LOBO EV Launches Innovative Solar-Powered Golf Cart to Address Increasing Market Demand for Sustainable Transportation Solutions

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LOBO EV Technologies (Nasdaq: LOBO) has launched a new solar-powered golf cart, with the initial production run of 33 units already sold to U.S. customers. This marks the company's third successful export of golf carts to the U.S., reinforcing its growing market presence. The innovative cart features:

  • High-efficiency solar panels with 40V output and 270W power rating
  • Up to 22% conversion efficiency and 60-degree bending capability
  • 80% battery charge through sunlight alone
  • 1500W electric motor (60V and 72V variants)
  • All-aluminum chassis and independent suspension
  • Advanced safety features and modern conveniences

The golf cart market is estimated at $2.14 billion in 2024 and forecasted to grow to $2.84 billion by 2029. LOBO aims to continue investing in product innovation and R&D to offer more sustainable travel solutions worldwide.

LOBO EV Technologies (Nasdaq: LOBO) ha lanciato un nuovo carrello per golf alimentato a energia solare, con la prima produzione di 33 unità già vendute a clienti statunitensi. Questo segna la terza esportazione di successo dell'azienda di carrelli per golf verso gli Stati Uniti, rafforzando la sua crescente presenza nel mercato. Il carrello innovativo presenta:

  • Pannelli solari ad alta efficienza con uscita a 40V e potenza nominale di 270W
  • Fino al 22% di efficienza di conversione e capacità di piegatura a 60 gradi
  • Carica della batteria dell'80% solo tramite luce solare
  • Motore elettrico da 1500W (varianti a 60V e 72V)
  • Chassis completamente in alluminio e sospensione indipendente
  • Caratteristiche di sicurezza avanzate e comfort moderni

Il mercato dei carrelli per golf è stimato a 2,14 miliardi di dollari nel 2024 e si prevede crescerà a 2,84 miliardi di dollari entro il 2029. LOBO punta a continuare a investire in innovazione di prodotto e R&D per offrire soluzioni di viaggio più sostenibili in tutto il mondo.

LOBO EV Technologies (Nasdaq: LOBO) ha lanzado un nuevo carrito de golf alimentado solarmente, con una producción inicial de 33 unidades ya vendidas a clientes en EE.UU. Esto marca la tercera exportación exitosa de carritos de golf de la empresa a EE.UU., reforzando su creciente presencia en el mercado. El carrito innovador cuenta con:

  • Paneles solares de alta eficiencia con salida de 40V y potencia nominal de 270W
  • Hasta un 22% de eficiencia de conversión y capacidad de flexión de 60 grados
  • Carga de batería del 80% solo a través de la luz solar
  • Motor eléctrico de 1500W (variantes de 60V y 72V)
  • Chasis completamente de aluminio y suspensión independiente
  • Características de seguridad avanzadas y comodidades modernas

Se estima que el mercado de carritos de golf alcanzará los 2.14 mil millones de dólares en 2024 y se prevé que crezca a 2.84 mil millones de dólares para 2029. LOBO tiene como objetivo continuar invirtiendo en innovación de productos e I+D para ofrecer soluciones de transporte más sostenibles a nivel mundial.

LOBO EV Technologies (Nasdaq: LOBO)는 새로운 태양광 발전 골프 카트를 출시했으며, 초기 생산량 33대가 이미 미국 고객에게 판매되었습니다. 이는 회사가 미국에 골프 카트를 성공적으로 세 번째 수출한 것으로, 증가하는 시장 존재감을 강화하고 있습니다. 이 혁신적인 카트는 다음과 같은 기능을 갖추고 있습니다:

  • 출력 40V 및 270W 전력 등급의 고효율 태양광 패널
  • 최대 22%의 전환 효율 및 60도 굽힘 기능
  • 햇빛만으로 80%의 배터리 충전 가능
  • 1500W 전기 모터(60V 및 72V 변형)
  • 전량 알루미늄 차체 및 독립 서스펜션
  • 고급 안전 기능과 현대적 편의성

골프 카트 시장은 2024년에 21억 4천만 달러로 추정되며, 2029년까지 28억 4천만 달러로 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다. LOBO는 제품 혁신과 연구개발에 지속적으로 투자하여 전 세계적으로 더 지속 가능한 여행 솔루션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

LOBO EV Technologies (Nasdaq: LOBO) a lancé un nouveau voiturette de golf alimentée par énergie solaire, avec une première production de 33 unités déjà vendues à des clients américains. Cela marque la troisième exportation réussie de voiturettes de golf par l'entreprise vers les États-Unis, renforçant sa présence croissante sur le marché. La voiturette innovante présente les caractéristiques suivantes :

  • Panneaux solaires à haute efficacité avec sortie de 40V et puissance nominale de 270W
  • Jusqu'à 22 % d'efficacité de conversion et capacité de flexion à 60 degrés
  • Chargement de batterie de 80 % uniquement par la lumière du soleil
  • Moteur électrique de 1500W (variantes 60V et 72V)
  • Châssis entièrement en aluminium et suspension indépendante
  • Fonctionnalités de sécurité avancées et confort moderne

Le marché des voiturettes de golf est estimé à 2,14 milliards de dollars en 2024 et devrait atteindre 2,84 milliards de dollars d'ici 2029. LOBO vise à continuer d'investir dans l'innovation produit et la R&D afin d'offrir des solutions de transport plus durables à l'échelle mondiale.

LOBO EV Technologies (Nasdaq: LOBO) hat einen neuen solarbetriebenen Golfwagen vorgestellt, wobei die erste Produktionsreihe von 33 Einheiten bereits an US-Kunden verkauft wurde. Dies markiert den dritten erfolgreichen Export von Golfwagen der Firma in die USA und verstärkt die wachsende Marktpräsenz des Unternehmens. Der innovative Wagen verfügt über:

  • Hocheffiziente Solarpanels mit 40V Ausgang und 270W Nennleistung
  • Bis zu 22% Umwandlungseffizienz und 60-Grad-Biegefähigkeit
  • 80% Batterieladung allein durch Sonnenlicht
  • 1500W Elektromotor (60V und 72V Varianten)
  • Komplett aus Aluminium gebauter Rahmen und unabhängige Federung
  • Fortschrittliche Sicherheitsmerkmale und moderne Annehmlichkeiten

Der Golfwagenmarkt wird für 2024 auf 2,14 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt und soll bis 2029 auf 2,84 Milliarden Dollar wachsen. LOBO hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, weiterhin in Produktinnovationen und F&E zu investieren, um weltweit nachhaltigere Reisemöglichkeiten anzubieten.

  • Successful launch and sale of 33 solar-powered golf carts to U.S. customers
  • Third successful export to the U.S. market, indicating growing market presence
  • Innovative solar technology with high efficiency and durability
  • Alignment with growing demand for sustainable transportation solutions
  • Potential for growth in the expanding golf cart market, estimated at $2.14 billion in 2024
  • None.

LOBO EV's launch of solar-powered golf carts taps into a growing market, estimated at $2.14 billion in 2024 with projected growth to $2.84 billion by 2029. This strategic move aligns with increasing demand for sustainable transportation solutions, particularly in the U.S. market. The initial sale of 33 units, marking their third successful U.S. export, indicates positive market reception.

The integration of high-efficiency solar panels with 22% conversion efficiency and 80% battery charge capability through sunlight alone positions LOBO as an innovator in the eco-friendly segment. This unique selling proposition could give them a competitive edge in a market increasingly driven by environmental concerns.

However, the true test will be in scaling production and expanding market share against established players. The golf cart's advanced features and focus on sustainability could appeal to both traditional golf courses and broader applications in resorts and planned communities, potentially opening new revenue streams.

LOBO EV's solar-powered golf cart showcases impressive technological integration. The 40V, 270W solar panels with 22% conversion efficiency are at the higher end of current commercial solar technology. The 60-degree bending capability adds durability and adaptability, important for vehicle-mounted applications.

The 1500W electric motor with 60V and 72V options, coupled with the dual-row 18-tube controller, suggests a focus on performance and reliability. The all-aluminum chassis and independent suspension system indicate a premium build quality, potentially justifying a higher price point.

The inclusion of modern features like LED lighting, Bluetooth connectivity and a large LCD display aligns with consumer expectations for tech-savvy vehicles. However, the long-term durability of these components in varying weather conditions will be important for customer satisfaction and brand reputation in the U.S. market.

While LOBO EV's launch of solar-powered golf carts is promising, the financial impact remains to be seen. The initial sale of 33 units is a positive start, but it's important to monitor production scalability and profit margins. The advanced features and sustainable technology likely come with higher production costs, which could impact overall profitability.

Investors should watch for indicators of market penetration and sales growth in upcoming quarterly reports. The projected market growth from $2.14 billion to $2.84 billion by 2029 presents a significant opportunity, but LOBO will need to capture a meaningful share to impact its financials materially.

The focus on the U.S. market is strategic, given its size and demand for eco-friendly solutions. However, currency fluctuations and potential trade barriers could affect profit margins. LOBO's ability to scale production efficiently while maintaining quality will be important for long-term financial success in this competitive market.

WUXI, China, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LOBO EV Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq: LOBO) (“LOBO” or the “Company”), an innovative e-bicycle, e-moped, e-tricycle, and electric off-highway four-wheeled shuttle designer, developer, manufacturer and seller, launched its new solar-powered golf cart, with the initial production run of 33 units already sold to U.S. customers. This marks the third successful export of LOBO’s golf carts to the U.S., reinforcing the Company’s growing market presence and its commitment to providing high-quality, eco-friendly products.

“This launch underscores our dedication to innovation and our strategic focus on the burgeoning U.S. market, where demand for sustainable transportation solutions continues to grow,” said Huajian Xu, CEO of LOBO EV Technologies Ltd. “Our new solar-powered mini golf cart not only aligns with LOBO’s green travel philosophy but also meets the evolving needs of our environmentally conscious customers.”

The new golf cart integrates cutting-edge solar technology, featuring high-efficiency solar panels with a 40V output and a power rating of 270W. These panels achieve a remarkable conversion efficiency of up to 22% and are designed with a 60-degree bending capability, ensuring durability and adaptability. The solar system enables up to 80% battery charge through sunlight alone, enhancing energy efficiency and promoting true green travel.

LOBO EV Technologies Ltd.
LOBO EV Solar-Powered Golf Cart

The cart is equipped with a powerful 1500W electric motor, available in 60V and 72V variants, and features a robust dual-row 18-tube controller for reliable performance. Its advanced design includes an all-aluminum chassis, independent suspension for all four wheels, and 350-10 vacuum tires, providing a smooth and comfortable driving experience. Safety is prioritized with rear disc brakes and a dual-circuit hydraulic braking system, while additional features such as LED headlights, turn signals, and a large LCD display with Bluetooth and USB connectivity deliver modern convenience and user-friendly operation.

The golf cart market is estimated at $2.14 billion in 2024 and forecasted to grow to $2.84 billion by 2029, according to data from Mordor Intelligence.

Moving forward, LOBO will continue to invest in product innovation and research and development to offer more sustainable travel solutions worldwide.

About LOBO EV Technologies Ltd.
LOBO is an innovative designer, developer, manufacturer and seller of e-bicycles, e-mopeds, e-tricycles, and electric off-highway four-wheeled shuttles such as golf carts and mobility scooters for the elderly and disabled persons. LOBO also provides automobile information and entertainment software development and design services to customers. Leveraging its cutting-edge technologies in connectivity, multimedia interactive systems and artificial intelligence, LOBO re-defines and develops its products in order to provide users with convenient, affordable and pleasant driving experiences. For more information, visit: Any information displayed on, or that can be accessed through, our website or any other website or any social media is not a part of this press release.

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) as well as Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by those sections. Forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and describe the Company’s future plans, strategies and expectations, can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “would,” “could,” “seek,” “intend,” “plan,” “goal,” “project,” “estimate,” “anticipate,” “strategy,” “future,” “likely” or other comparable terms, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release regarding the expected closing date of the public offering and the Company’s strategies, prospects, financial condition, operations, costs, plans and objectives are forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause the Company’s actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risk and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, those described in “Risk Factors,” “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects,” “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in the Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC (File No. 333-270499) on April 30, 2024. LOBO undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events except as required by law. You should read this press release with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect.

For more information, contact:
Zane Xu
IR Manager

Dave Gentry
RedChip Companies Inc.
1 (407) 644-4256

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:


What new product has LOBO EV Technologies (LOBO) launched in August 2024?

LOBO EV Technologies (LOBO) launched a new solar-powered golf cart in August 2024, with the initial production run of 33 units already sold to U.S. customers.

What are the key features of LOBO's new solar-powered golf cart?

LOBO's new solar-powered golf cart features high-efficiency solar panels with 40V output and 270W power rating, up to 22% conversion efficiency, 80% battery charge through sunlight, a 1500W electric motor, all-aluminum chassis, independent suspension, and advanced safety features.

How many LOBO (LOBO) solar-powered golf carts were sold in the initial production run?

LOBO (LOBO) sold 33 units of its new solar-powered golf carts in the initial production run to U.S. customers.

What is the projected market size for golf carts by 2029, according to LOBO's (LOBO) press release?

According to data cited in LOBO's (LOBO) press release, the golf cart market is forecasted to grow to $2.84 billion by 2029.



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