Lantronix Inc. Wins 2024 IoT Evolution Product of the Year Award From IoT Evolution World Magazine

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Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX) has been awarded the 2024 IoT Evolution Product of the Year Award for its Percepxion™ Cloud IoT Edge Solutions platform. This prestigious recognition from IoT Evolution World highlights Lantronix's commitment to advancing business efficiency and innovation in the IoT sector.

Launched in February 2024, Percepxion has set new standards for IoT operations management, serving a diverse clientele from Fortune 100 enterprises to startups. The platform offers comprehensive device lifecycle management, zero-touch automated provisioning, and remote management capabilities. It's pre-configured into Lantronix's IoT gateways, routers, trackers, and switches, making it ideal for critical infrastructure management, fleet management, and smart cities applications.

With the Enterprise IoT market reaching $269 billion in 2023 and growing at 15% year-over-year, Lantronix is well-positioned to capitalize on this expanding market with its innovative solutions.

Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX) ha ricevuto il Premio del Prodotto dell'Anno 2024 di IoT Evolution per la sua piattaforma Percepxion™ Cloud IoT Edge Solutions. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento da parte di IoT Evolution World mette in evidenza l'impegno di Lantronix nel promuovere l'efficienza aziendale e l'innovazione nel settore IoT.

Lanciato a febbraio 2024, Percepxion ha stabilito nuovi standard per la gestione delle operazioni IoT, servendo una clientela diversificata che va dalle imprese Fortune 100 alle startup. La piattaforma offre una gestione completa del ciclo di vita dei dispositivi, provisioning automatizzato senza contatto e capacità di gestione remota. È preconfigurata nei gateway IoT, router, tracker e switch di Lantronix, rendendola ideale per la gestione delle infrastrutture critiche, la gestione della flotta e le applicazioni delle smart city.

Con il mercato dell'IoT aziendale che ha raggiunto i 269 miliardi di dollari nel 2023 e cresce del 15% annuo, Lantronix è ben posizionata per capitalizzare su questo mercato in espansione con le sue soluzioni innovative.

Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX) ha sido galardonada con el Premio al Producto del Año 2024 de IoT Evolution por su plataforma Percepxion™ Cloud IoT Edge Solutions. Este prestigioso reconocimiento de IoT Evolution World subraya el compromiso de Lantronix con la mejora de la eficiencia empresarial y la innovación en el sector IoT.

Lanzada en febrero de 2024, Percepxion ha establecido nuevos estándares para la gestión de operaciones IoT, sirviendo a una clientela diversa que abarca desde empresas Fortune 100 hasta startups. La plataforma ofrece gestión integral del ciclo de vida de los dispositivos, aprovisionamiento automatizado sin contacto y capacidades de gestión remota. Está preconfigurada en las puertas de enlace IoT, enrutadores, rastreadores y conmutadores de Lantronix, lo que la hace ideal para la gestión de infraestructuras críticas, gestión de flotas y aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes.

Con el mercado empresarial de IoT alcanzando los 269 mil millones de dólares en 2023 y creciendo al 15% interanual, Lantronix está bien posicionada para capitalizar este mercado en expansión con sus soluciones innovadoras.

란트로닉스 주식회사 (NASDAQ: LTRX)2024 IoT 진화 올해의 제품상Percepxion™ 클라우드 IoT 엣지 솔루션 플랫폼을 통해 수상하였습니다. IoT 진화 세계로부터의 이 권위있는 인정은 비즈니스 효율성과 IoT 분야의 혁신을 발전시키려는 란트로닉스의 노력을 강조합니다.

2024년 2월에 출시된 Percepxion은 Fortune 100 기업부터 스타트업에 이르는 다양한 고객층을 위해 IoT 운영 관리의 새로운 기준을 설정하였습니다. 이 플랫폼은 종합적인 장치 생애 주기 관리, 제로 터치 자동 프로비저닝 및 원격 관리 기능을 제공합니다. 이는 란트로닉스의 IoT 게이트웨이, 라우터, 추적기 및 스위치에 사전 구성되어 있어, 중요한 인프라 관리, 차량 관리 및 스마트 시티 애플리케이션에 이상적입니다.

2023년 기업 IoT 시장은 2,690억 달러에 도달하며 연평균 15% 성장하고 있어, 란트로닉스는 혁신적인 솔루션으로 이 확장하는 시장을 활용할 수 있는 좋은 위치에 있습니다.

Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX) a été récompensée par le Prix du Produit de l'Année IoT Evolution 2024 pour sa plateforme Percepxion™ Cloud IoT Edge Solutions. Cette reconnaissance prestigieuse d'IOT Evolution World souligne l'engagement de Lantronix à améliorer l'efficacité des entreprises et l'innovation dans le secteur IoT.

Lancée en février 2024, Percepxion a établi de nouvelles normes pour la gestion des opérations IoT, servant une clientèle diversifiée allant des entreprises du Fortune 100 aux startups. La plateforme offre une gestion complète du cycle de vie des appareils, un approvisionnement automatisé sans contact et des capacités de gestion à distance. Elle est préconfigurée dans les passerelles IoT, routeurs, traceurs et switchs de Lantronix, ce qui la rend idéale pour la gestion des infrastructures critiques, la gestion de flottes et les applications de villes intelligentes.

Alors que le marché IoT des entreprises a atteint 269 milliards de dollars en 2023 et continue de croître de 15 % par an, Lantronix est bien positionnée pour tirer parti de ce marché en expansion avec ses solutions innovantes.

Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX) wurde mit dem 2024 IoT Evolution Produkt des Jahres Preis für seine Percepxion™ Cloud IoT Edge Solutions Plattform ausgezeichnet. Diese prestigeträchtige Anerkennung von IoT Evolution World hebt das Engagement von Lantronix hervor, die Effizienz in Unternehmen und Innovation im IoT-Sektor voranzutreiben.

Percepxion, das im Februar 2024 eingeführt wurde, setzt neue Standards im Management von IoT-Betrieb, indem es eine vielfältige Kundschaft vom Fortune 100 Unternehmen bis hin zu Startups bedient. Die Plattform bietet umfassendes Management des Lebenszyklus von Geräten, automatisiertes Zero-Touch-Provisioning und Remote-Management-Funktionen. Sie ist vorinstalliert in den IoT-Gateways, Routern, Trackern und Switches von Lantronix, was sie ideal für das Management kritischer Infrastrukturen, Flottenmanagement und Anwendungen in Smart Cities macht.

Mit einem Markt für Enterprise IoT, der im Jahr 2023 269 Milliarden Dollar erreicht und jährlich um 15% wächst, ist Lantronix gut positioniert, um von diesem expandierenden Markt mit seinen innovativen Lösungen zu profitieren.

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Lantronix’s Percepxion Cloud Software Platform Honored as One of the Most Innovative IoT Products

IRVINE, Calif., Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global leader in Compute and Connectivity IoT solutions, is proud to announce that its Percepxion™ Cloud IoT Edge Solutions platform has been honored with the prestigious 2024 IoT Evolution Product of the Year Award by IoT Evolution World, the leading online publication in IoT technologies. This esteemed award celebrates the most groundbreaking products and solutions in IoT as selected by the editors of IoT Evolution World. For Lantronix, being recognized underscores our unwavering commitment to advancing business efficiency and fostering innovation in the IoT sector with cutting-edge technology.

Since its launch in February 2024, the Percepxion platform has set a new benchmark for IoT operations management. Deployed by a diverse range of companies — from Fortune 100 enterprises to agile, cutting-edge startups — Percepxion has demonstrated its capability to streamline and enhance IoT operations across industries.

Rich Tehrani, CEO of TMC and co-publisher of IoT Evolution World, remarked, “I am pleased to congratulate Lantronix on this well-deserved award. The Percepxion platform showcases the level of innovation necessary to lead in the rapidly evolving IoT market. Lantronix's contributions are establishing new industry standards.”

Delivered as a service, the Percepxion multi-tenant cloud platform provides businesses with comprehensive device lifecycle management through Web, APIs and mobile apps. It is offered with Level Technical Support, limited warranty and other optional services. Remote installation of Lantronix devices includes zero-touch automated provisioning managed through Percepxion. Site-required firmware, configuration and certificates are remotely loaded to ensure secure data communication and compliant devices. The platform is ideal for critical infrastructure management, fleet management, smart cities, and other end-to-end IoT edge solutions.

The Percepxion platform is pre-configured into Lantronix’s award-winning IoT gateways, routers, trackers, and switches. Here’s how it benefits your business:

  1. Secure, Comprehensive Device Lifecycle Management: Ensure your IoT devices are secure and compliant from installation to decommissioning.
  2. Scalable Edge Deployments: Seamlessly manage devices through a single intuitive interface, scaling operations from regional to global levels.
  3. Zero-Touch Automated Provisioning: Simplify device deployment with automated provisioning, reducing manual intervention and errors.
  4. Remote Management: Load site-required firmware, configurations, and certificates remotely, ensuring secure data communication.

"This award for Percepxion highlights our dedication to providing cutting-edge IoT solutions that boost operational efficiency," said Mathi Gurusamy, Chief Strategy Officer for Lantronix. "We will keep enhancing the Percepxion platform to address the changing demands of the IoT industry, with a positive outlook on the future and strong confidence in our ability to deliver exceptional value to our customers."

According to IoT Analytics, Enterprise IoT market reached $269 billion in 2023, growing 15 percent year-over-year. With regions like China, India and the United States leading this growth as well as sectors such as automotive and process manufacturing driving vertical expansion, Lantronix is strategically positioned to capitalize on these trends. Our innovative solutions are designed to meet the increasing demand for secure, scalable IoT management.

To learn more about Percepxion and review its 60-day free trial offer, visit

About Lantronix Percepxion Cloud Software Platform

Delivered as a service, the Percepxion multi-tenant cloud platform provides businesses with comprehensive device lifecycle management through Web, APIs and mobile apps. It includes Level Technical Support, a limited warranty and additional optional services. Ideal for critical infrastructure management, fleet management, smart cities and other end-to-end IoT edge solutions, Percepxion is the key to advancing your IoT operations.

About Crossfire Media

Crossfire Media, co-publishers of IoT Evolution, is an integrated marketing company with a core focus on future trends in technology. We service communities of interest with conferences, tradeshows, webinars and newsletters. Crossfire Media has a partnership with Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) to produce events and websites related to disruptive technologies. Crossfire Media is a division of Crossfire Consulting, a full-service Information Technology company based in New York.

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global leader of compute and connectivity IoT solutions that target high-growth industries including Smart Cities, Automotive and Enterprise. Lantronix’s products and services empower companies to succeed in the growing IoT markets by delivering customizable solutions that address each layer of the IoT Stack. Lantronix’s leading-edge solutions include Intelligent Substations infrastructure, Infotainment systems and Video Surveillance, supplemented with advanced Out-of-Band Management (OOB) for Cloud and Edge Computing.

For more information, visit the Lantronix website.

“Safe Harbor” Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws, including without limitation statements related to winning the 2024 IoT Evolution Product of the Year Award and Percepxion, including statements about their reliability, security and flexibility. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results, future business, financial condition, or performance to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement contained in this news release. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as the effects of negative or worsening regional and worldwide economic conditions or market instability on our business, including effects on purchasing decisions by our customers; our ability to mitigate any disruption in our and our suppliers’ and vendors’ supply chains due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other outbreaks, wars and recent tensions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, or other factors; future responses to and effects of public health crises; cybersecurity risks; changes in applicable U.S. and foreign government laws, regulations, and tariffs; our ability to successfully implement our acquisitions strategy or integrate acquired companies; difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights; the level of our indebtedness, our ability to service our indebtedness and the restrictions in our debt agreements; and any additional factors included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on Sept. 12, 2023, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part I of such report; in our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2024, filed with the SEC on May 2, 2024, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part II of such report; as well as in our other public filings with the SEC. Additional risk factors may be identified from time to time in our future filings. The forward-looking statements included in this release speak only as of the date hereof, and we do not undertake any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

© 2024 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix is a registered trademark. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Lantronix Media Contact:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

Lantronix Analyst and Investor Contact:
Jeremy Whitaker
Chief Financial Officer


What award did Lantronix's Percepxion platform win in 2024?

Lantronix's Percepxion Cloud IoT Edge Solutions platform won the 2024 IoT Evolution Product of the Year Award from IoT Evolution World magazine.

When was the Percepxion platform launched by Lantronix (LTRX)?

Lantronix (LTRX) launched the Percepxion platform in February 2024.

What are the key features of Lantronix's Percepxion platform?

Key features of Lantronix's Percepxion platform include secure device lifecycle management, scalable edge deployments, zero-touch automated provisioning, and remote management capabilities.

How does Percepxion benefit businesses using Lantronix (LTRX) products?

Percepxion benefits businesses by providing secure device management, scalable deployments, automated provisioning, and remote management for Lantronix (LTRX) IoT devices, enhancing operational efficiency.

What was the size of the Enterprise IoT market in 2023 according to the press release?

According to the press release, the Enterprise IoT market reached $269 billion in 2023, growing 15 percent year-over-year.

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