Lumina Gold Announces Annual Shareholder Meeting Results
Lumina Gold (TSXV: LUM) (OTCQB: LMGDF) announced the results of its annual general and special meeting held on October 29, 2024, in Vancouver. Shareholders approved all proposed matters, including: the election of six directors (Marshall Koval, Lyle Braaten, Donald Shumka, Michael Steinmann, Stephen Stow, and Heye Daun), the appointment of KPMG LLP as the company's auditor, and the approval of Lumina's omnibus equity compensation plan.
Lumina Gold (TSXV: LUM) (OTCQB: LMGDF) ha annunciato i risultati della sua assemblea generale annuale e straordinaria tenutasi il 29 ottobre 2024 a Vancouver. Gli azionisti hanno approvato tutte le questioni proposte, tra cui: l'elezione di sei membri del consiglio di amministrazione (Marshall Koval, Lyle Braaten, Donald Shumka, Michael Steinmann, Stephen Stow e Heye Daun), la nomina di KPMG LLP come revisore dei conti della società e l'approvazione del piano di compensazione azionaria omnibus di Lumina.
Lumina Gold (TSXV: LUM) (OTCQB: LMGDF) anunció los resultados de su reunión anual general y especial celebrada el 29 de octubre de 2024 en Vancouver. Los accionistas aprobaron todos los temas propuestos, incluyendo: la elección de seis directores (Marshall Koval, Lyle Braaten, Donald Shumka, Michael Steinmann, Stephen Stow y Heye Daun), la designación de KPMG LLP como auditor de la empresa y la aprobación del plan de compensación de capital omnibus de Lumina.
루미나 골드 (TSXV: LUM) (OTCQB: LMGDF)는 2024년 10월 29일 밴쿠버에서 열린 연례 정기 및 특별 회의 결과를 발표했습니다. 주주들은 모든 제안된 안건을 승인했으며, 여기에는 여섯 명의 이사 선출(마샬 코발, 라일 브라텐, 도널드 슈므카, 마이클 스테인만, 스티븐 스토우 및 헤예 다운), KPMG LLP를 회사 감사인으로 임명, 그리고 루미나의 종합 주식 보상 계획 승인 등이 포함됩니다.
Lumina Gold (TSXV : LUM) (OTCQB : LMGDF) a annoncé les résultats de son assemblée générale annuelle et extraordinaire qui s'est tenue le 29 octobre 2024 à Vancouver. Les actionnaires ont approuvé toutes les questions proposées, y compris : l'élection de six administrateurs (Marshall Koval, Lyle Braaten, Donald Shumka, Michael Steinmann, Stephen Stow et Heye Daun), la nomination de KPMG LLP en tant qu'auditeur de la société et l'approbation du plan de rémunération en actions omnibus de Lumina.
Lumina Gold (TSXV: LUM) (OTCQB: LMGDF) gab die Ergebnisse seiner jährlichen ordentlichen und außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung bekannt, die am 29. Oktober 2024 in Vancouver stattfand. Die Aktionäre genehmigten alle vorgeschlagenen Punkte, einschließlich: die Wahl von sechs Direktoren (Marshall Koval, Lyle Braaten, Donald Shumka, Michael Steinmann, Stephen Stow und Heye Daun), die Ernennung von KPMG LLP als Wirtschaftsprüfer des Unternehmens und die Genehmigung des Ombudsmann-Aktienvergütungsplans von Lumina.
- None.
- None.
- Electing each of Marshall Koval, Lyle Braaten, Donald Shumka, Michael Steinmann, Stephen Stow and Heye Daun as directors of the Company to hold office for the ensuing year;
- Appointing KPMG LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the auditor of Lumina until the next annual meeting of shareholders, and authorizing the board of directors to set their remuneration; and
- Approving Lumina's omnibus equity compensation plan.
About Lumina Gold
Lumina Gold Corp. (TSXV: LUM) is a
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Signed: "Marshall Koval"
Marshall Koval, President & CEO, Director
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SOURCE Lumina Gold Corp.