Keep Moving Together: Eight Ways for Families to Stay Active and Connected

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Experience Life magazine, published by Life Time (NYSE: LTH), offers 100 ideas to help families incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines. The ideas fall into eight key categories:

1. Start Small
2. Make the Adventure Bigger
3. Make Your Home Movement-Friendly
4. Get Moving in the Backyard or at Your Local Park
5. Include Older Family or Community Members
6. Do a Task Together
7. Take a Fitness Class
8. Train for a Common Goal

These suggestions aim to foster healthier, happier lives and stronger family connections. The full list of 100 ways families can move together is featured in the September/October edition of Experience Life magazine.

La rivista Experience Life, pubblicata da Life Time (NYSE: LTH), offre 100 idee per aiutare le famiglie a integrare più attività fisica nelle loro routine quotidiane. Le idee rientrano in otto categorie chiave:

1. Iniziare in piccolo
2. Rendere l'avventura più grande
3. Rendere la propria casa favorevole al movimento
4. Muoversi nel giardino o nel parco locale
5. Includere membri più anziani della famiglia o della comunità
6. Fare un compito insieme
7. Partecipare a una lezione di fitness
8. Allenarsi per un obiettivo comune

Questi suggerimenti mirano a promuovere vite più sane e felici e a rafforzare i legami familiari. L'elenco completo dei 100 modi in cui le famiglie possono muoversi insieme è presente nell'edizione di settembre/ottobre della rivista Experience Life.

La revista Experience Life, publicada por Life Time (NYSE: LTH), ofrece 100 ideas para ayudar a las familias a incorporar más actividad física en sus rutinas diarias. Las ideas se agrupan en ocho categorías clave:

1. Comenzar en pequeño
2. Hacer la aventura más grande
3. Hacer que tu hogar sea amigable para el movimiento
4. Moverse en el patio trasero o en el parque local
5. Incluir a miembros mayores de la familia o de la comunidad
6. Hacer una tarea juntos
7. Tomar una clase de fitness
8. Entrenar para un objetivo común

Estas sugerencias tienen como objetivo fomentar vidas más saludables y felices y fortalecer las conexiones familiares. La lista completa de 100 formas en que las familias pueden moverse juntas se presenta en la edición de septiembre/octubre de la revista Experience Life.

Experience Life 매거진은 Life Time (NYSE: LTH)에서 발행하며, 가족들이 일상 속에서 더 많은 신체 활동을 포함할 수 있도록 100가지 아이디어를 제공합니다. 이 아이디어는 8가지 주요 카테고리로 나뉩니다:

1. 작게 시작하기
2. 모험을 더 크게 만들기
3. 집을 운동하기 좋은 공간으로 만들기
4. 뒷마당이나 지역 공원에서 움직이기
5. 가족이나 지역 사회의 나이가 많은 회원 포함하기
6. 함께 작업하기
7. 피트니스 수업 듣기
8. 공동 목표를 위해 훈련하기

이러한 제안들은 더 건강하고 행복한 삶을 촉진하고 가족 간의 유대감을 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 가족이 함께 움직일 수 있는 100가지 방법의 전체 목록은 Experience Life 매거진의 9월/10월 호에 실려 있습니다.

Le magazine Experience Life, publié par Life Time (NYSE: LTH), propose 100 idées pour aider les familles à incorporer davantage d'activités physiques dans leurs routines quotidiennes. Les idées se classent en huit catégories clés :

1. Commencer petit
2. Agrandir l'aventure
3. Rendre votre maison favorable au mouvement
4. Bouger dans le jardin ou dans un parc local
5. Inclure des membres plus âgés de la famille ou de la communauté
6. Faire une tâche ensemble
7. Suivre un cours de fitness
8. S'entraîner pour un objectif commun

Ces suggestions visent à favoriser une vie plus saine et plus heureuse ainsi que des liens familiaux plus forts. La liste complète des 100 façons dont les familles peuvent se mouvoir ensemble est présentée dans l'édition de septembre/octobre du magazine Experience Life.

Das Magazin Experience Life, veröffentlicht von Life Time (NYSE: LTH), bietet 100 Ideen, um Familien zu helfen, mehr körperliche Bewegung in ihre täglichen Routinen zu integrieren. Die Ideen fallen in acht zentrale Kategorien:

1. Klein anfangen
2. Abenteuer größer machen
3. Ihr Zuhause bewegungsfreundlich gestalten
4. Sich im Garten oder im lokalen Park bewegen
5. Ältere Familien- oder Gemeinschaftsmitglieder einbeziehen
6. Eine Aufgabe gemeinsam erledigen
7. an einem Fitnesskurs teilnehmen
8. Auf ein gemeinsames Ziel hinarbeiten

Diese Vorschläge zielen darauf ab, ein gesünderes und glücklicheres Leben sowie stärkere familiäre Bindungen zu fördern. Die vollständige Liste der 100 Möglichkeiten, wie Familien gemeinsam aktiv sein können, ist in der September/Oktober-Ausgabe des Magazins Experience Life enthalten.

  • Life Time (LTH) is promoting healthy lifestyle content through its Experience Life magazine
  • The company is engaging with families, potentially expanding its customer base
  • Content creation may lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty
  • None.

Latest issue of Experience Life magazine offers 100 big and small ideas to be active together

CHANHASSEN, Minn., Oct. 3, 2024  /PRNewswire/ -- With families adjusting to the busyness of fall and back-to-school routines, finding time to stay active and maintain connection is more important than ever. To inspire families, Experience Life magazine, published by Life Time (NYSE: LTH), offers 100 ideas to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines, fostering healthier, happier lives.

The ideas fall in eight key categories:

  1. Start Small: Starting with small things — taking a family walk around the block, walking the dog together, or making a journal of plants and animals they see — can help build sustainable habits and set the foundation for a more active lifestyle. Letting kids choose the activity gives them a chance to get involved and get excited.
  2. Make the Adventure Bigger: As families become more comfortable with regular movement, they can try expanding the scope of activities. This might include exploring new parks, hiking trails, or even planning active vacations. By making movement an adventure, families can create lasting memories while staying active.
  3. Make Your Home Movement-Friendly: Creating an environment that encourages physical activity is another key focus. This can be as simple as rearranging furniture to allow for more space to move or keeping equipment like yoga mats and resistance bands in common areas. Bring fun into the mix by setting up an obstacle course or having an after-dinner family dance party.
  4. Get Moving in the Backyard or at Your Local Park: Outdoor spaces provide excellent opportunities for family activities. From playing sports like Frisbee, soccer, or jump rope to climbing on the monkey bars, families can make outdoor time both fun and beneficial for good health.
  5. Include Older Family or Community Members: Physical activity is beneficial for all ages, and including older family members in movement activities can strengthen family bonds and ensure that everyone, regardless of age, enjoys the benefits of an active lifestyle. Try sports or games that accommodate a wide range of ages, including bowling, mini golf, or pickleball.
  6. Do a Task Together: Combining physical activity with household tasks adds movement without becoming an extra item on your to-do list. Activities like gardening, cleaning, or even washing the car are opportunities for movement, making chores more enjoyable and productive.
  7. Take a Fitness Class: For families looking to try something new, try participating in fitness classes together. Parent-child yoga classes, mixed-age group martial arts classes, or even small group personal training can get families moving together, learning new skills and staying motivated.
  8. Train for a Common Goal: Setting a common fitness goal can unite families in their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Whether it's training for a charity run, a cycling event, or a hiking challenge, working toward a shared objective can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment.

"We know that families are busier than ever, and we were excited to identify many ways to connect, be active, and maximize together time," said Jamie Martin, Experience Life editor in chief and Vice President of Content Strategy at Life Time. "By sharing these ideas, and all the inspiring tips we share in Experience Life, we aim to empower everyone to live healthier, happier lives."

More information and the full list of 100 ways families can move together are featured in the September/October edition of Life Time's Experience Life magazine.

About Life Time 
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 175 athletic country clubs across the United States and Canada. The health and wellness pioneer also delivers a range of healthy way of life programs and information via its complimentary Life Time Digital app. The Company's healthy living, healthy aging, healthy entertainment communities and ecosystem serve people 90 days to 90+ years old and is supported by a team of more than 42,000 dedicated professionals. In addition to delivering the best programs and experiences through its clubs, Life Time owns and produces nearly 30 of the most iconic athletic events in the country.


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SOURCE Life Time, Inc.


What are the 8 categories of family activities suggested by Life Time's Experience Life magazine?

The 8 categories are: Start Small, Make the Adventure Bigger, Make Your Home Movement-Friendly, Get Moving in the Backyard or at Your Local Park, Include Older Family or Community Members, Do a Task Together, Take a Fitness Class, and Train for a Common Goal.

How many ideas for family activities does Life Time's Experience Life magazine offer?

Experience Life magazine offers 100 ideas for families to incorporate more physical activity into their daily routines.

When will the full list of 100 family activity ideas be available in Life Time's Experience Life magazine?

The full list of 100 ways families can move together is featured in the September/October edition of Life Time's Experience Life magazine.

What is the stock symbol for Life Time, the publisher of Experience Life magazine?

The stock symbol for Life Time, the publisher of Experience Life magazine, is LTH (NYSE: LTH).

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