Lineage Celebrates 100th Patent Milestone, Reinforcing Leadership in Cold Chain Innovation

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Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), the world's largest temperature-controlled warehouse REIT, has reached a significant milestone with the issuance of its 100th patent. This achievement underscores the company's commitment to innovation in the cold chain industry. The 100th patent, named 'Lego', is a proprietary solution for optimizing pick pallet build operations and sequencing.

Key highlights:

  • Lego helps save labor, energy, and time by identifying the shortest route for collecting outbound goods
  • It determines ideal item placement on multi-SKU outbound pallets, increasing cases per pallet
  • The innovation reduces the number of pallets and trucks needed, benefiting customers and the environment
  • Lego is part of the LinOS system, which coordinates thousands of daily tasks
  • Lineage aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), il più grande REIT di magazzini a temperatura controllata al mondo, ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo con l'emissione del suo 100° brevetto. Questo risultato sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda per l'innovazione nel settore della catena del freddo. Il 100° brevetto, denominato 'Lego', è una soluzione proprietaria per ottimizzare le operazioni di costruzione dei pallet e la sequenziazione.

Punti salienti:

  • Lego contribuisce a risparmiare manodopera, energia e tempo identificando il percorso più breve per il ritiro delle merci in uscita
  • Determina il posizionamento ideale degli articoli sui pallet multi-SKU in uscita, aumentando i casi per pallet
  • L'innovazione riduce il numero di pallet e camion necessari, beneficiando i clienti e l'ambiente
  • Lego fa parte del sistema LinOS, che coordina migliaia di compiti quotidiani
  • Lineage punta a raggiungere emissioni di carbonio nette pari a zero entro il 2040

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), el mayor REIT de almacenes con temperatura controlada del mundo, ha alcanzado un hito significativo con la emisión de su patente número 100. Este logro subraya el compromiso de la empresa con la innovación en la industria de la cadena de frío. La patente número 100, llamada 'Lego', es una solución propia para optimizar las operaciones de construcción de pallets y la secuenciación.

Puntos destacados:

  • Lego ayuda a ahorrar mano de obra, energía y tiempo al identificar la ruta más corta para recoger los productos salientes
  • Determina la colocación ideal de los artículos en pallets de múltiples SKU, aumentando los casos por pallet
  • La innovación reduce la cantidad de pallets y camiones necesarios, beneficiando a los clientes y al medio ambiente
  • Lego es parte del sistema LinOS, que coordina miles de tareas diarias
  • Lineage se propone alcanzar emisiones netas de carbono cero para 2040

라인이지 (NASDAQ: LINE), 세계 최대의 온도 조절 창고 REIT(부동산 투자신탁)는 100번째 특허 발급이라는 중요한 이정표에 도달했습니다. 이 성과는 콜드 체인 산업의 혁신에 대한 회사의 의지를 강조합니다. 100번째 특허 이름은 '레고'로, 출고 팔레트 구축 작업과 순서를 최적화하기 위한 독점 솔루션입니다.

주요 사항:

  • 레고는 출고 물품을 수집하는 가장 짧은 경로를 파악하여 인건비, 에너지 및 시간을 절약하는 데 도움을 줍니다
  • 다중 SKU 출고 팔레트에서 이상적인 항목 배치를 결정하여 팔레트당 케이스 수를 증가시킵니다
  • 혁신은 필요한 팔레트와 트럭의 수를 줄여 고객과 환경에 이익을 줍니다
  • 레고는 수천 개의 일일 작업을 조정하는 LinOS 시스템의 일부입니다
  • 라인이지는 2040년까지 탄소 중립 목표를 달성할 계획입니다

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), le plus grand REIT d'entrepôts à température contrôlée au monde, a atteint une étape importante avec l'émission de son 100ème brevet. Cet accomplissement souligne l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'innovation dans l'industrie de la chaîne du froid. Le 100ème brevet, nommé 'Lego', est une solution propriétaire pour optimiser les opérations de construction de palettes et de séquençage.

Points clés :

  • Lego aide à économiser du travail, de l'énergie et du temps en identifiant le chemin le plus court pour récupérer les marchandises sortantes
  • Il détermine le placement idéal des articles sur des palettes sortantes multi-SKU, augmentant le nombre de cas par palette
  • L'innovation réduit le nombre de palettes et de camions nécessaires, bénéficiant aux clients et à l'environnement
  • Lego fait partie du système LinOS, qui coordonne des milliers de tâches quotidiennes
  • Lineage vise à atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles d'ici 2040

Lineage (NASDAQ: LINE), der größte REIT für temperaturkontrollierte Lagerhäuser der Welt, hat mit der Ausstellung seines 100. Patents einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht. Diese Errungenschaft unterstreicht das Engagement des Unternehmens für Innovation in der Kühlkettenindustrie. Das 100. Patent mit dem Titel 'Lego' ist eine proprietäre Lösung zur Optimierung von Palettenaufbau und Sequenzierung.

Wichtige Highlights:

  • Lego hilft, Arbeitskraft, Energie und Zeit einzusparen, indem es die kürzeste Route zum Sammeln von Auslieferungswaren ermittelt
  • Es bestimmt die ideale Artikelplatzierung auf Mehr-SKU-Auslieferungspaletten und erhöht die Fälle pro Palette
  • Die Innovation reduziert die Anzahl der benötigten Paletten und Lastwagen, was den Kunden und der Umwelt zugutekommt
  • Lego ist Teil des LinOS-Systems, das Tausende von täglichen Aufgaben koordiniert
  • Lineage strebt an, bis 2040 netto null Kohlenstoffemissionen zu erreichen
  • None.
  • None.

NOVI, Mich.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lineage, Inc. (NASDAQ: LINE) (the “Company”), the world’s largest global temperature-controlled warehouse REIT, today announced the issuance of its 100th patent, a significant milestone that highlights the company’s achievements in innovation. Lineage’s patent portfolio underscores the company’s commitment to leading-edge solutions in the food supply chain, harnessing technology to enhance efficient, safe operations and deliver value to customers.

"Our patent philosophy is rooted in a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence," said Sudarsan Thattai, Chief Information and Transformation Officer at Lineage. "Lineage’s 100 patents are remarkable achievements that highlight the solution-oriented mindset and dedication our team exhibits every day. Our commitment to innovation drives us to continually develop technologies that not only enhance efficiency but advance our ability to reduce the environmental impact of our supply chain operations.”

Lineage’s 100th patent features a proprietary solution for optimizing pick pallet build operations and sequencing. Known as "Lego", this innovation solves the problem of which outbound order line lands on which pallet and in which order. Existing warehouse management systems can make these decisions but are often inefficient – warehouse workers drive more than needed to put a certain amount of product on more pallets than necessary.

Lego helps save labor, energy and time. Essentially, it can identify the shortest route to collect outbound goods for orders being built by human operators or robots to minimize unnecessary travel distances. Lego also determines the ideal placement of items on multi-SKU outbound pallets, increasing the average number of cases per pallet. Think of it like a game of Tetris happening in the real world and on a much larger scale. This prize in this game is efficiency. Fitting the same quantity of goods on fewer pallets reduces the overall number of pallets needed, resulting in fewer trucks on the road. It’s a win for customers and the environment.

Lego works with Lineage’s other technology and innovations to streamline operations. The algorithm is being deployed at select sites and is part of the LinOS system, which receives customer and carrier information in real time to prioritize and coordinate the thousands of tasks Lineage handles each day.

Each of Lineage’s patents like Lego represents a solution to unique, complex problems within the cold chain. From advanced automation to cutting-edge algorithms, these innovations enhance the efficiency of Lineage’s operations, underscore the company’s pledge toward achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 and are transforming the food supply chain to help feed the world.

Lineage aims to continue its innovation journey and expand the company’s patent portfolio, focusing on areas that drive automation, efficiency, energy management and sustainability. Learn more at:

About Lineage

Lineage, Inc. (NASDAQ: LINE) is the world’s largest global temperature-controlled warehouse REIT with a network of over 480 strategically located facilities totaling over 84 million square feet and approximately 3.0 billion cubic feet of capacity across countries in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. Coupling end-to-end supply chain solutions and technology, Lineage partners with some of the world’s largest food and beverage producers, retailers, and distributors to help increase distribution efficiency, advance sustainability, minimize supply chain waste, and, most importantly, feed the world. Learn more at and join us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X.

Forward Looking Statements:

Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Lineage intends for all such forward-looking statements to be covered by the applicable safe harbor provisions for forward-looking statements contained in those acts. Such forward-looking statements can generally be identified by Lineage’s use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “believe,” “continue,” “seek,” “objective,” “goal,” “strategy,” “plan,” “focus,” “priority,” “should,” “could,” “potential,” “possible,” “look forward,” “optimistic,” or other similar words. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Such statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, including known and unknown risks, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or anticipated. Therefore, such statements are not intended to be a guarantee of Lineage’s performance in future periods. Except as required by law, Lineage does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this release.

Christina Wiese


Source: Lineage, Inc.


What is Lineage's 100th patent and how does it benefit the cold chain industry?

Lineage's 100th patent, called 'Lego', optimizes pick pallet build operations and sequencing. It identifies the shortest route for collecting outbound goods and determines ideal item placement on pallets, saving labor, energy, and time while reducing the number of pallets and trucks needed.

How many patents does Lineage (LINE) now hold?

Lineage (LINE) now holds 100 patents, marking a significant milestone in their commitment to innovation in the cold chain industry.

What is Lineage's environmental goal mentioned in the press release?

Lineage aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, as mentioned in the press release.

How does Lineage's 'Lego' patent work with other company technologies?

Lego works with Lineage's other technologies, including the LinOS system, which receives customer and carrier information in real-time to prioritize and coordinate thousands of daily tasks.

What areas is Lineage focusing on for future patent development?

Lineage aims to expand its patent portfolio by focusing on areas that drive automation, efficiency, energy management, and sustainability in the cold chain industry.

Lineage, Inc.


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