Lightspeed Publishes its Third Annual Sustainability Report

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Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) has released its third annual Sustainability Report for fiscal year 2024, highlighting its commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. Key achievements include:

  • 86% of employees feel they can be authentic at work
  • Diverse workforce with 9% LGBTQ2S+, 5% persons with disabilities, and 35% BIPOC representation
  • 50% of executive officers identify as women
  • Expanded Lightspeed Capital to France, Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium
  • Partnerships with non-profits and environmental initiatives

The report also showcases businesses using Lightspeed to build diverse communities and make positive impacts. CEO Dax Dasilva emphasizes the company's commitment to leading by example in environmental and social responsibility.

Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) ha pubblicato il suo terzo Rapporto di Sostenibilità annuale per l'anno fiscale 2024, sottolineando il suo impegno verso le iniziative Ambientali, Sociali e di Governance (ESG). Tra i risultati chiave ci sono:

  • l'86% dei dipendenti ritiene di poter essere autentico sul lavoro
  • una forza lavoro diversificata con il 9% di LGBTQ2S+, il 5% di persone con disabilità e il 35% di rappresentanza BIPOC
  • il 50% dei dirigenti si identifica come donne
  • Espansione di Lightspeed Capital in Francia, Paesi Bassi, Germania e Belgio
  • Collaborazioni con organizzazioni non profit e iniziative ambientali

Il rapporto mette inoltre in evidenza le aziende che utilizzano Lightspeed per costruire comunità diversificate e generare impatti positivi. Il CEO Dax Dasilva sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda a guidare con l'esempio in responsabilità ambientale e sociale.

Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) ha publicado su tercer Informe Anual de Sostenibilidad para el año fiscal 2024, destacando su compromiso con iniciativas Ambientales, Sociales y de Gobernanza (ESG). Los logros clave incluyen:

  • el 86% de los empleados siente que puede ser auténtico en el trabajo
  • una fuerza laboral diversa con un 9% de LGBTQ2S+, un 5% de personas con discapacidades y un 35% de representación BIPOC
  • el 50% de los funcionarios ejecutivos se identifica como mujeres
  • expansión de Lightspeed Capital a Francia, Países Bajos, Alemania y Bélgica
  • asociaciones con organizaciones sin fines de lucro e iniciativas ambientales

El informe también muestra a las empresas que utilizan Lightspeed para construir comunidades diversas y generar impactos positivos. El CEO Dax Dasilva enfatiza el compromiso de la empresa de liderar con el ejemplo en responsabilidad ambiental y social.

라이트스피드 커머스 Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD)는 2024 회계연도에 대한 세 번째 연간 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스(ESG) 이니셔티브에 대한 헌신을 강조했습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 86%의 직원이 직장에서 진정성을 느낀다고 응답
  • 9%의 LGBTQ2S+, 5%의 장애인, 35%의 BIPOC 비율을 가진 다양한 인력
  • 경영진의 50%가 여성으로 식별
  • 프랑스, 네덜란드, 독일, 벨기에로 라이트스피드 캐피탈 확대
  • 비영리 단체 및 환경 이니셔티브와의 파트너십

보고서는 또한 라이트스피드를 사용하여 다양한 커뮤니티를 구축하고 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 기업을 보여줍니다. CEO Dax Dasilva는 환경 및 사회적 책임에서 모범을 보이는 회사의 헌신을 강조합니다.

Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) a publié son troisième rapport annuel sur la durabilité pour l'exercice fiscal 2024, mettant en avant son engagement envers les initiatives Environnementales, Sociales et de Gouvernance (ESG). Les principales réalisations comprennent :

  • 86 % des employés estiment pouvoir être authentiques au travail
  • une main-d'œuvre diversifiée avec 9 % de LGBTQ2S+, 5 % de personnes en situation de handicap et 35 % de représentation BIPOC
  • 50 % des cadres se déclarent comme étant des femmes
  • Expansion de Lightspeed Capital en France, aux Pays-Bas, en Allemagne et en Belgique
  • Partenariats avec des ONG et des initiatives environnementales

Le rapport montre également des entreprises utilisant Lightspeed pour construire des communautés diversifiées et générer des impacts positifs. Le PDG Dax Dasilva souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise à montrer l'exemple en matière de responsabilité environnementale et sociale.

Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) hat seinen dritten jährlichen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 veröffentlicht, in dem das Engagement für Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Initiativen (ESG) hervorgehoben wird. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

  • 86% der Mitarbeiter fühlen sich am Arbeitsplatz authentisch
  • Vielfältige Belegschaft mit 9% LGBTQ2S+, 5% Menschen mit Behinderungen und 35% BIPOC-Vertretung
  • 50% der Führungskräfte identifizieren sich als Frauen
  • Ausweitung des Lightspeed Capital auf Frankreich, die Niederlande, Deutschland und Belgien
  • Partnerschaften mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen und Umweltinitiativen

Der Bericht zeigt auch Unternehmen, die Lightspeed nutzen, um vielfältige Gemeinschaften aufzubauen und positive Auswirkungen zu erzielen. CEO Dax Dasilva betont das Engagement des Unternehmens, durch Umwelt- und soziale Verantwortung mit gutem Beispiel voranzugehen.

  • None.
  • None.

Lightspeed's Fiscal 2024 Sustainability Report showcases the Company's commitment to building stronger communities around the world through accessible, industry-leading technology and payment solutions.

MONTREAL, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Lightspeed Commerce Inc. (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD) ("Lightspeed" or the "Company"), the one-stop commerce platform empowering merchants to provide the best omnichannel experiences, proudly announces the release of its third annual Sustainability Report. This report continues Lightspeed's mission to strengthen communities and empower businesses worldwide, detailing its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives and highlights for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 ("Fiscal 2024").

"At its core, Lightspeed is a company built on the foundation of inclusivity and diversity, values that extend to all areas of our business, from our employees through to our customer engagement," said Shirvani Mudaly, Lightspeed's Chief People Officer. "This annual sustainability report is a testament to our ongoing commitment to continuing to improve all areas of our Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities, acting as a leader–and example–for the tech industry to follow."

Some highlights of Lightspeed's sustainability initiatives include:

  • According to Lightspeed's annual diversity, equity and inclusion and engagement survey, 86% of its employees feel that they can be their authentic self at work.1

  • Lightspeed's employee base includes 9% LGBTQ2S+, 5% persons with disabilities and 35% BIPOC representation.1 50% of Lightspeed's executive officers identify as women.

  • With Lightspeed Capital—the Company's merchant cash advance program—now available in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium in addition to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, Lightspeed is opening up more ways for independent merchants to access funds.

  • Lightspeed is proud to support non-profit organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters Auckland, Summit School and Technovation Montreal.

  • Lightspeed continues to partner with GiftTrees to offer Carbon Friendly Dining, which empowers its customers' diners to offset carbon emissions associated with their meals by planting trees. Over 1.8 million trees have been planted to date.

In addition to partnerships and internal initiatives, the report highlights businesses using Lightspeed to transform our world for the better and build vibrant, diverse communities. One such business is Analogue October Records, an independent record shop located in the heart of the historic city of Chichester, UK. The shop and its staff are on a mission to celebrate and support local artists and makers. Craig Crane, owner of Analogue October Records, notes that Lightspeed's Capital has become a seamless part of their budget, "It was just nice to kind of basically compartmentalize the amount of the advance and set that to one side specifically for that project. [...] I enjoy and appreciate the simple mechanism of the percentage return. I don't have to worry about it."

"There is, as ever, work to be done. Our goal is to lead by example in environmental and social responsibility in every aspect of our operations," said Dax Dasilva, Founder and CEO of Lightspeed. "Returning as Lightspeed's CEO, one of my focuses is to continue to move forward in helping make sustainable changes in our operations and our customers' lives."

Find out more about our mission on our website:

1 Based on self-identification and voluntary declaration of our employees who participated in our annual DEI and engagement survey, with an 87% participation rate, which survey was conducted in March 2024.

About Lightspeed

Powering the businesses that are the backbone of the global economy, Lightspeed's one-stop commerce platform helps merchants innovate to simplify, scale, and provide exceptional omnichannel customer experiences. Our cloud commerce solution transforms and unifies online and physical operations, multichannel sales, expansion to new locations, global payments, financial solutions, and connection to supplier networks.

Founded in Montréal, Canada in 2005, Lightspeed is dual-listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (NYSE: LSPD) (TSX: LSPD). With teams across North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Company serves retail, hospitality, and golf businesses in over 100 countries.

For more information, see

Follow us on social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X (formerly Twitter).

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may include forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws ("forward-looking statements''), including information regarding Lightspeed's environmental, social and governance initiatives and impacts. Forward-looking statements are statements that are predictive in nature, depend upon or refer to future events or conditions and are identified by words such as "will", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", "estimates" or similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Such statements are based on current expectations of Lightspeed's management and inherently involve numerous risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, including economic factors. A number of risks, uncertainties and other factors may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this news release, including, among other factors, those risk factors identified in our most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, under "Risk Factors" in our most recent Annual Information Form, and in our other filings with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available under our profiles on SEDAR+ at and on EDGAR at Readers are cautioned to consider these and other factors carefully when making decisions with respect to Lightspeed's subordinate voting shares and not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are not guarantees of future performance and, while forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions that Lightspeed considers reasonable, actual events and results could differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements made by Lightspeed. Except as may be expressly required by applicable law, Lightspeed does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or revise any such forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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SOURCE Lightspeed Commerce Inc.


What are the key highlights of Lightspeed's 2024 Sustainability Report?

Lightspeed's 2024 Sustainability Report highlights include: 86% of employees feeling authentic at work, diverse workforce representation, 50% of executive officers identifying as women, expansion of Lightspeed Capital to new countries, and partnerships with non-profits and environmental initiatives.

How has Lightspeed (LSPD) expanded its merchant cash advance program in 2024?

Lightspeed Capital, the company's merchant cash advance program, has expanded to France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium in addition to its existing availability in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand.

What is Lightspeed's (LSPD) employee diversity representation as of 2024?

According to Lightspeed's 2024 report, their employee base includes 9% LGBTQ2S+, 5% persons with disabilities, and 35% BIPOC representation. Additionally, 50% of Lightspeed's executive officers identify as women.

How is Lightspeed (LSPD) contributing to environmental initiatives in 2024?

Lightspeed partners with GiftTrees to offer Carbon Friendly Dining, allowing customers to offset carbon emissions from meals by planting trees. Over 1.8 million trees have been planted to date through this initiative.

Lightspeed Commerce Inc.


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