Rich Steinmeier Named Chief Executive Officer of LPL Financial; Elected to Board of Directors

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LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) has announced key leadership changes. Rich Steinmeier has been confirmed as Chief Executive Officer and elected to the Board of Directors. Matt Audette has been named President and Chief Financial Officer, expanding his previous role. These appointments are effective immediately.

Steinmeier, who had been interim CEO since October 1, has been recognized for his valuable contributions and trusted relationships with clients and employees. Under his leadership, LPL's organic growth rate has more than doubled since he joined in 2018. The Board expressed confidence that LPL's high performance and commitment to serving clients will continue to build stakeholder value under Steinmeier's leadership as CEO and Audette's expanded role as President.

Both Steinmeier and Audette emphasized their commitment to elevating service to clients, providing rewarding careers for employees, and building on LPL's momentum as one of the fastest-growing companies in wealth management.

LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) ha annunciato importanti cambiamenti nella leadership. Rich Steinmeier è stato confermato come Amministratore Delegato e eletto nel Consiglio di Amministrazione. Matt Audette è stato nominato Presidente e Direttore Finanziario, ampliando il suo precedente ruolo. Queste nomine sono immediatamente efficaci.

Steinmeier, che era stato CEO ad interim dal 1° ottobre, è stato riconosciuto per i suoi preziosi contributi e relazioni di fiducia con clienti e dipendenti. Sotto la sua leadership, il tasso di crescita organica di LPL è più che raddoppiato da quando è entrato nel 2018. Il Consiglio ha espresso fiducia nel fatto che le elevate prestazioni di LPL e l'impegno a servire i clienti continueranno a creare valore per gli stakeholder sotto la leadership di Steinmeier come CEO e il ruolo ampliato di Audette come Presidente.

Sia Steinmeier che Audette hanno sottolineato il loro impegno a elevare il servizio ai clienti, offrire carriere gratificanti per i dipendenti e costruire sul slancio di LPL come una delle aziende a più rapida crescita nella gestione patrimoniale.

LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) ha anunciado cambios clave en la dirección. Rich Steinmeier ha sido confirmado como Director Ejecutivo y elegido para la Junta Directiva. Matt Audette ha sido nombrado Presidente y Director Financiero, ampliando su rol anterior. Estas designaciones son efectivas de inmediato.

Steinmeier, quien había sido CEO interino desde el 1 de octubre, ha sido reconocido por sus valiosas contribuciones y relaciones de confianza con clientes y empleados. Bajo su liderazgo, la tasa de crecimiento orgánico de LPL se ha más que duplicado desde que se unió en 2018. La Junta expresó su confianza en que el alto rendimiento de LPL y su compromiso con el servicio a los clientes continuarán generando valor para los interesados bajo el liderazgo de Steinmeier como CEO y el rol ampliado de Audette como Presidente.

Tanto Steinmeier como Audette enfatizaron su compromiso de elevar el servicio al cliente, proporcionar carreras gratificantes para los empleados y construir sobre el impulso de LPL como una de las empresas de más rápido crecimiento en la gestión de patrimonio.

LPL 금융 홀딩스 주식회사 (Nasdaq: LPLA)가 주요 리더십 변경 사항을 발표했습니다. Rich Steinmeier가 최고 경영자로 선임되고 이사회에 선출되었습니다. Matt Audette는 사장 및 최고 재무 책임자로 임명되어 이전 역할이 확대되었습니다. 이러한 임명은 즉시 시행됩니다.

Steinmeier는 10월 1일부터 임시 CEO로 재직해 오면서 귀중한 기여와 고객 및 직원들과의 신뢰 관계로 인정받았습니다. 그의 리더십 아래 LPL의 유기적 성장률은 그가 2018년에 합류한 이후 두 배 이상 증가했습니다. 이사회는 Steinmeier가 CEO로 재직하며 Audette가 사장으로서 확대된 역할을 통해 LPL의 높은 성과와 고객 서비스에 대한 헌신이 이해관계자 가치를 지속적으로 높일 것이라고 확신했습니다.

Steinmeier와 Audette는 고객 서비스 향상, 직원들에게 보람 있는 경력 제공, 그리고 LPL이 자산 관리 분야에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 기업 중 하나로서의 모멘텀을 계속 이어가겠다는 약속을 강조했습니다.

LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) a annoncé des changements clés au sein de la direction. Rich Steinmeier a été confirmé en tant que Directeur Général et élu au Conseil d'Administration. Matt Audette a été nommé Président et Directeur Financier, élargissant son rôle précédent. Ces nominations prennent effet immédiatement.

Steinmeier, qui était CEO par intérim depuis le 1er octobre, a été reconnu pour ses contributions précieuses et ses relations de confiance avec les clients et les employés. Sous sa direction, le taux de croissance organique de LPL a plus que doublé depuis qu'il a rejoint l'entreprise en 2018. Le Conseil a exprimé sa confiance dans le fait que les performances élevées de LPL et son engagement à servir les clients continueront à générer de la valeur pour les parties prenantes sous la direction de Steinmeier en tant que CEO et le rôle élargi d'Audette en tant que Président.

Steinmeier et Audette ont tous deux souligné leur engagement à améliorer le service client, à offrir des carrières enrichissantes aux employés, et à renforcer l'élan de LPL en tant que l'une des entreprises à la croissance la plus rapide dans la gestion de patrimoine.

LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) hat wichtige Änderungen in der Führung angekündigt. Rich Steinmeier wurde als Chief Executive Officer bestätigt und in den Vorstand gewählt. Matt Audette wurde zum Präsidenten und Chief Financial Officer ernannt, womit seine frühere Rolle erweitert wurde. Diese Ernennungen treten sofort in Kraft.

Steinmeier, der seit dem 1. Oktober als interimistischer CEO fungierte, wurde für seine wertvollen Beiträge und vertrauensvollen Beziehungen zu Kunden und Mitarbeitern anerkannt. Unter seiner Leitung hat sich die organische Wachstumsrate von LPL seit seinem Eintritt im Jahr 2018 mehr als verdoppelt. Der Vorstand äußerte Vertrauen, dass die hohe Leistung von LPL und das Engagement für die Kunden weiterhin Wert für die Stakeholder schaffen werden, unter der Führung von Steinmeier als CEO und Audettes erweiterten Rolle als Präsident.

Sowohl Steinmeier als auch Audette betonten ihr Engagement, den Kundenservice zu verbessern, lohnende Karrieren für Mitarbeiter zu bieten und den Schwung von LPL als eines der am schnellsten wachsenden Unternehmen im Vermögensmanagement auszubauen.

  • Rich Steinmeier confirmed as CEO, bringing continuity and proven leadership
  • Matt Audette's role expanded to President and CFO, strengthening the executive team
  • LPL's organic growth rate has more than doubled since Steinmeier joined in 2018
  • Board expresses confidence in the new leadership team's ability to build stakeholder value
  • Company positioned as one of the fastest-growing in wealth management
  • None.

Matt Audette Named President; Expands Current CFO Role

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) today announced that the Board of Directors has confirmed Rich Steinmeier as Chief Executive Officer. Steinmeier, who had been interim CEO since October 1, was also elected a member of the Board.  

In addition, the Board named Matt Audette as President and Chief Financial Officer, expanding his previous role as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Business Operations. The appointments are effective immediately.  

“LPL is fortunate to benefit from an exceptionally strong team with leaders who have a clear vision for the continued success of the business,” said Jim Putnam, chair of the LPL Financial Board of Directors.  

“Rich’s appointment to CEO, which reflects the Board’s succession plan, is a testament to the valuable contributions he has made during his tenure with LPL and the trusted relationships he has established with clients and employees,” added Putnam, noting that LPL’s organic growth rate has more than doubled since Rich joined the company in 2018 to lead its growth initiatives. “With Rich as CEO and Matt in his expanded role as President, the Board is confident that LPL’s trajectory of high performance and its steadfast commitment to serving clients will continue to build stakeholder value.” 

“The success of LPL is shaped by the clear-eyed view from our talented team that all Americans deserve access to sound financial advice. It is an incredible honor to lead the company that delivers on this purpose,” said Steinmeier. “I’m fortunate to collaborate with Matt and our leadership team to elevate our service to clients, provide rewarding careers for our people, and to build on our momentum as one of the fastest growing companies in wealth management.” 

“We’re operating from a position of strength with a leadership team that is sharply focused on supporting our clients’ success through innovative solutions,” said Audette. “I look forward to continuing my partnership with Rich as we expand on our leading position in the advisor-centered marketplace and enhance value for all the stakeholders we serve.” 

About Rich Steinmeier  

Steinmeier, 50, was appointed LPL Financial’s interim CEO on October 1, 2024. He previously served as Managing Director, Chief Growth Officer and, prior to that, as Divisional President, Business Strategy and Growth. As Chief Growth Officer, he led teams responsible for shaping corporate and business line strategy, recruiting new financial advisors and institutions, leading the field management of LPL employee advisors, creating and deploying capital solutions to LPL clients, and leading the marketing and communications functions. 

Before joining LPL in 2018, Steinmeier held senior leadership roles at UBS Financial and Merrill Lynch as well as working as a consultant for McKinsey & Company. Steinmeier earned a B.S. in economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. from Stanford University. 

About Matt Audette 

Audette, 50, joined LPL Financial as Chief Financial Officer in 2015 and assumed responsibility for the firm’s business operations in 2023. Audette is responsible for the firm’s financial, risk, compliance and client operations functions. In addition, he oversees the teams responsible for delivering increased operational speed and transparency, along with continued strong risk management, to advisors and institutions. Over Audette’s tenure, he has contributed to the firm’s continued growth and profitability by leading corporate acquisitions, debt transactions, the client deposit portfolio, expense management, and capital allocation. 

Prior to joining LPL, Audette served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of E*TRADE Financial Corporation. Audette earned a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Virginia Tech. 

About LPL Financial  

LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) was founded on the principle that the firm should work for advisors and institutions, and not the other way around. Today, LPL is a leader in the markets we serve, serving more than 23,000 financial advisors, including advisors at approximately 1,000 institutions and at approximately 580 registered investment advisor firms nationwide. We are steadfast in our commitment to the advisor-mediated model and the belief that Americans deserve access to personalized guidance from a financial professional. At LPL, independence means that advisors and institution leaders have the freedom they deserve to choose the business model, services and technology resources that allow them to run a thriving business. They have the flexibility to do business theirway. And they have the freedom to manage their client relationships, because they know their clients best. Simply put, we take care of our advisors and institutions, so they can take care of their clients. 

Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial LLC (“LPL Financial”), a registered investment advisor.Member FINRA/SIPC. LPL Financial and its affiliated companies provide financial services only from the United States. 

Throughout this communication, the terms “financial advisors” and “advisors” are used to refer to registered representatives and/or investment advisor representatives affiliated with LPL Financial. We routinely disclose information that may be important to shareholders in the “Investor Relations” or “Press Releases” section of our website. 

Media Contact 
Jen Roche 


Who is the new CEO of LPL Financial (LPLA)?

Rich Steinmeier has been confirmed as the new Chief Executive Officer of LPL Financial (LPLA).

When did Rich Steinmeier become the CEO of LPL Financial (LPLA)?

Rich Steinmeier was confirmed as CEO of LPL Financial (LPLA) on October 21, 2024, after serving as interim CEO since October 1, 2024.

What new role has Matt Audette taken at LPL Financial (LPLA)?

Matt Audette has been named President and Chief Financial Officer of LPL Financial (LPLA), expanding his previous role as CFO and Head of Business Operations.

How has LPL Financial's (LPLA) growth changed since Rich Steinmeier joined the company?

LPL Financial's (LPLA) organic growth rate has more than doubled since Rich Steinmeier joined the company in 2018 to lead its growth initiatives.

Has Rich Steinmeier been added to LPL Financial's (LPLA) Board of Directors?

Yes, Rich Steinmeier has been elected as a member of LPL Financial's (LPLA) Board of Directors.

LPL Financial Holdings Inc.


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