Stride, Inc. Named Best EdTech Company by Global EdTech Awards

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Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) has been named the Best EdTech Company by the Global EdTech Awards, recognizing its pioneering efforts in accessible, personalized education solutions. This accolade highlights Stride's commitment to delivering flexible online learning experiences and career-centric education.

Stride's offerings include K12-powered schools with personalized education experiences, Stride Career Prep for high school students, and career development programs like Galvanize, Tech Elevator, and MedCerts for adult learners. The company has also recently received other notable awards, including 'Remote Learning Solution Provider of the Year' by EdTech Breakthrough and six Stevie awards for various innovative programs.

As a leading education company, Stride serves learners across primary, secondary, and postsecondary settings, providing a wide range of services in all 50 states and over 100 countries.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) è stata nominata Migliore Azienda EdTech dai Global EdTech Awards, riconoscendo i suoi sforzi pionieristici in soluzioni educative accessibili e personalizzate. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di Stride nel fornire esperienze di apprendimento online flessibili e un'educazione orientata alla carriera.

Le offerte di Stride includono scuole potenziate K12 con esperienze educative personalizzate, Stride Career Prep per studenti delle scuole superiori e programmi di sviluppo professionale come Galvanize, Tech Elevator e MedCerts per adulti. L'azienda ha anche recentemente ricevuto altri premi significativi, tra cui 'Fornitore della Soluzione di Apprendimento a Distantà dell'Anno' da EdTech Breakthrough e sei premi Stevie per vari programmi innovativi.

In quanto azienda leader nell'istruzione, Stride serve studenti in contesti primari, secondari e post-secondari, fornendo un'ampia gamma di servizi in tutti e 50 gli stati e in oltre 100 paesi.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) ha sido nombrada Mejor Empresa EdTech por los Global EdTech Awards, reconociendo sus esfuerzos pioneros en soluciones educativas accesibles y personalizadas. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso de Stride de proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje en línea flexibles y educación centrada en la carrera.

Las ofertas de Stride incluyen escuelas impulsadas por K12 con experiencias educativas personalizadas, Stride Career Prep para estudiantes de secundaria, y programas de desarrollo profesional como Galvanize, Tech Elevator y MedCerts para aprendices adultos. La compañía también ha recibido recientemente otros premios notables, incluyendo 'Proveedor de la Solución de Aprendizaje Remoto del Año' por EdTech Breakthrough y seis premios Stevie por varios programas innovadores.

Como una empresa educativa líder, Stride atiende a estudiantes en niveles primarios, secundarios y post-secundarios, proporcionando una amplia gama de servicios en los 50 estados y más de 100 países.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN)는 글로벌 EdTech 어워드에서 최고의 EdTech 회사로 선정되었습니다. 이는 접근 가능하고 개인화된 교육 솔루션에 대한 선구적인 노력을 인정받은 것입니다. 이 상은 유연한 온라인 학습 경험과 경력 중심의 교육 제공에 대한 Stride의 의지를 강조합니다.

Stride의 제공 사항에는 개인화된 교육 경험을 제공하는 K12 기반 학교, 고등학생을 위한 Stride Career Prep, 성인을 위한 Galvanize, Tech Elevator 및 MedCerts 등의 직업 개발 프로그램이 포함됩니다. 이 회사는 최근에 EdTech Breakthrough에서 '올해의 원격 학습 솔루션 제공업체'와 여러 혁신적인 프로그램에 대해 6개의 스티비 어워드를 수상했습니다.

교육 분야의 선두 기업으로서 Stride는 초등, 중등 및 고등 교육을 포함한 학습자를 지원하며, 모든 주와 100개 이상의 국가에서 다양한 서비스를 제공합니다.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) a été désignée Meilleure Entreprise EdTech par les Global EdTech Awards, reconnaissant ses efforts pionniers dans des solutions pédagogiques accessibles et personnalisées. Cette distinction souligne l'engagement de Stride à offrir des expériences d'apprentissage en ligne flexibles et une éducation axée sur la carrière.

Les offres de Stride incluent des écoles K12 avec des expériences éducatives personnalisées, Stride Career Prep pour les élèves du secondaire et des programmes de développement de carrière tels que Galvanize, Tech Elevator et MedCerts pour les apprenants adultes. L'entreprise a récemment reçu d'autres prix notables, y compris 'Fournisseur de la solution d'apprentissage à distance de l'année' par EdTech Breakthrough et six prix Stevie pour divers programmes innovants.

En tant qu'entreprise éducative de premier plan, Stride dessert des apprenants dans les contextes primaire, secondaire et postsecondaire, offrant une large gamme de services dans les 50 États et dans plus de 100 pays.

Stride, Inc. (NYSE: LRN) wurde von den Global EdTech Awards als Beste EdTech-Firma ausgezeichnet, was ihre pionierhaften Bemühungen um zugängliche, personalisierte Bildungslösungen anerkennt. Diese Auszeichnung hebt Strides Engagement hervor, flexible Online-Lernerfahrungen und karriereorientierte Bildung zu bieten.

Die Angebote von Stride umfassen K12-basierte Schulen mit personalisierten Bildungserfahrungen, Stride Career Prep für Oberschüler und berufliche Entwicklungsprogramme wie Galvanize, Tech Elevator und MedCerts für erwachsene Lernende. Das Unternehmen hat auch kürzlich weitere bedeutende Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter 'Remote Learning Solution Provider of the Year' von EdTech Breakthrough und sechs Stevie-Awards für verschiedene innovative Programme.

Als führendes Bildungsunternehmen betreut Stride Lernende in primären, sekundären und postsekundären Bildungseinrichtungen und bietet eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen in allen 50 Bundesstaaten und in über 100 Ländern an.

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Global EdTech recognizes the company for pioneering accessible, personalized education solutions

RESTON, Va., Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stride, Inc., one of the nation’s leading education companies, has been named the Best EdTech Company by the Global EdTech Awards. This recognition highlights Stride's commitment to delivering accessible, personalized, and career-centric virtual learning experiences. 

The Global EdTech Awards, dedicated to showcasing the exceptional efforts of educators and EdTech providers, aims to celebrate those who have made a significant impact in the field of education. Stride, Inc. stood out among its competitors, impressing the judges with its flexible online solutions and dedication to equipping students with tools to address the challenges of the future. 

Stride, Inc. has been at the forefront of the EdTech industry for decades, providing comprehensive online learning solutions that cater to the diverse needs of learners of all ages. Stride’s K12-powered schools offer personalized education experiences with a robust award-winning K–12 online curriculum, state-certified teachers, hands-on activities, and immersive experiences.

Through Stride Career Prep, project-based learning and real-world experiences teach high school students critical thinking and collaboration skills they need to prepare for a rapidly changing future. And Stride’s career development programs like Galvanize, Tech Elevator, and MedCerts give adult learners access to lifelong learning opportunities for upskilling and reimagining their future.

This award comes at the heels of Stride being named "Remote Learning Solution Provider of the Year" by EdTech Breakthrough and earning six Stevie awards for the virtual conference Promising Practices, the Stride Professional Development Center, Stride’s Innovative and Accessible Virtual Labs, and Stride’s Minecraft Education Worlds.

About Stride, Inc.
Stride Inc. (NYSE: LRN) is redefining lifelong learning with innovative, high-quality education solutions. Serving learners in primary, secondary, and postsecondary settings, Stride provides a wide range of services including K-12 education, career learning, professional skills training, and talent development. Stride reaches learners in all 50 states and over 100 countries. Learn more at


What award did Stride, Inc. (LRN) receive from Global EdTech Awards in 2024?

Stride, Inc. (LRN) was named the Best EdTech Company by the Global EdTech Awards in 2024.

What educational services does Stride, Inc. (LRN) offer?

Stride, Inc. (LRN) offers K12-powered schools with personalized education experiences, Stride Career Prep for high school students, and career development programs like Galvanize, Tech Elevator, and MedCerts for adult learners.

How many countries does Stride, Inc. (LRN) serve?

Stride, Inc. (LRN) reaches learners in all 50 U.S. states and over 100 countries worldwide.

What other recent awards has Stride, Inc. (LRN) received?

Stride, Inc. (LRN) was named 'Remote Learning Solution Provider of the Year' by EdTech Breakthrough and earned six Stevie awards for various innovative programs and solutions.

What is Stride, Inc.'s (LRN) stock symbol?

Stride, Inc.'s stock symbol is LRN, and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Stride, Inc.


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Education & Training Services
Services-educational Services
United States of America