Lockheed Martin's LM 400 Tech Demo to Prove Out Design and Risk Reduction Efforts on Orbit
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) is set to launch its self-funded LM 400 technology demonstration satellite as early as March 15, 2025, aboard a Firefly Aerospace Alpha rocket from Vandenberg Space Force Base. The spacecraft, which arrived in California on March 1, is undergoing pre-launch processing at Astrotech Space Operations.
The demonstration aims to validate the design and risk-reduction efforts for LMT's mid-sized, LM 400 multi-mission satellite bus. The launch will also serve as a training opportunity for the U.S. Space Force's Space Safari Responsive Space program and Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR).
The LM 400 platform is Lockheed Martin's most flexible satellite bus, capable of supporting military, commercial, and civil missions. It can be customized for various applications including remote sensing, communications, imaging, and radar, operating in any orbit. The company confirms the LM 400 is already under contract.
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) è pronta a lanciare il suo satellite di dimostrazione tecnologica LM 400 autofinanziato già dal 15 marzo 2025, a bordo di un razzo Firefly Aerospace Alpha dalla Vandenberg Space Force Base. La navetta, arrivata in California il 1 marzo, è attualmente in fase di elaborazione pre-lancio presso Astrotech Space Operations.
La dimostrazione mira a convalidare il design e gli sforzi di riduzione del rischio per il bus satellitare di medie dimensioni LM 400 multi-mission di LMT. Il lancio servirà anche come opportunità di formazione per il programma Space Safari Responsive Space della U.S. Space Force e per il Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR).
La piattaforma LM 400 è il bus satellitare più flessibile di Lockheed Martin, in grado di supportare missioni militari, commerciali e civili. Può essere personalizzato per varie applicazioni tra cui telerilevamento, comunicazioni, imaging e radar, operando in qualsiasi orbita. L'azienda conferma che l'LM 400 è già sotto contratto.
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) está lista para lanzar su satélite de demostración tecnológica autofinanciado LM 400 tan pronto como el 15 de marzo de 2025, a bordo de un cohete Firefly Aerospace Alpha desde la Base Espacial Vandenberg. La nave espacial, que llegó a California el 1 de marzo, está en proceso de preparación previa al lanzamiento en Astrotech Space Operations.
La demostración tiene como objetivo validar el diseño y los esfuerzos de reducción de riesgos para el bus satelital de tamaño medio LM 400 multi-misión de LMT. El lanzamiento también servirá como una oportunidad de entrenamiento para el programa Space Safari Responsive Space de la U.S. Space Force y para la Reserva de Espacio de Aumento Comercial (CASR).
La plataforma LM 400 es el bus satelital más flexible de Lockheed Martin, capaz de apoyar misiones militares, comerciales y civiles. Puede personalizarse para diversas aplicaciones, incluyendo teledetección, comunicaciones, imágenes y radar, operando en cualquier órbita. La empresa confirma que el LM 400 ya está bajo contrato.
록히드 마틴 (NYSE: LMT)는 2025년 3월 15일에 자금 지원을 받은 LM 400 기술 시연 위성을 발사할 예정이며, 발사는 반덴버그 우주군 기지에서 파이어플라이 에어로스페이스 알파 로켓을 통해 이루어질 것입니다. 이 우주선은 3월 1일 캘리포니아에 도착했으며, 현재 아스트로텍 우주 운영에서 발사 전 처리를 받고 있습니다.
이번 시연은 LMT의 중형 LM 400 다목적 위성 버스의 설계 및 위험 감소 노력을 검증하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 발사는 또한 미국 우주군의 스페이스 사파리 반응형 우주 프로그램 및 상업적 증강 우주 예비군(CASR) 훈련 기회로도 활용될 것입니다.
LM 400 플랫폼은 록히드 마틴의 가장 유연한 위성 버스로, 군사, 상업 및 민간 임무를 지원할 수 있습니다. 원거리 감지, 통신, 이미징 및 레이더를 포함한 다양한 응용 프로그램에 맞게 맞춤 설정할 수 있으며, 모든 궤도에서 작동할 수 있습니다. 회사는 LM 400이 이미 계약 중이라고 확인했습니다.
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) est prêt à lancer son satellite de démonstration technologique autofinancé LM 400 dès le 15 mars 2025, à bord d'une fusée Firefly Aerospace Alpha depuis la Base de la Force Spatiale de Vandenberg. Le vaisseau spatial, arrivé en Californie le 1er mars, est en cours de préparation avant le lancement chez Astrotech Space Operations.
La démonstration vise à valider la conception et les efforts de réduction des risques pour le bus satellite de taille moyenne LM 400 multi-mission de LMT. Le lancement servira également d'opportunité de formation pour le programme Space Safari Responsive Space de la U.S. Space Force et pour la Réserve d'Espace d'Augmentation Commerciale (CASR).
La plateforme LM 400 est le bus satellite le plus flexible de Lockheed Martin, capable de soutenir des missions militaires, commerciales et civiles. Elle peut être personnalisée pour diverses applications, y compris la télédétection, les communications, l'imagerie et le radar, fonctionnant dans n'importe quelle orbite. L'entreprise confirme que le LM 400 est déjà sous contrat.
Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) plant, seinen selbstfinanzierten LM 400 Technologie-Demonstrationssatelliten bereits am 15. März 2025 mit einer Firefly Aerospace Alpha-Rakete von der Vandenberg Space Force Base zu starten. Das Raumfahrzeug, das am 1. März in Kalifornien angekommen ist, wird derzeit bei Astrotech Space Operations auf den Start vorbereitet.
Die Demonstration zielt darauf ab, das Design und die Risikominderungsmaßnahmen für LMTs mittelgroßen LM 400 Multi-Missions-Satellitenbus zu validieren. Der Start wird auch als Trainingsmöglichkeit für das Space Safari Responsive Space-Programm der U.S. Space Force und die Commercial Augmentation Space Reserve (CASR) dienen.
Die LM 400 Plattform ist der flexibelste Satellitenbus von Lockheed Martin, der militärische, kommerzielle und zivile Missionen unterstützen kann. Er kann für verschiedene Anwendungen wie Fernerkundung, Kommunikation, Bildgebung und Radar angepasst werden und in jeder Umlaufbahn betrieben werden. Das Unternehmen bestätigt, dass der LM 400 bereits unter Vertrag steht.
- Self-funded tech demonstration shows company's investment in product development
- LM 400 platform already has secured contracts
- Platform's flexibility enables multiple revenue streams (military, commercial, civil missions)
- None.
Spacecraft ready for launch as early as March 15
VANDENBERG SPACE FORCE BASE, Calif., March 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The latest self-funded technology demonstration from Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) is ready to launch no earlier than March 15.
In the weeks ahead, the LM 400 technology demonstration is planned to launch on a Firefly Aerospace Alpha rocket, which successfully passed its static fire test today. The technology demonstration arrived in
The satellite was specifically designed to showcase the investment in risk-reduction efforts and pathfinding Lockheed Martin has done for its mid-sized, LM 400 multi-mission satellite bus, and to demonstrate the spacecraft's operational capabilities on orbit for customers.
This launch will also be providing a valuable training opportunity for the
"As the need for greater resiliency and proliferated architectures grow, we've made a critical investment in this LM 400 technology demonstration to design and illustrate timely and relevant capabilities on-orbit for our customers," explained Jeff Schrader, vice president of Strategy and Business Development for Lockheed Martin Space. "We look forward to our ride with Firefly, and ultimately enhancing the technical and manufacturing readiness of the multi-orbit, multi-mission LM 400 platform."
As a platform, Lockheed Martin's LM 400 is the company's most flexible satellite bus, capable of carrying out military, commercial or civil customers' missions. It can be customized to host a variety of missions and high-power payloads – including remote sensing, communications, imaging and radar – and operates in any orbit. The LM 400 is already under contract.
About Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin is a global defense technology company driving innovation and advancing scientific discovery. Our all-domain mission solutions and 21st Century Security® vision accelerate the delivery of transformative technologies to ensure those we serve always stay ahead of ready. More information at Lockheedmartin.com.
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SOURCE Lockheed Martin
When is Lockheed Martin's LM 400 technology demonstration scheduled to launch?
What are the key capabilities of LMT's LM 400 satellite platform?
How will the U.S. Space Force benefit from LMT's LM 400 launch?