Energy Dome Signs First U.S. Contract with Alliant Energy for Commercial-Scale Deployment of its CO2 Battery

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Energy Dome has signed its first U.S. supply contract with Alliant Energy (LNT) for the Columbia Energy Storage Project, following a $30 million award from the U.S. Department of Energy. The project will feature a 20MW/200MWh CO2 Battery capable of powering approximately 18,000 Wisconsin homes for 10 hours on a single charge. The company is simultaneously constructing its first standard CO2 Battery plant in Sardinia, Italy, expected to complete by Q1 2025. This modular plant will serve as a template for the Wisconsin facility, ensuring efficient implementation of lessons learned.

Energy Dome ha firmato il suo primo contratto di fornitura negli Stati Uniti con Alliant Energy (LNT) per il Columbia Energy Storage Project, dopo un premio di 30 milioni di dollari dal Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti. Il progetto presenterà una Batteria di CO2 da 20MW/200MWh in grado di alimentare circa 18.000 case del Wisconsin per 10 ore con una singola carica. L'azienda sta contemporaneamente costruendo il suo primo impianto standard di Batteria di CO2 in Sardegna, Italia, previsto per essere completato entro il primo trimestre del 2025. Questo impianto modulare servirà da modello per la struttura del Wisconsin, garantendo un'implementazione efficiente delle lezioni apprese.

Energy Dome ha firmado su primer contrato de suministro en EE. UU. con Alliant Energy (LNT) para el Columbia Energy Storage Project, tras un premio de 30 millones de dólares del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. El proyecto contará con una Batería de CO2 de 20MW/200MWh capaz de alimentar aproximadamente 18,000 hogares en Wisconsin durante 10 horas con una sola carga. La empresa está construyendo simultáneamente su primera planta estándar de Batería de CO2 en Cerdeña, Italia, que se espera que esté terminada para el primer trimestre de 2025. Esta planta modular servirá como plantilla para la instalación de Wisconsin, asegurando la implementación eficiente de las lecciones aprendidas.

Energy Dome는 미국 에너지부의 3000만 달러 지원을 받아 Alliant Energy (LNT)와 콜롬비아 에너지 저장 프로젝트에 대한 첫 미국 공급 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 20MW/200MWh의 CO2 배터리를 특징으로 하며, 한 번의 충전으로 약 18,000개의 위스콘신 가정을 10시간 동안 전력 공급할 수 있습니다. 이 회사는 동시에 이탈리아 사르데냐에 첫 번째 표준 CO2 배터리 공장을 건설 중이며, 2025년 1분기까지 완료될 예정입니다. 이 모듈식 공장은 위스콘신 시설의 템플릿 역할을 하여 학습한 교훈을 효율적으로 구현할 수 있도록 합니다.

Energy Dome a signé son premier contrat de fourniture aux États-Unis avec Alliant Energy (LNT) pour le projet de stockage d'énergie Columbia, suite à une aide de 30 millions de dollars du ministère américain de l'Énergie. Le projet comprendra une Batterie de CO2 de 20MW/200MWh capable d'alimenter environ 18 000 foyers du Wisconsin pendant 10 heures sur une seule charge. L'entreprise construit simultanément sa première usine de Batterie de CO2 standard en Sardaigne, en Italie, qui devrait être achevée d'ici le premier trimestre 2025. Cette usine modulaire servira de modèle pour l'installation du Wisconsin, garantissant une mise en œuvre efficace des leçons apprises.

Energy Dome hat seinen ersten Liefervertrag in den USA mit Alliant Energy (LNT) für das Columbia Energy Storage Project unterzeichnet, nach einem Zuschuss in Höhe von 30 Millionen Dollar vom US-Energieministerium. Das Projekt wird eine CO2-Batterie mit 20MW/200MWh umfassen, die etwa 18.000 Haushalte in Wisconsin 10 Stunden lang mit Energie versorgen kann. Das Unternehmen baut gleichzeitig sein erstes Standard-CO2-Batteriewerk in Sardinien, Italien, das bis zum ersten Quartal 2025 fertiggestellt werden soll. Dieses modulare Werk wird als Vorlage für die Anlage in Wisconsin dienen und eine effiziente Umsetzung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sicherstellen.

  • Secured $30 million competitive award from U.S. Department of Energy
  • Signed major supply contract for 20MW/200MWh CO2 Battery system
  • Project will power 18,000 homes for 10 hours on single charge
  • None.


The Energy Dome-Alliant Energy partnership marks a significant milestone in utility-scale energy storage deployment, backed by $30 million in DOE funding. The 20MW/200MWh CO2 Battery project represents innovative technology that could transform grid-scale energy storage economics. With 10-hour duration capability serving 18,000 homes, this system addresses a critical market gap between short-duration batteries and pumped hydro storage.

The parallel development in Sardinia (Q1 2025 completion) provides important operational validation before U.S. deployment. The standardized, modular approach reduces implementation risks and accelerates commercialization. This project's success could catalyze widespread adoption of CO2 Battery technology, particularly among utilities seeking cost-effective long-duration storage solutions to support renewable energy integration.

This contract represents a strategic market entry into the lucrative U.S. energy storage sector. The partnership with a major utility like Alliant Energy provides strong commercial validation for Energy Dome's technology. The Wisconsin project could serve as a reference case for other U.S. utilities, potentially leading to multiple follow-on orders.

The timing aligns with growing utility demand for long-duration storage solutions, driven by renewable energy integration needs and grid reliability requirements. The project's success could position Energy Dome as a key player in the rapidly expanding U.S. energy storage market, estimated to grow significantly over the next decade.

A Signed Supply Contract Cements the Role of Energy Dome's Technology in the U.S. Energy Storage Market

MADISON, Wis.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Energy Dome, a leader in long-duration energy storage solutions, announces a landmark advancement in its commercial-scale deployment in the US market through a signed supply contract for the Columbia Energy Storage Project with Alliant Energy.

Left: Claudio Spadacini, CEO – Energy Dome. Right: Raja Sundararajan, Executive Vice President – Alliant Energy. (Photo: Business Wire)

Left: Claudio Spadacini, CEO – Energy Dome. Right: Raja Sundararajan, Executive Vice President – Alliant Energy. (Photo: Business Wire)

Having already secured a competitive Cooperative Agreement award of up to $30 million from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, this collaboration has recently reached another key milestone with Alliant Energy's recent application filing for the Columbia Energy Storage Project, with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC).

This represents a major step forward for long-duration energy storage and underscores both companies' commitment to enhancing renewable energy deployment while maintaining grid reliability and affordability.

Claudio Spadacini, CEO of Energy Dome, expressed enthusiasm about this milestone, stating, "This is excellent news for long-duration energy storage in North America. Our forward-thinking collaboration with Alliant Energy is not just about innovation; it's about creating opportunities for imminent scaled deployment in the U.S. energy sector. Our technology is poised to play a transformational role in how energy is stored and managed."

Raja Sundararajan, Executive Vice President of Alliant Energy, also conveyed his satisfaction about this collaboration, remarking: "We are excited to announce the signed supply contract with Energy Dome for our pioneering Columbia Energy Storage Project. It is a critical milestone of this strategic partnership. After a thorough evaluation of technologies available in the market, the Energy Dome’s CO2 Battery stood out as a cost-effective, efficient and scalable solution. We see this as the first of many CO2 Batteries to be built in partnership between Energy Dome and Alliant to continue delivering reliable and affordable energy in the communities we serve."

The Columbia Energy Storage Project will feature Energy Dome's standard-frame 20MW/200MWh CO2 Battery, powering around 18,000 homes in Wisconsin for 10 hours on a single charge. It aims to set a benchmark for other utilities and energy providers seeking to boost their storage solutions and cut carbon emissions. In particular, Energy Dome will assist Alliant Energy throughout the entire project and ensure the effective incorporation of the CO2 Battery system into the energy infrastructure.

In parallel, the construction of Energy Dome's first-of-a-kind standard CO2 Battery plant in Sardinia, Italy, is also proceeding at full speed. The Sardinia plant's completion is expected by the end of Q1 2025 after reaching full notice-to-proceed at the end of 2023, representing Energy Dome’s capability to deliver on a short lead time basis.

It's also worth noting that thanks to a modular and standardized approach, the Italian plant will virtually be identical to the one in the U.S., where the former will provide the ideal testbed from both a construction and operational perspective, ensuring a smooth process and application of lessons learned to kickstart the US plant's construction in Wisconsin.

For more information on Energy Dome’s projects, please visit

About Energy Dome

Energy Dome is at the forefront of redefining long-duration energy storage with its CO2 Battery. The properties of carbon dioxide allow the system to store energy efficiently and cost-effectively through a patented thermodynamic process, hence representing the most valid alternative to lithium-ion batteries or pumped-hydro solutions. The CO2 Battery is already a fully validated and cost-effective system that uses no lithium or rare-earth elements to store electricity, boasting superior round-trip efficiency. With a modular approach and site-independent footprint, CO2 Batteries use readily available, off-the-shelf components from reliable, existing supply chains, providing a scalable pathway to store massive amounts of intermittent renewable energy and accelerate the energy transition; it’s the only technology available today offering the right combination of efficiency, cost, scalability and that's viable globally. For more information, please visit

About Alliant Energy

Alliant Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: LNT) provides regulated energy service to 1 million electric and 425,000 natural gas customers across Iowa and Wisconsin. Alliant Energy's mission is to deliver energy solutions and exceptional service customers and communities count on – safely, efficiently and responsibly. Interstate Power and Light Company (IPL) and Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WPL) are Alliant Energy's two public energy companies. Alliant Energy is a component of Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index and the S&P 500. For more information, visit

About the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) was established to accelerate clean energy technologies and fill a critical innovation gap on the path to achieving our nation’s climate goals of net zero emissions by 2050. OCED’s mission is to deliver clean energy demonstration projects at scale in partnership with the private sector to accelerate deployment, market adoption, and the equitable transition to a decarbonized energy system. Visit to learn more.

Media: Mario Torchio –

Source: Energy Dome


What is the capacity of Energy Dome's CO2 Battery project with Alliant Energy (LNT)?

The Columbia Energy Storage Project will feature a 20MW/200MWh CO2 Battery system capable of powering approximately 18,000 homes in Wisconsin for 10 hours on a single charge.

When will Energy Dome complete its first CO2 Battery plant in Sardinia?

Energy Dome's first standard CO2 Battery plant in Sardinia, Italy, is expected to be completed by the end of Q1 2025.

How much funding did Energy Dome receive from the U.S. Department of Energy for the Alliant Energy (LNT) project?

Energy Dome received a competitive Cooperative Agreement award of up to $30 million from the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations.

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