LENSAR Reports Inducement Grants Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)
LENSAR announced the granting of stock options to two newly-hired non-executive employees as employment inducements. The grants, approved by independent board members, total 650 shares with an exercise price of $5.38 per share, matching the closing price on November 1, 2024. The options vest 25% after one year, followed by 36 monthly installments, contingent on continued employment. The 10-year term options are governed by LENSAR's 2024 Employment Inducement Incentive Award Plan.
LENSAR ha annunciato l'assegnazione di opzioni su azioni a due nuovi dipendenti non esecutivi come incentivo all'assunzione. Le assegnazioni, approvate dai membri del consiglio indipendenti, ammontano a 650 azioni con un prezzo di esercizio di $5,38 per azione, corrispondente al prezzo di chiusura del 1 novembre 2024. Le opzioni maturano il 25% dopo un anno, seguite da 36 rate mensili, subordinate al mantenimento dell'impiego. Le opzioni valide per 10 anni sono regolamentate dal Piano di Incentivo per l'Assunzione dei Dipendenti di LENSAR del 2024.
LENSAR anunció la concesión de opciones sobre acciones a dos empleados no ejecutivos recién contratados como incentivos laborales. Las concesiones, aprobadas por miembros independientes de la junta, suman 650 acciones con un precio de ejercicio de $5.38 por acción, coincidiendo con el precio de cierre del 1 de noviembre de 2024. Las opciones se consolidan en un 25% después de un año, seguidas de 36 cuotas mensuales, condicionadas a la continuidad del empleo. Las opciones tienen un plazo de 10 años y se rigen por el Plan de Incentivo por Contratación de Empleados de LENSAR de 2024.
LENSAR는 두 명의 신입 비임원 직원에게 채용 유인책으로 주식 옵션을 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 독립 이사들에 의해 승인된 이 부여는 총 650주이며, 주당 행사 가격은 $5.38로, 2024년 11월 1일의 종가와 일치합니다. 옵션은 1년 후 25%가 행사 가능해지며, 이후 36개월 동안 매달 할부로 지급되며, 이는 계속 고용 상태에 따라 달라집니다. 10년의 옵션 기간은 LENSAR 2024 고용 유인 인센티브 상여 제도에 의해 규제됩니다.
LENSAR a annoncé l'octroi d'options d'achat d'actions à deux nouveaux employés non exécutifs en tant qu'incitatifs à l'embauche. Les octrois, approuvés par des membres indépendants du conseil, totalisent 650 actions à un prix d'exercice de $5,38 par action, correspondant au prix de clôture du 1er novembre 2024. Les options prennent effet à hauteur de 25 % après un an, suivies de 36 mensualités, conditionnées par la poursuite de l'emploi. Les options d'une durée de 10 ans sont régies par le Plan d'Incentive pour l'Emploi de LENSAR de 2024.
LENSAR gab bekannt, dass zwei neu eingestellte nicht-executive Mitarbeiter als Einstellungsmöglichkeiten Aktienoptionsscheine erhalten haben. Die Vergaben, die von unabhängigen Vorstandsmitgliedern genehmigt wurden, belaufen sich auf insgesamt 650 Aktien mit einem Ausübungspreis von $5,38 pro Aktie, entsprechend dem Schlusskurs vom 1. November 2024. Die Optionen werden nach einem Jahr zu 25% fällig, gefolgt von 36 monatlichen Raten, die von einer fortgesetzten Beschäftigung abhängen. Die 10-jährigen Optionen unterliegen dem LENSAR 2024 Beschäftigungsanreiz-Incentive-Preisplan.
- Stock options granted at current market price, avoiding immediate dilution impact
- Potential future dilution of 650 shares through employee stock options
ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LENSAR, Inc. (Nasdaq: LNSR) (“LENSAR” or the “Company”) today announced that a majority of the independent members of LENSAR’s board of directors granted two newly-hired non-executive employees stock options to purchase an aggregate of 650 shares of the Company’s common stock. The options were granted as of November 1, 2024, as inducements material to each employee entering into employment with the Company. The options were granted in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).
The options have an exercise price of
LENSAR is a commercial-stage medical device company focused on designing, developing, and marketing advanced systems for the treatment of cataracts and the management of astigmatism as an integral aspect of the procedure. LENSAR has developed its ALLY Robotic Cataract Laser System™ as a compact, highly ergonomic system utilizing an extremely fast dual-modality laser and integrating AI into proprietary imaging and software. ALLY is designed to transform premium cataract surgery by utilizing LENSAR’s advanced robotic technologies with the ability to perform the entire procedure in a sterile operating room or in-office surgical suite, delivering operational efficiencies and reducing overhead. ALLY includes LENSAR’s proprietary Streamline® software technology, which is designed to guide surgeons to achieve better outcomes.
Contacts: | Lee Roth / Cameron Radinovic | |
Thomas R. Staab, II, CFO | Burns McClellan for LENSAR | |
ir.contact@lensar.com | lroth@burnsmc.com / cradinovic@burnsmc.com |

What is the exercise price of LNSR's November 2024 inducement stock options?
How many shares were granted in LNSR's November 2024 inducement options?