Start October Strong: Join Logitech for International Wellbeing Month

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This October, Logitech is celebrating International Wellbeing Month, coinciding with Global Ergonomics Month and World Mental Health Day. The initiative aims to address the growing need for wellbeing in the workspace, as 70% of people in the U.S. and Canada express a desire to optimize their workspaces for comfort and ergonomics.

Logitech's campaign includes:

  • Expert tips on physical and mental wellbeing, featuring a collaboration with Modern Health
  • Introduction of the Ergo Series, a range of ergonomic mice and keyboards designed for day-long comfort

Recent research by Logitech identified main contributors to workplace discomfort, yet only 55% of consumers use products to enhance workspace comfort. The company encourages people to take steps towards a healthier work environment, emphasizing that when we #FeelBetter, we #DoBetter.

Questo ottobre, Logitech celebra il Mese Internazionale del Benessere, in coincidenza con il Mese Globale dell'Ergonomia e la Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale. L'iniziativa mira ad affrontare il crescente bisogno di benessere negli ambienti di lavoro, poiché il 70% delle persone negli Stati Uniti e in Canada esprime il desiderio di ottimizzare i propri spazi di lavoro per il comfort e l'ergonomia.

La campagna di Logitech include:

  • Consigli di esperti sul benessere fisico e mentale, in collaborazione con Modern Health
  • Introduzione della Serie Ergo, una gamma di mouse e tastiere ergonomiche progettate per un comfort prolungato durante l'intera giornata

Recenti ricerche condotte da Logitech hanno identificato i principali fattori di disagio negli ambienti di lavoro, ma solo il 55% dei consumatori utilizza prodotti per migliorare il comfort dello spazio di lavoro. L'azienda incoraggia le persone a compiere passi verso un ambiente lavorativo più sano, sottolineando che quando ci sentiamo meglio, lavoriamo meglio.

Este octubre, Logitech celebra el Mes Internacional del Bienestar, coincidiendo con el Mes Global de la Ergonomía y el Día Mundial de la Salud Mental. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar la creciente necesidad de bienestar en el lugar de trabajo, ya que el 70% de las personas en EE.UU. y Canadá expresan el deseo de optimizar sus espacios de trabajo para mayor comodidad y ergonomía.

La campaña de Logitech incluye:

  • Consejos de expertos sobre el bienestar físico y mental, que cuentan con una colaboración con Modern Health
  • Introducción de la Serie Ergo, una gama de ratones y teclados ergonómicos diseñados para brindar comodidad durante todo el día

Investigaciones recientes de Logitech identificaron los principales factores que contribuyen al malestar laboral, sin embargo, solo el 55% de los consumidores utiliza productos para mejorar la comodidad del espacio de trabajo. La empresa anima a las personas a dar pasos hacia un entorno laboral más saludable, enfatizando que cuando nos sentimos mejor, hacemos un mejor trabajo.

이번 10월, 로지텍은 국제 웰빙 달을 기념하며 글로벌 인체공학 달 및 세계 정신 건강의 날과 일치합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 미국과 캐나다의 70% 사람들이 쾌적함과 인체공학을 위해 작업 공간을 최적화하고자 하는 성향이 있음을 감안하여 직장에서의 웰빙 필요성을 다루고자 합니다.

로지텍의 캠페인은 다음을 포함합니다:

  • 모던 헬스와 협력한 신체 및 정신 웰빙에 대한 전문가 조언
  • 하루 종일 편안함을 위해 설계된 인체공학적 마우스 및 키보드인 Ergo 시리즈의 소개

로지텍의 최근 연구에 따르면 직장에서의 불편함의 주요 요인을 확인한 결과, 소비자의 55%만이 작업 공간의 편안함을 향상시키기 위해 제품을 사용하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 사람들이 더 건강한 근무 환경을 만들기 위해 노력할 것을 촉구하며, 우리가 #더 나은 기분을 느낄 때, #더 나은 행동을 한다고 강조합니다.

En octobre, Logitech célèbre le Mois International du Bien-être, coïncidant avec le Mois Mondial de l'Ergonomie et la Journée Mondiale de la Santé Mentale. L'initiative vise à répondre au besoin croissant de bien-être dans l'espace de travail, car 70 % des personnes aux États-Unis et au Canada expriment le désir d'optimiser leurs espaces de travail pour le confort et l'ergonomie.

La campagne de Logitech comprend :

  • Des conseils d'experts sur le bien-être physique et mental, en partenariat avec Modern Health
  • L'introduction de la Série Ergo, une gamme de souris et de claviers ergonomiques conçus pour un confort tout au long de la journée

Des recherches récentes menées par Logitech ont identifié les principaux facteurs de l'inconfort au travail, mais seulement 55 % des consommateurs utilisent des produits pour améliorer le confort de leur espace de travail. L'entreprise encourage les personnes à prendre des mesures vers un environnement de travail plus sain, en soulignant que lorsque nous nous sentons mieux, nous agissons mieux.

Diesen Oktober feiert Logitech den Internationalen Wellbeing-Monat, der mit dem Globalen Ergonomiemonat und dem Welttag der psychischen Gesundheit zusammentrifft. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, dem wachsenden Bedürfnis nach Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz gerecht zu werden, da 70 % der Menschen in den USA und Kanada den Wunsch äußern, ihre Arbeitsplätze für Komfort und Ergonomie zu optimieren.

Die Kampagne von Logitech umfasst:

  • Experten-Tipps zu körperlichem und psychischen Wohlbefinden in Zusammenarbeit mit Modern Health
  • Einführung der Ergo-Serie, einer Reihe ergonomischer Mäuse und Tastaturen, die für ganztägigen Komfort entwickelt wurden

Jüngste Forschungen von Logitech haben die Hauptfaktoren für Unbehagen am Arbeitsplatz identifiziert, jedoch verwenden nur 55 % der Verbraucher Produkte zur Verbesserung des Arbeitsplatzkomforts. Das Unternehmen ermutigt die Menschen, Schritte in Richtung eines gesünderen Arbeitsumfelds zu unternehmen und betont, dass wir, wenn wir uns besser fühlen, auch besser arbeiten.

  • Launch of International Wellbeing Month campaign to raise awareness on workspace wellbeing
  • Introduction of the Ergo Series, a new range of ergonomic mice and keyboards
  • Collaboration with Modern Health to address mental health concerns
  • Only 55% of consumers currently use products to enhance workspace comfort, indicating potential market challenges

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / Logitech

Logitech Blog

This October, Logitech is celebrating International Wellbeing Month, aligning with both Global Ergonomics Month and World Mental Health Day, to highlight the growing need for wellbeing in the workspace.

In today's digital age, many of us spend countless hours in front of screens. As a result, 70% of people in the U.S. and Canada, across all age groups, expressed a desire to better optimize their workspaces for comfort and ergonomics.* Logitech's International Wellbeing Month aims to help raise awareness on the importance of wellbeing at work through:

  • Expert tips and tricks on both physical and mental wellbeing, featuring a collaboration with Modern Health to raise awareness of mental health concerns.

  • Introducing the Ergo Series by Logitech, a thoughtfully designed range of ergonomic mice and keyboards that have been designed, user-tested and approved by ergonomists for day-long comfort.

Recent research from Logitech* identified the main contributors for discomfort during the workday, yet only an average of 55% of consumers currently use products to enhance workspace comfort. This International Wellbeing Month, take the step towards a healthier, more comfortable work environment with Logitech. Because when we #FeelBetter we #DoBetter. Visit to learn more and follow us on Instagram for more wellbeing tips & tricks throughout the month.

*Source: Quantitative research commissioned by Logitech in 2024 in the USA (N=507), Canada (N=512), China (N=508) and Taiwan (N=510).

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Spokesperson: Logitech

SOURCE: Logitech

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What is Logitech (LOGI) celebrating in October 2024?

Logitech is celebrating International Wellbeing Month in October 2024, aligning with Global Ergonomics Month and World Mental Health Day.

What percentage of people want to optimize their workspaces according to Logitech's research?

According to Logitech's research, 70% of people in the U.S. and Canada expressed a desire to better optimize their workspaces for comfort and ergonomics.

What new product line has Logitech (LOGI) introduced for workspace comfort?

Logitech has introduced the Ergo Series, a range of ergonomic mice and keyboards designed and approved by ergonomists for day-long comfort.

What percentage of consumers use products to enhance workspace comfort, according to Logitech's research?

Logitech's research indicates that an average of 55% of consumers currently use products to enhance workspace comfort.

Logitech International SA


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