CORRECTING and REPLACING Lincoln Financial Launches First Product in New Elite Indexed Universal Life Portfolio

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Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) has launched Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL, the first product in their new Elite Indexed Universal Life Portfolio. This strategic initiative comes as IUL sales are projected to represent nearly 25% of the total U.S. life insurance market in 2024.

The Elite IUL Portfolio will feature three products offering differentiated solutions through S&P 500 indices. The new product includes enhanced volatility-controlled indexed accounts based on two indices: the S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index and S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, providing the highest volatility targets ever offered by Lincoln Financial.

Key features include:

  • Enhanced volatility-controlled indices (VCI) from S&P 500
  • Traditional and uncapped VCI indexed accounts
  • Performance multiplier rider for additional growth potential
  • Enhanced Overloan Protection Rider

According to Lincoln's research, 88% of consumers want growth solutions, while 69% seek an equal mix of growth and protection. The portfolio allows policyholders to allocate funds across multiple indexed account options and switch between them based on needs or market conditions.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) ha lanciato Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL, il primo prodotto del loro nuovo Portfolio Elite Indexed Universal Life. Questa iniziativa strategica arriva mentre si prevede che le vendite di IUL rappresenteranno quasi il 25% del mercato totale delle assicurazioni sulla vita negli Stati Uniti nel 2024.

Il Portfolio Elite IUL presenterà tre prodotti che offrono soluzioni differenziate tramite indici S&P 500. Il nuovo prodotto include conti indicizzati controllati per la volatilità, basati su due indici: il S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index e il S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, offrendo i target di volatilità più elevati mai offerti da Lincoln Financial.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Indici controllati per la volatilità (VCI) migliorati dall'S&P 500
  • Conti indicizzati VCI tradizionali e senza limiti
  • Rider di moltiplicatore di performance per un potenziale di crescita aggiuntivo
  • Rider di protezione Overloan migliorato

Secondo la ricerca di Lincoln, l'88% dei consumatori desidera soluzioni di crescita, mentre il 69% cerca un mix equilibrato di crescita e protezione. Il portfolio consente ai titolari di polizza di allocare fondi su più opzioni di conti indicizzati e di passare tra di esse in base alle esigenze o alle condizioni di mercato.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) ha lanzado Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL, el primer producto de su nuevo Portfolio Elite Indexed Universal Life. Esta iniciativa estratégica llega en un momento en que se proyecta que las ventas de IUL representen casi el 25% del mercado total de seguros de vida en EE. UU. en 2024.

El Portfolio Elite IUL contará con tres productos que ofrecen soluciones diferenciadas a través de índices S&P 500. El nuevo producto incluye cuentas indexadas controladas por volatilidad basadas en dos índices: el S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index y el S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, proporcionando los objetivos de volatilidad más altos jamás ofrecidos por Lincoln Financial.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Índices controlados por volatilidad (VCI) mejorados del S&P 500
  • Cuentas indexadas VCI tradicionales y sin límite
  • Rider de multiplicador de rendimiento para un potencial de crecimiento adicional
  • Rider de protección Overloan mejorado

Según la investigación de Lincoln, el 88% de los consumidores desea soluciones de crecimiento, mientras que el 69% busca una mezcla equilibrada de crecimiento y protección. El portfolio permite a los titulares de pólizas asignar fondos a través de múltiples opciones de cuentas indexadas y cambiar entre ellas según las necesidades o las condiciones del mercado.

링컨 파이낸셜 (NYSE: LNC)링컨 웰스빌더SM IUL을 출시했습니다. 이는 새로운 엘리트 지수형 유니버설 생명 보험 포트폴리오의 첫 번째 제품입니다. 이 전략적 이니셔티브는 2024년 미국 생명 보험 시장의 거의 25%를 IUL 판매가 차지할 것으로 예상되는 가운데 이루어졌습니다.

엘리트 IUL 포트폴리오는 S&P 500 지수를 통해 차별화된 솔루션을 제공하는 세 가지 제품을 특징으로 합니다. 새로운 제품은 두 가지 지수를 기반으로 하는 향상된 변동성 제어 지수 계좌를 포함합니다: S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% IndexS&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, 이는 링컨 파이낸셜이 제공하는 가장 높은 변동성 목표를 제공합니다.

주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • S&P 500에서 향상된 변동성 제어 지수(VCI)
  • 전통적인 및 비한정 VCI 지수 계좌
  • 추가 성장 잠재력을 위한 성과 배수 라이더
  • 향상된 과대 대출 보호 라이더

링컨의 연구에 따르면, 소비자의 88%가 성장 솔루션을 원하며, 69%는 성장과 보호의 균형 잡힌 혼합을 찾고 있습니다. 이 포트폴리오는 보험 계약자가 여러 지수 계좌 옵션에 자금을 할당하고 필요나 시장 상황에 따라 전환할 수 있도록 합니다.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) a lancé Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL, le premier produit de son nouveau portefeuille Elite Indexed Universal Life. Cette initiative stratégique intervient alors que les ventes d'IUL devraient représenter près de 25 % du marché total de l'assurance-vie aux États-Unis en 2024.

Le portefeuille Elite IUL comprendra trois produits offrant des solutions différenciées via des indices S&P 500. Le nouveau produit comprend des comptes indexés contrôlés par la volatilité, basés sur deux indices : le S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index et le S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, offrant les cibles de volatilité les plus élevées jamais proposées par Lincoln Financial.

Les caractéristiques clés incluent:

  • Indices contrôlés par la volatilité (VCI) améliorés de S&P 500
  • Comptes indexés VCI traditionnels et sans plafond
  • Rider multiplicateur de performance pour un potentiel de croissance supplémentaire
  • Rider de protection contre le surendettement amélioré

Selon les recherches de Lincoln, 88 % des consommateurs souhaitent des solutions de croissance, tandis que 69 % recherchent un mélange équilibré de croissance et de protection. Le portefeuille permet aux titulaires de police d'allouer des fonds à plusieurs options de comptes indexés et de passer de l'une à l'autre selon les besoins ou les conditions du marché.

Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) hat Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL eingeführt, das erste Produkt in ihrem neuen Elite Indexed Universal Life Portfolio. Diese strategische Initiative erfolgt, da prognostiziert wird, dass IUL-Verkäufe 2024 fast 25% des Gesamtmarktes für Lebensversicherungen in den USA ausmachen werden.

Das Elite IUL Portfolio wird drei Produkte umfassen, die differenzierte Lösungen über S&P 500 Indizes anbieten. Das neue Produkt beinhaltet verbesserte, volatilitätskontrollierte indexierte Konten, die auf zwei Indizes basieren: dem S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index und dem S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, die die höchsten jemals von Lincoln Financial angebotenen Volatilitätsziele bieten.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

  • Verbesserte volatilitätskontrollierte Indizes (VCI) von S&P 500
  • Traditionelle und unbegrenzte VCI-indexierte Konten
  • Performance-Multiplikator-Rider für zusätzliches Wachstumspotenzial
  • Verbesserter Überdarlehensschutz-Rider

Laut einer Untersuchung von Lincoln wünschen sich 88% der Verbraucher Wachstums­lösungen, während 69% eine ausgewogene Mischung aus Wachstum und Schutz suchen. Das Portfolio ermöglicht es den Policeninhabern, Gelder auf mehrere indexierte Kontooptionen zu verteilen und je nach Bedarf oder Marktbedingungen zwischen ihnen zu wechseln.

  • None.
  • None.

Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL offers indexed accounts, growth potential and features that financial professionals and their clients have been asking for.

RADNOR, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fifth paragraph, first sentence of release should read: Lincoln is adding new indexed accounts to the new Elite Indexed Universal Life Portfolio based on two S&P 500 indices, S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index and S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, beginning with Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL.

The updated release reads:


Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL offers indexed accounts, growth potential and features that financial professionals and their clients have been asking for.

Today, Lincoln Financial (NYSE: LNC) launched Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL, the first product in a planned suite of Indexed Universal Life (IUL) issued by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. The new Elite IUL Portfolio will complement Lincoln’s recently enhanced Variable Universal Life (VUL) offerings as the 120-year-old company continues its strategic shift to offering a diverse mix of protection and accumulation products.

“According to Lincoln research, 88% of consumers surveyed want solutions that offer growth and 69% want an equal mix of growth and protection1 – and our recent and new product actions offer the best of both worlds,” said Jared Nepa, senior vice president and head of Insurance Solutions Distribution for Lincoln. “With IUL sales representing nearly a quarter of the total U.S. life insurance market in 20242, we want to offer financial professionals and their clients a dynamic suite of IUL products with tailored options to help individuals, couples and businesses access new opportunities.”

Upon completion, the Elite IUL Portfolio will feature three products (including launched Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL) to help match risk tolerance and financial goals by:

  • Offering differentiated, enhanced volatility-controlled indices (VCI) from the S&P 500®
  • Meeting industry standards through traditional and uncapped VCI indexed accounts
  • Creating additional upside potential with performance multiplier rider

Enhanced VCIs
Lincoln has partnered with the S&P 500® to offer enhanced volatility-controlled indexed accounts that are new to the IUL market. A volatility-controlled index tracks a group of traded assets in various classes by actively managing exposure, limiting extreme highs and lows by targeting a set volatility level.

Lincoln is adding new indexed accounts to the new Elite Indexed Universal Life Portfolio based on two S&P 500 indices, S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA 15% Index and S&P 500 Daily Risk Control 10% Index, beginning with Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL. The equity exposure of Lincoln’s new indexed accounts tracks the S&P 500®, which has more than 65 years of live index history and is widely regarded as the best single gauge of U.S. large-cap equities. By linking to the S&P 500, Lincoln’s new indexed accounts offer a heightened level of transparency into the equity exposure of VCI’s in the IUL market.

These new indexed accounts provide the highest volatility targets (15% and 10% respectively) ever offered by Lincoln Financial. While policy growth is not guaranteed, the higher volatility targets increase the underlying equity exposure and therefore offer enhanced upside growth potential. The credited rates of the indexed accounts are determined based on the change in the index from one point to another, factoring in participation rates, caps and other elements. (Note: Product charges continue to apply during periods of market downturn and may result in a loss of value.)

The S&P indices are designed to manage market volatility by rebalancing between the S&P 500 and cash, which aims to provide more stable returns for the index. As a general principle, when market volatility is higher than the target volatility level of the index, the index will allocate weight to the cash component to dampen volatility. When market volatility is lower than the target, the index can allocate more than 100% weight to the underlying index.

Meeting industry standards
Each product within the Elite IUL Portfolio will offer an enhanced indexed account strategy with varying options to match a client's risk tolerance and financial goals. Beyond the new enhanced VCI accounts, the portfolio will also offer industry standard accounts, such as a traditional capped S&P 500® indexed account and a lower volatility target VCI indexed account that will offer uncapped potential with a high participation rate. Policyholders have the flexibility to allocate into one or more of Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL’s indexed account options and may choose to switch between them based on life changes, financial needs or market conditions.

Additional upside potential
The new Elite IUL Portfolio will offer the ability to seek additional upside potential through both the new and improved Indexed Account portfolio as well as through additional riders. New rider options include the Performance Multiplier Rider that offers clients the ability to accelerate performance above the cap on eligible one-year accounts through an additional charge for multiplier. The new Enhanced Overloan Protection Rider gives clients the freedom to pursue upside potential by protecting certain highly funded, heavily loaned policies from lapse.

About Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL
Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL is designed to offer policyholders a tax-advantaged way to access growth opportunities with less risk. The product achieves this by offering death benefit protection with the ability to accumulate tax-deferred cash value through index account crediting that includes a 0% floor, with access to that cash value tax-free.3 Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL will also offer new multi-year indexed account options that provide clients access to additional upside potential with higher caps and participation rates by leveraging durational market risk.

Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL is a powerful strategy within any client portfolio. The combination of flexible options for changing markets, a new indexed account portfolio built for performance and new Multiplier Riders open up a world of possibilities for clients to choose the right balance of protection and performance for them,” said Darrel Tedrow, senior vice president, president of Life Solutions at Lincoln. “Financial professionals can also expect new pre-, during- and post-sale tools coming later this year to help manage these policies throughout their clients’ lifetimes.”

1 Lincoln Financial, Consumer Sentiment Tracker, May 2024
2 LIMRA: U.S. Individual Life Insurance Premium Exceeds $16 Billion in 2024, Setting New Sales Record, January 2025.
3 Distributions of loans and withdrawals will reduce the cash value and death benefit; may cause the policy to lapse and may have tax consequences.

About Lincoln Financial

Lincoln Financial helps people confidently plan for their vision of a successful financial future. As of December 31, 2024, approximately 17 million customers trust our guidance and solutions across four core businesses – annuities, life insurance, group protection, and retirement plan services. As of December 31, 2024, the company has $321 billion in end-of-period account balances, net of reinsurance. Headquartered in Radnor, Pa., Lincoln Financial is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation (NYSE: LNC) and its affiliates. Learn more at

Note: Jared Nepa and Darrel Tedrow are spokespersons for Lincoln Life Solutions. Jared Nepa holds a leadership role within Lincoln Financial Distribution, the wholesaling broker-dealer of Lincoln Financial. Darrel Tedrow holds a leadership role within Lincoln Financial. They are compensated by Lincoln and are shareholders of Lincoln National Corporation.

Important Information

Lincoln WealthBuilderSM IUL is issued on policy ICC24-UL6097/24-UL609 by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN, and distributed by Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc., a broker-dealer. The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company does not solicit business in the state of New York, nor is it authorized to do so. Not available in NY.

All guarantees and benefits of the insurance policy are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. They are not backed by the broker-dealer and/or insurance agency selling the policy, or any affiliates of those entities other than the issuing company affiliates, and none makes any representations or guarantees regarding the claims-paying ability of the issuer.

Indexed universal life is a permanent insurance product with a duration and death benefit. An IUL policy allows for cash value accumulation but is not subject to market exposure. In many cases the indexed universal life products (IULs) will have caps and floors which limit both the volatility of any cash values and the upside potential. Refer to the product guide for more information including any applicable riders and fees, and sales or surrender charges.

The S&P 500® Index, S&P 500® Dynamic Intraday TCA Index, and S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% Index (“Indexes”) and associated data are a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, its affiliates and/or their licensors and has been licensed for use by Lincoln Financial, 2024, S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, its affiliates and/or their licensors. All rights reserved. Redistribution or reproduction in whole or in part are prohibited without written permission of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. For more information on any of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC’s indices please visit S&P® is a registered trademark of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC (“SPFS”) and Dow Jones® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (“Dow Jones”). Neither S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, SPFS, Dow Jones, their affiliates nor their licensors (“S&P DJI”) make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the ability of any index to accurately represent the asset class or market sector that it purports to represent and S&P DJI shall have no liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of any index or the data included therein.

Please refer to the policy or additional marketing material for more detailed information on the Indexed Accounts.

The S&P 500® Index is a price index and does not reflect dividends paid on the underlying stock. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

The S&P 500® Dynamic Intraday TCA Index methodology was created based on historical data of the Index components. The methodology is available at:

The S&P 500® Daily Risk Control 10% Index methodology was created based on historical data of the Index components. The methodology is available at:

The Fidelity AIM® Dividend Index (the “Index”) is a product of Fidelity Product Services LLC (“FPS”) and has been licensed for use by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company and its affiliates and reinsurers (“Lincoln”). Fidelity is a registered trademark of FMR LLC. The Index is the exclusive property of FPS and is made and compiled without regard to the needs, including, but not limited to, the suitability needs of Lincoln or any Lincoln life insurance owner. Lincoln exercises sole discretion in determining whether and how the life insurance will be linked to the value of the Index. FPS does not provide investment advice to owners of the life insurance, and in no event shall any Lincoln life insurance policy owner be deemed to be a client of FPS. Neither FPS nor any third party involved in, or related to, making or compiling the Index makes any representation regarding the Index, Index information, Index or market performance, life insurance generally or the Lincoln life insurance in particular, and Lincoln life insurance is not sold, sponsored, endorsed or promoted by FPS or any other third party involved in, or related to, making or compiling the Index (including the Index calculation agent, as applicable). FPS disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use; does not guarantee the adequacy, accuracy, timeliness, and/or completeness of the Index or any data or communication related thereto; and assumes no liability for errors, omissions, or interruptions of the Fidelity AIM® Dividend Index.

This indexed universal life insurance policy does not participate directly in any stock or equity investment and does not include the purchase of shares of stock or an index. The indexed accounts use an outside market index as a benchmark for determining indexed account earnings. Any dividends paid on the stocks on which the index is based do not increase the life policy's cash value. All values provided by the policy, when based on performance of the indexed account, are not guaranteed to be equivalent to the benchmarking index. The composition of the index and the methodology used by the index to calculate its performance are not guaranteed and may be changed at any time by the index provider.

Distributions are taken through loans and withdrawals, which will reduce a policy’s cash value and death benefit. Loans are not considered income and are not taxable while withdrawals are tax-free up to the policy’s cost basis, provided the policy is not a MEC.

It is possible coverage will expire when either no premiums are paid following the initial premium, or subsequent premiums are insufficient to continue coverage.

Products and features subject to state availability. Limitations and exclusions may apply.



Media Contact:

Joe Gardner

Source: Lincoln Financial


What are the key features of Lincoln Financial's new WealthBuilder IUL product (LNC)?

The WealthBuilder IUL features enhanced S&P 500-based volatility-controlled indexed accounts, traditional and uncapped VCI accounts, a performance multiplier rider, and an Enhanced Overloan Protection Rider.

What volatility targets does Lincoln Financial's new IUL product offer?

The product offers 15% volatility target through S&P 500 Dynamic Intraday TCA Index and 10% through S&P 500 Daily Risk Control Index, the highest targets ever offered by Lincoln Financial.

How many products will Lincoln Financial's Elite IUL Portfolio include?

The Elite IUL Portfolio will feature three products, with Lincoln WealthBuilder IUL being the first launched product in the suite.

What percentage of the U.S. life insurance market will IUL sales represent in 2024?

IUL sales are expected to represent nearly 25% of the total U.S. life insurance market in 2024.

How do the new S&P 500 indexed accounts in Lincoln's IUL product work?

The accounts track S&P 500 equity exposure and rebalance between S&P 500 and cash to manage volatility, with higher volatility triggering cash allocation and lower volatility allowing increased index exposure.
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