Lotus Technology Nominated for Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024

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Lotus Technology (Nasdaq: LOT) has been nominated as a finalist in two categories for the Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024: Business Transformation and Net Zero: Operations Transformation. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to sustainability and its Vision80 Strategy for business transformation and electrification.

Since 2018, Lotus has launched three electric vehicles: the Evija hypercar, Eletre hyper-SUV, and Emeya hyper-GT. The company aims for carbon neutrality across its entire value chain by 2038. Lotus Tech has implemented sustainable practices, including using 100% renewable energy in selected offices and installing solar power in its Global Smart Factory, which is certified as a Green Factory.

Chairman of ESG Committee, Alexious Lee, emphasized Lotus Tech's role as a pioneer in sustainable luxury mobility and its commitment to driving social change through innovation and sustainable operations.

Lotus Technology (Nasdaq: LOT) è stata nominata finalista in due categorie per i Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024: Trasformazione Aziendale e Net Zero: Trasformazione delle Operazioni. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno dell'azienda verso la sostenibilità e la sua Strategia Vision80 per la trasformazione aziendale e l'elettrificazione.

Dal 2018, Lotus ha lanciato tre veicoli elettrici: la hypercar Evija, l'hyper-SUV Eletre e l'hyper-GT Emeya. L'azienda punta alla neutralità carbonica lungo tutta la sua catena del valore entro il 2038. Lotus Tech ha implementato pratiche sostenibili, tra cui l'uso di energia rinnovabile al 100% in uffici selezionati e l'installazione di energia solare nella sua Global Smart Factory, certificata come Green Factory.

Il presidente del Comitato ESG, Alexious Lee, ha sottolineato il ruolo di Lotus Tech come pioniere nella mobilità di lusso sostenibile e il suo impegno a promuovere il cambiamento sociale attraverso l'innovazione e le operazioni sostenibili.

Lotus Technology (Nasdaq: LOT) ha sido nominada finalista en dos categorías para los Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024: Transformación Empresarial y Net Zero: Transformación de Operaciones. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso de la empresa con la sostenibilidad y su Estrategia Vision80 para la transformación empresarial y la electrificación.

Desde 2018, Lotus ha lanzado tres vehículos eléctricos: el hypercar Evija, el hyper-SUV Eletre y el hyper-GT Emeya. La empresa tiene como objetivo la neutralidad de carbono en toda su cadena de valor para 2038. Lotus Tech ha implementado prácticas sostenibles, que incluyen el uso de energía 100% renovable en oficinas seleccionadas e instalación de energía solar en su Global Smart Factory, que está certificada como Green Factory.

El presidente del Comité ESG, Alexious Lee, enfatizó el papel de Lotus Tech como pionero en la movilidad de lujo sostenible y su compromiso de impulsar el cambio social a través de la innovación y operaciones sostenibles.

로터스 테크놀로지 (Nasdaq: LOT)는 로이터 지속 가능성 어워드 2024에서 비즈니스 변혁 및 넷 제로: 운영 변혁의 두 가지 분야에서 최종 후보로 지명되었습니다. 이 인정은 회사의 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신과 비즈니스 변혁 및 전기화에 대한 비전80 전략을 강조합니다.

2018년 이후 로터스는 세 가지 전기차를 출시했습니다: Evija 하이퍼카, Eletre 하이퍼 SUVEmeya 하이퍼 GT. 이 회사는 2038년까지 전체 가치 사슬에서 탄소 중립성을 달성하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 로터스 테크는 특정 사무실에서 100% 재생 가능 에너지를 사용하고, 녹색 공장으로 인증된 글로벌 스마트 팩토리에 태양광을 설치하는 등 지속 가능한 관행을 구현하여왔습니다.

ESG 위원회 의장인 Alexious Lee는 로터스 테크가 지속 가능한 고급 모빌리티의 선구자로서 혁신과 지속 가능한 운영을 통해 사회적 변화를 이끄는 데 전념하고 있음을 강조했습니다.

Lotus Technology (Nasdaq: LOT) a été nommée finaliste dans deux catégories des Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024: Transformation des entreprises et Zéro émission : Transformation des opérations. Cette reconnaissance met en lumière l'engagement de l'entreprise en faveur de la durabilité et sa Stratégie Vision80 pour la transformation des entreprises et l'électrification.

Depuis 2018, Lotus a lancé trois véhicules électriques : l'hypercar Evija, l'hyper-SUV Eletre et l'hyper-GT Emeya. L'entreprise vise à atteindre la neutralité carbone dans l'ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d'ici 2038. Lotus Tech a mis en œuvre des pratiques durables, notamment l'utilisation d'énergie 100 % renouvelable dans certains bureaux et l'installation de panneaux solaires dans son usine intelligente mondiale, certifiée comme usine verte.

Le président du Comité ESG, Alexious Lee, a souligné le rôle de Lotus Tech en tant que pionnier de la mobilité de luxe durable et son engagement à favoriser le changement social par l'innovation et des opérations durables.

Lotus Technology (Nasdaq: LOT) wurde in zwei Kategorien für die Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024 nominiert: Unternehmensveränderung und Net Zero: Betriebsveränderung. Diese Auszeichnung hebt das Engagement des Unternehmens für Nachhaltigkeit und seine Vision80-Strategie für Unternehmensveränderungen und Elektrifizierung hervor.

Seit 2018 hat Lotus drei Elektrofahrzeuge auf den Markt gebracht: den Evija-Hypercar, den Eletre-Hyper-SUV und den Emeya-Hyper-GT. Das Unternehmen strebt bis 2038 eine Kohlenstoffneutralität in seiner gesamten Wertschöpfungskette an. Lotus Tech hat nachhaltige Praktiken implementiert, einschließlich der Nutzung von 100% erneuerbarer Energie in ausgewählten Büros und der Installation von Solarenergie in seiner Global Smart Factory, die als Green Factory zertifiziert ist.

Der Vorsitzende des ESG-Ausschusses, Alexious Lee, betonte die Rolle von Lotus Tech als Pionier im Bereich nachhaltiger Luxusmobilität und sein Engagement, sozialen Wandel durch Innovation und nachhaltige Betriebsführung voranzutreiben.

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The Company is a finalist in Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024 in the Business Transformation category and the Net Zero: Operations Transformation category

NEW YORK, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lotus Technology Inc. (“Lotus Tech” or “the Company”) (Nasdaq: LOT), a leading global luxury electric vehicle maker, has today announced it becomes a finalist in two categories in Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024.

Reuters Sustainability Awards, now in their 14th year, are the world’s leading awards celebrating leadership in sustainable business. These awards recognize strategies that deliver tangible impacts on business, society, and the environment.

The nomination of Lotus Tech as a finalist in the two categories of both business and operations transformation demonstrates the global recognition of the Company’s holistic approach to sustainability.

Since 2018, Lotus has committed to its Vision80 Strategy, a comprehensive roadmap aimed at business transformation and electrification. The Company has launched three electric vehicles and delivers to customers globally, including its hypercar Evija, its hyper-SUV Eletre, and hyper-GT Emeya. The Company is targeting carbon neutrality across its entire value chain by 2038, while also advancing initiatives that promote social responsibility and business integrity. It has utilized 100% renewable energy in selected offices and installed solar power in the Lotus Global Smart Factory, which has been certified as a Green Factory. It was also recognized as a supporter of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).

“As a pioneer in the sustainable luxury mobility, Lotus Tech is poised to drive social change and address environmental priorities through sustainable innovation and operations,” said Lotus Tech Chairman of ESG Committee Mr. Alexious Lee. “Reuters’ recognition validates our comprehensive sustainability strategy and the significant progress we have made. We are honored by this acknowledgment and remain dedicated to a more sustainable, inclusive and equitable future.”

To learn more about Lotus Tech’s ESG strategy and achievements, download the ESG report here:

About Lotus Technology
Lotus Technology Inc. has operations across the UK, the EU and China. The Company is dedicated to delivering luxury lifestyle battery electric vehicles, with a focus on world-class R&D in next-generation automobility technologies such as electrification, digitalisation and more. For more information about Lotus Technology Inc., please visit

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Demi Zhang


What awards has Lotus Technology been nominated for in 2024?

Lotus Technology (LOT) has been nominated as a finalist in two categories for the Reuters Sustainability Awards 2024: Business Transformation and Net Zero: Operations Transformation.

What electric vehicles has Lotus Technology launched?

Lotus Technology has launched three electric vehicles: the Evija hypercar, Eletre hyper-SUV, and Emeya hyper-GT.

What is Lotus Technology's carbon neutrality target?

Lotus Technology (LOT) is targeting carbon neutrality across its entire value chain by 2038.

How has Lotus Technology implemented sustainable practices in its operations?

Lotus Technology (LOT) has used 100% renewable energy in selected offices, installed solar power in its Global Smart Factory, and received Green Factory certification for its manufacturing facility.

What is Lotus Technology's Vision80 Strategy?

Lotus Technology's Vision80 Strategy, implemented since 2018, is a comprehensive roadmap aimed at business transformation and electrification.

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