K12 Tutoring Partners with Lake Forest School District to Provide High-Impact Tutoring After Tutoring Provider Closure
K12 Tutoring has formed a strategic partnership with Lake Forest School District in Delaware to provide high-impact tutoring services, following the unexpected closure of the district's previous tutoring provider. The collaboration ensures continuity of essential academic support for students.
The district, which has maintained a four-year track record of providing tutoring services based on benchmark assessment data, faced disruption to their prepared initiatives including data analysis, student selection, and family communications. K12 Tutoring's solution features state-certified educators who develop personalized learning plans, offering both advanced instruction and targeted support.
The platform provides flexibility in scheduling sessions, making it accessible for families. James Dick, Chief Academic Officer of Lake Forest School District, emphasized the critical nature of finding a quick alternative, while Jennifer Moore, General Manager of K12 Tutoring, highlighted the company's commitment to helping schools close achievement gaps through consistent, targeted academic support.
K12 Tutoring ha stretto una partnership strategica con il Distretto Scolastico di Lake Forest nel Delaware per fornire servizi di tutoraggio ad alto impatto, a seguito della chiusura inaspettata del precedente fornitore di tutoraggio del distretto. La collaborazione garantisce la continuità del supporto accademico essenziale per gli studenti.
Il distretto, che ha mantenuto un record di quattro anni nella fornitura di servizi di tutoraggio basati su dati di valutazione di riferimento, ha affrontato interruzioni nelle loro iniziative programmate, inclusi analisi dei dati, selezione degli studenti e comunicazioni con le famiglie. La soluzione di K12 Tutoring presenta educatori certificati dallo stato che sviluppano piani di apprendimento personalizzati, offrendo sia istruzione avanzata che supporto mirato.
La piattaforma offre flessibilità nella programmazione delle sessioni, rendendola accessibile per le famiglie. James Dick, Direttore Accademico del Distretto Scolastico di Lake Forest, ha sottolineato l'importanza critica di trovare rapidamente un'alternativa, mentre Jennifer Moore, Direttore Generale di K12 Tutoring, ha evidenziato l'impegno dell'azienda nell'aiutare le scuole a colmare i divari di rendimento attraverso un supporto accademico costante e mirato.
K12 Tutoring ha formado una asociación estratégica con el Distrito Escolar de Lake Forest en Delaware para proporcionar servicios de tutoría de alto impacto, tras el cierre inesperado del proveedor anterior de tutoría del distrito. La colaboración asegura la continuidad del apoyo académico esencial para los estudiantes.
El distrito, que ha mantenido un historial de cuatro años en la prestación de servicios de tutoría basados en datos de evaluación de referencia, enfrentó interrupciones en sus iniciativas preparadas, incluyendo análisis de datos, selección de estudiantes y comunicaciones familiares. La solución de K12 Tutoring cuenta con educadores certificados por el estado que desarrollan planes de aprendizaje personalizados, ofreciendo tanto instrucción avanzada como apoyo específico.
La plataforma ofrece flexibilidad en la programación de sesiones, haciéndola accesible para las familias. James Dick, Director Académico del Distrito Escolar de Lake Forest, enfatizó la naturaleza crítica de encontrar una alternativa rápida, mientras que Jennifer Moore, Gerente General de K12 Tutoring, destacó el compromiso de la empresa para ayudar a las escuelas a cerrar las brechas de rendimiento a través de un apoyo académico constante y específico.
K12 Tutoring는 델라웨어의 레이크 포레스트 학군과 전략적 파트너십을 체결하여 학군의 이전 튜터링 제공자의 예상치 못한 폐쇄에 따라 고-impact 튜터링 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 학생들에게 필수적인 학업 지원의 연속성을 보장합니다.
이 학군은 기준 평가 데이터에 기반한 튜터링 서비스를 제공한 4년의 기록을 유지해왔으나, 데이터 분석, 학생 선발 및 가족 커뮤니케이션을 포함한 준비된 이니셔티브에 중단이 발생했습니다. K12 Tutoring의 솔루션은 개인화된 학습 계획을 개발하는 주 인증 교육자를 특징으로 하며, 고급 교육과 목표 지원을 제공합니다.
이 플랫폼은 세션 일정을 유연하게 조정할 수 있어 가족들이 접근할 수 있습니다. 레이크 포레스트 학군의 학술 책임자인 제임스 딕은 빠른 대안을 찾는 것이 얼마나 중요한지를 강조했으며, K12 Tutoring의 제너럴 매니저인 제니퍼 무어는 일관되고 목표 지향적인 학업 지원을 통해 학교들이 성취 격차를 해소하는 데 도움을 주겠다는 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다.
K12 Tutoring a formé un partenariat stratégique avec le District Scolaire de Lake Forest dans le Delaware pour fournir des services de tutorat à fort impact, suite à la fermeture inattendue du précédent fournisseur de tutorat du district. Cette collaboration garantit la continuité d'un soutien académique essentiel pour les élèves.
Le district, qui a maintenu un bilan de quatre ans dans la fourniture de services de tutorat basés sur des données d'évaluation de référence, a rencontré des perturbations dans ses initiatives préparées, y compris l'analyse des données, la sélection des élèves et la communication avec les familles. La solution de K12 Tutoring comprend des éducateurs certifiés par l'État qui élaborent des plans d'apprentissage personnalisés, offrant à la fois un enseignement avancé et un soutien ciblé.
La plateforme offre une flexibilité dans la planification des sessions, ce qui la rend accessible aux familles. James Dick, Responsable Académique du District Scolaire de Lake Forest, a souligné l'importance cruciale de trouver rapidement une alternative, tandis que Jennifer Moore, Directrice Générale de K12 Tutoring, a mis en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise à aider les écoles à réduire les écarts de réussite grâce à un soutien académique constant et ciblé.
K12 Tutoring hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit dem Lake Forest School District in Delaware gebildet, um nach der unerwarteten Schließung des vorherigen Tutorenanbieters des Distrikts hochwirksame Nachhilfeangebote bereitzustellen. Die Zusammenarbeit gewährleistet die Kontinuität der wesentlichen akademischen Unterstützung für die Schüler.
Der Distrikt, der eine vierjährige Erfolgsbilanz bei der Bereitstellung von Nachhilfediensten auf der Grundlage von Benchmark-Bewertungsdaten hat, sah sich Störungen seiner vorbereiteten Initiativen, einschließlich Datenanalyse, Schülerauswahl und Familienkommunikation, gegenüber. Die Lösung von K12 Tutoring umfasst staatlich zertifizierte Lehrkräfte, die personalisierte Lernpläne entwickeln und sowohl fortgeschrittenen Unterricht als auch gezielte Unterstützung anbieten.
Die Plattform bietet Flexibilität bei der Terminplanung von Sitzungen, was sie für Familien zugänglich macht. James Dick, Akademischer Direktor des Lake Forest School District, betonte die kritische Bedeutung der schnellen Suche nach einer Alternative, während Jennifer Moore, Geschäftsführerin von K12 Tutoring, das Engagement des Unternehmens hervorhob, Schulen bei der Schließung von Leistungslücken durch konsistente, gezielte akademische Unterstützung zu helfen.
- Strategic expansion into new school district market
- Demonstrates ability to quickly implement solutions and capture market share from failed competitors
- Secured contract with established district program running for 4 years
- None.
Offering accessible, personalized solutions, K12 Tutoring fills a critical gap for Lake Forest students
RESTON, Va., March 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- K12 Tutoring, a personalized, online tutoring service has partnered with Lake Forest School District in Delaware to ensure students continue receiving high-impact tutoring following the sudden closure of their former tutoring provider. This collaboration reflects K12 Tutoring’s commitment to delivering innovative, tailored educational solutions that empower students to reach their full potential.
For the past four years, Lake Forest School District has provided high-impact tutoring to students throughout the academic year and summer, using benchmark assessment data to drive targeted support. However, the abrupt shutdown of their tutoring provider disrupted months of preparation, including data analysis, student selection, and communication with families.
“The unexpected closure of our tutoring provider left us in a challenging position,” said James Dick, Chief Academic Officer of Lake Forest School District. “We had already allocated funds and carefully planned our tutoring initiatives, so finding an alternative provider quickly was critical. K12 Tutoring stepped in at the right moment, offering a seamless transition and ensuring that our students continue receiving the support they need.”
K12 Tutoring's tutors are state-certified educators who craft personalized learning plans to meet each student's unique needs. They offer advanced instruction for high achievers and targeted support for students who need additional academic reinforcement. The platform’s flexibility allows educators and families to schedule sessions at convenient times and locations, making it an accessible and practical solution for busy households.
“When we learned about the challenges Lake Forest School District was facing, we knew we could help,” said Jennifer Moore, General Manager of K12 Tutoring. “High-impact tutoring is a research-backed way to help schools close achievement gaps among their students by providing consistent, targeted help to students with individual learning needs. By stepping in to continue the district’s tutoring program, we’re ensuring that students don’t lose access to critical academic support.”
With this partnership, Lake Forest School District reaffirms its dedication to providing high-quality learning opportunities, while K12 Tutoring continues its mission of helping students not only succeed but thrive academically.
For more information about K12 Tutoring, visit k12tutoringforschools.com.
About K12 Tutoring
K12 Tutoring provides high-quality, flexible, and convenient online tutoring services designed to support every student’s academic journey. With state-certified tutors, personalized learning plans, and a broad range of subject offerings, K12 Tutoring helps students excel—whether they’re seeking advanced instruction or extra academic support. K12 is a portfolio brand of Stride, Inc.
About Stride, Inc.
Stride Inc. (NYSE: LRN) is redefining lifelong learning with innovative, high-quality education solutions. Serving learners in primary, secondary, and postsecondary settings, Stride provides a wide range of services including K-12 education, career learning, professional skills training, and talent development. Stride reaches learners in all 50 states and over 100 countries. Learn more at Stridelearning.com.

Tatyana White-Jenkins Stride Inc. press@k12.com