Haffner Energy, LanzaJet, and LanzaTech Join Forces to Unlock Alcohol-To-Jet SAF Production from Biomass Residues
Haffner Energy, LanzaTech, and LanzaJet have announced a strategic partnership to explore joint biomass-to-Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) projects. The collaboration aims to develop commercial plants, pursue joint technology licenses, and explore offtake opportunities.
The partnership combines Haffner Energy's biomass-to-syngas technology, LanzaTech's syngas-to-ethanol expertise, and LanzaJet's Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology. This integration creates a complete production value chain for SAF from various biomass residues. LanzaJet and LanzaTech's joint product, CirculAir™, will utilize Haffner Energy's biomass-agnostic technology to expand SAF production capabilities.
LanzaJet, backed by major aviation industry players and recently named to the TIME100 Most Influential Companies list, opened the world's first commercial-scale ATJ plant in 2024. The collaboration aims to develop multiple profitable projects, focusing on utilizing agricultural and municipal waste for sustainable aviation fuel production.
Haffner Energy, LanzaTech e LanzaJet hanno annunciato una partnership strategica per esplorare progetti congiunti di biomassa per il carburante per aviazione sostenibile (SAF). La collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di sviluppare impianti commerciali, perseguire licenze tecnologiche congiunte ed esplorare opportunità di commercializzazione.
La partnership combina la tecnologia di conversione della biomassa in syngas di Haffner Energy, l'expertise di LanzaTech nella conversione del syngas in etanolo, e la tecnologia Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) di LanzaJet. Questa integrazione crea una catena di valore di produzione completa per il SAF a partire da diversi residui di biomassa. Il prodotto congiunto di LanzaJet e LanzaTech, CirculAir™, utilizzerà la tecnologia indipendente dalla biomassa di Haffner Energy per ampliare le capacità di produzione di SAF.
LanzaJet, supportata da importanti attori dell'industria aeronautica e recentemente inserita nella lista TIME100 delle aziende più influenti, ha aperto nel 2024 il primo impianto commerciale di ATJ su scala mondiale. La collaborazione mira a sviluppare più progetti redditizi, concentrandosi sull'utilizzo di rifiuti agricoli e municipali per la produzione di carburante per aviazione sostenibile.
Haffner Energy, LanzaTech y LanzaJet han anunciado una asociación estratégica para explorar proyectos conjuntos de biomasa a combustible de aviación sostenible (SAF). La colaboración tiene como objetivo desarrollar plantas comerciales, buscar licencias tecnológicas conjuntas y explorar oportunidades de comercialización.
La asociación combina la tecnología de conversión de biomasa a syngas de Haffner Energy, la experiencia de LanzaTech en la conversión de syngas a etanol y la tecnología Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) de LanzaJet. Esta integración crea una cadena de valor completa para la producción de SAF a partir de diversos residuos de biomasa. El producto conjunto de LanzaJet y LanzaTech, CirculAir™, utilizará la tecnología independiente de biomasa de Haffner Energy para ampliar las capacidades de producción de SAF.
LanzaJet, respaldada por importantes actores de la industria de la aviación y recientemente nombrada en la lista TIME100 de las empresas más influyentes, inauguró en 2024 la primera planta comercial a escala mundial de ATJ. La colaboración tiene como objetivo desarrollar múltiples proyectos rentables, centrándose en la utilización de desechos agrícolas y municipales para la producción de combustible de aviación sostenible.
하프너 에너지, 란자테크, 및 란자젯이 바이오매스를 지속 가능한 항공 연료(SAF)로 전환하는 공동 프로젝트를 탐색하기 위해 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협력의 목표는 상업적 플랜트를 개발하고 공동 기술 라이센스를 추구하며, 판매 기회를 탐색하는 것입니다.
파트너십은 하프너 에너지의 바이오매스-시너지스 기술, 란자테크의 시너지스를 에탄올로 변환하는 전문성, 그리고 란자젯의 알콜-투-젯(ATJ) 기술을 결합합니다. 이러한 통합은 다양한 바이오매스 잔여물로부터 SAF를 생산할 수 있는 완전한 생산 가치 사슬을 생성합니다. 란자젯과 란자테크의 공동 제품인 CirculAir™는 하프너 에너지의 바이오매스 비의존 기술을 활용하여 SAF 생산 능력을 확장할 것입니다.
란자젯은 주요 항공 산업의 지원을 받으며 최근 TIME100 가장 영향력 있는 기업 목록에 올라 2024년 세계 최초의 상업적 규모의 ATJ 공장을 열었습니다. 이 협력의 목표는 농업 및 도시 폐기물을 활용하여 지속 가능한 항공 연료를 생산하는 여러 수익성 있는 프로젝트를 개발하는 것입니다.
Haffner Energy, LanzaTech et LanzaJet ont annoncé un partenariat stratégique pour explorer des projets conjoints de biomasse à carburant aérien durable (SAF). La collaboration vise à développer des usines commerciales, à poursuivre des licences technologiques conjointes et à explorer des opportunités d'achat.
Ce partenariat combine la technologie de conversion de biomasse en syngaz de Haffner Energy, l'expertise de LanzaTech dans la conversion du syngaz en éthanol et la technologie Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) de LanzaJet. Cette intégration crée une chaîne de valeur de production complète pour le SAF à partir de divers résidus de biomasse. Le produit conjoint de LanzaJet et LanzaTech, CirculAir™, utilisera la technologie non dépendante de la biomasse de Haffner Energy pour élargir les capacités de production de SAF.
LanzaJet, soutenue par de grands acteurs de l'industrie aéronautique et récemment inscrite sur la liste des 100 entreprises les plus influentes de TIME, a ouvert en 2024 la première usine ATJ à échelle commerciale au monde. La collaboration vise à développer plusieurs projets rentables, en se concentrant sur l'utilisation de déchets agricoles et municipaux pour la production de carburant aérien durable.
Haffner Energy, LanzaTech und LanzaJet haben eine strategische Partnerschaft angekündigt, um gemeinsame Projekte zur Umwandlung von Biomasse in nachhaltigen Flugkraftstoff (SAF) zu erkunden. Das Ziel der Zusammenarbeit ist es, kommerzielle Anlagen zu entwickeln, gemeinsame Technologielizenzen zu verfolgen und Absatzmöglichkeiten zu erkunden.
Die Partnerschaft kombiniert die Biomasse-zu-Syngas-Technologie von Haffner Energy, die Expertise von LanzaTech in der Umwandlung von Syngas in Ethanol und die Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ)-Technologie von LanzaJet. Diese Integration schafft eine vollständige Produktionswertschöpfungskette für SAF aus verschiedenen Biomasseresten. Das gemeinsame Produkt von LanzaJet und LanzaTech, CirculAir™, wird die biomasseneutrale Technologie von Haffner Energy nutzen, um die Produktionskapazitäten von SAF zu erweitern.
LanzaJet, unterstützt von bedeutenden Akteuren der Luftfahrtindustrie und kürzlich in die TIME100-Liste der einflussreichsten Unternehmen aufgenommen, eröffnete 2024 die erste kommerzielle ATJ-Anlage weltweit. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, mehrere profitable Projekte zu entwickeln, wobei der Fokus auf der Nutzung landwirtschaftlicher und kommunaler Abfälle für die Produktion von nachhaltigem Flugkraftstoff liegt.
- First commercial-scale ATJ plant opened by LanzaJet in 2024
- Strong backing from major industry players including Airbus, British Airways, and Microsoft
- Technology integration enables use of diverse waste-based feedstocks for SAF production
- Recognition in TIME100 Most Influential Companies list
- None.
This strategic partnership marks a pivotal moment for LanzaJet (LNZA) and the sustainable aviation fuel industry. The collaboration creates a fully integrated biomass-to-SAF production chain, combining three proven technologies: Haffner's biomass gasification, LanzaTech's syngas fermentation and LanzaJet's ATJ process.
The partnership's significance lies in several key factors: First, it addresses the critical feedstock flexibility challenge in SAF production. Haffner's technology can process various biomass residues, both wet and dry, significantly expanding the available feedstock base and potentially reducing input costs. Second, the integration with LanzaTech's established commercial-scale operations provides immediate credibility and operational expertise.
The backing of major industry players like Airbus, British Airways and Microsoft adds substantial commercial validation. LanzaJet's recent achievement in opening the first commercial-scale ATJ plant demonstrates their ability to execute at scale. The CirculAir™ initiative, combined with Haffner's technology, creates multiple revenue opportunities through technology licensing, joint commercial plants and potential offtake agreements.
For investors, this partnership represents three key value drivers: 1) Enhanced competitive positioning through vertical integration 2) Expanded market opportunities due to greater feedstock flexibility 3) Potential for accelerated commercialization through combined expertise and resources. The rural economic development aspect, including job creation and agricultural waste utilization, also aligns with government priorities and could attract additional support and funding.
Haffner Energy, a leading advanced solid biomass-to-clean fuels solutions provider, LanzaTech, a carbon management company providing a differentiated syngas-to-ethanol solution, and LanzaJet, the leading ethanol-to-jet technology company and fuels producer, announce today they are working together to explore joint biomass-to-Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) projects covering the entire production value chain.
The three companies are exploring SAF production opportunities, including the development of commercial plants, joint technology licenses, and offtake opportunities as they become available, and funding support and/or investment in specific SAF projects.
“The three companies together demonstrate the type of partnership and technology alignment this industry will need to be successful in meeting the global demands of aviation,” says LanzaJet CEO Jimmy Samartzis. “CirculAir™, the joint product between LanzaJet and LanzaTech, brings together our proprietary technologies to create low-carbon SAF from a variety of feedstocks, including discreet biomass sources. The technology developed by Haffner Energy further opens new opportunities for additional SAF production because it is biomass-agnostic.
France-based Haffner Energy relies on its 31-years of experience to design, manufacture, supply, license, and operate proprietary disruptive clean fuels solutions using all types of biomass residues wet or dry, including agricultural and municipal waste.
LanzaJet, a U.S.-based company with operations around the world, has a leading, exclusive, and patented Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology. LanzaJet is backed by global airport operator group Aéroports de Paris (ADP), British Airways, Airbus, Southwest Airlines and Microsoft, among others. In 2024 LanzaJet was named to the TIME100 Most Influential Companies list, and opened the world’s first commercial-scale ATJ plant in the U.S.
LanzaTech is a proven leader in commercial-scale carbon management solutions, with operations worldwide that transform waste carbon into valuable raw materials, such as ethanol. Ethanol is the essential input required to produce SAF through the ATJ pathway. LanzaTech’s waste-based ethanol provides a tremendous resource for the scalability of the ATJ pathway and CirculAir™, the initiative unveiled last year by LanzaTech and LanzaJet, formally brings together both companies’ technologies into one integrated solution to take advantage of the immense opportunity in using waste-based feedstocks for SAF production.
LanzaTech’s extensive experience using synthetic gas (syngas) as a feedstock to produce ethanol coupled with the proven flexibility of Haffner Energy’s proprietary technology to use a wide array of biomass residues to produce syngas, creates a strong foundation upon which to connect LanzaJet’s ATJ technology. The combination of the three companies’ technology unlocks a compelling pipeline of opportunities to develop and build multiple profitable projects together.
“We are excited to team up with LanzaTech and LanzaJet to develop our first SAF projects together, says Haffner Energy co-founder and CEO Philippe Haffner. We’re confident that CirculAir™ is an exciting pathway, and we look forward to growing our global pipeline together thanks to our combined technologies.”
Dr. Jennifer Holmgren, Chair and CEO of LanzaTech, and Board Chair of LanzaJet, stated, “The powerful combination of CirculAir and Haffner Energy's technologies widens the range of waste-based feedstocks able to be used to meet growing SAF demand. Together, our technologies and teaming can drive innovation and economic growth through advanced technology. This partnership is about more than just fuel production; it's about creating well-paid jobs in rural areas, generating additional value from agricultural and forestry waste, and building new refineries that can bolster local economies.”
About Haffner Energy
Haffner Energy designs, manufactures, supplies, and operates biofuel and hydrogen solutions using biomass residues. Its innovative, patented thermolysis technology produces Sustainable Aviation Fuel, as well as renewable gas, hydrogen, and methanol. The company also contributes to regenerating the planet through the co-production of biogenic CO2 and biochar. A family-owned company co-founded 31 years ago by Marc and Philippe Haffner, Haffner Energy has been working from the outset to decarbonize industry and all forms of mobility, as well as governments and local communities. Further information is available at https://www.haffner-energy.com.
About LanzaJet
LanzaJet is a leading alternative fuels technology and engineering company with a patented Alcohol-to-Jet (ATJ) technology, LanzaJet is creating an opportunity for future generations by catalyzing the deployment of SAF and other energy solutions capable of building new industries, creating next generation jobs, and transforming the global economy. LanzaJet was named to TIME100 Most Influential Companies list in 2024. The company is backed by investors and supporters including: LanzaTech, Suncor, Mitsui, Shell, British Airways, All Nippon Airways, Microsoft, Breakthrough Energy, Southwest Airlines, MUFG, Groupe ADP and Airbus. Further information is available at https://www.lanzajet.com/.
About LanzaTech
LanzaTech Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: LNZA) is the carbon recycling company transforming waste carbon into sustainable fuels, chemicals, materials, and protein for everyday products. Using its bio-recycling technology, LanzaTech captures carbon generated by energy-intensive industries at the source, preventing it from being emitted into the air. LanzaTech then gives that captured carbon a new life as a clean replacement for virgin fossil carbon in everything from household cleaners and clothing fibers to packaging and fuels. By partnering with companies across the global supply chain like ArcelorMittal, Coty, Craghoppers, and LanzaJet, LanzaTech is paving the way for a circular carbon economy. For more information about LanzaTech, visit https://lanzatech.com.
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Haffner Energy
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+1 (515) 554 4244
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+1 (630) 205-5800
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Haffner Energy

What is the purpose of the partnership between Haffner Energy, LanzaTech, and LanzaJet?
What is CirculAir™ and how does it relate to SAF production?
What major milestone did LanzaJet achieve in 2024?
Which major companies are backing LanzaJet's SAF technology?