Stride Responds to False and Misleading Allegations Made by Short Seller

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Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) has issued a statement responding to allegations made by Fuzzy Panda Research, a self-proclaimed short seller. Stride asserts that Fuzzy Panda's claims are inaccurate and misleading, aimed at manipulating investors' perceptions of Stride's performance, financial reporting, leadership, and growth prospects.

The company emphasizes its record results for fiscal year 2024 as evidence of successful strategy execution. Stride reports that shareholders and analysts have expressed confidence in the company's direction. An update on progress will be provided during the first quarter fiscal 2025 financial results release on October 22, 2024.

Stride's Board and management team affirm their confidence in the company's plan to enhance shareholder value and support learners in reaching their full potential.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) ha rilasciato una dichiarazione in risposta alle accuse sollevate da Fuzzy Panda Research, un venditore short auto-proclamatosi. Stride afferma che le affermazioni di Fuzzy Panda sono inaccurate e fuorvianti, mirate a manipolare le percezioni degli investitori riguardo alle performance, alla rendicontazione finanziaria, alla leadership e alle prospettive di crescita di Stride.

L'azienda sottolinea i suoi risultati record per l'anno fiscale 2024 come prova dell'esecuzione efficace della strategia. Stride riporta che azionisti e analisti hanno espresso fiducia nella direzione dell'azienda. Un aggiornamento sui progressi sarà fornito durante la pubblicazione dei risultati finanziari del primo trimestre fiscale 2025 il 22 ottobre 2024.

Il Consiglio e il team di gestione di Stride confermano la loro fiducia nel piano dell'azienda per aumentare il valore per gli azionisti e supportare gli studenti nel raggiungimento del loro pieno potenziale.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) ha emitido un comunicado en respuesta a las acusaciones formuladas por Fuzzy Panda Research, un vendedor a corto auto-proclamado. Stride afirma que las afirmaciones de Fuzzy Panda son inexactas y engañosas, destinadas a manipular la percepción de los inversores sobre el rendimiento de Stride, su reporte financiero, liderazgo y perspectivas de crecimiento.

La empresa enfatiza sus resultados récord para el año fiscal 2024 como evidencia de la ejecución exitosa de su estrategia. Stride reporta que los accionistas y analistas han expresado confianza en la dirección de la compañía. Se proporcionará una actualización sobre los avances durante la publicación de los resultados financieros del primer trimestre fiscal 2025 el 22 de octubre de 2024.

La Junta Directiva y el equipo de gestión de Stride afirman su confianza en el plan de la empresa para aumentar el valor para los accionistas y apoyar a los estudiantes en alcanzar su pleno potencial.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN)는 자칭 공매도자인 Fuzzy Panda Research가 제기한 주장에 대해 성명서를 발표했습니다. Stride는 Fuzzy Panda의 주장이 부정확하고 오해의 소지가 있다고 주장하며, 이는 Stride의 성과, 재무 보고, 리더십 및 성장 전망에 대한 투자자들의 인식을 조작하려는 의도라고 말합니다.

회사는 2024 회계연도에 대한 기록적인 결과를 성공적인 전략 실행의 증거로 강조합니다. Stride는 주주와 분석가들이 회사의 방향에 대한 신뢰를 표현했다고 보고합니다. 2024년 10월 22일에 있을 2025 회계연도 1분기 재무 결과 발표에서 진행 상황에 대한 업데이트가 제공될 것입니다.

Stride의 이사회와 경영진은 주주 가치를 증대시키고 학습자가 잠재력을 최대한 발휘할 수 있도록 지원하는 회사의 계획에 대한 자신감을 확인합니다.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) a publié une déclaration en réponse aux allégations formulées par Fuzzy Panda Research, un vendeur à découvert auto-proclamé. Stride affirme que les affirmations de Fuzzy Panda sont inexactes et trompeuses, visant à manipuler les perceptions des investisseurs concernant la performance de Stride, le reporting financier, le leadership et les perspectives de croissance.

La société souligne ses résultats record pour l'exercice fiscal 2024 comme preuve d'une exécution réussie de la stratégie. Stride fait état de la confiance exprimée par les actionnaires et les analystes dans la direction de l'entreprise. Une mise à jour sur les progrès sera fournie lors de la publication des résultats financiers du premier trimestre de l'exercice 2025 le 22 octobre 2024.

Le Conseil d'administration et l'équipe de direction de Stride affirment leur confiance dans le plan de l'entreprise visant à accroître la valeur pour les actionnaires et à soutenir les apprenants dans la réalisation de leur plein potentiel.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) hat eine Erklärung abgegeben, um auf die Anschuldigungen von Fuzzy Panda Research zu reagieren, einem selbsternannten Leerverkäufer. Stride behauptet, dass die Behauptungen von Fuzzy Panda ungenau und irreführend sind und darauf abzielen, die Wahrnehmung der Investoren in Bezug auf die Leistung, Finanzberichterstattung, Führung und Wachstumschancen von Stride zu manipulieren.

Das Unternehmen hebt seine Rekordergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 als Beweis für eine erfolgreiche Strategieumsetzung hervor. Stride berichtet, dass Aktionäre und Analysten Vertrauen in die Richtung des Unternehmens geäußert haben. Ein Update über den Fortschritt wird während der Veröffentlichung der finanziellen Ergebnisse für das erste Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2025 am 22. Oktober 2024 bereitgestellt.

Der Vorstand und das Management-Team von Stride bekräftigen ihr Vertrauen in den Plan des Unternehmens, den Shareholder-Wert zu steigern und Lernende dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen.

  • Record results reported for fiscal year 2024
  • Shareholders and analysts expressing confidence in the company
  • Upcoming financial results release on October 22, 2024
  • Short seller allegations potentially impacting stock price
  • Need to address and refute claims made by Fuzzy Panda Research


This statement from Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) is a direct response to allegations made by a short seller, Fuzzy Panda Research. The company strongly refutes the claims, characterizing them as "inaccurate and filled with innuendo." This type of response is typical when companies face public criticism from short sellers.

Key points to consider:

  • Stride emphasizes its "record results" for fiscal year 2024, suggesting strong financial performance.
  • The company mentions support from shareholders and analysts, indicating confidence in their strategy.
  • An upcoming Q1 FY2025 earnings release on October 22, 2024, will provide more concrete financial data.
  • The board and management express confidence in their current strategy.

While this statement aims to reassure investors, it's important to note that it doesn't provide specific rebuttals to Fuzzy Panda's allegations. Investors should await the upcoming earnings release for more detailed financial information to make informed decisions.

This news represents a significant reputational challenge for Stride, Inc. (LRN). Short seller reports can often lead to increased scrutiny and potential stock price volatility, even if the allegations are unfounded. Here's what investors should consider:

  • Market Reaction: Watch for potential short-term stock price fluctuations as the market digests this information.
  • Upcoming Earnings: The October 22, 2024 earnings release will be important in providing concrete financial data to counter or support the allegations.
  • Regulatory Scrutiny: Such allegations may attract attention from regulators, potentially leading to increased compliance costs.
  • Investor Confidence: Monitor institutional investor behavior and analyst ratings in the coming weeks for shifts in sentiment.

While Stride's response is prompt, the lack of specific rebuttals to Fuzzy Panda's claims may leave some questions unanswered. Investors should approach this situation cautiously, balancing the company's track record against the potential risks highlighted by the short seller report.

RESTON, VA, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) today issued the following statement in response to a October 16 write up by Fuzzy Panda Research (“Fuzzy Panda”). Fuzzy Panda is a self-proclaimed short seller who stands to realize significant gains if the price of Stride’s stock price declines.

Fuzzy Panda’s claims are inaccurate and filled with innuendo in an attempt to mislead investors about Stride’s actual performance, financial reporting, leadership and future growth opportunities.

The successful execution of our strategy has delivered record results, as evidenced by Stride’s fiscal year-end 2024 performance. Importantly, in our conversations, numerous shareholders and sell-side analysts have expressed their confidence in the Company, our team, and the actions we are taking to drive Stride’s success.

We will provide an update on our progress when we release our first quarter fiscal 2025 financial results on October 22, 2024. The Company’s Board and management team are confident that we have the right plan in place to help learners of all ages reach their full potential and deliver enhanced shareholder value.

About Stride Inc.
Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) is redefining lifelong learning with innovative, high-quality education solutions. Serving learners in primary, secondary, and postsecondary settings, Stride provides a wide range of services including K-12 education, career learning, professional skills training, and talent development. Stride reaches learners in all 50 states and over 100 countries. Learn more at

Special Note on Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. We have tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “continues,” “likely,” “may,” “opportunity,” “potential,” “projects,” “will,” “will be,” “expects,” “plans,” “intends” and similar expressions to identify forward-looking statements, whether in the negative or the affirmative. These statements reflect our current beliefs and are based upon information currently available to us. Accordingly, such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause our actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, such statements. These risks, uncertainties, factors and contingencies include, but are not limited to: reduction of per pupil funding amounts at the schools we serve; inability to achieve a sufficient level of new enrollments to sustain our business model; limitations of the enrollment data we present, which may not fully capture trends in the performance of our business; failure to enter into new school contracts or renew existing contracts, in part or in their entirety; failure of the schools we serve or us to comply with federal, state and local regulations, resulting in a loss of funding, an obligation to repay funds previously received, or contractual remedies; governmental investigations that could result in fines, penalties, settlements, or injunctive relief; declines or variations in academic performance outcomes of the students and schools we serve as curriculum standards, testing programs and state accountability metrics evolve; harm to our reputation resulting from poor performance or misconduct by operators or us in any school in our industry and/or in any school in which we operate; legal and regulatory challenges from opponents of virtual public education or for-profit education companies; changes in national and local economic and business conditions and other factors, such as natural disasters, pandemics and outbreaks of contagious diseases and other adverse public health developments; discrepancies in interpretation of legislation by regulatory agencies that may lead to payment or funding disputes; termination of our contracts, or a reduction in the scope of services, with schools; failure to develop the Career Learning business; entry of new competitors with superior technologies and lower prices; unsuccessful integration of mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures; failure to further develop, maintain and enhance our technology, products, services and brands; inadequate recruiting, training and retention of effective teachers and employees; infringement of our intellectual property; disruptions to our Internet-based learning and delivery systems, including, but not limited to, our data storage systems and third-party cloud systems and facilities, resulting from cybersecurity attacks; misuse or unauthorized disclosure of student and personal data; failure to prevent or mitigate a cybersecurity incident that affects our systems; and risks related to artificial intelligence; and other risks and uncertainties associated with our business described in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that the expectations will be attained or that any deviation will not be material. All information in this press release is as of today’s date, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statement to actual results or changes in the Company’s expectations.


What allegations did Fuzzy Panda Research make against Stride (LRN)?

The press release does not provide specific details about Fuzzy Panda Research's allegations. Stride describes them as 'false and misleading' claims about the company's performance, financial reporting, leadership, and future growth opportunities.

How did Stride (LRN) respond to the short seller's allegations?

Stride responded by stating that Fuzzy Panda's claims are inaccurate and filled with innuendo. The company emphasized its record results for fiscal year 2024 and mentioned that shareholders and analysts have expressed confidence in the company's direction.

When will Stride (LRN) release its Q1 fiscal 2025 financial results?

Stride will release its first quarter fiscal 2025 financial results on October 22, 2024, providing an update on the company's progress.

What is Stride's (LRN) stance on its current business strategy?

Stride's Board and management team express confidence in their current plan, stating it will help learners reach their full potential and deliver enhanced shareholder value.

Stride, Inc.


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Education & Training Services
Services-educational Services
United States of America