Stride Tutoring Partners with Michigan Virtual to Bring High-Impact Tutoring to Michigan Schools and Districts
Stride Tutoring, a portfolio brand of Stride Inc. (LRN), has partnered with Michigan Virtual to provide high-impact tutoring services across Michigan schools and districts. The collaboration aims to support schools in utilizing the MI Kids Back on Track grant, offering personalized learning through certified teachers. Michigan Virtual, which has relationships with 700 Michigan school districts, will serve as the exclusive channel partner for Stride's ESSA Level III certified tutoring services. The partnership focuses on delivering evidence-based, one-on-one and small group tutoring to help bridge learning gaps and drive academic progress.
Stride Tutoring, un marchio del portafoglio di Stride Inc. (LRN), ha collaborato con Michigan Virtual per fornire servizi di tutoraggio ad alto impatto nelle scuole e nei distretti del Michigan. La collaborazione mira a supportare le scuole nell'utilizzo della sovvenzione MI Kids Back on Track, offrendo un apprendimento personalizzato attraverso insegnanti certificati. Michigan Virtual, che ha relazioni con 700 distretti scolastici del Michigan, fungerà da partner esclusivo per i servizi di tutoraggio certificati ESSA di livello III di Stride. Il partenariato si concentra sulla fornitura di tutoraggio basato su prove, sia individuale che in piccoli gruppi, per aiutare a colmare le lacune nell'apprendimento e promuovere il progresso accademico.
Stride Tutoring, una marca del portafolio de Stride Inc. (LRN), se ha asociado con Michigan Virtual para proporcionar servicios de tutoría de alto impacto en escuelas y distritos de Michigan. La colaboración tiene como objetivo ayudar a las escuelas a utilizar la subvención MI Kids Back on Track, ofreciendo un aprendizaje personalizado a través de maestros certificados. Michigan Virtual, que tiene relaciones con 700 distritos escolares de Michigan, será el socio canal exclusivo para los servicios de tutoría certificados de nivel III de ESSA de Stride. La asociación se centra en ofrecer tutoría basada en evidencia, tanto uno a uno como en grupos pequeños, para ayudar a cerrar las brechas de aprendizaje y fomentar el progreso académico.
Stride Tutoring는 Stride Inc. (LRN)의 포트폴리오 브랜드로, Michigan Virtual와 협력하여 미시간의 학교 및 지역구에서 고효율 튜터링 서비스를 제공합니다. 이번 협력은 MI Kids Back on Track 보조금을 활용하여 인증된 교사를 통한 개인 맞춤형 학습을 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 700개의 미시간 학군과 관계를 맺고 있는 Michigan Virtual은 Stride의 ESSA III 수준 인증 튜터링 서비스의 독점 채널 파트너 역할을 맡게 됩니다. 이 파트너십은 학습 격차를 해소하고 학업 성과를 높이기 위해 근거 기반의 일대일 및 소그룹 튜터링 제공에 집중하고 있습니다.
Stride Tutoring, une marque du portefeuille de Stride Inc. (LRN), s'est associée à Michigan Virtual pour fournir des services de tutorat à fort impact dans les écoles et les districts du Michigan. Cette collaboration vise à aider les écoles à utiliser le financement MI Kids Back on Track, offrant un apprentissage personnalisé grâce à des enseignants certifiés. Michigan Virtual, qui entretient des relations avec 700 districts scolaires du Michigan, sera le partenaire exclusif pour les services de tutorat certifiés de niveau III par l'ESSA proposés par Stride. Le partenariat se concentre sur la fourniture de tutorat basé sur des preuves, tant en tête-à-tête qu'en petits groupes, afin d'aider à combler les lacunes d'apprentissage et à favoriser le progrès académique.
Stride Tutoring, eine Portfoliomarke von Stride Inc. (LRN), hat sich mit Michigan Virtual zusammengeschlossen, um wirkungsvolle Nachhilfedienste in den Schulen und Bezirken von Michigan anzubieten. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Schulen bei der Nutzung des MI Kids Back on Track-Stipendiums zu unterstützen und personalisiertes Lernen durch zertifizierte Lehrkräfte anzubieten. Michigan Virtual, das mit 700 Schulbezirken in Michigan verbunden ist, wird der exklusive Partner für die ESSA-Stufe III-zertifizierten Nachhilfedienste von Stride sein. Die Partnerschaft konzentriert sich darauf, evidenzbasierte Einzel- und Kleingruppennachhilfe anzubieten, um Lernlücken zu schließen und den akademischen Fortschritt voranzutreiben.
- Partnership with Michigan Virtual provides access to 700 school districts
- Exclusive channel partnership agreement secured
- Opportunity to capitalize on MI Kids Back on Track grant funding
- None.
The partnership with Michigan Virtual represents a strategic market expansion for Stride in the education technology sector. While this deal taps into Michigan's
The ESSA Level III certification adds credibility but faces competition in a crowded edtech market. The partnership primarily strengthens Stride's position in Michigan's K-12 market, though the deal's financial terms and revenue projections are not disclosed. For investors, this represents incremental growth potential rather than a game-changing catalyst for LRN stock.
The partnership is designed to boost student success in Michigan through proven, evidence-based tutoring methods.
LANSING, Mich., Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stride Tutoring, a portfolio brand of Stride, Inc., is excited to announce its partnership with Michigan Virtual, a trusted partner in education supporting and engaging Michigan’s K-12 community. This collaboration aims to bring high-impact tutoring to schools and districts across Michigan, helping students succeed through an evidence-based approach.
"We are thrilled to collaborate with Michigan Virtual in delivering high-quality, online tutoring services to students across Michigan,” said Jennifer Moore, General Manager of Stride Tutoring. “With their trusted relationships across 700 Michigan school districts and our proven expertise in delivering research-based tutoring with certified teachers, we’re confident that this partnership will bridge learning gaps and drive meaningful academic progress for students throughout the state."
As part of the partnership, Michigan Virtual and Stride Tutoring will work together to support Michigan schools and districts in making the best use of the MI Kids Back on Track grant. Stride Tutoring understands the demand for accessible and secure learning experiences and is leveraging cutting-edge virtual technology to bring the future of education directly to students. By partnering with Stride Tutoring, Michigan Virtual aims to expand the types of support it can provide to schools in the state.
"Tutoring personalizes learning for students, which is yet another step towards our priorities of broadening student pathways and driving educational change in Michigan,” said Walt Sutterlin, Michigan Virtual, Sr. Director of Strategic Communications & Partnerships. “We are excited to collaborate with Stride Tutoring and be the exclusive channel partner able to bring these services to students through the districts we support across the state.”
Stride Tutoring is an ESSA Level III certified provider of one-on-one and small group tutoring. Their evidence-based approach ensures that students receive personalized support tailored to their individual needs. By exclusively employing certified teachers, Stride Tutoring guarantees the highest quality of instruction.
This partnership applies to schools, districts, and other educational consortiums throughout Michigan. By leveraging the expertise of both Michigan Virtual and Stride Tutoring, users can access the resources and support necessary to help their students thrive.
For more information about Michigan Virtual and its partnership with Stride Tutoring, please visit
About Stride
Stride Inc. (NYSE: LRN) is redefining lifelong learning with innovative, high-quality education solutions. Serving learners in primary, secondary, and postsecondary settings, Stride provides a wide range of services including K-12 education, career learning, professional skills training, and talent development. Stride reaches learners in all 50 states and over 100 countries. Learn more at