Three Supplements to Support Mental Health
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) has published an article in their Experience Life magazine featuring insights from Henry Emmons, MD, an integrative psychiatrist specializing in mental health. The article highlights three key supplements that support mental health:
- B Vitamins: Essential for brain function and neurotransmitter production, can reduce depression and anxiety symptoms while improving mood and cognitive function.
- Magnesium: Important for nerve transmission with calming effects on the nervous system, helping alleviate stress and improve sleep.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Support brain-cell structure and communication while reducing depression symptoms and improving mood.
The article notes that while these nutrients are available in whole foods, many people have deficiencies and may benefit from high-quality supplements. Life Time offers products like LTH Daily Multivitamin, LTH Calm Magnesium, and LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil as supplement options.
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) ha pubblicato un articolo nella loro Experience Life magazine che presenta le intuizioni di Henry Emmons, MD, uno psichiatra integrativo specializzato nella salute mentale. L'articolo evidenzia tre integratori chiave che supportano la salute mentale:
- Vitamine del gruppo B: Essenziali per la funzione cerebrale e la produzione di neurotrasmettitori, possono ridurre i sintomi di depressione e ansia migliorando l'umore e la funzione cognitiva.
- Magnesio: Importante per la trasmissione nervosa con effetti calmanti sul sistema nervoso, aiuta ad alleviare lo stress e migliorare il sonno.
- Acidi grassi Omega-3: Supportano la struttura e la comunicazione delle cellule cerebrali riducendo i sintomi di depressione e migliorando l'umore.
L'articolo sottolinea che, sebbene questi nutrienti siano disponibili negli alimenti integrali, molte persone presentano carenze e potrebbero beneficiare di integratori di alta qualità. Life Time offre prodotti come LTH Daily Multivitamin, LTH Calm Magnesium e LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil come opzioni di integratori.
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) ha publicado un artículo en su Experience Life magazine que presenta las ideas de Henry Emmons, MD, un psiquiatra integrativo especializado en salud mental. El artículo destaca tres suplementos clave que apoyan la salud mental:
- Vitaminas del grupo B: Esenciales para la función cerebral y la producción de neurotransmisores, pueden reducir los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad mientras mejoran el estado de ánimo y la función cognitiva.
- Magnesio: Importante para la transmisión nerviosa con efectos calmantes en el sistema nervioso, ayuda a aliviar el estrés y mejorar el sueño.
- Ácidos grasos Omega-3: Apoyan la estructura y la comunicación de las células cerebrales mientras reducen los síntomas de depresión y mejoran el estado de ánimo.
El artículo señala que, aunque estos nutrientes están disponibles en alimentos integrales, muchas personas tienen deficiencias y pueden beneficiarse de suplementos de alta calidad. Life Time ofrece productos como LTH Daily Multivitamin, LTH Calm Magnesium y LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil como opciones de suplementos.
Life Time (NYSE: LTH)는 그들의 Experience Life magazine에 Henry Emmons, MD의 통찰력을 담은 기사를 발표했습니다. 이 기사는 정신 건강을 지원하는 세 가지 주요 보충제를 강조합니다:
- B 비타민: 뇌 기능과 신경전달물질 생산에 필수적이며, 우울증과 불안 증상을 줄이고 기분과 인지 기능을 개선할 수 있습니다.
- 마그네슘: 신경 전달에 중요하며 신경계에 진정 효과가 있어 스트레스를 완화하고 수면을 개선하는 데 도움을 줍니다.
- 오메가-3 지방산: 뇌 세포 구조와 소통을 지원하며 우울증 증상을 줄이고 기분을 개선합니다.
이 기사는 이러한 영양소가 전통적인 식품에서 제공되지만 많은 사람들이 결핍 상태에 있으며 고품질 보충제의 혜택을 받을 수 있다고 언급합니다. Life Time은 LTH Daily Multivitamin, LTH Calm Magnesium, LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil와 같은 보충제 옵션을 제공합니다.
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) a publié un article dans leur Experience Life magazine présentant les idées de Henry Emmons, MD, un psychiatre intégratif spécialisé dans la santé mentale. L'article met en avant trois suppléments clés qui soutiennent la santé mentale :
- Vitamines B : Essentielles pour le fonctionnement du cerveau et la production de neurotransmetteurs, elles peuvent réduire les symptômes de dépression et d'anxiété tout en améliorant l'humeur et la fonction cognitive.
- Magnésium : Important pour la transmission nerveuse avec des effets apaisants sur le système nerveux, il aide à soulager le stress et à améliorer le sommeil.
- Acides gras Omega-3 : Soutiennent la structure et la communication des cellules cérébrales tout en réduisant les symptômes de dépression et en améliorant l'humeur.
L'article note que bien que ces nutriments soient disponibles dans des aliments complets, de nombreuses personnes présentent des carences et peuvent bénéficier de suppléments de haute qualité. Life Time propose des produits tels que LTH Daily Multivitamin, LTH Calm Magnesium et LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil comme options de suppléments.
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) hat einen Artikel in ihrem Experience Life magazine veröffentlicht, der Einblicke von Henry Emmons, MD, einem integrativen Psychiater, der auf psychische Gesundheit spezialisiert ist, präsentiert. Der Artikel hebt drei wichtige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel hervor, die die psychische Gesundheit unterstützen:
- B-Vitamine: Essenziell für die Gehirnfunktion und die Produktion von Neurotransmittern, können sie Symptome von Depressionen und Angstzuständen reduzieren und die Stimmung sowie die kognitive Funktion verbessern.
- Magnesium: Wichtig für die Nervenübertragung mit beruhigenden Effekten auf das Nervensystem, hilft es, Stress abzubauen und den Schlaf zu verbessern.
- Omega-3-Fettsäuren: Unterstützen die Struktur und Kommunikation von Gehirnzellen und reduzieren Symptome von Depressionen, während sie die Stimmung verbessern.
Der Artikel merkt an, dass diese Nährstoffe zwar in Vollwertkost erhältlich sind, viele Menschen jedoch Mängel aufweisen und von hochwertigen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln profitieren könnten. Life Time bietet Produkte wie LTH Daily Multivitamin, LTH Calm Magnesium und LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil als Ergänzungsoptionen an.
- Life Time (LTH) is providing evidence-based health information through their Experience Life magazine
- The company is expanding into the mental health supplement market with specific products
- LTH is partnering with credible health experts like Dr. Henry Emmons to validate their supplement offerings
- The company is creating educational content across multiple platforms including magazines and podcasts
- The press release promotes LTH's own supplement products which creates a potential conflict of interest
- No specific clinical studies or research are cited to support the efficacy of LTH's specific supplement formulations
- The supplement industry is highly competitive with many established players already offering similar products
B-vitamins, magnesium, and fish oil provide a myriad of benefits, as explained by renowned expert in latest issue of Experience Life
Three Supplements for Mental Health:
- B Vitamins: Crucial for brain function and neurotransmitter production, B vitamins can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. Good dietary sources include whole grains, dried beans, meat, fish, dairy, fresh vegetables, and leafy greens. However, deficiencies are common due to factors like nutrient-depleted soil and genetic quirks that affect absorption.
Emmons says to consider supplementing with a multivitamin that contains reliable, third-party tested, high-potency forms of vitamin B-6 and B-12 to provide daily, dependable support for brain health. The LTH Daily Multivitamin is an option. - Magnesium: Vital for nerve transmission and muscle function, magnesium can have a calming effect on the nervous system, alleviating stress and anxiety, and supporting better sleep. Magnesium is found in whole foods such as leafy greens, fruits, dairy, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes. Here too, many people don't get enough magnesium from diet alone and may benefit from a high-quality supplement, such as LTH Calm Magnesium, which contains a highly bioavailable form of magnesium.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3s can support brain- cell structure and communication, reducing symptoms of depression and improving mood. Omega-3s have been shown to benefit heart health, making them a valuable addition to a well-rounded health regimen. Dietary sources of omega-3s include salmon, other fatty fish, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.
Emmons suggests supplementing to increase omega-3 consumption. When selecting a fish oil supplement, look for one that is sustainably sourced, contains EPA and DHA, the most active forms of omega-3 fatty acids and is tested for mercury. LTH GLOW Omega-3 Fish Oil, which is sourced from wild-caught anchovy, supports metabolism, body composition, and recovery.
"We know physical and mental health are deeply connected and that high-quality supplements can benefit both," says Jamie Martin, editor-in-chief of Experience Life and vice president of content strategy at Life Time. "We're pleased to have Dr.
You also can hear from Dr.
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Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 175 athletic country clubs across
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SOURCE Life Time, Inc.
What supplements does Dr. Henry Emmons recommend for mental health according to Life Time (LTH)?
How do B vitamins support mental health according to the LTH Experience Life magazine?
What mental health benefits does magnesium provide according to Life Time (LTH)?
How do omega-3 fatty acids improve mental health as reported by Life Time (LTH)?
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