LP Building Solutions Expands Commitment to Workforce Development Through Support of ForestryWorks®

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LP Building Solutions has expanded its partnership with the Forest Workforce Training Institute to support the ForestryWorks® program. This collaboration aims to address the workforce shortage in the forestry industry by attracting and cultivating diverse talent in manufacturing, forestry, and construction trades. The program, active in 10 states, provides education, career promotion, and hands-on training.

LP's commitment aligns with National Forest Products Week, celebrating sustainable forests and innovative research. The company's Natural Resources Manager, Tim Thornhill, received the 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award for his leadership. LP's support extends to other initiatives, including partnerships with the Manufacturing Institute, National Society of Black Engineers, and Vancouver Island University's training programs for Indigenous Peoples and Women in Trades.

LP Building Solutions ha ampliato la sua partnership con il Forest Workforce Training Institute per supportare il programma ForestryWorks®. Questa collaborazione mira a affrontare la carenza di forza lavoro nel settore forestale attirando e coltivando talenti diversi nei settori della produzione, silvicoltura e costruzione. Il programma, attivo in 10 stati, offre educazione, promozione professionale e formazione pratica.

L'impegno di LP è in linea con la National Forest Products Week, che celebra le foreste sostenibili e la ricerca innovativa. Il responsabile delle risorse naturali dell'azienda, Tim Thornhill, ha ricevuto il 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award per la sua leadership. Il supporto di LP si estende ad altre iniziative, incluse le partnership con il Manufacturing Institute, la National Society of Black Engineers e i programmi di formazione della Vancouver Island University per le popolazioni indigene e le donne nei mestieri.

LP Building Solutions ha expandido su alianza con el Forest Workforce Training Institute para apoyar el programa ForestryWorks®. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo abordar la escasez de mano de obra en la industria forestal atrayendo y cultivando talento diverso en la manufactura, la silvicultura y los oficios de construcción. El programa, activo en 10 estados, proporciona educación, promoción de carreras y capacitación práctica.

El compromiso de LP se alinea con la National Forest Products Week, que celebra los bosques sostenibles y la investigación innovadora. El gerente de recursos naturales de la empresa, Tim Thornhill, recibió el 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award por su liderazgo. El apoyo de LP se extiende a otras iniciativas, incluidas las alianzas con el Manufacturing Institute, la National Society of Black Engineers y los programas de capacitación de la Universidad de Vancouver Island para las comunidades indígenas y mujeres en oficios.

LP 빌딩 솔루션은 Forest Workforce Training Institute와의 파트너십을 확장하여 ForestryWorks® 프로그램을 지원합니다. 이 협력의 목적은 산림 산업의 인력 부족 문제를 해결하는 것으로, 제조업, 임업 및 건설 분야의 다양한 인재를 유치하고 양성하는 것입니다. 이 프로그램은 10개 주에서 운영되며, 교육, 경력 확대 및 실습 훈련을 제공합니다.

LP의 노력은 지속 가능한 숲과 혁신적인 연구를 기념하는 National Forest Products Week와 일치합니다. 회사의 자연 자원 관리자 Tim Thornhill는 그의 리더십으로 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award를 수상했습니다. LP의 지원은 Manufacturing Institute, National Society of Black Engineers 및 원주민과 여성 대상의 훈련 프로그램을 포함한 다른 이니셔티브로 확장됩니다.

LP Building Solutions a élargi son partenariat avec le Forest Workforce Training Institute pour soutenir le programme ForestryWorks®. Cette collaboration vise à répondre à la pénurie de main-d'œuvre dans l'industrie forestière en attirant et en développant des talents diversifiés dans les secteurs de la fabrication, de la sylviculture et des métiers du bâtiment. Le programme, actif dans 10 États, propose une éducation, une promotion de carrière et une formation pratique.

L'engagement de LP s'aligne avec la National Forest Products Week, qui célèbre les forêts durables et la recherche innovante. Le responsable des ressources naturelles de l'entreprise, Tim Thornhill, a reçu le 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award pour son leadership. Le soutien de LP s'étend à d'autres initiatives, y compris des partenariats avec le Manufacturing Institute, la National Society of Black Engineers et les programmes de formation de l'Université de Vancouver Island pour les peuples autochtones et les femmes dans les métiers.

LP Building Solutions hat seine Partnerschaft mit dem Forest Workforce Training Institute erweitert, um das ForestryWorks®-Programm zu unterstützen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, den Fachkräftemangel in der Forstwirtschaft anzugehen und vielfältige Talente in der Fertigung, Forstwirtschaft und im Bauwesen zu gewinnen und zu fördern. Das Programm, das in 10 Bundesstaaten aktiv ist, bietet Bildung, Karriereförderung und praxisnahe Ausbildung.

Das Engagement von LP steht im Einklang mit der National Forest Products Week, die nachhaltige Wälder und innovative Forschung feiert. Der Manager für natürliche Ressourcen des Unternehmens, Tim Thornhill, erhielt den 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award für seine Führungsqualitäten. Die Unterstützung von LP reicht auch auf andere Initiativen, einschließlich Partnerschaften mit dem Manufacturing Institute, der National Society of Black Engineers und den Schulungsprogrammen der Vancouver Island University für indigene Völker und Frauen in Handwerksberufen.

  • Expansion of workforce development initiatives in forestry and manufacturing
  • Active involvement in addressing industry-wide workforce shortages
  • Recognition of LP's leadership through the ForestryWorks® Legacy Award
  • None.

Partnership aims to attract and cultivate the next generation of diverse tradespeople in forestry and manufacturing

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- LP Building Solutions (LP), a leading manufacturer of high-performance building products, today announced the expansion of its partnership with the Forest Workforce Training Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to developing a skilled workforce for the nation's forestry and forest products industries. Through this collaboration, LP will continue to support the Institute’s ForestryWorks® program, highlighting its commitment to cultivating diverse talent, particularly in the fields of manufacturing, forestry, and construction trades.

The partnership aims to attract and cultivate the next generation of diverse tradespeople in forestry and manufacturing (Photo: Business Wire)

The partnership aims to attract and cultivate the next generation of diverse tradespeople in forestry and manufacturing (Photo: Business Wire)

“We are proud to support ForestryWorks® in addressing the critical workforce shortage in the nation’s forestry industry,” said LP Chair and CEO Brad Southern. “At LP, we’re deeply committed to sustainable forestry practices and workforce development. This partnership reflects our dedication to building a more sustainable future by empowering the next generation of foresters and tradespeople.”

Launched in 2018 with LP’s direct involvement, ForestryWorks® is a workforce development initiative designed to ensure a steady supply of skilled workers for the forestry industry through education, career promotion, and hands-on training. Currently active in 10 states, the program is expanding rapidly to meet the growing demand for qualified professionals.

“LP played a vital role in the creation of ForestryWorks® to address workforce needs in the Southern U.S. and has been instrumental in the expansion of ForestryWorks® programs across the country,” said Forest Workforce Training Institute President and CEO Chris Isaacson. “We are grateful for this partnership and look forward to continuing to work with LP to grow the forest industry’s future workforce.”

This expanded partnership coincides with National Forest Products Week, observed during the third week of October. The annual event provides a platform to celebrate sustainable forests, innovative research in forest products, and the diverse range of goods derived from U.S. forests.

LP Natural Resources Manager Tim Thornhill, who chairs the Board of the Forest Workforce Training Institute, was recently honored with the 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award at the Alabama Forestry Association’s Annual Meeting for his exceptional leadership.

“As a nearly 45-year veteran of the forestry industry, I am deeply committed to preparing the next generation for the future of sustainable forestry,” Thornhill said. “I am proud of LP’s role in expanding the ForestryWorks® program beyond the Southern U.S. into the Lake States. It’s work I’m passionate about, and while receiving the Legacy Award was a tremendous honor, the true reward is seeing the impact of this remarkable program.”

LP’s support of ForestryWorks® is part of a broader effort to cultivate future talent in the manufacturing and forest products industries. In addition to this program, LP is in its second year of partnering with the Manufacturing Institute’s Women and Heroes MAKE America initiatives, which aim to reduce the gender gap in manufacturing and attract military veterans to the field. The company also collaborates with the National Society of Black Engineers, providing annual scholarships to engineering students, and works with the National Association of Black Accountants. LP is also in its third year of funding Vancouver Island University’s Indigenous Peoples in Trades Training and Women in Trades Training programs and actively participates in the National Association of Manufacturers’ Manufacturing Day to inspire and engage the next generation of talent.

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About LP Building Solutions

As a leader in high-performance building solutions, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP Building Solutions, NYSE: LPX) manufactures engineered wood products that meet the demands of builders, remodelers and homeowners worldwide. LP’s extensive portfolio of innovative and dependable products includes Siding Solutions (LP® SmartSide® Trim & Siding, LP® SmartSide® ExpertFinish® Trim & Siding, LP BuilderSeries® Lap Siding and LP® Outdoor Building Solutions®), LP® Structural Solutions (LP® TechShield® Radiant Barrier, LP WeatherLogic® Air & Water Barrier, LP Legacy® Premium Sub-Flooring, LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated Sheathing, LP NovaCore® Thermal Insulated Sheathing and LP® TopNotch® 350 Durable Sub-Flooring) and oriented strand board (OSB). In addition to product solutions, LP provides industry-leading customer service and warranties. Since its founding in 1972, LP has been Building a Better World™ by helping customers construct beautiful, durable homes while shareholders build lasting value. Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, LP operates 22 plants across the U.S., Canada, Chile and Brazil. For more information, visit

About ForestryWorks®

The Forest Workforce Training Institute (FWTI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation established in 2018 to develop a pipeline of workers for the forest industry. ForestryWorks® is FWTI’s workforce development initiative created to recruit a sustainable supply of qualified workers for the forest industry through forestry education, career promotion, and training solutions. ForestryWorks® partners with a network of state forestry associations, councils, educational organizations, and government agencies to implement workforce development programming unique to the needs of the forest industry in each state. ForestryWorks® currently delivers programming in nine states including Alabama, Arkansas, California, Kentucky, Mississippi, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. For more information, visit

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Source: LP Building Solutions


What is LP Building Solutions' recent partnership expansion for workforce development?

LP Building Solutions has expanded its partnership with the Forest Workforce Training Institute to support the ForestryWorks® program, which aims to attract and cultivate diverse talent in forestry, manufacturing, and construction trades.

How many states is the ForestryWorks® program currently active in?

The ForestryWorks® program is currently active in 10 states and is expanding rapidly to meet the growing demand for qualified professionals in the forestry industry.

What award did LP's Natural Resources Manager Tim Thornhill receive in 2024?

Tim Thornhill, LP's Natural Resources Manager, received the 2024 ForestryWorks® Legacy Award at the Alabama Forestry Association's Annual Meeting for his exceptional leadership.

What other workforce development initiatives does LP Building Solutions (LPX) support?

LP Building Solutions supports the Manufacturing Institute's Women and Heroes MAKE America initiatives, provides scholarships through the National Society of Black Engineers, works with the National Association of Black Accountants, and funds Indigenous Peoples and Women in Trades Training programs at Vancouver Island University.

Louisiana-Pacific Corp.


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