieser Nominierten zu geben, während Elliott darauf abzielt, am 10. Dezember auf einer außerordentlichen Sitzung acht neue Direktoren für den Vorstand von Southwest zu wählen.

Die erste Episode features Gregg Saretsky, ehemaligen CEO von WestJet, der über seine 40-jährige Karriere in der Luftfahrt und potenzielle Verbesserungen für Southwest spricht. Saretsky hebt die Bedeutung der Unternehmenskultur, den Aufbau starker Gewerkschaftsbeziehungen und die Nutzung der Geschichte von Southwest hervor, um die Branchenrelevanz zurückzugewinnen.

Elliott, die Fonds mit einem ungefähr 11% wirtschaftlichen Interesse an Southwest verwaltet, stellt den Podcast auf wichtigen Plattformen wie Apple, Spotify und YouTube zur Verfügung. Diese Initiative ist Teil von Elliotts Kampagne, Veränderungen bei Southwest herbeizuführen, mit weiteren Informationen, die auf verfügbar sind.

  • Elliott Investment Management has a significant 11% economic interest in Southwest Airlines
  • Launch of 'Stronger Southwest' podcast to showcase qualified director nominees
  • Potential for improved leadership and industry expertise with nominees like Gregg Saretsky
  • Elliott's push for board changes indicates dissatisfaction with current Southwest management
  • Potential for disruption in company leadership and strategy if new directors are elected


Elliott Investment Management's launch of the "Stronger Southwest" podcast series is a strategic move in their campaign to influence Southwest Airlines' board composition. With an 11% economic interest, Elliott is leveraging media to showcase their director nominees' expertise. This approach aims to gain shareholder support for their proposed board changes, potentially impacting Southwest's future direction and operations. While the podcast itself isn't financially impactful, the underlying proxy contest could significantly affect Southwest's governance and strategy. Investors should monitor this situation closely, as board changes could lead to shifts in company policy, operational focus and ultimately, financial performance.

This development highlights a sophisticated approach to shareholder activism. Elliott's use of a podcast to familiarize investors with their nominees is an innovative tactic in proxy contests. It demonstrates the evolving nature of investor communications and corporate governance battles. The proposed board changes, if successful, could lead to significant strategic shifts for Southwest. Key areas to watch include potential changes in labor relations, operational efficiency and capital allocation strategies. The emphasis on industry experience among nominees suggests a push for operational improvements. Shareholders will need to carefully evaluate the qualifications of Elliott's nominees against the incumbent board's track record to make informed voting decisions.

First Episode with Gregg Saretsky, Former CEO of WestJet, Features Lessons
Learned from His 40-Year Career in Aviation and How Southwest Can Deliver a Turnaround

Program Accessible on Apple, Spotify, YouTube and More

Visit to Learn About Elliott's Campaign to Bring Urgently
Needed Change to Southwest and Subscribe to the New Podcast

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elliott Investment Management L.P. ("Elliott"), which manages funds that together have an investment representing an approximately 11% economic interest in Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) (the "Company" or "Southwest"), today announced the launch of Stronger Southwest, a new podcast series that will feature 1:1 conversations with Elliott's highly qualified director nominees (the "Nominees" or "Nominee"). Episodes can be accessed on, and are available on Apple, Spotify and everywhere podcasts are heard. You can not only listen to the conversations on all major podcast feeds, but also can watch the episodes on YouTube.

Yesterday, Elliott called for a December 10 special meeting of shareholders, seeking the election of eight best-in-class nominees to serve on Southwest's Board. Today's launch of an innovative new podcast series will offer shareholders an opportunity to learn more about these uniquely qualified nominees.

The first episode features Nominee Gregg Saretsky, who has significant leadership and industry experience stemming from his nearly 40-year career in aviation. Mr. Saretsky discusses his early years in the industry, "where the aviation fuel got in [his] blood," as well as lessons learned from his time as CEO of WestJet – among other roles – and the high-value potential he believes can be delivered at Southwest, including insights such as:

  • "If a company loses its way, it loses its culture. You really have to be mindful of both those things simultaneously."

  • "Great union relationships are founded on really making the investment of ensuring that issues are brought in a timely fashion and dealt with."

  • "Having spent ten years of my life at the Southwest of Canada, and having been a part of some exciting changes that led to great outcomes, [it's exciting to have] the opportunity to be part of the grandfather of the low cost carriers, to help them get back to a point of real prominence and profitability in the industry."

  • "Southwest just has such a great story and such a great history and so many good things to be proud of and to leverage, that being a part of that, as an airline person, would be the best thing possible."

Listeners can access the Stronger Southwest Podcast on, with episodes available now on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and everywhere podcasts are heard.

To learn more about Elliott's investment in Southwest, please visit


Elliott Investment Management L.P., together with the other participants named herein (collectively, "Elliott"), intend to file a proxy statement and accompanying proxy card with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") to be used to solicit proxies with respect to the election of Elliott's slate of highly qualified director candidates and other proposals that may come before the next shareholder meeting of Southwest Airlines Co., a Texas corporation (the "Company"), whether an annual or special meeting of shareholders.


The participants in the solicitation are anticipated to be Elliott Investment Management L.P. ("EIM"), Elliott Associates, L.P. ("Elliott Associates"), Elliott International, L.P. ("Elliott International"), The Liverpool Limited Partnership ("Liverpool"), Elliott Investment Management GP LLC ("EIM GP"), Paul E. Singer ("Singer"), Michael Cawley, David Cush, Sarah Feinberg, Joshua Gotbaum, David Grissen, Robert Milton, Gregg Saretsky and Patricia Watson.

As of the date hereof, Elliott has combined economic exposure in the Company of approximately 11.0% of the shares of its Common Stock, $1.00 par value per share (the "Common Stock"), outstanding. As of the date hereof, EIM, the investment manager of Elliott Associates and Elliott International (together, the "Elliott Funds") with respect to the shares of Common Stock held by the Elliott Funds and/or their respective subsidiaries, beneficially owns 61,116,500 shares of Common Stock. Additionally, as of the date hereof, the Elliott Funds are party to notional principal amount derivative agreements in the form of cash settled swaps with respect to an aggregate of 4,808,000 shares of Common Stock (the "Derivative Agreements"). Elliott Associates, Elliott International and Liverpool are the direct holders of the shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by EIM, and are party to the Derivative Agreements. Liverpool is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Elliott Associates. EIM GP is the sole general partner of EIM. Singer is the sole managing member of EIM GP. As of the date hereof, Mr. Cawley holds 19,765 shares of Common Stock, Mr. Cush holds 10,000 shares of Common Stock, Ms. Feinberg beneficially owns 3,068 shares of Common Stock, including 2,800 shares of Common Stock held directly and 268 shares of Common Stock held by her domestic partner, Mr. Gotbaum holds 19,162 shares of Common Stock, Mr. Milton holds 1,953 shares of Common Stock, Mr. Saretsky holds 4,000 shares of Common Stock, and Ms. Watson beneficially owns 5,243 shares of Common Stock, including 3,964 shares of Common Stock held directly and 1,279 shares of Common Stock held by her spouse.

About Elliott

Elliott Investment Management L.P. (together with its affiliates, "Elliott") manages approximately $69.7 billion of assets as of June 30, 2024. Founded in 1977, it is one of the oldest funds under continuous management. The Elliott Funds' investors include pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, endowments, foundations, funds-of-funds, high net worth individuals and families, and employees of the firm. 

Media Contact:        
Casey Friedman
Elliott Investment Management L.P.                                     
(212) 478-1780                                      

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SOURCE Elliott Investment Management L.P.


What is the 'Stronger Southwest' podcast launched by Elliott Investment Management?

The 'Stronger Southwest' podcast is a series featuring interviews with Elliott's director nominees for Southwest Airlines (LUV), aimed at providing shareholders insights into their qualifications and vision for the company.

When is the special meeting of shareholders called by Elliott for Southwest Airlines (LUV)?

Elliott has called for a special meeting of Southwest Airlines (LUV) shareholders on December 10, 2024, to seek the election of eight new directors to the company's Board.

Who is featured in the first episode of the 'Stronger Southwest' podcast?

The first episode of the 'Stronger Southwest' podcast features Gregg Saretsky, former CEO of WestJet and one of Elliott's director nominees for Southwest Airlines (LUV).

What is Elliott Investment Management's economic interest in Southwest Airlines (LUV)?

Elliott Investment Management manages funds that together have an approximately 11% economic interest in Southwest Airlines (LUV).

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