Cheniere Announces Publication of Updated Peer-Reviewed LNG Life Cycle Assessment

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Cheniere Energy announced the publication of an updated peer-reviewed life cycle assessment (LCA) study for the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensities of its liquefied natural gas (LNG). This study, published in the American Chemical Society’s Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Journal, includes a novel gas-pathing algorithm that enhances GHG emissions modeling across Cheniere's supply chain.

By integrating measurement data from the Company's facilities and collaborations with natural gas producers, midstream providers, shippers, and academic experts, the study leverages Cheniere’s multi-year Quantification, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (QMRV) program. The updated LCA shows that the 2022 GHG emissions intensity of Cheniere’s LNG is 20-28% lower than the 2019 U.S. Department of Energy’s NETL study.

The study highlights the importance of integrating measurement data into LCAs to accurately characterize GHG emissions from natural gas supply chains, reinforcing the environmental competitiveness of Cheniere’s LNG.

Cheniere Energy ha annunciato la pubblicazione di uno studio aggiornato peer-reviewed sulla valutazione del ciclo di vita (LCA) per le intensità di emissioni di gas serra (GHG) del suo gas naturale liquefatto (LNG). Questo studio, pubblicato nel Journal of Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering della American Chemical Society, include un nuovo algoritmo di tracciamento del gas che migliora la modellizzazione delle emissioni di GHG lungo la catena di approvvigionamento di Cheniere.

Integrando i dati di misurazione delle strutture aziendali e collaborazioni con produttori di gas naturale, fornitori midstream, spedizionieri ed esperti accademici, lo studio sfrutta il programma Quantificazione, Monitoraggio, Reporting e Verifica (QMRV) multiannuale di Cheniere. L'LCA aggiornato mostra che l'intensità delle emissioni di GHG del LNG di Cheniere nel 2022 è dal 20 al 28% inferiore rispetto allo studio NETL del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti del 2019.

Lo studio sottolinea l'importanza di integrare i dati di misurazione nelle LCA per caratterizzare accuratamente le emissioni di GHG dalle catene di approvvigionamento del gas naturale, rafforzando la competitività ambientale del LNG di Cheniere.

Cheniere Energy anunció la publicación de un estudio actualizado y revisado por pares sobre la evaluación del ciclo de vida (LCA) para las intensidades de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GHG) de su gas natural licuado (LNG). Este estudio, publicado en el Journal of Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering de la Sociedad Química Americana, incluye un nuevo algoritmo de enrutamiento de gas que mejora la modelización de las emisiones de GHG a lo largo de la cadena de suministro de Cheniere.

Al integrar datos de medición de las instalaciones de la empresa y colaboraciones con productores de gas natural, proveedores midstream, transportistas y expertos académicos, el estudio aprovecha el programa Cuantificación, Monitoreo, Reporte y Verificación (QMRV) de varios años de Cheniere. La LCA actualizada muestra que la intensidad de emisiones de GHG del LNG de Cheniere en 2022 es un 20-28% más baja que el estudio NETL del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. de 2019.

El estudio destaca la importancia de integrar los datos de medición en las LCA para caracterizar con precisión las emisiones de GHG de las cadenas de suministro de gas natural, reforzando la competitividad ambiental del LNG de Cheniere.

Cheniere Energy는 액화천연가스(LNG)의 온실가스(GHG) 배출 강도에 대한 업데이트된 동료 검토 생애주기 평가(LCA) 연구를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 미국화학회 지속 가능한 화학 및 공학 저널에 발표되었으며, Cheniere의 공급망 전반에 걸쳐 GHG 배출 모델링을 향상시키는 혁신적인 가스 경로 알고리즘을 포함하고 있습니다.

회사의 시설에서 수집된 측정 데이터와 천연 가스 생산자, 중간 공급업체, 선적업체 및 학문적 전문가와의 협업을 통합함으로써, 이 연구는 Cheniere의 다년간 정량화, 모니터링, 보고 및 검증(QMRV) 프로그램을 활용합니다. 업데이트된 LCA는 Cheniere의 LNG의 2022년 GHG 배출 강도가 2019년 미국 에너지부의 NETL 연구보다 20-28% 낮다는 것을 보여줍니다.

이 연구는 천연 가스 공급망의 GHG 배출을 정확하게 특성화하기 위해 LCA에 측정 데이터를 통합하는 것의 중요성을 강조하며, Cheniere의 LNG의 환경적 경쟁력을 강화합니다.

Cheniere Energy a annoncé la publication d'une étude actualisée et évaluée par les pairs sur les intensités d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) de son gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) dans le cadre d'une évaluation du cycle de vie (LCA). Cette étude, publiée dans le Journal de la chimie durable et de l'ingénierie de l'American Chemical Society, comprend un nouvel algorithme de cheminement du gaz qui améliore la modélisation des émissions de GES tout au long de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de Cheniere.

En intégrant des données de mesure provenant des installations de l'entreprise et des collaborations avec des producteurs de gaz naturel, des fournisseurs de services intermédiaires, des expéditeurs et des experts académiques, l'étude exploite le programme multian annuel de Quantification, Surveillance, Rapport et Vérification (QMRV) de Cheniere. L'LCA actualisée montre que l'intensité des émissions de GES du GNL de Cheniere en 2022 est de 20 à 28 % inférieure à celle de l'étude NETL du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis de 2019.

L'étude souligne l'importance d'intégrer des données de mesure dans les LCA pour caractériser avec précision les émissions de GES des chaînes d'approvisionnement en gaz naturel, renforçant ainsi la compétitivité environnementale du GNL de Cheniere.

Cheniere Energy gab die Veröffentlichung einer aktualisierten, peer-reviewed Lebenszyklusanalyse (LCA) zum Treibhausgas (GHG) Emissionen Intensität seines verflüssigten Erdgases (LNG) bekannt. Diese Studie, veröffentlicht in der American Chemical Society’s Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Journal, enthält einen neuartigen Gaspfad-Algorithmus, der die Modellierung der GHG-Emissionen über die Lieferkette von Cheniere hinweg verbessert.

Durch die Integration von Messdaten aus den Einrichtungen des Unternehmens und die Zusammenarbeit mit Erdgasproduzenten, Midstream-Anbietern, Versandunternehmen und wissenschaftlichen Experten nutzt die Studie Cheniere’s mehrjähriges Quantifizierungs-, Überwachungs-, Berichts- und Verifizierungsprogramm (QMRV). Die aktualisierte LCA zeigt, dass die GHG-Emissionsintensität von Cheniere’s LNG im Jahr 2022 20-28 % niedriger ist als die NETL-Studie des US-Energieministeriums von 2019.

Die Studie hebt die Bedeutung der Integration von Messdaten in LCAs hervor, um die GHG-Emissionen aus den Erdgas-Lieferketten genau zu charakterisieren und somit die Umweltwettbewerbsfähigkeit von Cheniere’s LNG zu stärken.

  • The updated LCA study shows that the 2022 GHG emissions intensity of Cheniere’s LNG is 20-28% lower than the 2019 NETL study.
  • The study enhances understanding of supply chain emissions, improving the quality of GHG emissions intensity estimates for Cheniere’s LNG.
  • None.


This publication of an updated life cycle assessment study represents an incremental scientific advancement rather than a material business development. While the study demonstrates favorable emissions data for Cheniere's LNG operations compared to industry benchmarks, showing 20-28% lower emissions intensities than NETL standards, it does not directly impact current financial performance or operations.

The research validates Cheniere's environmental positioning and could support future regulatory compliance and customer relationships in markets with strict emissions requirements. However, the immediate business impact is as this represents a research milestone rather than an operational or financial catalyst. The novel gas-pathing algorithm and integration of measurement data enhance emissions tracking capabilities but don't fundamentally alter the company's market position or near-term prospects.

Gas-pathing algorithm and further integration of measurement data improve supply chain-specific tracking of greenhouse gas emissions

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cheniere Energy, Inc. (“Cheniere” or the “Company”) (NYSE: LNG) today announced the publication of an updated life cycle assessment (LCA) study for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensities of the Company's liquefied natural gas (LNG). This peer-reviewed study includes a novel gas-pathing algorithm that further improves the modeling of GHG emissions across Cheniere's supply chain, utilizing actual operational data. The study also leverages the Company’s multi-year Quantification, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (QMRV) program by integrating measurement data from the Company’s facilities and collaborations with natural gas producers, midstream providers, shippers and experts at leading academic institutions.

The enhanced study has been published in the American Chemical Society’s Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Journal, and it builds upon Cheniere’s first LCA study, published in 2021.

The updated study deploys an algorithm that models natural gas pathways throughout Cheniere’s supply chain in 2022, from the natural gas production basin, through the transmission network, to the Company’s Sabine Pass and Corpus Christi liquefaction facilities in the Gulf Coast region, utilizing data on gas purchases, transportation capacity and gas flows. This analysis enhances the understanding of supply chain emissions and improves the quality of GHG emissions intensity estimates for Cheniere’s LNG.

The study models cases with conventional emissions inventory inputs and measurement data. It finds in all cases that the 2022 GHG emissions intensity of Cheniere’s delivered LNG is lower than those presented in the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) 2019 study. By incorporating emissions measurement data from across the supply chain into the LCA, the study finds the emissions intensities of Cheniere’s LNG, when used in importing countries for power generation, are 20-28% lower than the NETL study. The study also finds that integration of measurement data into LCAs is critical to accurately characterize the differences in GHG emissions from natural gas supply chains.

“This study reinforces the environmental competitiveness of Cheniere’s LNG, while demonstrating the value of direct emissions measurement to better understand the environmental footprint of LNG and identify areas for improvement,” said Jack Fusco, Cheniere’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are charting a path forward with concrete data, science and actions to ensure LNG and natural gas continue to play a role in the global transition to a lower-carbon future for decades to come.”

The updated study is co-authored by individuals from the University of Texas at Austin’s Energy Emissions Modeling and Data Lab, Queen Mary University of London’s School of Engineering and Materials Science, Colorado School of Mines’ Payne Institute for Public Policy, Rystad Energy, KeyLogic Systems and Cheniere.

About Cheniere

Cheniere Energy, Inc. is the leading producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) in the United States, reliably providing a clean, secure, and affordable solution to the growing global need for natural gas. Cheniere is a full-service LNG provider, with capabilities that include gas procurement and transportation, liquefaction, vessel chartering, and LNG delivery. Cheniere has one of the largest liquefaction platforms in the world, consisting of the Sabine Pass liquefaction facility, wholly-owned by its subsidiary Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE: CQP), and the Corpus Christi liquefaction facility, each on the U.S. Gulf Coast with total combined production capacity of approximately 45 million tonnes per annum (“mtpa”) of LNG in operation and an additional 10+ mtpa of expected production capacity under construction. Cheniere is also pursuing liquefaction expansion opportunities and other projects along the LNG value chain. Cheniere is headquartered in Houston, Texas, and has additional offices in London, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C.

For additional information, please refer to the Cheniere website at and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain statements that may include “forward-looking statements” within the meanings of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements, other than statements of historical or present facts or conditions, included herein are “forward-looking statements.” Included among “forward-looking statements” are, among other things, (i) statements regarding Cheniere’s financial and operational guidance, business strategy, plans and objectives, including the development, construction and operation of liquefaction facilities, (ii) statements regarding regulatory authorization and approval expectations, (iii) statements expressing beliefs and expectations regarding the development of Cheniere’s LNG terminal and pipeline businesses, including liquefaction facilities, (iv) statements regarding the business operations and prospects of third-parties, (v) statements regarding potential financing arrangements, (vi) statements regarding future discussions and entry into contracts, (vii) statements relating to Cheniere’s capital deployment, including intent, ability, extent, and timing of capital expenditures, debt repayment, dividends, share repurchases and execution on the capital allocation plan and (viii) statements relating to our goals, commitments and strategies in relation to environmental matters. Although Cheniere believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. Cheniere’s actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors, including those discussed in Cheniere’s periodic reports that are filed with and available from the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Other than as required under the securities laws, Cheniere does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.

Cheniere Energy, Inc.


Randy Bhatia, 713-375-5479

Frances Smith, 713-375-5753

Media Relations

Eben Burnham-Snyder, 713-375-5764

Bernardo Fallas, 713-375-5593

Source: Cheniere Energy, Inc.


What is the significance of Cheniere Energy's updated LCA study?

The updated LCA study shows that the 2022 GHG emissions intensity of Cheniere’s LNG is 20-28% lower than the 2019 NETL study, reinforcing its environmental competitiveness.

How does Cheniere Energy's updated LCA study improve GHG emissions tracking?

The study uses a novel gas-pathing algorithm and integrates measurement data from Cheniere’s facilities and collaborators, enhancing GHG emissions modeling across the supply chain.

Where was Cheniere Energy's updated LCA study published?

The updated LCA study was published in the American Chemical Society’s Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Journal.

What program does Cheniere Energy leverage in its updated LCA study?

Cheniere Energy leverages its multi-year Quantification, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (QMRV) program in the updated LCA study.

What are the environmental benefits of Cheniere Energy's updated LCA study?

The study finds that the 2022 GHG emissions intensity of Cheniere’s LNG is 20-28% lower than the 2019 NETL study, highlighting its environmental competitiveness.

Cheniere Energy


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