Lilly's EBGLYSS® (lebrikizumab-lbkz) single monthly maintenance injection achieved completely clear skin at three years in half of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis

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Eli Lilly's EBGLYSS® (lebrikizumab-lbkz) demonstrated significant long-term efficacy in treating moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, according to new three-year data presented at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting.

Key findings from the ADjoin extension study show that among Week 16 responders receiving monthly maintenance doses:

  • 50% achieved complete skin clearance (EASI 100 or IGA 0)
  • 87% achieved almost-clear skin (EASI 90)
  • 83% did not require additional topical therapies

Additional studies revealed EBGLYSS's effectiveness across diverse patient groups: The ADmirable study showed ~60% of patients with skin of color experienced significant improvement in itch and skin pain at Week 16. In the ADapt study of previous dupilumab users, 75% achieved significant skin pain improvement and 62% showed itch improvement at Week 24.

EBGLYSS, approved in September 2024 as a first-line monotherapy biologic treatment, works by selectively blocking IL-13 signaling. The safety profile remained consistent with previous studies, with mild to moderate adverse effects primarily including conjunctivitis and injection-site reactions.

EBGLYSS® di Eli Lilly (lebrikizumab-lbkz) ha dimostrato un'efficacia significativa a lungo termine nel trattamento della dermatite atopica da moderata a grave, secondo i nuovi dati triennali presentati al Congresso Annuale dell'Accademia Americana di Dermatologia.

I risultati chiave dello studio di estensione ADjoin mostrano che tra i rispondenti alla settimana 16 che ricevevano dosi di mantenimento mensili:

  • il 50% ha raggiunto una completa pulizia della pelle (EASI 100 o IGA 0)
  • l'87% ha ottenuto una pelle quasi pulita (EASI 90)
  • l'83% non ha avuto bisogno di ulteriori terapie topiche

Studi aggiuntivi hanno rivelato l'efficacia di EBGLYSS in diversi gruppi di pazienti: lo studio ADmirable ha mostrato che circa il 60% dei pazienti con pelle di colore ha sperimentato un miglioramento significativo del prurito e del dolore cutaneo alla settimana 16. Nello studio ADapt, che ha coinvolto precedenti utilizzatori di dupilumab, il 75% ha ottenuto un miglioramento significativo del dolore cutaneo e il 62% ha mostrato un miglioramento del prurito alla settimana 24.

EBGLYSS, approvato a settembre 2024 come trattamento biologico di prima linea, agisce bloccando selettivamente il segnale dell'IL-13. Il profilo di sicurezza è rimasto coerente con studi precedenti, con effetti avversi lievi a moderati che includevano principalmente congiuntivite e reazioni nel sito di iniezione.

EBGLYSS® de Eli Lilly (lebrikizumab-lbkz) demostró una eficacia significativa a largo plazo en el tratamiento de la dermatitis atópica moderada a grave, según los nuevos datos de tres años presentados en la Reunión Anual de la Academia Americana de Dermatología.

Los hallazgos clave del estudio de extensión ADjoin muestran que entre los respondedores de la semana 16 que recibieron dosis de mantenimiento mensuales:

  • el 50% logró una limpieza completa de la piel (EASI 100 o IGA 0)
  • el 87% alcanzó una piel casi limpia (EASI 90)
  • el 83% no requirió terapias tópicas adicionales

Estudios adicionales revelaron la efectividad de EBGLYSS en diversos grupos de pacientes: el estudio ADmirable mostró que aproximadamente el 60% de los pacientes con piel de color experimentaron una mejora significativa en el picor y el dolor de piel en la semana 16. En el estudio ADapt de usuarios anteriores de dupilumab, el 75% logró una mejora significativa en el dolor de piel y el 62% mostró mejora en el picor a la semana 24.

EBGLYSS, aprobado en septiembre de 2024 como tratamiento biológico de primera línea, actúa bloqueando selectivamente la señalización de IL-13. El perfil de seguridad se mantuvo consistente con estudios anteriores, con efectos adversos leves a moderados que incluían principalmente conjuntivitis y reacciones en el sitio de inyección.

엘리 릴리의 EBGLYSS® (레브리키주맙-lbkz)는 미국 피부과 학회 연례 회의에서 발표된 3년 간의 새로운 데이터에 따르면 중등도에서 중증 아토피 피부염 치료에 있어 장기적인 유의미한 효능을 보였습니다.

ADjoin 확장 연구의 주요 결과는 월별 유지 용량을 받는 16주 반응자 중:

  • 50%가 피부 완전 청결(EASI 100 또는 IGA 0)을 달성했습니다.
  • 87%가 거의 깨끗한 피부(EASI 90)를 달성했습니다.
  • 83%가 추가적인 국소 요법이 필요하지 않았습니다.

추가 연구에서는 다양한 환자 그룹에서 EBGLYSS의 효과가 밝혀졌습니다: ADmirable 연구에서는 피부색이 있는 환자의 약 60%가 16주차에 가려움증과 피부 통증에서 유의미한 개선을 경험했습니다. 이전에 듀필루맙을 사용한 환자들을 대상으로 한 ADapt 연구에서는 75%가 피부 통증에서 유의미한 개선을 보였고, 62%가 24주차에 가려움증 개선을 보였습니다.

EBGLYSS는 2024년 9월에 1차 치료 생물학적 치료제로 승인되었으며, IL-13 신호 전달을 선택적으로 차단하여 작용합니다. 안전성 프로파일은 이전 연구와 일관되게 유지되었으며, 주로 결막염과 주사 부위 반응을 포함한 경미한에서 중간 정도의 부작용이 있었습니다.

EBGLYSS® d'Eli Lilly (lebrikizumab-lbkz) a démontré une efficacité significative à long terme dans le traitement de la dermatite atopique modérée à sévère, selon de nouvelles données sur trois ans présentées lors de la Réunion Annuelle de l'Académie Américaine de Dermatologie.

Les résultats clés de l'étude d'extension ADjoin montrent qu'entre les répondants de la semaine 16 recevant des doses de maintien mensuelles:

  • 50% ont atteint une peau complètement claire (EASI 100 ou IGA 0)
  • 87% ont obtenu une peau presque claire (EASI 90)
  • 83% n'ont pas eu besoin de thérapies topiques supplémentaires

D'autres études ont révélé l'efficacité d'EBGLYSS dans divers groupes de patients : l'étude ADmirable a montré qu'environ 60% des patients à peau colorée ont connu une amélioration significative des démangeaisons et de la douleur cutanée à la semaine 16. Dans l'étude ADapt des utilisateurs précédents de dupilumab, 75% ont obtenu une amélioration significative de la douleur cutanée et 62% ont montré une amélioration des démangeaisons à la semaine 24.

EBGLYSS, approuvé en septembre 2024 en tant que traitement biologique de première ligne, agit en bloquant sélectivement la signalisation de l'IL-13. Le profil de sécurité est resté cohérent avec les études précédentes, avec des effets indésirables légers à modérés principalement liés à des conjonctivites et des réactions au site d'injection.

EBGLYSS® von Eli Lilly (lebrikizumab-lbkz) zeigte laut neuen dreijährigen Daten, die auf dem Jahrestreffen der American Academy of Dermatology präsentiert wurden, eine signifikante Langzeitwirksamkeit bei der Behandlung von moderater bis schwerer atopischer Dermatitis.

Wichtige Ergebnisse der ADjoin-Erweiterungsstudie zeigen, dass unter den 16-Wochen-Responder, die monatliche Erhaltungsdosen erhielten:

  • 50% eine vollständige Hautreinigung (EASI 100 oder IGA 0) erreichten
  • 87% eine fast klare Haut (EASI 90) erreichten
  • 83% keine zusätzlichen topischen Therapien benötigten

Zusätzliche Studien zeigten die Wirksamkeit von EBGLYSS in verschiedenen Patientengruppen: Die ADmirable-Studie zeigte, dass etwa 60% der Patienten mit Hautfarbe in der Woche 16 eine signifikante Verbesserung von Juckreiz und Hautschmerzen erfuhren. In der ADapt-Studie unter früheren Dupilumab-Anwendern erreichten 75% eine signifikante Verbesserung der Hautschmerzen und 62% zeigten in der Woche 24 eine Verbesserung des Juckreizes.

EBGLYSS, das im September 2024 als Erstlinientherapie biologisch zugelassen wurde, wirkt, indem es selektiv die IL-13-Signalübertragung blockiert. Das Sicherheitsprofil blieb konsistent mit früheren Studien, wobei milde bis moderate Nebenwirkungen hauptsächlich Konjunktivitis und Reaktionen an der Injektionsstelle umfassten.

  • 50% of patients achieved complete skin clearance at 3 years
  • 87% achieved almost-clear skin at 3 years
  • 83% of patients didn't require additional topical treatments
  • Strong efficacy across diverse patient groups
  • Approved as first-line biologic treatment
  • Requires 4-month initial dosing phase before monthly maintenance
  • Ongoing risk of conjunctivitis and injection site reactions


Lilly's three-year data for EBGLYSS represents a significant clinical milestone that strengthens the company's position in the competitive immunology market. The impressive 50% complete skin clearance rate and 87% almost-clear skin achievement with monthly maintenance dosing provides Lilly with compelling efficacy data to support market penetration and potential formulary placement advantages.

Of particular commercial importance is that over 83% of responders didn't require additional topical therapies, which may translate to better long-term adherence and potentially lower overall healthcare costs for payers. This convenience factor - combined with the monthly maintenance dosing - positions EBGLYSS competitively against other biologics in the atopic dermatitis space that require more frequent administration.

The data from diverse patient populations (skin of color cohort and dupilumab-experienced patients) expands EBGLYSS's addressable market while demonstrating efficacy across key patient-reported outcomes like itch and sleep disruption - symptoms that significantly drive treatment decisions. With EBGLYSS already FDA-approved as a first-line biologic option after topicals since September 2024, these robust long-term results should accelerate adoption among dermatologists and strengthen Lilly's immunology franchise, which has become an increasingly important growth driver alongside its diabetes and obesity portfolios.

These three-year EBGLYSS data represent a mechanistic validation of IL-13 selective inhibition as a sustainable therapeutic approach for atopic dermatitis. The molecule's high binding affinity for IL-13 appears to translate into durable efficacy, with the 50% complete clearance rate at three years being particularly noteworthy for a chronic inflammatory condition.

The durability of response with monthly maintenance dosing suggests that targeted interruption of the IL-13 pathway may induce sustained immune modulation without creating significant compensatory inflammatory pathways. The minimal need for rescue therapy (83% requiring no topical corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors) further supports the comprehensiveness of the IL-13 inhibition approach.

The efficacy demonstrated in the skin of color cohort (ADmirable study) addresses an important clinical need, as these patients often present with different phenotypic manifestations of atopic dermatitis that can be harder to treat and assess. Similarly, the positive results in dupilumab-experienced patients (ADapt study) provide evidence that selective IL-13 inhibition can be effective even after IL-4/IL-13 dual pathway inhibition, offering a valuable sequential treatment option for patients with inadequate response to dupilumab. The consistent safety profile with no emerging signals after three years of treatment reinforces the long-term viability of this therapeutic approach for a condition that typically requires years of management.

Lilly's three-year EBGLYSS data demonstrates exceptional durability in moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis patients, with 50% achieving complete skin clearance and 87% reaching almost-clear skin with monthly maintenance dosing. This represents a significant competitive advantage in the growing biologics market for inflammatory skin conditions.

The 83% of patients not requiring additional topical therapies is commercially meaningful, potentially reducing overall treatment costs and simplifying patient management. The convenient monthly maintenance dosing after the initial loading period addresses adherence challenges while providing sustained efficacy - a key differentiator in a market where treatment persistence remains problematic.

Data from the ADmirable and ADapt studies strategically expands EBGLYSS's market potential by demonstrating efficacy in historically underserved skin of color patients and those who previously received dupilumab. The significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes - 75% reduction in skin pain and 62% improvement in itch in the dupilumab-experienced cohort - addresses symptoms that most directly impact quality of life and drive treatment satisfaction.

As an already-approved first-line biologic option after topicals since September 2024, these robust long-term results should accelerate physician adoption, strengthen Lilly's position against competitive treatments, and further diversify the company's portfolio beyond its metabolic disease franchises. The consistent safety profile with no new signals after extended treatment reinforces EBGLYSS's favorable risk-benefit profile for long-term management of this chronic condition.

Among EBGLYSS Week 16 responders from the monotherapy trials, 50% achieved highest bar of complete skin clearance (EASI 100 or IGA 0) and 87% achieved almost-clear skin (EASI 90) at three years with single monthly maintenance injection

Additional studies demonstrated EBGLYSS significantly improved itch, skin pain, and sleep loss due to itch for a range of patients with atopic dermatitis

EBGLYSS was approved in the U.S. in September 2024 as a first-line monotherapy biologic treatment option following topical prescription therapies

INDIANAPOLIS, March 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- New results show Eli Lilly and Company's (NYSE: LLY) EBGLYSS achieved deep and sustained response for patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (eczema) at three years. These findings from the ADjoin long-term extension study will be presented at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting, taking place March 7-11 in Orlando.1

EBGLYSS is an interleukin-13 (IL-13) inhibitor that selectively blocks IL-13 signaling with high binding affinity.2,3,4 The cytokine IL-13 is a primary cytokine in atopic dermatitis, driving the type-2 inflammatory cycle in the skin, leading to skin barrier dysfunction, itch, skin thickening and infection.5,6

Three-year depth of response data being presented are part of ADjoin, the long-term extension study of the EBGLYSS trials, and include participants who responded to EBGLYSS treatment at Week 16 from ADvocate 1 and ADvocate 2 monotherapy trials. Patients received a maintenance dose of 250 mg EBGLYSS either every two weeks or once monthly (every four weeks) and were assessed for depth of response using IGA 0, EASI 90 and EASI 100.*1 The approved maintenance dose of EBGLYSS is 250 mg once monthly, after taking EBGLYSS every two weeks for the four-month initial dosing phase (or later once achieving adequate clinical response).7

Of the patients who responded to treatment at Week 16 and were receiving once-monthly maintenance dosing, 50% of patients achieved complete skin clearance (EASI 100 or IGA 0) at three years. Additionally, 87% achieved or maintained almost-clear skin (EASI 90) at three years.1

Over 83% of Week 16 responders taking EBGLYSS did not require the use of concomitant therapies such as topical corticosteroids (TCS) or topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCI) for the duration of the ADjoin study.1

"Healthcare providers are constantly searching for ways to help patients achieve deep, sustainable improvement in the signs and symptoms of their atopic dermatitis," said Raj Chovatiya, M.D., Ph.D., MSCI, Clinical Associate Professor, Rosalind Franklin University Chicago Medical School, Founder and Director of the Center for Medical Dermatology + Immunology Research. "These three-year data show that raising the bar in atopic dermatitis treatment to long-term total skin clearance was an achievable treatment goal for at least half of EBGLYSS Week 16 responders, reinforcing its efficacy as a first-line biologic treatment for people with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis uncontrolled by topicals."

Additional study assessments conducted in patients with skin of color (ADmirable) and patients who were previously treated with dupilumab (ADapt) will also be presented at the meeting. Improvements of itch, skin pain (discomfort and soreness) and itch interference on sleep were measured using clinically meaningful thresholds for the validated patient-reported outcomes.8,9  

In ADmirable, a first-of-its-kind EBGLYSS study specifically designed for people with skin of color and moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, nearly 60% of patients achieved significant improvement in itch (Pruritus NRS ≥4-point improvement from baseline) and skin pain (≥4-point improvement from baseline) at Week 16 (58% and 59% respectively). Over 30% of patients saw a reduction in sleep loss due to itch (≥2-point improvement from baseline in Sleep-Loss Scale) at Week 16.8

In ADapt, a study of patients taking EBGLYSS who were previously treated with dupilumab, 75% achieved significant improvement in skin pain (≥4-point improvement from baseline) and 62% achieved significant improvement in itch (Pruritus NRS ≥4-point improvement from baseline) at Week 24. Forty-two percent of patients saw a reduction in sleep loss due to itch (≥2-point improvement in Sleep-Loss Scale) at Week 24.9

The reported endpoints for all studies were as observed.1,8,9

The safety profile in these studies was consistent with previous EBGLYSS Phase 3 studies in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis, regardless of dose frequency, and no new safety signals were observed. The majority of adverse events were mild or moderate and did not lead to discontinuation. Reported treatment-related side effects in the studies were conjunctivitis and injection-site reactions.

"We hear from patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis that they struggle with recurring and unpredictable flares and are looking for treatment options that can provide long-term disease control," said Mark Genovese, M.D., senior vice president of Lilly Immunology development. "EBGLYSS is the only first-line biologic treatment option for patients with disease uncontrolled by topicals to report completely clear skin at three years with a once-monthly maintenance dose. The additional assessments presented at AAD demonstrate significant improvements in disruptive symptoms, such as itch, across a range of patient groups."

Lilly has exclusive rights for development and commercialization of EBGLYSS in the U.S. and the rest of the world outside Europe. Lilly's partner Almirall has licensed the rights to develop and commercialize EBGLYSS for the treatment of dermatology indications, including atopic dermatitis, in Europe.

*EASI=Eczema Area and Severity Index, EASI-90=90% reduction in EASI from baseline, EASI-100=100% reduction in EASI from baseline; IGA=Investigator's Global Assessment 0 or 1 ("clear" or "almost clear").

About ADjoin 
ADjoin (NCT04392154) evaluated the long-term safety and efficacy of EBGLYSS treatment in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis for up to 100 weeks (up to 152 weeks of continuous treatment with the parent studies). Patients taking EBGLYSS who completed any of the parent studies (ADvocate 1 and 2 monotherapy trials, ADhere, ADore, ADopt-VA) were able to enroll in ADjoin. The ADhere parent study included patients taking topical corticosteroids with EBGLYSS as a combination therapy. Patients could also enroll directly into ADjoin without participating in a parent study. Patients in this analysis of the long-term extension trial received a maintenance dose of either EBGLYSS 250 mg every two weeks or once monthly.1

About ADmirable
ADmirable (NCT05372419) is a Phase 3b, open-label, 24-week study evaluating the safety and efficacy of EBGLYSS in adults and adolescents (12 to less than 18 years of age and weighing ≥40 kg) with skin of color and moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis and defining innovative objective measures of pigment, and post-inflammatory hyper and hypopigmentation. Patients enrolled in the ADmirable study received a starting dose of EBGLYSS 500 mg subcutaneously initially and at two weeks followed by 250 mg every two weeks until Week 16. IGA 0,1 or EASI-75 responders at Week 16 received 250 mg once monthly and non-responders continued on 250 mg every two weeks until Week 24. Patients were allowed to stay on low- and mid-potency topical corticosteroids.8

About ADapt
ADapt (NCT05369403), is an open-label, Phase 3b, 24-week study that evaluated the efficacy and safety of EBGLYSS in adults and adolescents (12 to less than 18 years of age and weighing ≥40 kg) with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis who were previously treated with dupilumab. After discontinuing dupilumab, patients were treated with EBGLYSS and received a starting dose of 500 mg subcutaneously initially and at two weeks followed by 250 mg every two weeks until Week 16. IGA 0,1 or EASI-75 responders at Week 16 received 250 mg once monthly and non-responders continued on 250 mg every two weeks until Week 24. Patients were allowed to stay on low- and mid-potency topical corticosteroids.9

EBGLYSS™ (EHB-glihs) is an injectable medicine used to treat adults and children 12 years of age and older who weigh at least 88 pounds (40 kg) with moderate-to-severe eczema (atopic dermatitis) that is not well controlled with prescription therapies used on the skin (topical), or who cannot use topical therapies. EBGLYSS can be used with or without topical corticosteroids.

It is not known if EBGLYSS is safe and effective in children less than 12 years of age or in children 12 years to less than 18 years of age who weigh less than 88 pounds (40 kg).

Warnings - Do not use EBGLYSS if you are allergic to lebrikizumab-lbkz or to any of the ingredients in EBGLYSS. See the Patient Information leaflet that comes with EBGLYSS for a complete list of ingredients.

Before using
Before using EBGLYSS, tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, including if you:

  • Have a parasitic (helminth) infection.
  • Are scheduled to receive any vaccinations. You should not receive a "live vaccine" if you are treated with EBGLYSS.
  • Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if EBGLYSS will harm your unborn baby. If you become pregnant during treatment with EBGLYSS, you or your healthcare provider can call Eli Lilly and Company at 1-800-LillyRx (1-800-545-5979) to report the pregnancy.
  • Are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if EBGLYSS passes into your breast milk.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Possible side effects
EBGLYSS can cause serious side effects, including:

  • Allergic reactions. EBGLYSS can cause allergic reactions that may sometimes be severe.
    Stop using EBGLYSS and tell your healthcare provider or get emergency help right away if you get any of the following signs or symptoms:
    • breathing problems or wheezing
    • swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue or throat
    • hives
    • itching
    • fainting, dizziness, feeling lightheaded
    • skin rash
    • cramps in your stomach area (abdomen)
  • Eye problems. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any new or worsening eye problems, including eye pain or changes in vision, such as blurred vision.

The most common side effects of EBGLYSS include:

  • eye and eyelid inflammation, including redness, swelling, and itching
  • injection site reactions
  • shingles (herpes zoster)

These are not all of the possible side effects of EBGLYSS. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or

How to take

  • See the detailed "Instructions for Use" that comes with EBGLYSS for information about how to prepare and inject EBGLYSS and how to properly store and throw away (dispose of) used EBGLYSS prefilled pens and prefilled syringes.
  • Use EBGLYSS exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • EBGLYSS is given as an injection under the skin (subcutaneous injection).
  • If your healthcare provider decides that you or a caregiver can give the injections of EBGLYSS, you or a caregiver should receive training on the right way to prepare and inject EBGLYSS. Do not try to inject EBGLYSS until you have been shown the right way by your healthcare provider. In children 12 years of age and older, EBGLYSS should be given by a caregiver.
  • If you miss a dose of EBGLYSS, inject the missed dose as soon as possible, then inject your next dose at your regular scheduled time.

Learn more
EBGLYSS is a prescription medicine available as a 250 mg/2 mL injection prefilled pen or prefilled syringe. For more information, call 1-800-545-5979 or go to

This summary provides basic information about EBGLYSS but does not include all information known about this medicine. Read the information that comes with your prescription each time your prescription is filled. This information does not take the place of talking to your doctor. Be sure to talk to your doctor or other healthcare provider about EBGLYSS and how to take it. Your doctor is the best person to help you decide if EBGLYSS is right for you.


EBGLYSS®, its delivery device base, and Lilly Support Services™ are trademarks owned or licensed by Eli Lilly and Company, its subsidiaries, or affiliates.

EBGLYSS is a monoclonal antibody that selectively targets and neutralizes IL-13 with high binding affinity and a slow dissociation rate.5,6,7 EBGLYSS binds to the IL-13 cytokine at an area that overlaps with the binding site of the IL-4Rα subunit of the IL-13Rα1/IL-4Rα heterodimer, preventing formation of this receptor complex and inhibiting IL-13 signaling. IL-13 is implicated as a primary cytokine tied to the pathophysiology of eczema, driving the type-2 inflammatory loop in the skin, and EBGLYSS selectively targets IL-13.7

The EBGLYSS Phase 3 program consists of five key global studies evaluating over 1,300 patients, including two monotherapy studies (ADvocate 1 and 2), a combination study with topical corticosteroids (ADhere), as well as long-term extension (ADjoin) and adolescent open label (ADore) studies. Further data results from ADmirable are expected to be shared in 2025.

EBGLYSS was approved in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2024 as the only first-line monotherapy biologic treatment with once-monthly maintenance dosing for adults and children 12 years of age and older who weigh at least 88 pounds (40 kg) with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis that is not well controlled with topical prescription therapies.7

EBGLYSS 250 mg/2 mL injection is dosed as a single monthly maintenance injection following the initial phase of treatment. The recommended initial starting dose of EBGLYSS is 500 mg (two 250 mg injections) at Week 0 and Week 2, followed by 250 mg every two weeks until Week 16 or later when adequate clinical response is achieved; after this, maintenance dosing is a single monthly injection (250 mg every four weeks).7

Lilly is committed to serving patients living with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis and is working to enable broad first-line biologic access to EBGLYSS following topical prescription therapy through commercial insurance and as of March 1, Lilly gained coverage with two national pharmacy benefit managers. We are also pursuing similarly broad Medicaid and Medicare coverage as part of Lilly's health equity and affordability initiative. Through Lilly Support Services™, Lilly offers a patient support program including co-pay assistance for eligible, commercially insured patients.

About Lilly
Lilly is a medicine company turning science into healing to make life better for people around the world. We've been pioneering life-changing discoveries for nearly 150 years, and today our medicines help tens of millions of people across the globe. Harnessing the power of biotechnology, chemistry and genetic medicine, our scientists are urgently advancing new discoveries to solve some of the world's most significant health challenges: redefining diabetes care; treating obesity and curtailing its most devastating long-term effects; advancing the fight against Alzheimer's disease; providing solutions to some of the most debilitating immune system disorders; and transforming the most difficult-to-treat cancers into manageable diseases. With each step toward a healthier world, we're motivated by one thing: making life better for millions more people. That includes delivering innovative clinical trials that reflect the diversity of our world and working to ensure our medicines are accessible and affordable. To learn more, visit and, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. P-LLY

Trademarks and Trade Names
All trademarks or trade names referred to in this press release are the property of the company, or, to the extent trademarks or trade names belonging to other companies are references in this press release, the property of their respective owners. Solely for convenience, the trademarks and trade names in this press release are referred to without the ® and ™ symbols, but such references should not be construed as any indicator that the company or, to the extent applicable, their respective owners will not assert, to the fullest extent under applicable law, the company's or their rights thereto. We do not intend the use or display of other companies' trademarks and trade names to imply a relationship with, or endorsement or sponsorship of us by, any other companies.

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements  
This press release contains forward-looking statements (as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) about EBGLYSS (lebrikizumab-lbkz) as a treatment for patients with moderate-to severe atopic dermatitis and the timeline for future readouts, presentations, and other milestones relating to EBGLYSS and its clinical trials and reflects Lilly's current beliefs and expectations. However, as with any pharmaceutical product, there are substantial risks and uncertainties in the process of drug research, development, and commercialization. Among other things, there is no guarantee that future study results will be consistent with the results to date or that EBGLYSS will receive additional regulatory approvals, or that it will be commercially successful. For further discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from Lilly's expectations, see Lilly's Form 10-K and Form 10-Q filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Except as required by law, Lilly undertakes no duty to update forward-looking statements to reflect events after the date of this release.

1 Simpson E, et al. Raising the Bar of Efficacy in Atopic Dermatitis: Lebrikizumab Maintains Depth of Response Over 3 Years in Week 16 Responders. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. March 7, 2025.
2 Simpson EL, et al. Efficacy and safety of lebrikizumab (an anti-IL-13 monoclonal antibody) in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis inadequately controlled by topical corticosteroids: A randomized, placebo-controlled phase II trial (TREBLE). J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018;78(5):863-871.e11. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2018.01.017
3 Okragly A, et al. Binding, Neutralization and Internalization of the Interleukin-13 Antibody, Lebrikizumab. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2023;13(7):1535-1547. doi:10.1007/s13555-023-00947-7
4 Ultsch M, et al. Structural basis of signaling blockade by anti-IL-13 antibody Lebrikizumab. J Mol Biol. 2013;425(8):1330-1339. doi:10.10116/j.jmb.2013.01.024
5 Bieber T. Interleukin-13: Targeting an underestimated cytokine in atopic dermatitis. Allergy. 2020;75(1):54–62. doi:10.1111/all.13954
6 Tsoi LC, et al. Atopic Dermatitis Is an IL-13-Dominant Disease with Greater Molecular Heterogeneity Compared to Psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol. 2019;139(7):1480-1489. doi:10.1016/j.jid.2018.12.018
7 EBGLYSS. Prescribing Information. Lilly USA, LLC.
8 Alexis A, et al. Lebrikizumab Improves Itch, Skin Pain, and the Interference of Itch on Sleep in Adult and Adolescent Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis and Skin of Color: 16-Week Results from the ADmirable Study. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. March 7, 2025.
9 Yosipovitch G, et al. Lebrikizumab Improves Itch, Itch Interference on Sleep and Skin Pain in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis Previously Treated With Dupilumab. American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. March 7, 2025.

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SOURCE Eli Lilly and Company


What percentage of patients achieved complete skin clearance with EBGLYSS (LLY) at three years?

50% of Week 16 responders achieved complete skin clearance (EASI 100 or IGA 0) at three years with monthly maintenance dosing.

How effective is EBGLYSS (LLY) in treating skin of color patients with atopic dermatitis?

In the ADmirable study, about 60% of skin of color patients achieved significant improvement in both itch and skin pain at Week 16.

What is the maintenance dosing schedule for Lilly's EBGLYSS treatment?

250 mg once monthly maintenance dose, after an initial four-month phase of dosing every two weeks.

How many EBGLYSS (LLY) patients required additional topical treatments during the study?

Over 83% of Week 16 responders did not require additional topical therapies during the ADjoin study.

What are the main side effects reported in EBGLYSS (LLY) clinical trials?

The main reported treatment-related side effects were conjunctivitis and injection-site reactions, mostly mild to moderate.

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