LanzaTech Expands Biorefining Platform Capabilities to Include Production of Commercial-scale Nutritional Protein Directly From CO2
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) announced plans to expand its biorefining platform to produce LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP) as a primary product. LNP is a microbial protein derived from CO2 using LanzaTech's proprietary gas fermentation process. This expansion allows LanzaTech to enter the $1 trillion alternative protein market.
Key points:
- LNP production uses fewer land and water resources than traditional protein sources
- A pilot facility has been operating for two years
- Engineering design phase for a 0.5 to 1.5 ton per day facility is underway, expected to be operational in 2026
- Commercial-scale production planned for 2028
- Partnerships with leading brands and food testing organizations for analysis and prototyping
- Collaboration with the U.S. Navy Research Lab to evaluate creating nutritional proteins on military platforms
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) ha annunciato piani per espandere la sua piattaforma di bioraffinazione per produrre LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP) come prodotto principale. LNP è una proteina microbica derivata da CO2 utilizzando il processo di fermentazione del gas proprietario di LanzaTech. Questa espansione consente a LanzaTech di entrare nel mercato delle alternative proteiche da 1 trilione di dollari.
Punti chiave:
- La produzione di LNP utilizza meno terra e risorse idriche rispetto alle fonti proteiche tradizionali
- Un impianto pilota è in funzione da due anni
- È in corso la fase di progettazione ingegneristica per un impianto da 0.5 a 1.5 tonnellate al giorno, previsto operativo nel 2026
- Produzione su scala commerciale pianificata per il 2028
- Partnership con marchi leader e organizzazioni di testing alimentari per analisi e prototipi
- Collaborazione con il Laboratorio di Ricerca della Marina degli Stati Uniti per valutare la creazione di proteine nutrizionali su piattaforme militari
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) anunció planes para expandir su plataforma de biorrefinación para producir LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP) como producto principal. LNP es una proteína microbiana derivada de CO2 utilizando el proceso de fermentación de gas patentado por LanzaTech. Esta expansión permite a LanzaTech entrar en el mercado de 1 billón de dólares en proteínas alternativas.
Puntos clave:
- La producción de LNP utiliza menos tierra y recursos hídricos que las fuentes de proteínas tradicionales
- Una instalación piloto ha estado operando durante dos años
- La fase de diseño de ingeniería para una instalación de 0.5 a 1.5 toneladas por día está en curso, se espera que esté operativa en 2026
- Producción a escala comercial planificada para 2028
- Asociaciones con marcas líderes y organizaciones de pruebas alimentarias para análisis y prototipos
- Colaboración con el Laboratorio de Investigación de la Marina de EE. UU. para evaluar la creación de proteínas nutricionales en plataformas militares
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA)는 LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP)을 주요 제품으로 생산하기 위해 바이오정제 플랫폼을 확장할 계획을 발표했습니다. LNP는 LanzaTech의 독점 가스 발효 과정을 사용하여 CO2에서 유래한 미생물 단백질입니다. 이번 확장은 LanzaTech이 1조 달러의 대체 단백질 시장에 진입할 수 있게 합니다.
주요 사항:
- LNP 생산은 전통적인 단백질 원천보다 적은 토지와 물 자원을 사용합니다
- 파일럿 시설은 2년 동안 운영되고 있습니다
- 하루 0.5~1.5톤 규모의 시설 설계 단계가 진행 중이며, 2026년 운영될 것으로 예상됩니다
- 상업적 규모의 생산은 2028년으로 계획되어 있습니다
- 분석 및 프로토타입을 위해 주요 브랜드 및 식품 테스트 조직과의 파트너십
- 군 플랫폼에서 영양 단백질 생산을 평가하기 위해 미 해군 연구소와의 협력
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) a annoncé des plans pour étendre sa plateforme de bioraffinage afin de produire LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP) comme produit principal. LNP est une protéine microbienne dérivée du CO2 utilisant le processus de fermentation à gaz propriétaire de LanzaTech. Cette expansion permet à LanzaTech d'entrer sur le marché des protéines alternatives de 1 trillion de dollars.
Points clés :
- La production de LNP utilise moins de terres et de ressources en eau que les sources de protéines traditionnelles
- Une installation pilote fonctionne depuis deux ans
- La phase de conception technique pour une installation de 0,5 à 1,5 tonne par jour est en cours, prévue pour être opérationnelle en 2026
- Production à l'échelle commerciale prévue pour 2028
- Partenariats avec des marques leaders et des organisations de test alimentaire pour des analyses et des prototypes
- Collaboration avec le laboratoire de recherche de la marine américaine pour évaluer la création de protéines nutritionnelles sur des plateformes militaires
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) hat Pläne angekündigt, seine Bioraffinierungsplattform zu erweitern, um LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP) als Hauptprodukt zu produzieren. LNP ist ein mikrobielles Protein, das aus CO2 unter Verwendung des proprietären Gasfermentationsprozesses von LanzaTech gewonnen wird. Diese Expansion ermöglicht es LanzaTech, in den 1 Billion Dollar schweren Markt für alternative Proteine einzutreten.
Wichtige Punkte:
- Die Produktion von LNP benötigt weniger Land- und Wasserressourcen als traditionelle Proteinquellen
- Ein Pilotbetrieb läuft seit zwei Jahren
- Die Ingenieure planung für eine Anlage mit 0,5 bis 1,5 Tonnen pro Tag ist im Gange und wird voraussichtlich 2026 in Betrieb genommen
- Die kommerzielle Produktion ist für 2028 geplant
- Partnerschaften mit führenden Marken und Lebensmittellaboratorien für Analysen und Prototypen
- Zusammenarbeit mit dem Forschungsinstitut der US Navy zur Evaluierung der Herstellung von Nahrungsproteinen auf militärischen Plattformen
- Expansion into $1 trillion alternative protein market
- Pilot facility operational for two years, demonstrating technology readiness
- Plans for 0.5 to 1.5 ton per day facility by 2026
- Commercial-scale production of over 30,000 MT per annum planned for 2028
- Partnerships with leading brands and food testing organizations
- Collaboration with U.S. Navy Research Lab for military applications
- LNP production uses fewer resources compared to traditional protein sources
- Commercial-scale production not expected until 2028
- GRAS certification process for human nutrition formulations still ongoing
LanzaTech's expansion into commercial-scale nutritional protein production from CO2 is a significant development with potentially far-reaching implications. This move leverages their existing gas fermentation expertise to address the growing global demand for sustainable protein sources.
Key points to consider:
- Market opportunity: Targeting the
$1 trillion alternative protein market - Scalability: Plans for facilities producing 0.5-1.5 tons/day by 2026, scaling to 30,000 MT/year by 2028
- Sustainability: Uses fraction of land and water compared to traditional protein sources
- Versatility: Applications in human nutrition, animal feed and military use
This initiative diversifies LanzaTech's revenue streams and positions them as a key player in food security and sustainable nutrition. The collaboration with the U.S. Navy adds credibility and potential for government contracts. However, regulatory approvals and consumer acceptance of CO2-derived protein remain important factors to monitor.
LanzaTech's entry into the nutritional protein market is a strategic move that aligns with global trends towards sustainable and alternative protein sources. The company's LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (LNP) offers several advantages:
- Complete amino acid profile and no allergenicity, addressing key consumer concerns
- Potential to produce protein independent of weather extremes, enhancing food security
- Scalability from 0.5-1.5 tons/day to 80+ tons/day, indicating significant production potential
The ongoing trials in animal feed, pet food and human nutrition applications demonstrate LanzaTech's commitment to diverse market penetration. The partnership with Mattson for food prototyping (smoothies, dairy-free cheese, bread) suggests a focus on consumer-friendly applications.
However, consumer acceptance of CO2-derived protein and regulatory approvals (e.g., FDA GRAS certification) will be critical hurdles to overcome for market success. The 2026-2028 timeline for commercial production allows time for market education and regulatory compliance.
Company plans to access
CHICAGO, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) (“LanzaTech” or the “Company”), the carbon recycling company transforming waste carbon into sustainable fuels, chemicals, materials, and protein, today announced its plans to expand its biorefining platform capabilities to include operations that produce LanzaTech Nutritional Protein (“LNP”) as the primary product. LNP is a microbial protein that is a nutrient-rich alternative to plant and animal-based proteins. By using a new microbe in its proprietary gas fermentation process, LanzaTech’s biorefining platform can produce a cost-competitive protein solution that supports a resilient food supply chain. LNP production has the capability to address food security issues and be produced anywhere in the world, independent of weather extremes. Notably, the production of LNP uses a fraction of the land and water resources that traditional protein sources require.
With the development of LNP production facilities, LanzaTech will gain access to the large and growing alternative protein markets, diversifying its customer base, expanding its sources of revenue, and optimizing the value creation driven by its existing, proven platform.
“Building on the expertise of our commercially operating core gas fermentation process, LNP represents a natural expansion of our business,” said Dr. Jennifer Holmgren, CEO of LanzaTech. “By coupling a new microbial production strain with our existing bioreactor technology, and our years of operating experience, we have developed a path to mass produce protein from CO2. For two years, we’ve operated a pilot facility to prepare for commercialization, and in the process, we’ve partnered with leading brands and food testing organizations for rigorous analysis and prototyping of nutrition applications. We have now progressed into the engineering design phase for a 0.5 to 1.5 ton per day facility, expected to be operational in 2026, and have developed a roadmap to commercial-scale production in 2028.”
By 2050, the world population is projected to reach 10 billion people, which means an additional 250 million metric tons (“MT”) of protein will be required annually. LanzaTech is extending the power of its gas fermentation platform—which can already produce commercial scale volumes of essential ethanol for apparel, packaging, surfactants, and sustainable aviation fuel—to produce large quantities of protein without straining land and water resources or impacting biodiversity. LNP has a complete amino acid profile and no allergenicity.
LanzaTech has nearly two decades of experience biorefining carbon-rich feedstocks to produce ethanol as the primary product and protein as a co-product. Leveraging this experience, LanzaTech has developed a solution using CO2 that produces LNP as the primary product. As a leader in gas fermentation, LanzaTech is well positioned to access the
LanzaTech is evaluating potential sites, in collaboration with several partners, for the first pre commercial facilities, planned to be operational in 2026. These facilities are expected to produce between 0.5 to 1.5 tons of LNP per day, and given the high protein content of LNP, 0.5 tons per day of LNP is roughly the equivalent of giving a typical complete daily intake of protein to approximately 9,000 people.
Commercial facilities are being designed to produce more than 30,000 MT per annum, or greater than 80 MT per day, with the first of these facilities expected to be operational during 2028.
LanzaTech is in the process of completing trials and testing in animal feed and pet food, and is underway with completing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Generally Recognized as Safe (“GRAS”) certification process for LNP’s use in human nutrition formulations.
The Center for Aquaculture Technologies has successfully tested LNP for fish feed applications and human food and beverage innovation firm Mattson completed thorough protein characterization and food prototyping for dish concepts such as smoothies, dairy-free cheese, and bread.
LanzaTech has also partnered with the U.S. Navy Research Lab on a joint research and contract development project jointly funded by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, the Office of Naval Research, and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory to evaluate the viability of creating nutritional proteins on military platforms.
“We are excited to collaborate with LanzaTech on this groundbreaking extension of their carbon recycling platform. Together we are exploring the biomanufacturing potential of a nutritional protein product made from CO2 extracted from seawater,” said Dr. Matthew Yates, Research Biologist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. “Integrating LanzaTech's state of the art gas fermentation technology with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s Seawater Carbon Capture Process presents a valuable opportunity to develop a unique capability to meet the nutritional needs of soldiers and sailors across the Joint Forces while simultaneously enhancing the resilience of military operations in an evolving geopolitical landscape.”
For more information on LanzaTech and LNP please visit
About LanzaTech
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) is the carbon recycling company transforming waste carbon into sustainable fuels, chemicals, materials, and protein for everyday products. Using its biorecycling technology, LanzaTech captures carbon generated by energy-intensive industries at the source, preventing it from being emitted into the air. LanzaTech then gives that captured carbon a new life as a clean replacement for virgin fossil carbon in everything from household cleaners and clothing fibers to packaging and fuels. By partnering with companies across the global supply chain like ArcelorMittal, Zara, H&M Move, Coty, On, and LanzaJet, LanzaTech is paving the way for a circular carbon economy. For more information about LanzaTech, visit
Forward Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements regarding, among other things, the plans, strategies, and prospects, both business and financial, of LanzaTech. These statements are based on the beliefs, assumptions, projections and conclusions of LanzaTech’s management. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, many of which are outside LanzaTech’s control, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. LanzaTech cannot assure you that it will achieve or realize these plans, intentions or expectations. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and you should not rely on forward-looking statements.
Generally, statements that are not historical facts, including those concerning possible or assumed future actions, business strategies, events or results of operations, are forward-looking statements. These statements may be preceded by, followed by or include the words “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “seeks,” “plans,” “scheduled,” “anticipates,” “intends” or similar expressions. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following:
- Our ability to scale and develop the LNP business to the maturity and levels of efficiency required to realize returns, or to receive the required government and regulatory approvals for the marketing and sale of LNP;
- Timing delays in the advancement of projects to the final investment decision stage or into construction;
- Failure by customers to adopt new technologies and platforms;
- Fluctuations in the availability and cost of feedstocks and other process inputs; • The availability and continuation of government funding and support;
- Broader economic conditions, including inflation, interest rates, supply chain disruptions, employment conditions, and competitive pressures;
- Unforeseen technical, regulatory, or commercial challenges in scaling proprietary technologies, business functions or operational disruptions; and
- Other economic, business, or competitive factors, and other risks and uncertainties, including the risk factors and other information contained in LanzaTech’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, as well as other existing and future filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Any forward-looking statement herein is based only on information currently available to LanzaTech and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. LanzaTech undertakes no obligations to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
LanzaTech Global, Inc.
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