Life Time Launches Complimentary Ultimate Protein Reset in Celebration of National Protein Day and to Kick Off National Nutrition Month
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) is launching a complimentary Ultimate Protein Reset program, starting March 3, 2025, in celebration of National Protein Day and National Nutrition Month. The 30-day program, available through the free Life Time app, offers expert guidance on achieving optimal protein intake.
Participants will receive access to Life Time's dietitian team, weekly live education sessions, meal ideas, and shopping lists. The program aims to help individuals understand and meet their protein requirements for muscle recovery, metabolism, and satiety.
To support the initiative, Life Time showcases its LTH protein product line, including:
- LTH Build Whey+All-In-One with 30g protein
- LTH Whey Protein from grass-fed sources with 20g protein
- LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate for athletes
- LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One with 30g plant-based protein
- LTH Vital Vegan Protein with 20g protein
- LTH Prime Collagen Powder and Rewind Collagen Elixir for skin, hair, and joint health
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) lancia un programma gratuito chiamato Ultimate Protein Reset, a partire dal 3 marzo 2025, in occasione della Giornata Nazionale della Proteina e del Mese Nazionale della Nutrizione. Questo programma di 30 giorni, disponibile tramite l'app gratuita di Life Time, offre indicazioni esperte per raggiungere un'assunzione ottimale di proteine.
I partecipanti avranno accesso al team di dietisti di Life Time, a sessioni educative dal vivo settimanali, idee per i pasti e liste della spesa. Il programma mira ad aiutare le persone a comprendere e soddisfare i propri fabbisogni proteici per il recupero muscolare, il metabolismo e la sazietà.
Per supportare l'iniziativa, Life Time presenta la sua linea di prodotti proteici LTH, che include:
- LTH Build Whey+All-In-One con 30g di proteine
- LTH Whey Protein da fonti alimentari di erba con 20g di proteine
- LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate per atleti
- LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One con 30g di proteine vegetali
- LTH Vital Vegan Protein con 20g di proteine
- LTH Prime Collagen Powder e Rewind Collagen Elixir per la salute della pelle, dei capelli e delle articolazioni
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) está lanzando un programa gratuito llamado Ultimate Protein Reset, que comenzará el 3 de marzo de 2025, en celebración del Día Nacional de la Proteína y del Mes Nacional de la Nutrición. Este programa de 30 días, disponible a través de la aplicación gratuita de Life Time, ofrece orientación experta sobre cómo alcanzar una ingesta óptima de proteínas.
Los participantes tendrán acceso al equipo de dietistas de Life Time, sesiones educativas en vivo semanales, ideas de comidas y listas de compras. El programa tiene como objetivo ayudar a las personas a comprender y cumplir con sus requerimientos de proteínas para la recuperación muscular, el metabolismo y la saciedad.
Para apoyar la iniciativa, Life Time presenta su línea de productos proteicos LTH, que incluye:
- LTH Build Whey+All-In-One con 30g de proteína
- LTH Whey Protein de fuentes alimentarias de pasto con 20g de proteína
- LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate para atletas
- LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One con 30g de proteína vegetal
- LTH Vital Vegan Protein con 20g de proteína
- LTH Prime Collagen Powder y Rewind Collagen Elixir para la salud de la piel, el cabello y las articulaciones
Life Time (NYSE: LTH)는 Ultimate Protein Reset 프로그램을 무료로 출시하며, 2025년 3월 3일부터 시작합니다. 이는 국가 단백질의 날과 국가 영양의 달을 기념하기 위한 것입니다. 이 30일 프로그램은 Life Time의 무료 앱을 통해 제공되며, 최적의 단백질 섭취를 달성하기 위한 전문가의 지침을 제공합니다.
참가자들은 Life Time의 영양사 팀에 접근할 수 있으며, 매주 라이브 교육 세션, 식사 아이디어 및 쇼핑 목록을 제공합니다. 이 프로그램은 개인이 근육 회복, 신진대사 및 포만감을 위해 필요한 단백질 요구량을 이해하고 충족하는 데 도움을 주는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이 이니셔티브를 지원하기 위해 Life Time은 LTH 단백질 제품 라인을 선보입니다. 이 라인에는:
- 30g 단백질이 포함된 LTH Build Whey+All-In-One
- 20g 단백질이 포함된 풀을 먹인 원료의 LTH Whey Protein
- 운동선수를 위한 LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate
- 30g의 식물성 단백질이 포함된 LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One
- 20g 단백질이 포함된 LTH Vital Vegan Protein
- 피부, 모발 및 관절 건강을 위한 LTH Prime Collagen Powder 및 Rewind Collagen Elixir
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) lance un programme gratuit appelé Ultimate Protein Reset, à partir du 3 mars 2025, en célébration de la Journée Nationale de la Protéine et du Mois National de la Nutrition. Ce programme de 30 jours, disponible via l'application gratuite de Life Time, offre des conseils d'experts pour atteindre une consommation optimale de protéines.
Les participants auront accès à l'équipe de diététiciens de Life Time, à des sessions éducatives en direct hebdomadaires, à des idées de repas et à des listes de courses. Le programme vise à aider les individus à comprendre et à répondre à leurs besoins en protéines pour la récupération musculaire, le métabolisme et la satiété.
Pour soutenir cette initiative, Life Time présente sa gamme de produits protéiques LTH, qui comprend:
- LTH Build Whey+All-In-One avec 30g de protéines
- LTH Whey Protein provenant de sources d'herbe avec 20g de protéines
- LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate pour les athlètes
- LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One avec 30g de protéines végétales
- LTH Vital Vegan Protein avec 20g de protéines
- LTH Prime Collagen Powder et Rewind Collagen Elixir pour la santé de la peau, des cheveux et des articulations
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) startet ein kostenloses Programm namens Ultimate Protein Reset, das am 3. März 2025 beginnt, um den Nationalen Proteintag und den Nationalen Ernährungsmonat zu feiern. Das 30-tägige Programm, das über die kostenlose Life Time-App verfügbar ist, bietet fachkundige Anleitung zur optimalen Proteinzufuhr.
Teilnehmer erhalten Zugang zum Ernährungsteam von Life Time, wöchentliche Live-Bildungssitzungen, Essensideen und Einkaufslisten. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, den Menschen zu helfen, ihre Proteinbedürfnisse für Muskelregeneration, Stoffwechsel und Sättigung zu verstehen und zu erfüllen.
Um die Initiative zu unterstützen, stellt Life Time seine LTH-Proteinproduktlinie vor, die Folgendes umfasst:
- LTH Build Whey+All-In-One mit 30g Protein
- LTH Whey Protein aus grasgefütterten Quellen mit 20g Protein
- LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate für Sportler
- LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One mit 30g pflanzlichem Protein
- LTH Vital Vegan Protein mit 20g Protein
- LTH Prime Collagen Powder und Rewind Collagen Elixir für Haut-, Haar- und Gelenkgesundheit
- None.
- None.
Expert-led 30-day program launches March 3 on the free Life Time app, featuring education, planning and recipes.
The program begins March 3 and is available via the complimentary Life Time app. Participants will have access to Life Time's dietitian team for answers to nutrition questions, weekly live education sessions and motivation. Meal ideas and a shopping list to build a protein-packed routine that fuels muscle, boosts energy, and promotes satiety also will be offered.
"The Ultimate Protein Reset is designed to take the guesswork out of protein intake and help people fuel their bodies effectively," said Anika Christ, Registered Dietitian and Senior Director of LTH Supplements at Life Time. "Protein is an essential macronutrient for muscle recovery, aiding metabolism and promoting satiety. Many people struggle to consume enough of it daily and there are now safe, effective and great tasting options to achieve this."
Life Time itself offers a variety of LTH proteins as convenient, high-quality options to help anyone hit their nutritional goals.
- LTH Build Whey+All-In-One (Chocolate, Vanilla, Frosted Oatmeal Cookie): 30 grams of protein with activated, metabolism-supporting vitamins and minerals.
- LTH Whey Protein (Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberries & Cream): Grass-Fed Whey provides the highest quality protein with higher immunoglobulin content to support immune system and liver health. As a longtime supplement staple, it's a research-backed way to boost protein intake with 20g to support lean muscle, exercise recovery, immune health and blood sugar regulation.
- LTH Flex Whey Protein Isolate (Chocolate, Vanilla) – As a low-carb, low-fat option, this is the athlete-favorite protein option for performance and physique with 20g of protein. Free of added sugar and artificial colors and flavors, the isolate makes it an alternative for those who want a high-quality whey protein but have trouble digesting whey concentrate.
- LTH Fuel Vegan+All-In-One (Chocolate, Vanilla, Coffee) – A plant-based, 30g protein meal supplement. Formulated from pea, chia and chlorella proteins plus additional vitamins, minerals, fiber, probiotics and digestive enzymes.
- LTH Vital Vegan Protein (Chocolate, Vanilla, Raspberry Lemon Cake) – Formulated from pea protein to provide a non-dairy, non-soy, plant-based source of protein that includes all the essential and branched-chain amino acids to support lean body mass and a healthy immune system. As a gut-friendly protein powder, it mixes easily into water and holds up well in your favorite foods for a 20g protein boost.
- LTH Prime Collagen Powder (Chocolate, Cinnamon Roll, Unflavored, Vanilla) - Pure hydrolyzed collagen peptides sourced from grass-fed and pasture raised cows. It's formulated to support a healthy digestive system, hair, skin and joints.
- LTH Rewind Collagen Elixir (Berry Sorbet) - A daily shot of Rewind Collagen Elixir contains the perfect ingredients designed to target the health of your skin, hair, bones and joints from the inside-out.
Signing up for the Ultimate Protein Reset is easy simply by downloading the Life Time app. LTH protein powders are available for purchase on the LT Shop website.
In addition to protein powders, Life Time offers an expansive line of LTH supplements featuring more than 50 products, including multi- and other vitamins, fish oil, protein, colostrum, electrolytes, greens and much more. Life Time has established LTH as one of the most safe, effective and trusted brands for supplements and nutrition.
For more information about Life Time, visit or follow on social media at Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. LTH is also on Instagram featuring education, experts and recipes.
About Life Time
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 175 athletic country clubs across
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SOURCE Life Time, Inc.
When does Life Time's Ultimate Protein Reset program start and how can I join?
What protein products does LTH offer for vegans?
How much protein is in LTH Build Whey+All-In-One products?
What benefits does the LTH Ultimate Protein Reset program provide?