Lineage Receives Investment Grade Credit Ratings from Moody’s and Fitch

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Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), the world's largest global temperature-controlled warehouse REIT, has received investment grade credit ratings from Moody's and Fitch. Moody's assigned a Baa2 Issuer Rating with a Stable outlook, while Fitch assigned a BBB+ Long-Term Issuer Default Rating with a Stable outlook.

The ratings recognize Lineage's leading market position, diverse global portfolio, and large portion of recurring revenues. CFO Rob Crisci stated that achieving these ratings was a top priority following their IPO, as it will support efforts to fuel growth and create long-term value for customers and shareholders.

Both agencies highlighted Lineage's critical role in the cold food supply chain and its superior portfolio diversity in terms of asset granularity, geography, commodities, and customer base.

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), il più grande REIT al mondo per magazzini a temperatura controllata, ha ricevuto valutazioni creditizie di investimento da Moody's e Fitch. Moody's ha assegnato un Rating dell'Emittente Baa2 con un outlook stabile, mentre Fitch ha assegnato un Rating di Default dell'Emittente a Lungo Termine BBB+ con un outlook stabile.

Le valutazioni riconoscono la posizione di mercato leader di Lineage, il diverso portafoglio globale e la grande parte di ricavi ricorrenti. Il CFO Rob Crisci ha dichiarato che raggiungere queste valutazioni era una priorità assoluta dopo l'IPO, poiché sosterrà gli sforzi per alimentare la crescita e creare valore a lungo termine per clienti e azionisti.

Entrambi gli enti hanno sottolineato il ruolo critico di Lineage nella catena di approvvigionamento del cibo a temperatura controllata e la sua superba diversità del portafoglio in termini di granularità degli asset, geografia, commodities e base di clienti.

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), el REIT de almacenes a temperatura controlada más grande del mundo, ha recibido calificaciones crediticias de grado de inversión de Moody's y Fitch. Moody's asignó un Rating del Emisor Baa2 con una perspectiva estable, mientras que Fitch asignó un Rating de Default del Emisor a Largo Plazo BBB+ con una perspectiva estable.

Las calificaciones reconocen la posición de mercado líder de Lineage, su diverso portafolio global y su gran parte de ingresos recurrentes. El CFO Rob Crisci afirmó que lograr estas calificaciones era una prioridad principal después de su OPI, ya que apoyará los esfuerzos para impulsar el crecimiento y crear valor a largo plazo para clientes y accionistas.

Ambas agencias resaltaron el papel crítico de Lineage en la cadena de suministro de alimentos fríos y su superior diversidad de portafolio en términos de granularidad de activos, geografía, productos básicos y base de clientes.

라인이지(Lineage) (NASDAQ: LINE), 세계에서 가장 큰 온도 조절 창고 REIT가 무디스(Moody's)와 피치(Fitch)로부터 투자 등급 신용 등급을 받았습니다. 무디스는 Baa2 발행자 등급을 안정적 전망과 함께 부여했으며, 피치는 BBB+ 장기 발행자 채무 불이행 등급을 안정적 전망과 함께 부여했습니다.

이 등급들은 라인이지의 선도적인 시장 위치, 다양한 글로벌 포트폴리오, 그리고 상당한 비율의 반복 수익을 인식합니다. CFO인 롭 크리시(Rob Crisci)는 이러한 등급을 확보하는 것이 IPO 이후 최우선 사항이었다고 밝혔으며, 이는 고객과 주주를 위한 장기적인 가치를 창출하고 성장을 촉진하는 데 도움을 줄 것이라고 했습니다.

두 기관은 라인이지가 차가운 식품 공급망에서의 중요한 역할과 자산의 세분화, 지리적 위치, 상품 및 고객 기반 측면에서의 뛰어난 포트폴리오 다양성을 강조했습니다.

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), le plus grand REIT mondial spécialisé dans les entrepôts à température contrôlée, a reçu des notations de crédit de qualité investissement de la part de Moody's et Fitch. Moody's a attribué une Notation de l'Émetteur Baa2 avec une perspective stable, tandis que Fitch a attribué une Notation de défaut à long terme BBB+ avec une perspective stable.

Ces notations reconnaissent la position de marché de leader de Lineage, son portefeuille global diversifié, et une grande part de revenus récurrents. Le CFO Rob Crisci a déclaré que l'obtention de ces notations était une priorité absolue après leur OPA, car cela soutiendra les efforts pour stimuler la croissance et créer de la valeur à long terme pour les clients et les actionnaires.

Les deux agences ont souligné le rôle critique de Lineage dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement des aliments froids et la diversité supérieure de son portefeuille en termes de granularité des actifs, de géographie, de produits de base et de base de clients.

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), der weltweit größte REIT für temperaturkontrollierte Lagerhäuser, hat von Moody's und Fitch Investment-Grade-Kreditbewertungen erhalten. Moody's hat eine Baa2 Emittentenbewertung mit stabiler Aussicht vergeben, während Fitch eine BBB+ Langfristige Emittenten-Default-Bewertung mit stabiler Aussicht vergeben hat.

Die Bewertungen anerkennen Lineages führende Marktposition, das vielfältige globale Portfolio und den großen Anteil an wiederkehrenden Einnahmen. CFO Rob Crisci erklärte, dass das Erreichen dieser Bewertungen nach dem IPO eine oberste Priorität war, da es dazu beitragen wird, das Wachstum zu fördern und langfristigen Wert für Kunden und Aktionäre zu schaffen.

Beide Agenturen hoben die entscheidende Rolle von Lineage in der kalten Lebensmittelversorgungskette und die überlegene Portfolio-Diversität in Bezug auf Asset-Granularität, Geografie, Waren und Kundenstamm hervor.

  • Received investment grade credit ratings from Moody's (Baa2) and Fitch (BBB+)
  • Recognition of leading market position in temperature-controlled industrial warehouse market
  • Large portion of recurring revenues
  • Highly diversified global portfolio of specialized assets
  • Critical component within the cold food supply chain
  • Superior portfolio diversity in asset granularity, geography, commodities, and customer base
  • None.

Lineage's achievement of investment grade credit ratings from Moody's (Baa2) and Fitch (BBB+) is a significant milestone for the company. These ratings reflect Lineage's strong market position and financial stability, which are important for attracting investors and securing favorable financing terms.

The Stable outlook from both agencies indicates confidence in Lineage's future performance. This could potentially lead to lower borrowing costs and improved access to capital markets, enabling Lineage to fund growth initiatives more efficiently. For investors, this news suggests a reduced risk profile and potential for sustainable long-term growth.

However, investors should note that while investment grade ratings are positive, they don't guarantee future performance. It's essential to monitor Lineage's ability to maintain these ratings and capitalize on the potential benefits in the competitive temperature-controlled warehouse market.

Lineage's investment grade ratings underscore its dominant position in the temperature-controlled warehouse sector. The company's global diversification across assets, geographies, commodities and customers provides a robust buffer against market volatility.

The ratings agencies' emphasis on Lineage's recurring revenues and critical role in the cold food supply chain highlights the company's resilience and potential for stable cash flows. This is particularly relevant in today's uncertain economic climate, where investors are seeking defensive stocks with steady income streams.

Looking ahead, Lineage's strong position could lead to increased market share and potential for strategic acquisitions. However, investors should watch for any shifts in the cold storage industry, such as technological disruptions or changes in food distribution patterns, which could impact Lineage's long-term growth trajectory.

Leading market position and diverse global portfolio recognized with inaugural credit ratings of Baa2 from Moody’s and BBB+ from Fitch

NOVI, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lineage, Inc. (NASDAQ: LINE) (the “Company”), the world’s largest global temperature-controlled warehouse REIT, today announced that the Company received investment grade credit ratings from Moody’s Investors Service (“Moody’s”) and Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”). Moody’s has assigned a first-time Issuer Rating of Baa2 to the Company with a Stable outlook, and Fitch has assigned a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating of BBB+ to the Company with a Stable outlook.

“After completing our highly successful initial public offering, one of our top priorities was to achieve investment grade ratings across multiple agencies,” said Rob Crisci, Lineage’s Chief Financial Officer. “These ratings will support our efforts to further fuel our growth flywheel as we work to create long-term value for our customers and shareholders.”

Moody’s stated that Lineage’s rating reflects its leading market position in the temperature-controlled industrial warehouse market, its large portion of recurring revenues, and its highly diversified global portfolio of specialized assets that are a critical component within the cold food supply chain. Fitch stated that Lineage’s rating reflects the Company’s superior portfolio diversity with regards to asset granularity, geography, commodities, and customer base.

About Lineage

Lineage, Inc. is the world’s largest global temperature-controlled warehouse REIT with a network of over 480 strategically located facilities totaling over 84.1 million square feet and 3.0 billion cubic feet of capacity across countries in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Coupling end-to-end supply chain solutions and technology, Lineage partners with some of the world’s largest food and beverage producers, retailers, and distributors to help increase distribution efficiency, advance sustainability, minimize supply chain waste, and, most importantly, feed the world. (

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Lineage intends for all such forward-looking statements to be covered by the applicable safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in those acts. Such forward-looking statements can generally be identified by Lineage’s use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “continue,” “seek,” “objective,” “goal,” “strategy,” “plan,” “focus,” “priority,” “should,” “could,” “potential,” “possible,” “look forward,” “optimistic,” or other similar words. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, including known and unknown risks, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or anticipated. Therefore, such statements are not intended to be a guarantee of Lineage’s performance in future periods. Except as required by law, Lineage does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this release.

Investor Relations Contact

Evan Barbosa

VP, Investor Relations

Media Contact

Megan Hendricksen

VP, Global Marketing & Communications

Source: Lineage, Inc.


What credit ratings did Lineage (LINE) receive from Moody's and Fitch?

Lineage (LINE) received a Baa2 Issuer Rating with a Stable outlook from Moody's and a BBB+ Long-Term Issuer Default Rating with a Stable outlook from Fitch.

Why are these credit ratings important for Lineage (LINE)?

These investment grade credit ratings will support Lineage's efforts to fuel growth and create long-term value for customers and shareholders. They also recognize the company's leading market position and diverse global portfolio.

What factors contributed to Lineage's (LINE) positive credit ratings?

Factors contributing to Lineage's positive credit ratings include its leading market position in the temperature-controlled warehouse market, large portion of recurring revenues, diversified global portfolio, critical role in the cold food supply chain, and superior portfolio diversity in terms of assets, geography, commodities, and customer base.

When did Lineage (LINE) complete its initial public offering (IPO)?

The press release doesn't specify the exact date of Lineage's IPO, but it mentions that achieving investment grade ratings was a top priority after completing their 'highly successful initial public offering'.

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