New Look, Same Promise: Lincoln Financial Refreshes Brand, Keeping Its Iconic Namesake at the Forefront

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Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) has unveiled a brand refresh, emphasizing its commitment to customers' financial futures while honoring its 120-year heritage. The refresh includes:

  • A new logo featuring Abraham Lincoln gazing into an orange horizon, symbolizing a forward-thinking approach
  • A new tagline: "Your tomorrow. Our priority."

CEO Ellen Cooper stressed the company's focus on financial protection and security. The brand update reflects Lincoln Financial's core values of honesty, trust, and integrity. Implementation will occur gradually over several years, with no changes to strategy or product offerings. The refresh aims to sharpen the visual representation of the company's purpose and mark its next chapter in financial services.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) ha presentato un aggiornamento del marchio, sottolineando il suo impegno per il futuro finanziario dei clienti, onorando al contempo i suoi 120 anni di storia. L'aggiornamento include:

  • Un nuovo logo con Abraham Lincoln che guarda verso un orizzonte arancione, simboleggiando un approccio orientato al futuro
  • Un nuovo slogan: "Il tuo domani. La nostra priorità."

Il CEO Ellen Cooper ha enfatizzato l'attenzione dell'azienda sulla protezione e sicurezza finanziaria. L'aggiornamento del marchio riflette i valori fondamentali di Lincoln Financial: onestà, fiducia e integrità. L'implementazione avverrà gradualmente nel corso di diversi anni, senza modifiche alla strategia o all'offerta di prodotti. L'aggiornamento mira a affinare la rappresentazione visiva dello scopo dell'azienda e a segnare il suo prossimo capitolo nei servizi finanziari.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) ha presentado una actualización de marca que enfatiza su compromiso con los futuros financieros de los clientes, mientras honra su herencia de 120 años. La actualización incluye:

  • Un nuevo logo que presenta a Abraham Lincoln mirando hacia un horizonte naranja, simbolizando un enfoque hacia el futuro
  • Un nuevo lema: "Tu mañana. Nuestra prioridad."

La CEO Ellen Cooper destacó el enfoque de la compañía en la protección y seguridad financiera. La actualización de la marca refleja los valores fundamentales de Lincoln Financial: honestidad, confianza e integridad. La implementación se llevará a cabo gradualmente durante varios años, sin cambios en la estrategia o la oferta de productos. La actualización tiene como objetivo agudizar la representación visual del propósito de la empresa y marcar su próximo capítulo en los servicios financieros.

링컨 파이낸셜 (NYSE: LNC)은 고객의 재정적 미래에 대한 헌신을 강조하고 120년의 유산을 기념하는 브랜드 새단장을 공개했습니다. 새단장은 다음을 포함합니다:

  • 아브라함 링컨이 오렌지색 수평선으로 바라보는 모습이 담긴 새로운 로고, 미래 지향적인 접근 방식을 상징합니다
  • 새로운 태그라인: "당신의 내일. 우리의 우선순위."

CEO 엘렌 쿠퍼는 회사가 재정 보호 및 안전성에 집중하고 있다고 강조했습니다. 브랜드 업데이트는 링컨 파이낸셜의 핵심 가치인 정직, 신뢰, 그리고 진실성을 반영합니다. 이행은 여러 해에 걸쳐 점진적으로 이루어지며, 전략이나 제품 제공에 대한 변화는 없습니다. 새단장은 회사의 목적에 대한 시각적 표현을 선명하게 하고 재정 서비스에서의 다음 장을 알리는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) a dévoilé un rafraîchissement de marque, mettant l'accent sur son engagement envers l'avenir financier de ses clients tout en honorant ses 120 ans d'héritage. Le rafraîchissement comprend :

  • Un nouveau logo représentant Abraham Lincoln regardant vers un horizon orange, symbole d'une approche tournée vers l'avenir
  • Un nouveau slogan : "Votre demain. Notre priorité."

Le PDG Ellen Cooper a souligné l'accent mis par l'entreprise sur la protection et la sécurité financières. La mise à jour de la marque reflète les valeurs fondamentales de Lincoln Financial : honnêteté, confiance et intégrité. La mise en œuvre se fera progressivement sur plusieurs années, sans changements dans la stratégie ou l'offre de produits. Ce rafraîchissement vise à affiner la représentation visuelle du but de l'entreprise et à marquer son prochain chapitre dans les services financiers.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) hat ein neues Marken-Update vorgestellt, das sein Engagement für die finanziellen Zukunft der Kunden betont und gleichzeitig auf 120 Jahre Geschichte zurückblickt. Die Auffrischung umfasst:

  • Ein neues Logo, das Abraham Lincoln zeigt, der in einen orangefarbenen Horizont blickt und damit einen zukunftsorientierten Ansatz symbolisiert
  • Ein neuer Slogan: "Ihr Morgen. Unsere Priorität."

CEO Ellen Cooper betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf finanzielle Sicherheit und Schutz. Die Markenaktualisierung spiegelt die Kernwerte von Lincoln Financial wider: Ehrlichkeit, Vertrauen und Integrität. Die Umsetzung wird über mehrere Jahre schrittweise erfolgen, ohne Änderungen an der Strategie oder dem Produktangebot. Die Auffrischung zielt darauf ab, die visuelle Darstellung des Unternehmenszwecks zu schärfen und das nächste Kapitel in den Finanzdienstleistungen einzuleiten.

  • Brand refresh potentially enhancing market visibility and customer engagement
  • Reaffirmation of commitment to core values and customer-centric approach
  • No changes to company strategy or product offerings, maintaining business stability
  • None.

Lincoln Financial's brand refresh appears to be a strategic move to modernize its image while maintaining its historical roots. The new logo, featuring Abraham Lincoln gazing into a "vibrant orange horizon," symbolizes a forward-looking approach. This, coupled with the tagline "Your tomorrow. Our priority," emphasizes a customer-centric focus on future financial security.

However, from an investor's perspective, this rebranding effort may not significantly impact the company's financial performance in the short term. The gradual roll-out over several years suggests minimal immediate costs. While a refreshed brand could potentially attract new customers and reinforce loyalty among existing ones, the impact on revenue and market share is likely to be gradual and difficult to quantify.

Importantly, the company states there are no changes to its overarching strategy or product offerings. This indicates that the rebranding is more about perception than a fundamental shift in business operations. Investors should view this as a long-term investment in brand equity rather than a catalyst for immediate financial gains.

New logo and tagline introduced, building upon the company’s storied heritage of nearly 120 years, while marking its next chapter

RADNOR, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) today shared that it is refreshing its brand with the objectives of sharpening the visual representation of the company’s purpose and honoring its storied heritage, while marking its next chapter. The enhanced brand visuals and messaging bring together Lincoln Financial’s deep connection to the values of its namesake, Abraham Lincoln – honesty, trust and integrity – while emphasizing its ongoing commitment to its customers’ financial futures.

“Our refreshed brand is a clear reflection of our purpose – providing financial protection and security to our customers and their families – and an expression of our core organizational values,” said Ellen Cooper, Chairman, President and CEO, Lincoln Financial. “We’re incredibly proud of our deep history, and we are looking toward the future with a steadfast focus on stewardship – this is our long-term commitment to deliver on the financial promises to the customers we serve today and tomorrow with care, offering solutions to address individual needs with a clear impact on what matters most.”

As part of the company’s brand refresh, customers will begin to see:

  • A new logo: a more well-defined image of the company’s iconic namesake, Abraham Lincoln, turned to a three-quarter view that gazes into a vibrant orange horizon. The new look conveys the company’s forward-thinking, customer-centric approach.
  • A new tagline: Your tomorrow. Our priority. This bold statement represents the company’s ongoing commitment to people first and focus on treating every customer’s future with care.

The full roll-out of these changes across all marketing materials, websites, social media platforms and signage (including at Lincoln Financial Field) will take place over the next few years. There are no changes to Lincoln’s overarching strategy or product offerings associated with this brand refresh.

To learn more about today’s announcement, visit

About Lincoln Financial

Lincoln Financial helps people to plan, protect and retire with confidence. As of December 31, 2023, approximately 17 million customers trust our guidance and solutions across four core businesses — annuities, life insurance, group protection, and retirement plan services. As of June 30, 2024, the company had $311 billion in end-of-period account balances, net of reinsurance. Headquartered in Radnor, Pa., Lincoln Financial is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation (NYSE: LNC) and its affiliates.


Lincoln Financial is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations.

© 2024 Lincoln National Corporation

Sarah Boxler


Media Relations

Tina Madon


Investor Relations

Source: Lincoln Financial


What changes has Lincoln Financial (LNC) made to its brand?

Lincoln Financial has introduced a new logo featuring Abraham Lincoln gazing into an orange horizon and a new tagline: 'Your tomorrow. Our priority.' These changes are part of a brand refresh aimed at emphasizing the company's commitment to customers' financial futures while honoring its heritage.

Will Lincoln Financial's (LNC) brand refresh affect its product offerings?

No, Lincoln Financial has stated that there are no changes to its overarching strategy or product offerings associated with this brand refresh. The changes are primarily visual and messaging-related.

When will Lincoln Financial (LNC) fully implement its new branding?

The full roll-out of the brand changes across all marketing materials, websites, social media platforms, and signage (including at Lincoln Financial Field) will take place over the next few years.

What is the significance of Lincoln Financial's (LNC) new logo?

The new logo features a more well-defined image of Abraham Lincoln turned to a three-quarter view, gazing into a vibrant orange horizon. This design is intended to convey the company's forward-thinking, customer-centric approach while maintaining its connection to its namesake.

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