Lattice Sentry Named a 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award Winner

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Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) announced that its Lattice Sentry™ solution stack has been named the 'Endpoint Security Solution of the Year' in the 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards. This recognition highlights Sentry's comprehensive approach to system security, offering developers tools for real-time protection and recovery against evolving cyberthreats.

Eric Sivertson, VP of Security Business at Lattice, emphasized the importance of cybersecurity preparedness and cyber resiliency in infrastructure. The Lattice Sentry solution stack aids developers in creating cyber resilient system control applications that comply with NIST Platform Firmware Resiliency (PFR) Guidelines. It's applicable across various markets including Communications, Computing, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer.

Lattice solution stacks provide turnkey application-specific solutions, combining reference platforms, designs, demos, IP building blocks, FPGA design tools, and custom design services to accelerate customer application development and time-to-market.

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) ha annunciato che il suo Lattice Sentry™ solution stack è stato nominato 'Soluzione di Sicurezza per Endpoint dell'Anno' ai 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'approccio completo di Sentry alla sicurezza dei sistemi, offrendo agli sviluppatori strumenti per una protezione e recupero in tempo reale contro le minacce informatiche in evoluzione.

Eric Sivertson, VP di Security Business in Lattice, ha sottolineato l'importanza della preparazione alla sicurezza informatica e della resilienza informatica nelle infrastrutture. La soluzione Lattice Sentry aiuta gli sviluppatori a creare applicazioni di controllo di sistema cyber resilienti che rispettano le Linee Guida NIST sulla Resilienza del Firmware della Piattaforma (PFR). È applicabile in vari settori, tra cui Comunicazioni, Informatica, Industriale, Automotive e Consumer.

Gli stack di soluzioni Lattice forniscono soluzioni specifiche pronte all'uso, combinando piattaforme di riferimento, progetti, dimostrazioni, blocchi IP, strumenti di design FPGA e servizi di design personalizzati per accelerare lo sviluppo delle applicazioni dei clienti e il time-to-market.

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) anunció que su Lattice Sentry™ solution stack ha sido nombrado 'Solución de Seguridad de Endpoint del Año' en los 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards. Este reconocimiento resalta el enfoque integral de Sentry hacia la seguridad del sistema, brindando a los desarrolladores herramientas para protección y recuperación en tiempo real contra las amenazas cibernéticas en evolución.

Eric Sivertson, VP de Seguridad Empresarial en Lattice, enfatizó la importancia de la preparación en ciberseguridad y la resiliencia cibernética en la infraestructura. La solución Lattice Sentry ayuda a los desarrolladores a crear aplicaciones de control de sistemas resilientes a ciberataques que cumplen con las Guías de Resiliencia de Firmware de Plataforma (PFR) de NIST. Es aplicable en varios mercados, incluidos Comunicaciones, Computación, Industrial, Automotriz y de Consumo.

Los stacks de soluciones de Lattice proporcionan soluciones específicas listas para usar, combinando plataformas de referencia, diseños, demostraciones, bloques de IP, herramientas de diseño FPGA y servicios de diseño personalizados para acelerar el desarrollo de aplicaciones del cliente y el tiempo de llegada al mercado.

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC)는 Lattice Sentry™ 솔루션 스택'올해의 엔드포인트 보안 솔루션'으로 2024 사이버 보안 혁신상을 수상했다고 발표했습니다. 이 인식은 Sentry의 시스템 보안에 대한 포괄적인 접근 방식을 강조하며, 개발자에게 실시간 보호 및 복구 도구를 제공합니다.

Eric Sivertson, Lattice의 보안 비즈니스 부사장은 인프라에서 사이버 보안 준비와 사이버 복원력의 중요성을 강조했습니다. Lattice Sentry 솔루션 스택은 개발자들이 사이버 복원력이 있는 시스템 제어 애플리케이션을 만들도록 돕고 있으며, NIST 플랫폼 펌웨어 복원력 (PFR) 가이드라인을 준수합니다. 이 솔루션은 통신, 컴퓨팅, 산업, 자동차 및 소비자 등 다양한 시장에서 적용됩니다.

Lattice 솔루션 스택은 애플리케이션별 턴키 솔루션을 제공하며, 참조 플랫폼, 디자인, 데모, IP 빌딩 블록, FPGA 디자인 도구 및 맞춤형 디자인 서비스를 결합하여 고객의 애플리케이션 개발과 시장 출시 시간을 가속화합니다.

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) a annoncé que sa série de solutions Lattice Sentry™ a été nommée 'Solution de Sécurité des Points de Terminaison de l'Année' lors des 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards. Cette reconnaissance met en évidence l'approche globale de Sentry en matière de sécurité des systèmes, offrant aux développeurs des outils pour une protection et une récupération en temps réel contre les menaces cybernétiques évolutives.

Eric Sivertson, VP de la Sécurité des Affaires chez Lattice, a souligné l'importance de la préparation à la cybersécurité et de la résilience cybernétique dans les infrastructures. La solution Lattice Sentry aide les développeurs à créer des applications de contrôle de systèmes résilientes aux cybermenaces qui respectent les Lignes directrices de résilience du firmware des plateformes (PFR) du NIST. Elle est applicable dans divers secteurs, notamment les Communications, l'Informatique, l'Industrie, l'Automobile et les Consommateurs.

Les solution stacks de Lattice offrent des solutions spécifiques prêtes à l'emploi, combinant des plateformes de référence, des conceptions, des démonstrations, des blocs de propriété intellectuelle, des outils de conception FPGA et des services de conception personnalisés pour accélérer le développement des applications et le temps de mise sur le marché des clients.

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) gab bekannt, dass sein Lattice Sentry™ solution stack als 'Endpoint-Sicherheitslösung des Jahres' bei den 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards ausgezeichnet wurde. Diese Anerkennung hebt den umfassenden Ansatz von Sentry zur Systemsicherheit hervor und bietet Entwicklern Werkzeuge für Echtzeitschutz und -wiederherstellung gegen sich entwickelnde Cyberbedrohungen.

Eric Sivertson, VP für Security Business bei Lattice, betonte die Bedeutung von Cybersecurity-Vorbereitung und Cyber-Resilienz in der Infrastruktur. Der Lattice Sentry Lösungsstapel unterstützt Entwickler dabei, cybersichere Systemsteuerungsanwendungen zu erstellen, die den NIST-Richtlinien für Plattform-Firmware-Resilienz (PFR) entsprechen. Diese Lösungen sind in verschiedenen Märkten anwendbar, darunter Kommunikation, Computing, Industrie, Automobil und Konsumgüter.

Die Lösungspakete von Lattice bieten schlüsselfertige anwendungsspezifische Lösungen, die Referenzplattformen, Designs, Demos, IP-Bausteine, FPGA-Designwerkzeuge und maßgeschneiderte Designservices kombinieren, um die Anwendungsentwicklung der Kunden und die Markteinführungszeit zu beschleunigen.

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HILLSBORO, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC), the low power programmable leader, today announced that the Lattice Sentry™ solution stack was named a 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Award winner in the “Endpoint Security Solution of the Year” category by the Tech Breakthrough organization. Lattice Sentry offers a comprehensive approach to system security, empowering developers to proactively address evolving cyberthreats with real-time protection and recovery capabilities.

“Cybersecurity preparedness and cyber resiliency implementation are vital for any infrastructure. Our innovative FPGA-based firmware security solution simplifies and accelerates the process for developers, ensuring enhanced protection for applications and systems,” said Eric Sivertson, Vice President of Security Business at Lattice Semiconductor. “We are grateful for this recognition of our Sentry solution stack as a tool that helps developers integrate robust security into their designs more efficiently.”

The Lattice Sentry solution stack helps developers create cyber resilient system control applications compliant with NIST Platform Firmware Resiliency (PFR) Guidelines (NIST SP-800-193) across the Communications, Computing, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer markets. Lattice solution stacks provide turnkey application-specific solutions that combine reference platforms and designs, demos, IP building blocks, FPGA design tools, and custom design services to accelerate customer application development and time-to-market.

Visit the Lattice Sentry solution stack page to learn more.

About Lattice Semiconductor

Lattice Semiconductor (NASDAQ: LSCC) is the low power programmable leader. We solve customer problems across the network, from the Edge to the Cloud, in the growing Communications, Computing, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer markets. Our technology, long-standing relationships, and commitment to world-class support let our customers quickly and easily unleash their innovation to create a smart, secure, and connected world.

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Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, Lattice Semiconductor (& design), and specific product designations are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Lattice Semiconductor Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. The use of the word “partner” does not imply a legal partnership between Lattice and any other entity.

GENERAL NOTICE: Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holders.


Sophia Hong

Lattice Semiconductor



Rick Muscha

Lattice Semiconductor


Source: Lattice Semiconductor


What award did Lattice Semiconductor's Sentry solution stack win in 2024?

Lattice Semiconductor's Sentry solution stack won the 'Endpoint Security Solution of the Year' category in the 2024 CyberSecurity Breakthrough Awards.

How does the Lattice Sentry solution stack help developers?

The Lattice Sentry solution stack helps developers create cyber resilient system control applications that comply with NIST Platform Firmware Resiliency (PFR) Guidelines, offering real-time protection and recovery capabilities against cyberthreats.

What markets does the Lattice Sentry solution stack cater to?

The Lattice Sentry solution stack caters to the Communications, Computing, Industrial, Automotive, and Consumer markets.

What components are included in Lattice solution stacks?

Lattice solution stacks include reference platforms and designs, demos, IP building blocks, FPGA design tools, and custom design services to accelerate customer application development and time-to-market.

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