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CBL Properties (OTCMKTS:CBLAQ) announced new appointments to its Board of Directors following its emergence from Chapter 11 on November 1st. Jonathan Heller, who joined on October 15, will serve as Chairman, with Stephen Lebovitz and Charles Lebovitz remaining on the Board. Five new directors are added: Marjorie Bowen, David Contis, David Fields, Robert Gifford, and Kaj Vazales. CEO Stephen Lebovitz highlighted the diverse experiences of the new directors as a significant asset for CBL’s growth and success.
Prologis, Inc. (NYSE: PLD) has announced the tax treatment details for the 2020 distributions from Liberty Property Trust (NYSE: LPT) following its all-stock acquisition valued at $13 billion. Liberty common shares were converted to Prologis stock, and dividends from 2020 onwards will be based on Prologis shares. The 2020 quarterly dividend was set at $0.41 per share, with payment made in January 2020. Shareholders can find comprehensive tax information on the Prologis website.