Global Super Hercules Fleet Grows with Delivery of First C-130J to New Zealand

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Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) has delivered the first of five C-130J Super Hercules tactical airlifters to the New Zealand Ministry of Defence and New Zealand Defence Force. This marks the beginning of a new era in tactical airlift capability for New Zealand, replacing their aging C-130H fleet. The Royal New Zealand Air Force's 40 Squadron will operate the new C-130Js, which represent one of the most advanced configurations of the Super Hercules ever produced.

The C-130J offers increased allied alignment, greater reach, enhanced capabilities, and proven performance for demanding tactical airlift operations. Key advantages include operational readiness, increased reliability, superior tactical airlift and combat airdrop capabilities, and enhanced survivability. The aircraft also provides unmatched interoperability with NATO and global air forces, along with verified low life-cycle costs and significant fuel savings, resulting in a reduced carbon footprint compared to other medium-sized jet airlifters.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) ha consegnato il primo dei cinque aerei da trasporto tattico C-130J Super Hercules al Ministero della Difesa della Nuova Zelanda e alle Forze Armate Neozelandesi. Questo segna l'inizio di una nuova era nella capacità di trasporto tattico per la Nuova Zelanda, sostituendo la loro obsoleta flotta di C-130H. Il 40° Stormo della Royal New Zealand Air Force opererà i nuovi C-130J, che rappresentano una delle configurazioni più avanzate del Super Hercules mai prodotte.

Il C-130J offre maggiore allineamento tra alleati, raggio d'azione esteso, capacità potenziate e prestazioni comprovate per operazioni di trasporto tattico di alto livello. I principali vantaggi includono prontezza operativa, maggiore affidabilità, superiori capacità di trasporto tattico e di air-drop in combattimento, e maggiore sopravvivenza. L'aeromobile offre anche interoperabilità senza pari con la NATO e le forze aeree globali, insieme a costi di ciclo di vita verificati e significativi risparmi di carburante, risultando in un'impronta di carbonio ridotta rispetto ad altri aerei da trasporto a reazione di medie dimensioni.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) ha entregado el primero de cinco transportes tácticos C-130J Super Hercules al Ministerio de Defensa de Nueva Zelanda y a las Fuerzas Defensa de Nueva Zelanda. Esto marca el comienzo de una nueva era en la capacidad de transporte táctico para Nueva Zelanda, reemplazando su envejecida flota de C-130H. El 40º Escuadrón de la Real Fuerza Aérea de Nueva Zelanda operará los nuevos C-130J, que representan una de las configuraciones más avanzadas del Super Hercules jamás producidas.

El C-130J ofrece un mayor alineamiento entre aliados, mayor alcance, capacidades mejoradas y un rendimiento comprobado para operaciones de transporte táctico exigentes. Las ventajas clave incluyen la disponibilidad operativa, una mayor fiabilidad, capacidades superiores de transporte táctico y de lanzamiento de combate, y una mejor sobrevivencia. La aeronave también proporciona una interoperabilidad inigualable con la OTAN y las fuerzas aéreas globales, junto con costos de ciclo de vida verificados y significativos ahorros de combustible, lo que resulta en una huella de carbono reducida en comparación con otros transportes aéreos de reacción de tamaño medio.

록히드 마틴(NYSE: LMT)은 뉴질랜드 국방부와 뉴질랜드 방위군에 첫 번째 C-130J 수퍼 허큘리스 전술 수송기를 전달했습니다. 이는 뉴질랜드의 전술 수송 능력에 있어 새로운 시대의 시작을 알리며, 노후된 C-130H 플릿을 대체하게 됩니다. 뉴질랜드 공군의 40 비행대대는 새로 도입된 C-130J를 운영하게 되며, 이는 지금까지 생산된 수퍼 허큘리스의 가장 진보된 구성 중 하나를 나타냅니다.

C-130J는 연합군 간의 보다 향상된 정렬, 더 넓은 범위, 향상된 능력 및 입증된 성능을 제공하여 요구되는 전술 수송 작전에서 뛰어난 성능을 발휘합니다. 주요 이점으로는 작전 준비 태세, 증가된 신뢰성, 우수한 전술 수송 및 전투 공중 투하 능력, 그리고 향상된 생존성이 있습니다. 또한 이 항공기는 NATO 및 전 세계 공군과의 비할 데 없는 상호 운용성을 제공하며, 검증된 낮은 생애 주기 비용과 상당한 연료 절약을 통해 중형 제트 수송기 대비 탄소 발자국을 줄이는 결과를 가져옵니다.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) a livré le premier de cinq avions de transport tactique C-130J Super Hercules au ministère de la Défense de la Nouvelle-Zélande et aux forces armées néo-zélandaises. Cela marque le début d'une nouvelle ère en matière de capacité de transport tactique pour la Nouvelle-Zélande, remplaçant leur flotte vieillissante de C-130H. Le 40e Escadron de la Royal New Zealand Air Force exploitera les nouveaux C-130J, qui représentent l'une des configurations les plus avancées du Super Hercules jamais produites.

Le C-130J offre un alignement accru entre alliés, une plus grande portée, des capacités améliorées et des performances éprouvées pour des opérations de transport tactique exigeantes. Les principaux avantages comprennent la disponibilité opérationnelle, une fiabilité accrue, des capacités de transport tactique et de largage aérien en combat supérieures, ainsi qu'une meilleure survie. L'avion offre également une interopérabilité sans précédent avec l'OTAN et les forces aériennes mondiales, ainsi que des coûts de cycle de vie vérifiés et des économies de carburant significatives, aboutissant à une empreinte carbone réduite par rapport à d'autres avions de transport à réaction de taille moyenne.

Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) hat das erste von fünf C-130J Super Hercules taktischen Transportflugzeugen an das Verteidigungsministerium Neuseelands und die neuseeländischen Streitkräfte ausgeliefert. Dies markiert den Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters in der taktischen Transportkapazität für Neuseeland und ersetzt die alternde C-130H-Flotte. Das 40. Geschwader der Royal New Zealand Air Force wird die neuen C-130Js betreiben, die eine der fortschrittlichsten Konfigurationen des Super Hercules darstellen, die je produziert wurden.

Die C-130J bietet erhöhte Verbundenheit der Alliierten, größeres Einsatzspektrum, verbesserte Fähigkeiten und nachgewiesene Leistung für anspruchsvolle taktische Transportoperationen. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören operationale Einsatzbereitschaft, erhöhte Zuverlässigkeit, überlegene taktische Transport- und Kampf-Luftabwurf-Fähigkeiten sowie verbesserte Überlebensfähigkeit. Das Flugzeug bietet auch beispiellose Interoperabilität mit der NATO und globalen Luftstreitkräften, sowie verifizierte niedrige Lebenszykluskosten und signifikante Kraftstoffeinsparungen, wodurch der CO2-Fußabdruck im Vergleich zu anderen mittelgroßen Jet-Transportflugzeugen reduziert wird.

  • Delivery of the first C-130J Super Hercules to New Zealand, with four more to follow
  • Enhanced capabilities and performance for tactical airlift operations
  • Increased interoperability with NATO and global air forces
  • Lower life-cycle costs and improved fuel efficiency compared to other medium-sized jet airlifters
  • None.

The delivery of the first C-130J Super Hercules to New Zealand marks a significant milestone in the country's defense modernization efforts. This $1.5 billion deal for five aircraft represents a substantial investment in New Zealand's airlift capabilities. The upgrade from C-130Hs to C-130Js offers enhanced performance, efficiency and interoperability with allied forces.

From an investor perspective, this delivery reinforces Lockheed Martin's position as a leading defense contractor. The C-130J program continues to demonstrate strong international demand, which bodes well for the company's future revenue streams. However, it's important to note that while significant, this specific contract is already priced into LMT's stock, given its announcement in 2020.

The long-term implications for Lockheed Martin are positive, as this delivery may pave the way for additional sales in the Indo-Pacific region, where military modernization is a growing trend. Investors should monitor for potential follow-on contracts or maintenance agreements that could provide additional value.

The C-130J Super Hercules represents a significant technological leap over its predecessor, the C-130H. Key improvements include:

  • Advanced digital avionics and autopilot systems
  • More powerful engines with 6-blade composite propellers
  • Increased fuel efficiency and reduced carbon footprint
  • Enhanced cargo capacity and range

These advancements translate to improved operational capabilities for the Royal New Zealand Air Force, including better performance in high-altitude and hot-climate conditions, which are important for humanitarian and disaster relief missions in the Pacific region.

The C-130J's interoperability with NATO and global air forces is a key selling point, potentially leading to increased collaboration in multinational operations. From a technical standpoint, the C-130J's proven reliability and versatility make it a sound long-term investment for New Zealand's defense capabilities.

The acquisition of C-130J Super Hercules by New Zealand carries significant geopolitical implications for the Indo-Pacific region. This modernization effort aligns with the broader trend of increased defense spending and capability enhancement among U.S. allies in response to growing regional tensions, particularly concerning China's expanding influence.

New Zealand's investment in advanced airlift capabilities signals its commitment to maintaining a robust presence in regional humanitarian and disaster relief operations. This move likely strengthens New Zealand's position within the Five Eyes intelligence alliance and enhances its ability to contribute to multinational operations.

For Lockheed Martin, this deal reinforces its strategic importance in the Indo-Pacific security landscape. The company's ability to secure contracts with key U.S. allies in the region may lead to increased diplomatic support for future defense sales, potentially opening doors for additional contracts in neighboring countries seeking to modernize their air forces.

The Royal New Zealand Air Force will operate a total of five C-130Js

MARIETTA, Ga., Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A new era of tactical airlift capability for New Zealand has officially begun with Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) delivering the first of five C-130J Super Hercules tactical airlifters to the New Zealand Ministry of Defence and New Zealand Defence Force during a ceremony at the Lockheed Martin's facility in Marietta, Georgia, on Aug. 8.

For almost six decades, the Royal New Zealand Air Force's (RNZAF) C-130Hs have served as essential first-response resources for New Zealand and the entire Indo-Pacific region. Crews from 40 Squadron located at RNZAF Base Auckland, Whenuapai, will operate the new C-130Js, representing one of the most advanced configurations of the Super Hercules ever produced.

"From supporting humanitarian and disaster relief operations to partnering with allies in military operations, New Zealand's C-130s are truly a global force for good," said Rod McLean, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin's Air Mobility & Maritime Missions line of business. "The RNZAF's new C-130J fleet will continue to support these critical missions while offering New Zealand increased allied alignment, greater reach, enhanced capabilities and proven performance for some of the most demanding tactical airlift operational requirements."

New Zealand officials announced the intent to modernize its existing fleet of five C-130Hs with five C-130J-30 variants in 2020 via a Foreign Military Sale with the U.S. Air Force. A joint project team with personnel from New Zealand's Ministry of Defence and the New Zealand Defence Force have worked alongside the U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin to manage the aircraft delivery and training programs.

Always evolving, continually innovating and ready for what's next, the Super Hercules leads the charge by setting standards and shaping the future of tactical airlift missions, offering a multitude of advantages found in no other medium-sized tactical airlifter in production or operation today.

These discriminators include proven operational readiness with the greatest ease of transition, increased reliability, superior tactical airlift and combat airdrop capabilities, certification by more than 20 airworthiness authorities, and enhanced survivability. The C-130J also delivers unmatched interoperability with NATO and global air forces, robust industrial partnerships and verified low life-cycle costs with significant fuel savings resulting in a reduced carbon footprint compared to other medium-sized jet airlifters.

See how and why the C-130J continues to be the worldwide choice in tactical airlift through the newest episode of "Into the Cockpit" on Lockheed Martin's YouTube channel, which offers exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the Super Hercules.  

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SOURCE Lockheed Martin Aeronautics


How many C-130J Super Hercules aircraft is New Zealand receiving from Lockheed Martin (LMT)?

New Zealand is receiving a total of five C-130J Super Hercules tactical airlifters from Lockheed Martin (LMT).

When was the first C-130J Super Hercules delivered to New Zealand by Lockheed Martin (LMT)?

The first C-130J Super Hercules was delivered to New Zealand by Lockheed Martin (LMT) on August 8, 2024.

Which Royal New Zealand Air Force squadron will operate the new C-130J Super Hercules aircraft from Lockheed Martin (LMT)?

The 40 Squadron of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, located at RNZAF Base Auckland, Whenuapai, will operate the new C-130J Super Hercules aircraft.

What are some key advantages of the C-130J Super Hercules delivered by Lockheed Martin (LMT) to New Zealand?

Key advantages include increased allied alignment, greater reach, enhanced capabilities, proven performance, operational readiness, increased reliability, superior tactical airlift and combat airdrop capabilities, and enhanced survivability.

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