Lilly announces retirement of Marschall S. Runge from its Board of Directors
Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) has announced the retirement of Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D. from its Board of Directors, effective Aug. 31, 2024. Dr. Runge, who has served on Lilly's board since 2013, is also retiring from his roles as CEO of Michigan Medicine, executive vice president for medical affairs at the University of Michigan, and dean of the Medical School on June 30, 2025. He will remain on the Medical School faculty as a professor.
During his tenure, Dr. Runge served on the board's Science and Technology Committee and Ethics and Compliance Committee, bringing decades of experience as a physician, scientist, and expert in health care faculty systems, biomedical research, clinical trial design, and patient safety. His research-driven perspective has been particularly valuable in the areas of diabetes and obesity treatments.
Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) ha annunciato il ritiro di Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D. dal suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, a partire dal 31 agosto 2024. Il Dr. Runge, che fa parte del consiglio di Lilly dal 2013, si ritirerà anche dai suoi ruoli di CEO della Michigan Medicine, vicepresidente esecutivo per le questioni mediche presso l'Università del Michigan e decano della Scuola di Medicina il 30 giugno 2025. Rimarrà nella Facoltà di Medicina come professore.
Durante il suo mandato, il Dr. Runge ha servito nel Comitato per la Scienza e la Tecnologia e nel Comitato di Etica e Conformità del consiglio, portando con sé decenni di esperienza come medico, scienziato ed esperto nei sistemi di dipendenti della salute, nella ricerca biomedica, nella progettazione di studi clinici e nella sicurezza dei pazienti. La sua prospettiva orientata alla ricerca è stata particolarmente preziosa nelle aree dei trattamenti per il diabete e l'obesità.
Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) ha anunciado la jubilación de Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D. de su Junta Directiva, a partir del 31 de agosto de 2024. El Dr. Runge, que ha formado parte de la junta de Lilly desde 2013, también se retirará de sus funciones como CEO de Michigan Medicine, vicepresidente ejecutivo de asuntos médicos en la Universidad de Michigan y decano de la Facultad de Medicina el 30 de junio de 2025. Permanecerá en la facultad de Medicina como profesor.
Durante su tiempo en el cargo, el Dr. Runge ha servido en el Comité de Ciencia y Tecnología y en el Comité de Ética y Cumplimiento de la junta, aportando décadas de experiencia como médico, científico y experto en sistemas de salud, investigación biomédica, diseño de ensayos clínicos y seguridad del paciente. Su perspectiva orientada a la investigación ha sido especialmente valiosa en las áreas de tratamientos para la diabetes y la obesidad.
엘리 릴리 앤 컴퍼니(NYSE: LLY)는 Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D.가 2024년 8월 31일부로 이사회를 사임한다고 발표했습니다. 2013년부터 릴리의 이사회에서 활동했던 Runge 박사는 2025년 6월 30일 미시간 의학 센터의 CEO, 미시간 대학교 의료 담당 부사장, 의과대학 학장 직에서도 물러날 예정입니다. 그러나 그는 의과대학의 교수로 남을 것입니다.
그의 재임 기간 동안 Runge 박사는 이사회의 과학 및 기술 위원회와 윤리 및 준수 위원회에서 활동하며, 의사, 과학자 및 의료 시스템, 생물 의학 연구, 임상 시험 설계 및 환자 안전 분야의 전문가로서 수십 년의 경험을 쌓았습니다. 그의 연구 중심의 관점은 당뇨병 및 비만 치료 분야에서 특히 귀중한 역할을 했습니다.
Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) a annoncé le départ de Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D. de son Conseil d'Administration, prenant effet le 31 août 2024. Le Dr. Runge, qui fait partie du conseil de Lilly depuis 2013, prend également sa retraite de ses fonctions de PDG de Michigan Medicine, de vice-président exécutif des affaires médicales à l'Université du Michigan et de doyen de la Faculté de Médecine le 30 juin 2025. Il restera membre de la faculté de Médecine en tant que professeur.
Au cours de son mandat, le Dr. Runge a siégé au Comité de Science et Technologie ainsi qu'au Comité d'Éthique et de Conformité du conseil, apportant des décennies d'expérience en tant que médecin, scientifique et expert dans les systèmes de santé, la recherche biomédicale, la conception d'essais cliniques et la sécurité des patients. Sa perspective axée sur la recherche a été particulièrement précieuse dans les domaines des traitements pour le diabète et l'obésité.
Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) hat den Rücktritt von Marschall S. Runge, M.D., Ph.D. aus seinem Vorstand zum 31. August 2024 angekündigt. Dr. Runge, der seit 2013 im Vorstand von Lilly tätig ist, tritt auch von seinen Positionen als CEO von Michigan Medicine, Executive Vice President für medizinische Angelegenheiten an der Universität von Michigan und Dekan der medizinischen Fakultät am 30. Juni 2025 zurück. Er wird als Professor im medizinischen Fakultätsbereich bleiben.
Während seiner Amtszeit war Dr. Runge im Wissenschafts- und Technologiausschuss sowie im Ausschuss für Ethik und Compliance des Vorstands tätig und brachte jahrzehntelange Erfahrung als Arzt, Wissenschaftler und Experte für Gesundheitssysteme, biomedizinische Forschung, Design klinischer Studien und Patientensicherheit ein. Seine forschungsorientierte Perspektive war insbesondere in den Bereichen Diabetes- und Adipositasbehandlungen von großem Wert.
- Dr. Runge's decade-long service provided valuable expertise in science and medical affairs
- His patient-centric perspective contributed to Lilly's efforts in bringing medicines to people worldwide
- Dr. Runge's research-driven perspective offered insights into diabetes and obesity treatments
- Loss of a board member with extensive experience in healthcare and biomedical research
- Potential gap in expertise related to clinical trial design and patient safety on the board
Dr. Runge has served on Lilly's board since 2013, including as a member of the board's Science and Technology Committee and Ethics and Compliance Committee. He is currently the CEO of Michigan Medicine, executive vice president for medical affairs at the University of
Dr. Runge has brought decades of experience to Lilly's board, combining extensive knowledge as a physician and scientist with expertise in health care faculty systems, biomedical research, clinical trial design and patient safety. His practical experience as a principal investigator has offered a research-driven perspective on diabetes and obesity treatments.
"On behalf of the company and the entire board, I would like to thank Marschall for his valuable service over the last decade," said David A. Ricks, Lilly chair and CEO. "His expertise in science and medical affairs and his patient-centric perspective have contributed to Lilly's efforts to bring medicines to people around the world. We wish him well in his ongoing efforts to advance health care and education."
About Lilly
Lilly is a medicine company turning science into healing to make life better for people around the world. We've been pioneering life-changing discoveries for nearly 150 years, and today our medicines help more than 51 million people across the globe. Harnessing the power of biotechnology, chemistry and genetic medicine, our scientists are urgently advancing new discoveries to solve some of the world's most significant health challenges: redefining diabetes care; treating obesity and curtailing its most devastating long-term effects; advancing the fight against Alzheimer's disease; providing solutions to some of the most debilitating immune system disorders; and transforming the most difficult-to-treat cancers into manageable diseases. With each step toward a healthier world, we're motivated by one thing: making life better for millions more people. That includes delivering innovative clinical trials that reflect the diversity of our world and working to ensure our medicines are accessible and affordable. To learn more, visit and, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. C-LLY
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