LPL Financial Welcomes Eight Financial Advisors in Florida

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LPL Financial announced that a group of eight financial advisors from St. Petersburg, Florida, have joined their broker-dealer, RIA, and custodial platforms. The advisors, Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser, and Mark Wolf, along with registered assistant Logan Wolf, transitioned from Raymond James, bringing approximately $450 million in advisory and brokerage assets.

The move was motivated by a desire to better serve clients and gain more control over their future. LPL's flexible platform and customizable solutions were key factors in their decision. The advisors will now have access to a wide range of innovative capabilities, strategic resources, and an expanded suite of products to enhance client experiences.

Scott Posner, LPL Executive Vice President of Business Development, welcomed the group and emphasized LPL's commitment to providing powerful capabilities, innovative technology, and robust business solutions to support their long-term growth and success.

LPL Financial ha annunciato che un gruppo di otto consulenti finanziari di St. Petersburg, Florida, si è unito alle loro piattaforme di broker-dealer, RIA e custodia. I consulenti, Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser e Mark Wolf, insieme all'assistente registrato Logan Wolf, sono passati da Raymond James, portando circa 450 milioni di dollari in asset di consulenza e intermediazione.

La decisione è stata motivata dal desiderio di servire meglio i clienti e ottenere maggiore controllo sul loro futuro. La piattaforma flessibile di LPL e le soluzioni personalizzabili sono stati fattori chiave nella loro scelta. I consulenti ora avranno accesso a una vasta gamma di capacità innovative, risorse strategiche e una suite ampliata di prodotti per migliorare l'esperienza dei clienti.

Scott Posner, Vicepresidente Esecutivo dello Sviluppo Aziendale di LPL, ha accolto il gruppo e ha enfatizzato l'impegno di LPL nel fornire capacità potenti, tecnologia innovativa e solide soluzioni aziendali per supportare la loro crescita e successo a lungo termine.

LPL Financial anunció que un grupo de ocho asesores financieros de St. Petersburg, Florida, se ha unido a sus plataformas de corredor, RIA y custodia. Los asesores, Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser y Mark Wolf, junto con el asistente registrado Logan Wolf, hicieron la transición desde Raymond James, trayendo aproximadamente 450 millones de dólares en activos de asesoría y corretaje.

El movimiento fue motivado por el deseo de servir mejor a los clientes y tener más control sobre su futuro. La plataforma flexible de LPL y las soluciones personalizables fueron factores clave en su decisión. Ahora los asesores tendrán acceso a una amplia gama de capacidades innovadoras, recursos estratégicos y una suite ampliada de productos para mejorar la experiencia del cliente.

Scott Posner, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Desarrollo de Negocios de LPL, dio la bienvenida al grupo y enfatizó el compromiso de LPL de proporcionar capacidades poderosas, tecnología innovadora y robustas soluciones comerciales para apoyar su crecimiento y éxito a largo plazo.

LPL Financial은 플로리다주 세인트피터즈버그의 8명의 재정 상담 그룹이 그들의 브로커-딜러, RIA 및 수탁 플랫폼에 합류했다고 발표했습니다. 상담사들은 Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser, Mark Wolf이며, 등록된 보조인 Logan Wolf과 함께 Raymond James에서 전환하여 약 4억 5천만 달러의 자문 및 중개 자산을 가져왔습니다.

이번 결정은 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공하고 미래를 더 잘 통제하고자 하는 욕구에서 비롯되었습니다. LPL의 유연한 플랫폼과 맞춤형 솔루션이 그들의 결정에 중요한 요소였습니다. 이제 상담사들은 고객 경험을 향상시키기 위해 혁신적인 기능, 전략적 자원 및 확장된 제품군에 접근할 수 있게 됩니다.

LPL 비즈니스 개발 부문 부사장인 Scott Posner는 그룹을 환영하며 LPL이 강력한 능력과 혁신적인 기술, 그리고 견고한 비즈니스 솔루션을 제공하여 그들의 장기적인 성장과 성공을 지원하겠다는 의지를 강조했습니다.

LPL Financial a annoncé qu'un groupe de huit conseillers financiers de St. Petersburg, Floride, a rejoint leurs plateformes de courtier, RIA et de garde. Les conseillers, Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser et Mark Wolf, ainsi que l'assistant enregistré Logan Wolf, ont quitté Raymond James, apportant environ 450 millions de dollars d'actifs de conseil et d'intermédiation.

Ce mouvement a été motivé par un désir de mieux servir les clients et de gagner un meilleur contrôle sur leur avenir. La plateforme flexible de LPL et ses solutions personnalisables ont été des facteurs clés de leur décision. Les conseillers auront désormais accès à une large gamme de capacités innovantes, de ressources stratégiques et d'une suite élargie de produits pour améliorer l'expérience client.

Scott Posner, Vice-président Exécutif du Développement Commercial chez LPL, a accueilli le groupe et a souligné l'engagement de LPL à fournir des capacités puissantes, des technologies innovantes et des solutions commerciales solides pour soutenir leur croissance et leur succès à long terme.

LPL Financial kündigte an, dass eine Gruppe von acht Finanzberatern aus St. Petersburg, Florida, ihren Broker-Dealer-, RIA- und Verwahrungsplattformen beigetreten ist. Die Berater, Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser und Mark Wolf, zusammen mit dem registrierten Assistenten Logan Wolf, wechselten von Raymond James und brachten etwa 450 Millionen Dollar in Beratungs- und Brokerage-Vermögen mit.

Der Schritt wurde durch das Bestreben motiviert, die Kunden besser zu bedienen und mehr Kontrolle über ihre Zukunft zu erlangen. Die flexible Plattform von LPL und die anpassbaren Lösungen waren entscheidende Faktoren für ihre Entscheidung. Die Berater werden nun Zugang zu einer Vielzahl von innovativen Fähigkeiten, strategischen Ressourcen und einer erweiterten Produktpalette haben, um die Kundenerfahrungen zu verbessern.

Scott Posner, Executive Vice President für Geschäftsentwicklung bei LPL, begrüßte die Gruppe und betonte das Engagement von LPL, leistungsstarke Fähigkeiten, innovative Technologien und robuste Geschäftslösungen bereitzustellen, um ihr langfristiges Wachstum und ihren Erfolg zu unterstützen.

  • Addition of eight financial advisors to LPL Financial's platforms
  • Approximately $450 million in advisory and brokerage assets transferred to LPL
  • Expansion of LPL's presence in the St. Petersburg, Florida market
  • None.

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LPL Financial LLC, announced today that a group of advisors in St. Petersburg, Fla., have joined LPL Financial’s broker-dealer, RIA and custodial platforms. They reported having served approximately $450 million in advisory and brokerage assets* and join LPL from Raymond James.

Financial advisors Michael Collins, Jim Spicer, Ryan Roy, Gary Hummel, Robert Torris, David Zaccagnino, Steven Laesser and Mark Wolf, along with his son Logan Wolf, a registered assistant, operate independently while leveraging shared office space, best practices and approaches to client services. They offer a comprehensive suite of financial services that spans portfolio management, retirement income, tax planning, education funding, estate planning and more.

The transition to LPL was motivated by a desire to better serve their clients and to gain more control over their future. The advisors said LPL’s flexible platform and customizable solutions were key factors in their decision to move.

“We were seeking a partner that could help us elevate our service offering so we can continue to give clients what they need and deserve,” said Collins, who previously served as branch manager. “With LPL, we have access to a wide range of innovative capabilities and strategic resources, along with an expanded suite of products that will greatly enhance client experiences. We are now empowered to decide what tools we want to use without corporate influence or mandates. This move will be a positive change that will help position us for long-term sustainability and growth.”

Scott Posner, LPL Executive Vice President, Business Development, said, “We welcome Mike, Jim, Ryan, Gary, Mark, Logan, Robert, David and Steven to the LPL community and congratulate them on the next chapter of their business. As a committed partner, LPL will provide powerful capabilities, innovative technology and robust business solutions to help increase efficiency and create even better client experiences. We look forward to supporting this group for years to come.”


Advisors, learn how LPL Financial can help take your business to the next level.

About LPL Financial

LPL Financial Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: LPLA) was founded on the principle that LPL should work for advisors and institutions, and not the other way around. Today, LPL is a leader in the markets we serve, serving more than 23,000 financial advisors, including advisors at approximately 1,000 institutions and at approximately 580 registered investment advisor firms nationwide. We are steadfast in our commitment to the advisor-mediated model and the belief that Americans deserve access to personalized guidance from a financial professional. At LPL, independence means that advisors and institution leaders have the freedom they deserve to choose the business model, services and technology resources that allow them to run a thriving business. They have the flexibility to do business their way. And they have the freedom to manage their client relationships, because they know their clients best. Simply put, we take care of our advisors and institutions, so they can take care of their clients.

Securities and Advisory services offered through LPL Financial LLC ("LPL Financial"), a registered investment advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC. LPL Financial and its affiliated companies provide financial services only from the United States. The advisors named in this release and LPL Financial are separate entities. LPL Financial does not offer tax advice or tax related service.

Throughout this communication, the terms “financial advisors” and “advisors” are used to refer to registered representatives and/or investment advisor representatives affiliated with LPL Financial.

We routinely disclose information that may be important to shareholders in the "Investor Relations" or "Press Releases" section of our website.

*Value approximated based on asset and holding details provided to LPL from end of year, 2023.

Media Contact: 
(704) 996-1840

Tracking #642587


How many financial advisors joined LPL Financial in St. Petersburg, Florida?

Eight financial advisors, along with one registered assistant, joined LPL Financial in St. Petersburg, Florida.

What was the approximate value of assets transferred to LPL Financial (LPLA) by the new advisors?

The group of advisors reported having served approximately $450 million in advisory and brokerage assets.

Which firm did the financial advisors transition from to join LPL Financial (LPLA)?

The financial advisors transitioned to LPL Financial from Raymond James.

What were the main reasons for the advisors' transition to LPL Financial (LPLA)?

The advisors cited a desire to better serve their clients, gain more control over their future, and access LPL's flexible platform and customizable solutions as key factors in their decision to move.

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