CORRECTING AND REPLACING: Ludwig Enterprises Inc. Announces AI-Powered Cancer Screening Technology

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Ludwig Enterprises (OTC PINK:LUDG) announces Revealia™, a revolutionary AI-powered cancer screening technology. This mail-order, non-invasive cheek swab test aims to detect early signs of cancer using advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The core of Revealia™ is the Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII), which quantifies cancer risk by analyzing mRNA-based genetic signals. The AI technology continuously improves its accuracy by learning from an expanding dataset collected from over 40 multipurpose medical clinics across the United States.

Key features of the AI approach include optimizing sensitivity and specificity trade-offs and continuous learning. Dr. Marvin S. Hausman, CSO, and Kyle Ambert, a member of Ludwig's Scientific Advisory Board, highlight the potential of this technology to revolutionize early cancer detection and screening.

Ludwig Enterprises (OTC PINK:LUDG) annuncia Revealia™, una rivoluzionaria tecnologia di screening del cancro basata sull'IA. Questo test non invasivo, effettuato tramite tampone guanciale, mira a rilevare i primi segni di cancro utilizzando intelligenza artificiale avanzata e apprendimento automatico.

Il cuore di Revealia™ è il Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII), che quantifica il rischio di cancro analizzando segnali genetici basati su mRNA. La tecnologia IA migliora continuamente la sua accuratezza apprendendo da un dataset in espansione raccolto da oltre 40 cliniche mediche multifunzionali negli Stati Uniti.

Le caratteristiche principali dell'approccio AI includono l'ottimizzazione dei compromessi tra sensibilità e specificità e l'apprendimento continuo. Dr. Marvin S. Hausman, CSO, e Kyle Ambert, membro del Consiglio Consultivo Scientifico di Ludwig, evidenziano il potenziale di questa tecnologia di rivoluzionare la rilevazione e lo screening precoce del cancro.

Ludwig Enterprises (OTC PINK:LUDG) anuncia Revealia™, una revolucionaria tecnología de detección de cáncer impulsada por IA. Esta prueba no invasiva mediante hisopo bucal tiene como objetivo detectar signos tempranos de cáncer utilizando inteligencia artificial avanzada y aprendizaje automático.

El núcleo de Revealia™ es el Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII), que cuantifica el riesgo de cáncer analizando señales genéticas basadas en ARNm. La tecnología IA mejora continuamente su precisión aprendiendo a partir de un conjunto de datos en expansión recogido de más de 40 clínicas médicas multifuncionales en los Estados Unidos.

Las características clave del enfoque de IA incluyen la optimización de los compromisos entre sensibilidad y especificidad y el aprendizaje continuo. Dr. Marvin S. Hausman, CSO, y Kyle Ambert, miembro del Consejo Asesor Científico de Ludwig, destacan el potencial de esta tecnología para revolucionar la detección y el examen temprano del cáncer.

루트비히 엔터프라이즈 (OTC PINK:LUDG)는 Revealia™를 발표합니다. 이 혁신적인 AI 기반 암 검사 기술은 비침습적인 뺨 면봉 테스트를 통해 조기 암의 징후를 감지하는 것을 목표로 하며, 첨단 인공지능과 기계 학습을 사용합니다.

Revealia™의 핵심은 Revealia 염증 지수(RII)로, mRNA 기반 유전 신호를 분석하여 암 위험을 정량화합니다. AI 기술은 미국 전역에서 40개 이상의 다목적 의료 클리닉에서 수집된 확장 데이터 세트로부터 학습하여 지속적으로 정확성을 향상시킵니다.

AI 접근 방식의 주요 기능에는 민감도와 특이성 간의 트레이드오프 최적화 및 지속적인 학습이 포함됩니다. Dr. Marvin S. Hausman CSO와 Kyle Ambert 루트비히의 과학 자문 위원회 회원은 이 기술이 조기 암 발견 및 검진을 혁신할 잠재력을 강조합니다.

Ludwig Enterprises (OTC PINK:LUDG) annonce Revealia™, une technologie révolutionnaire de dépistage du cancer alimentée par IA. Ce test de prélèvement buccal non invasif a pour objectif de détecter les signes précoces de cancer en utilisant une intelligence artificielle avancée et un apprentissage automatique.

Le cœur de Revealia™ est l'Indice Inflammatoire Revealia (RII), qui quantifie le risque de cancer en analysant des signaux génétiques basés sur l'ARNm. La technologie IA améliore continuellement sa précision en apprenant à partir d'un ensemble de données en expansion collecté auprès de plus de 40 cliniques médicales multifonctionnelles à travers les États-Unis.

Les caractéristiques clés de l'approche IA comprennent l'optimisation des compromis entre sensibilité et spécificité et l'apprentissage continu. Dr. Marvin S. Hausman, CSO, et Kyle Ambert, membre du Conseil Consultatif Scientifique de Ludwig, soulignent le potentiel de cette technologie pour révolutionner le dépistage et la détection précoce du cancer.

Ludwig Enterprises (OTC PINK:LUDG) kündigt Revealia™ an, eine revolutionäre KI-gestützte Technologie zur Krebsfrüherkennung. Dieser nicht-invasive Wangenabstrich-Test zielt darauf ab, frühe Anzeichen von Krebs mithilfe von fortschrittlicher künstlicher Intelligenz und maschinellem Lernen zu erkennen.

Das Herzstück von Revealia™ ist der Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII), der das Krebsrisiko quantifiziert, indem er mRNA-basierte genetische Signale analysiert. Die KI-Technologie verbessert kontinuierlich ihre Genauigkeit, indem sie aus einem wachsenden Datensatz lernt, der in über 40 multifunktionalen medizinischen Kliniken in den Vereinigten Staaten gesammelt wurde.

Zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen des KI-Ansatzes gehören die Optimierung der Sensitivitäts- und Spezifitätskompromisse sowie kontinuierliches Lernen. Dr. Marvin S. Hausman, CSO, und Kyle Ambert, Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beratungsausschusses von Ludwig, betonen das Potenzial dieser Technologie, die frühe Krebsdiagnose und -untersuchung zu revolutionieren.

  • None.
  • None.

This press release replaces the release issued today at 9:15am EDT.

Revolutionary AI-driven cheek swab test poised to transform early cancer detection with continuously improving accuracy.

Revealia™: A Breakthrough in Cancer Detection through Advanced AI and Machine Learning

SPARKS, NV / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / Ludwig Enterprises, Inc. (OTC PINK:LUDG), a USA based biotechnology company is pleased to announce Revealia™, which is set to become the world's most convenient cancer screening tool. This simple mail-order non-invasive cheek swab has the potential to save lives by detecting early signs of cancer.

At the heart of Revealia™ is the Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII), a sophisticated method for quantifying cancer risk. The RII leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to analyze mRNA-based genetic signals associated with the presence of cancer.

Our proprietary AI technology employs machine learning algorithms that continuously update and improve as new patient data is received. This approach allows for ongoing refinement of our cancer detection capabilities.

Key features of our AI approach include:

  • Optimization of the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity

  • Continuous learning from an expanding dataset

  • Analysis of mRNA samples from over 40 multipurpose medical clinics across the United States

Looking Ahead

"Ludwig has uncovered game-changing mRNA-based genetic signals associated with the presence of cancer," stated Marvin S. Hausman, MD, CSO. "As we prepare to launch Revealia™, we're excited about the potential impact of our AI-driven approach for early cancer detection." Kyle Ambert, a member of Ludwig's Scientific Advisory Board, and a recognized expert in artificial intelligence who has worked with institutions like Oregon Health & Science University, Intel, and Nike said, "our machine learning algorithms are designed to continuously refine their understanding of these mRNA signals. By processing an ever-growing dataset, the AI not only improves over time but also adapts to subtle variations in genetic expressions. This dynamic approach positions Revealia™ to potentially revolutionize how we approach early cancer detection and screening."

Ludwig Enterprises continues to advance its mission of providing accessible, accurate, and non-invasive cancer screening tools to improve public health.

About Ludwig Enterprises, Inc.

Ludwig Enterprises, Inc., a pioneering biotechnology company, is at the forefront of mRNA genomics and machine learning AI technology. Our mission is to combat chronic inflammation, a key factor in diseases like cancer and heart disease that account for over 50% of global deaths. Through innovative solutions like Revealia™, we aim to revolutionize early detection and prevention strategies in healthcare.

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Forward-looking statements in this release are made under the "safe harbor" provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Ludwig Enterprises Inc.'s forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance. This news release includes forward-looking statements concerning the future level of business for the parties. These statements are necessarily subject to risk and uncertainty. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in these forward-looking statements due to certain risk factors that could cause results to differ materially from estimated results. Management cautions that all statements as to future results of operations are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties, and events that may be beyond the control of Ludwig Enterprises, Inc., and no assurance can be given that such results will be achieved. Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the ability to procure, appropriately price, retain, and complete projects and changes in products and competition.


Ludwig Enterprises, Inc.
Marvin S. Hausman MD, CSO

Investor Relations
Resources Unlimited NW LLC
Mike Sheikh, Investor Relations

SOURCE: Ludwig Enterprises Inc.

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What is Revealia™ and how does it detect cancer?

Revealia™ is an AI-powered cancer screening tool developed by Ludwig Enterprises (LUDG). It uses a non-invasive cheek swab to analyze mRNA-based genetic signals associated with cancer, employing advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning for early detection.

How does the AI technology in Revealia™ improve over time?

The AI technology in Revealia™ uses machine learning algorithms that continuously update and improve as new patient data is received. This approach allows for ongoing refinement of cancer detection capabilities by processing an ever-growing dataset.

What is the Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII)?

The Revealia Inflammatory Index (RII) is a sophisticated method used by Revealia™ to quantify cancer risk. It leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to analyze mRNA-based genetic signals associated with the presence of cancer.

Where does Ludwig Enterprises (LUDG) collect data for Revealia™?

Ludwig Enterprises (LUDG) collects mRNA samples for Revealia™ from over 40 multipurpose medical clinics across the United States. This data is used to continuously improve the AI's cancer detection capabilities.

What are the key features of Revealia's AI approach?

The key features of Revealia's AI approach include optimization of the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, continuous learning from an expanding dataset, and analysis of mRNA samples from multiple medical clinics across the United States.



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