Lowe's Foundation Grows Skilled Trades Career Opportunities Through Nearly $9 Million in Gable Grants to Community-Based and National Nonprofits
Lowe's Foundation has announced nearly $9 million in Gable Grants to support 15 nonprofits focused on skilled trades workforce development. This funding expands the foundation's partner network to 52 organizations offering training programs across multiple states.
The initiative comes as construction sector wages have increased by 4.4% over the past 12 months. Since 2023, the foundation has awarded over $34 million in Gable Grants supporting training in carpentry, construction, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and appliance repair.
The grants will support various community-based organizations, including Alaska Works, Hope Renovations, Latino Academy of Workforce Development, and others. Additionally, the foundation has partnered with Boys & Girls Clubs of America and renewed partnerships with national nonprofits like Goodwill Industries International and SkillsUSA.
La Fondazione Lowe's ha annunciato quasi 9 milioni di dollari in Gable Grants per sostenere 15 organizzazioni nonprofit focalizzate sullo sviluppo della forza lavoro nei mestieri specializzati. Questo finanziamento amplia la rete di partner della fondazione a 52 organizzazioni che offrono programmi di formazione in diversi stati.
L'iniziativa arriva mentre i salari del settore delle costruzioni sono aumentati del 4,4% negli ultimi 12 mesi. Dal 2023, la fondazione ha assegnato oltre 34 milioni di dollari in Gable Grants a sostegno della formazione in carpenteria, costruzione, HVAC, elettricità, idraulica e riparazione di elettrodomestici.
I finanziamenti sosterranno varie organizzazioni comunitarie, tra cui Alaska Works, Hope Renovations, Latino Academy of Workforce Development e altre. Inoltre, la fondazione ha collaborato con Boys & Girls Clubs of America e ha rinnovato le partnership con organizzazioni nonprofit nazionali come Goodwill Industries International e SkillsUSA.
La Fundación Lowe's ha anunciado casi 9 millones de dólares en Gable Grants para apoyar a 15 organizaciones sin fines de lucro centradas en el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral en oficios especializados. Este financiamiento amplía la red de socios de la fundación a 52 organizaciones que ofrecen programas de capacitación en varios estados.
La iniciativa llega en un momento en que los salarios del sector de la construcción han aumentado un 4.4% en los últimos 12 meses. Desde 2023, la fundación ha otorgado más de 34 millones de dólares en Gable Grants para apoyar la capacitación en carpintería, construcción, HVAC, electricidad, plomería y reparación de electrodomésticos.
Las subvenciones apoyarán a varias organizaciones comunitarias, incluyendo Alaska Works, Hope Renovations, Latino Academy of Workforce Development y otras. Además, la fundación se ha asociado con Boys & Girls Clubs of America y ha renovado asociaciones con organizaciones sin fines de lucro nacionales como Goodwill Industries International y SkillsUSA.
로우스 재단은 숙련된 직업 훈련에 중점을 둔 15개 비영리 단체를 지원하기 위해 거의 900만 달러의 Gable Grants를 발표했습니다. 이 자금 지원은 재단의 파트너 네트워크를 여러 주에서 교육 프로그램을 제공하는 52개 조직으로 확장합니다.
이 이니셔티브는 건설 부문의 임금이 지난 12개월 동안 4.4% 증가한 가운데 이루어졌습니다. 2023년 이후, 재단은 목공, 건설, HVAC, 전기, 배관 및 가전제품 수리에 대한 교육을 지원하기 위해 3,400만 달러 이상을 Gable Grants로 수여했습니다.
이 보조금은 Alaska Works, Hope Renovations, Latino Academy of Workforce Development 등을 포함한 다양한 지역 사회 기반 조직을 지원합니다. 또한, 재단은 Boys & Girls Clubs of America와 협력하고 Goodwill Industries International 및 SkillsUSA와 같은 전국 비영리 단체와의 파트너십을 갱신했습니다.
La Fondation Lowe's a annoncé près de 9 millions de dollars en Gable Grants pour soutenir 15 organisations à but non lucratif axées sur le développement de la main-d'œuvre dans les métiers spécialisés. Ce financement élargit le réseau de partenaires de la fondation à 52 organisations offrant des programmes de formation dans plusieurs États.
Cette initiative intervient alors que les salaires dans le secteur de la construction ont augmenté de 4,4% au cours des 12 derniers mois. Depuis 2023, la fondation a accordé plus de 34 millions de dollars en Gable Grants pour soutenir la formation en menuiserie, construction, HVAC, électricité, plomberie et réparation d'appareils électroménagers.
Les subventions soutiendront diverses organisations communautaires, y compris Alaska Works, Hope Renovations, Latino Academy of Workforce Development et d'autres. De plus, la fondation a établi un partenariat avec Boys & Girls Clubs of America et a renouvelé les partenariats avec des organisations à but non lucratif nationales comme Goodwill Industries International et SkillsUSA.
Die Lowe's Stiftung hat fast 9 Millionen Dollar in Gable Grants angekündigt, um 15 gemeinnützige Organisationen zu unterstützen, die sich auf die Entwicklung der Arbeitskräfte im Bereich der Fachberufe konzentrieren. Diese Finanzierung erweitert das Partnernetzwerk der Stiftung auf 52 Organisationen, die Ausbildungsprogramme in mehreren Bundesstaaten anbieten.
Die Initiative kommt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem die Löhne im Baugewerbe in den letzten 12 Monaten um 4,4% gestiegen sind. Seit 2023 hat die Stiftung über 34 Millionen Dollar in Gable Grants vergeben, um die Ausbildung in Tischlerei, Bau, HVAC, Elektrik, Sanitär und Reparatur von Haushaltsgeräten zu unterstützen.
Die Zuschüsse werden verschiedene gemeinnützige Organisationen unterstützen, darunter Alaska Works, Hope Renovations, Latino Academy of Workforce Development und andere. Darüber hinaus hat die Stiftung eine Partnerschaft mit Boys & Girls Clubs of America geschlossen und Partnerschaften mit nationalen gemeinnützigen Organisationen wie Goodwill Industries International und SkillsUSA erneuert.
- Foundation's commitment of $34M since 2023 demonstrates strong corporate social investment
- Expansion to 52 partner organizations indicates growing program reach
- Program addresses rising construction wages (4.4% increase) and workforce demand
- None.
New funding expands foundation's roster of funded partners to 52 organizations offering scalable training programs in dozens of states
"We listen closely to contractors and know that many candidates don't have the necessary skills to fill the wide range of open trades positions," said Janice Dupré, Lowe's executive vice president of human resources and chair of the Lowe's Foundation. "Through modern training methods, these nonprofits are unlocking the workforce's potential while building an economy that rewards skills, not just titles or four-year degrees."
Since 2023, the Lowe's Foundation has awarded over
"We are grateful for the support of the Lowe's Foundation and their Gable Grants that will help fund the training of the next generation of skilled trade professionals," said Jim Tobin, CEO of the National Association of Home Builders. "All of these deserving grant recipients play a pivotal role in helping to strengthen the residential construction workforce, and we stand in support of their efforts."
The new Lowe's Foundation Gable Grants support the following community-based nonprofits:
Alaska Works (
Hope Renovations (
Latino Academy of Workforce Development (
Moore Community House (
Next Step of
Nontraditional Employment for Women (
North Alabama Homebuilding Academy (
SER Metro-Detroit Jobs for Progress (
Trade Institute of
Uncommon Construction (
Additionally, the Lowe's Foundation has awarded a Gable Grant to Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) as a new national nonprofit partner. BGCA will use its grant to enhance skilled trades job readiness programs for young adults (ages 16-24) at three pilot club locations in
The foundation has also renewed partnerships with national nonprofits Goodwill Industries International, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and SkillsUSA. These partnerships will continue to support a variety of skilled trades training programs, including wraparound services and targeted workforce development in communities impacted by natural disasters.
The next Gable Grant application cycle for community and technical colleges will run from March 1 to March 31. To learn more about eligibility guidelines and the pressing challenges facing the skilled trades, visit Lowes.com/Foundation.
About The Lowe's Foundation
The Lowe's Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) organization founded by Lowe's Companies, Inc. (NYSE: LOW), is helping develop a community of skilled tradespeople to build and revitalize our homes, neighborhoods and infrastructure for the future. From 2023 through 2028, the Lowe's Foundation is investing
Media Contacts
Sebastian Hale
Lowe's Foundation
Click here for a Spanish version of the press release.
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SOURCE Lowe’s Foundation
How much has Lowe's Foundation invested in Gable Grants since 2023?
What is the current wage growth rate in the construction sector according to the LOW Foundation report?
Which skilled trades are covered by the Lowe's Foundation Gable Grants program?