Can a Coffee Table Book Change Your Life?

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Life Time, a health and wellness company, is releasing a coffee table book titled 'In This Lifetime' in September 2024. The book, priced at $105, aims to inspire readers to make the most of their lives and serve as an antidote to modern-day disconnection and unhappiness. Jill Palmquist, Life Time's Vice President and Chief Storyteller, describes it as a visual tour de force combining typography, design, photography, and essays.

The book reflects Life Time's mission and the values of its members, focusing on creating healthy, happy lives and fostering human connection. It encourages readers to wake up to the beauty of the present moment and offers guidance on pursuing a fulfilling life. 'In This Lifetime' is presented as a keepsake, guidebook, and meditation on life, emphasizing the importance of caring for body, mind, and soul.

Life Time, un'azienda nel settore della salute e del benessere, pubblicherà un libro da caffè intitolato 'In This Lifetime' a settembre 2024. Il libro, al prezzo di 105 dollari, mira a ispirare i lettori a sfruttare al massimo la propria vita, fungendo da antidoto alla disconnessione e all'infelicità moderna. Jill Palmquist, Vicepresidente e Chief Storyteller di Life Time, lo descrive come un tour visivo che combina tipografia, design, fotografia ed essai.

Il libro riflette la missione di Life Time e i valori dei suoi membri, ponendo l'accento sulla creazione di vite sane e felici e sul promuovere la connessione umana. Incoraggia i lettori a svegliarsi alla bellezza del momento presente e offre indicazioni su come perseguire una vita appagante. 'In This Lifetime' è presentato come un souvenir, un libro guida e una meditazione sulla vita, sottolineando l'importanza di prendersi cura del corpo, della mente e dell'anima.

Life Time, una empresa de salud y bienestar, lanzará un libro de mesa de café titulado 'In This Lifetime' en septiembre de 2024. El libro, con un precio de 105 dólares, tiene como objetivo inspirar a los lectores a aprovechar al máximo sus vidas y servir como un antídoto contra la desconexión y la infelicidad moderna. Jill Palmquist, Vicepresidenta y Chief Storyteller de Life Time, lo describe como una obra visual que combina tipografía, diseño, fotografía y ensayos.

El libro refleja la misión de Life Time y los valores de sus miembros, enfocándose en crear vidas saludables y felices y fomentar la conexión humana. Anima a los lectores a despertar a la belleza del momento presente y ofrece orientación sobre cómo llevar una vida plena. 'In This Lifetime' se presenta como un recuerdo, un libro guía y una meditación sobre la vida, enfatizando la importancia de cuidar el cuerpo, la mente y el alma.

Life Time은 건강과 웰빙 기업으로, 2024년 9월에 'In This Lifetime'라는 커피 테이블 북을 출간합니다. 이 책은 105달러에 판매되며, 독자들이 자신의 삶을 최대한 활용하도록 영감을 주고 현대의 단절과 불행에 대한 해독제가 되는 것을 목표로 합니다. Jill Palmquist는 Life Time의 부사장이자 Chief Storyteller로서, 이 책을 타이포그래피, 디자인, 사진, 에세이를 결합한 시각적인 걸작으로 설명합니다.

이 책은 Life Time의 사명과 회원들의 가치를 반영하며, 건강하고 행복한 삶을 만들고 인간 관계를 증진하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 독자들이 현재 순간의 아름다움에 깨어나도록 격려하며, 충만한 삶을 추구하는 데 대한 지침을 제공합니다. 'In This Lifetime'은 기념품, 안내서, 삶에 대한 명상으로 제시되며, 몸, 마음, 영혼을 돌보는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Life Time, une entreprise de santé et de bien-être, publiera un livre de table basse intitulé 'In This Lifetime' en septembre 2024. Ce livre, au prix de 105 $, vise à inspirer les lecteurs à tirer le meilleur parti de leur vie et à servir d'antidote à la déconnexion et au malheur modernes. Jill Palmquist, vice-présidente et Chief Storyteller de Life Time, le décrit comme une œuvre visuelle combinant typographie, design, photographie et essais.

Le livre reflète la mission de Life Time et les valeurs de ses membres, en se concentrant sur la création de vies saines et heureuses et en favorisant la connexion humaine. Il encourage les lecteurs à se réveiller à la beauté du moment présent et offre des conseils sur la manière de poursuivre une vie épanouissante. 'In This Lifetime' est présenté comme un souvenir, un guide et une méditation sur la vie, soulignant l'importance de prendre soin de son corps, de son esprit et de son âme.

Life Time, ein Gesundheits- und Wellnessunternehmen, wird im September 2024 ein Kaffeetischbuch mit dem Titel 'In This Lifetime' veröffentlichen. Das Buch, das 105 Dollar kostet, soll die Leser inspirieren, das Beste aus ihrem Leben zu machen, und als Gegenmittel zur modernen Abkopplung und Unglück dienen. Jill Palmquist, Vizepräsidentin und Chief Storyteller von Life Time, beschreibt es als visuelle Meisterleistung, die Typografie, Design, Fotografie und Essays kombiniert.

Das Buch spiegelt die Mission von Life Time und die Werte seiner Mitglieder wider und konzentriert sich auf die Schaffung gesunder, glücklicher Leben und die Förderung menschlicher Verbindung. Es ermutigt die Leser, die Schönheit des gegenwärtigen Moments zu erkennen und bietet Anleitung zur Verfolgung eines erfüllten Lebens. 'In This Lifetime' wird als Andenken, Leitfaden und Meditation über das Leben präsentiert und betont die Bedeutung der Pflege von Körper, Geist und Seele.

  • Launch of a new product (coffee table book) potentially creating a new revenue stream
  • Aligns with and reinforces the company's brand image and mission
  • Potential to attract new customers and strengthen existing customer relationships
  • None.

We all have only so many days on this planet. Life Time's stunning, new love letter provides the nudge to make the most of them

CHANHASSEN, Minn., Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- For so many, so much has stopped making sense. We're sadder, lonelier, and more disconnected from ourselves and others than ever. It's a world that seems crazier, more complicated, and more confusing than at any time in our collective memory. The solution, says Jill Palmquist, Life Time Vice President and Chief Storyteller, is to shift our focus to the glory and brevity of the human experience.

"It's more important than ever to remember the magic," says Palmquist. "That we're all here. Alive. Together. That is just the most incredible story."

Her hope is that the brand's new coffee table book, In This Lifetime (Wise Ink, September 2024, ISBN: 978-1-63489-689-4, $105) will serve as an antidote to not just remedy but help optimize people's lives.

Both timeline and tapestry, the book threads a simple, hopeful narrative through typography and design, photography, landscapes, portraits, art and esoterica, for a visual tour de force. It is filled with essays, information, inspiration, and insights.

"In this Lifetime is an organic extension of Life Time, and a reflection of all we've learned from years of working with our members," says Palmquist. "The people we attract are united around common interests and shared values. They're driven to create healthy, happy lives. They delight in inspiring spaces, invigorating workouts, fresh foods, and that crucial sense of human connection and community. They embody a certain spirit and energy—an intense passion and gratitude, and an awareness that life is this big, magnificent thing—and I hope that comes through in this book." 

It also serves as a celebration of the company's mission, purpose and how it impacts the world. It helps people awaken to and create lives they love and make the most of their short time on this planet.

"So many people get caught up in just getting through our days, making our lists, focused on our minutiae," reflects Palmquist. "It's akin to sleepwalking through life. We forget how miraculous it is we're here, complete with these curious minds and beautiful souls. We want everyone to wake up to the beauty of the here and now, remind everyone how spectacular it is, offer some guidance, and create both agency and urgency, because while amazing, life is also incredibly short."

The starting point is to understand that your best life rarely happens by default. It takes focus and determination to remember who you are, what's important to you, see past the distractions, stay motivated enough to pursue what you want, and then enjoy it.

In This Lifetime is presented in a way that reflects this truth about how we grow and change. Knowledge, observations, and suggestions are distilled in elegant simplicity, meant to be taken in one beautiful page at a time.

It also serves as a simple guide to tending our humanness that includes caring for the body, enrichment of the mind, and nourishment for the soul. It gently reminds us of what, or who, makes us happy.  It may even infuse a little bit of understanding of what life is all about.

Almost nine years in the making, In This Lifetime is a keepsake, a guidebook, a meditation. It's a conversation you want to linger over or return to. It's a love letter to life itself.

For more information about In This Lifetime, visit The book is available at LT Shop.

For more information about Life Time, visit or follow on social media at Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

See a downloadable video flip through here.

About The Author
Jill Palmquist is the author of In This Lifetime, a coffee table book that celebrates the beauty and reminds us of the brevity of the human experience. She also serves as Life Time Vice President and Chief Storyteller. A graduate of the University of Minnesota school of Journalism, she worked as an agency copywriter. With the birth of her daughter, she took a leap to go freelance, working on a variety of fun brands for a variety of fun companies, including luxury leisure and lifestyle company, Life Time. While never pretending to understand the founder's brilliant brain, she did understand his heart, and realized her desire to help people see the magnificence of their lives was completely aligned with his. Both her love of the company and responsibilities grew, proving what they say is true-time flies when you're having fun. (That baby girl is now 23 years old.) While happy with all the work she's done for the company, it's true fulfillment she feels in contributing to the brand's recent transformation.

About Life Time
Life Time (NYSE: LTH) empowers people to live healthy, happy lives through its portfolio of more than 170 athletic country clubs across the United States and Canada. The health and wellness pioneer also delivers a range of healthy way of life programs and information via its complimentary Life Time Digital app. The Company's healthy living, healthy aging, healthy entertainment communities and ecosystem serve people 90 days to 90+ years old and is supported by a team of more than 45,000 dedicated professionals. In addition to delivering the best programs and experiences through its clubs, Life Time owns and produces nearly 30 of the most iconic athletic events in the country.

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SOURCE Life Time, Inc.


When will Life Time (LTH) release its new coffee table book 'In This Lifetime'?

Life Time (LTH) will release its new coffee table book 'In This Lifetime' in September 2024.

What is the price of Life Time's (LTH) new book 'In This Lifetime'?

The price of Life Time's (LTH) new book 'In This Lifetime' is $105.

Who is the author of Life Time's (LTH) new book 'In This Lifetime'?

While not explicitly stated as the author, Jill Palmquist, Life Time's Vice President and Chief Storyteller, is prominently featured in discussing the book's concept and creation.

What is the main purpose of Life Time's (LTH) new book 'In This Lifetime'?

The main purpose of Life Time's (LTH) new book 'In This Lifetime' is to inspire readers to make the most of their lives, serve as an antidote to modern-day disconnection, and reflect the company's mission of promoting healthy, happy lives.

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