Lincoln Foundation for Education Receives Generous Donation from Matco Tools

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The Lincoln Foundation for Education (LiFE) has received a generous donation from Matco Tools, a leading provider of tools and equipment for the auto, diesel, and collision repair industries. Matco Tools has committed to providing $100,000 annually through 2028 to benefit students attending Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI).

The funds will be used for scholarships and awards for both new and current LTI students in Automotive Service Technology, Diesel and Truck Service Technology, and Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology programs at 12 campuses. $90,000 will be allocated for need-based scholarships for new students, while $10,000 will be awarded to current students based on academic performance and skills-based competitions.

This donation aims to support students training for careers in transportation fields, where more than 1 million openings are projected nationwide by 2032. The partnership between Matco Tools and LiFE seeks to bridge the skills gap in the transportation industry and empower the next generation of technicians.

La Lincoln Foundation for Education (LiFE) ha ricevuto una generosa donazione da Matco Tools, un fornitore leader di strumenti e attrezzature per le industrie automobilistiche, diesel e di riparazione delle collisioni. Matco Tools si è impegnata a fornire $100.000 all'anno fino al 2028 per beneficare gli studenti che frequentano il Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI).

I fondi saranno utilizzati per borse di studio e premi sia per gli studenti nuovi che per quelli attuali del LTI nei programmi di Tecnologia del Servizio Automobilistico, Tecnologia del Servizio Diesel e Camion, e Tecnologia di Riparazione e Finitura delle Collisioni in 12 campus. $90.000 saranno destinati a borse di studio basate sul bisogno per i nuovi studenti, mentre $10.000 saranno assegnati agli studenti attuali in base al rendimento accademico e a competizioni basate sulle competenze.

Questa donazione mira a supportare gli studenti in formazione per carriere nei settori dei trasporti, dove si prevede che oltre 1 milione di posizioni siano disponibili a livello nazionale entro il 2032. La partnership tra Matco Tools e LiFE cerca di colmare il divario di competenze nell'industria dei trasporti e di dare potere alla prossima generazione di tecnici.

La Fundación Lincoln para la Educación (LiFE) ha recibido una generosa donación de Matco Tools, un proveedor líder de herramientas y equipos para las industrias automotriz, diésel y de reparación de colisiones. Matco Tools se ha comprometido a proporcionar $100,000 anualmente hasta 2028 para beneficiar a los estudiantes que asisten al Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI).

Los fondos se utilizarán para becas y premios para tanto nuevos como actuales estudiantes de LTI en los programas de Tecnología de Servicio Automotriz, Tecnología de Servicio Diésel y de Camiones, y Tecnología de Reparación y Acabado de Colisiones en 12 campus. Se asignarán $90,000 a becas basadas en necesidades para nuevos estudiantes, mientras que $10,000 se otorgarán a estudiantes actuales en función del rendimiento académico y competencias basadas en habilidades.

Esta donación tiene como objetivo apoyar a los estudiantes en la formación para carreras en los campos del transporte, donde se proyecta que más de 1 millón de vacantes estén disponibles a nivel nacional para 2032. La asociación entre Matco Tools y LiFE busca cerrar la brecha de habilidades en la industria del transporte y empoderar a la próxima generación de técnicos.

링컨 교육 재단(LiFE)은 자동차, 디젤 및 충돌 수리 산업을 위한 도구 및 장비의 주요 공급업체인 Matco Tools로부터 관대한 기부금을 받았습니다. Matco Tools는 링컨 기술 연구소(LTI)에 재학 중인 학생들을 위해 2028년까지 매년 $100,000을 제공하기로 약속했습니다.

이 자금은 12개 캠퍼스에서 자동차 서비스 기술, 디젤 및 트럭 서비스 기술, 충돌 수리 및 마감 기술 프로그램에 참석하는 신규 및 기존 LTI 학생들을 위한 장학금 및 상에 사용될 것입니다. $90,000는 신규 학생을 위한 필요 기반 장학금으로 할당되고, $10,000는 학업 성적 및 기술 기반 대회에 따라 기존 학생에게 수여됩니다.

이 기부금의 목적은 2032년까지 전국적으로 100만 개 이상의 일자리가 예상되는 운송 분야의 경력 훈련을 받고 있는 학생들을 지원하는 것입니다. Matco Tools와 LiFE의 파트너십은 운송 산업의 기술 격차를 해소하고 차세대 기술자에게 힘을 실어주는 것을 목표로 합니다.

La Lincoln Foundation for Education (LiFE) a reçu un don généreux de Matco Tools, un fournisseur de premier plan d'outils et d'équipements pour les industries automobile, diesel et de réparation de collision. Matco Tools s'est engagé à fournir 100 000 $ par an jusqu'en 2028 pour bénéficier aux étudiants fréquentant le Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI).

Les fonds seront utilisés pour des bourses et des prix pour les nouveaux et les étudiants actuels de LTI dans les programmes de Technologie de Service Automobile, Technologie de Service Diesel et Camion, et Technologie de Réparation et de Finition de Collision dans 12 campus. 90 000 $ seront affectés aux bourses de besoin pour les nouveaux étudiants, tandis que 10 000 $ seront attribués aux étudiants actuels en fonction de leur performance académique et de compétitions basées sur les compétences.

Ce don vise à soutenir les étudiants en formation pour des carrières dans les domaines du transport, où plus d'1 million d'offres d'emploi sont prévues à l'échelle nationale d'ici 2032. Le partenariat entre Matco Tools et LiFE vise à combler le fossé des compétences dans l'industrie du transport et à donner les moyens à la prochaine génération de techniciens.

Die Lincoln Foundation for Education (LiFE) hat eine großzügige Spende von Matco Tools, einem führenden Anbieter von Werkzeugen und Geräten für die Automobil-, Diesel- und Unfallreparaturbranche, erhalten. Matco Tools hat sich verpflichtet, jährlich bis 2028 $100.000 zur Unterstützung der Studierenden am Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI) bereitzustellen.

Die Mittel werden für Stipendien und Auszeichnungen für sowohl neue als auch aktuelle LTI-Studierende in den Programmen für Automobilservice-Technologie, Diesel- und Lastwagenservice-Technologie sowie Unfallreparatur- und Finish-Technologie an 12 Standorten verwendet. $90.000 werden für bedarfsorientierte Stipendien für neue Studierende bereitgestellt, während $10.000 an aktuelle Studierende basierend auf akademischer Leistung und wettbewerbsbasierten Fähigkeiten vergeben werden.

Diese Spende zielt darauf ab, Studierende zu unterstützen, die sich auf Karrieren im Bereich Transport vorbereiten, wo bis 2032 mehr als 1 Million offene Stellen landesweit prognostiziert werden. Die Partnerschaft zwischen Matco Tools und LiFE soll die Qualifikationslücke in der Transportindustrie schließen und die nächste Generation von Techniker:innen stärken.

  • Matco Tools commits $100,000 annually through 2028 to LiFE for student scholarships
  • Funds will benefit students in high-demand automotive and transportation technology programs
  • Partnership aims to address the projected 1 million job openings in the transportation industry by 2032
  • None.

Matco Tools will fund a scholarship program through 2028 to aid students training for transportation careers.

PARSIPPANY, NJ – October 17, 2024, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Lincoln Foundation for Education Inc. (LiFE), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2016, has received a generous donation from Matco Tools, a leading global provider of industry-standard tools and equipment for the auto, diesel, and collision repair industries. Matco Tools has agreed to provide $100,000 each year through 2028 to LiFE to benefit students attending Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI) and training for new careers in these fields. The funds will be made available as scholarships and awards for both new and currently enrolled LTI students.

“We are incredibly grateful to Matco Tools for supporting LiFE to benefit LTI students and their future career aspirations,” says Sheri D. Leach, President of LiFE. “For several years, Matco Tools has supported LTI's career training programs by providing equipment and tools and helping students build in-demand skills for some of the country’s most vital professions. Their donation gives even more students the opportunity to build those skills and enter those professions. Auto, diesel, and collision repair technicians will keep the American economy growing and moving forward.”

LTI has been a national leader in specialized technical training for more than 75 years, with campuses across the country. Students at 12 campuses where Automotive Service Technology, Diesel and Truck Service Technology, and Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology programs are offered will be eligible to apply for these scholarships and awards. Matco Tools supplies tools, computerized diagnostic equipment and more to support future technicians in these fields, where more than 1 million openings are projected nationwide by 2032.*

"At Matco Tools, we believe that investing in scholarships is a powerful way to bridge the skills gap in the transportation industry,” says Laurie Reinbolt, Matco’s Vice President of Sales. “By empowering the next generation of technicians with education and hands-on training, we're not only equipping them with essential skills but also ensuring they have access to premium hand tools that enhance their craft. Together, we’re fostering a future where expertise and quality go hand in hand, driving innovation and excellence in our field."

Each year, $90,000 from Matco Tools’ donation will be set aside for need-based scholarships to help new incoming students manage the investment in their education. The remaining $10,000 will be awarded to current students based on academic performance and skills-based competitions that test their new career proficiencies.

* Career growth projections can be found at for the years 2022-2032 and are current as of October 16, 2024.


About The Lincoln Foundation for Education Inc.

The Lincoln Foundation for Education, Inc. (LiFE) has a mission to provide financial aid and assistance, grants, scholarships, and awards to those individuals pursuing post-secondary education in technical or vocational education at LTI and other similar institutions. The ultimate objective is to provide industry and community organizations, who wish to support both the growth of individuals and the development of a qualified workforce, the ability to contribute aid to promising students who do not have sufficient financial resources to attend or graduate from a post-secondary vocational institution in a timely manner with minimal educational debt.

LiFE sees higher education as a catalyst, an agent of change for individuals, families, communities, and local economies. We envision a community that recognizes the importance of educational attainment and assures positive outcomes are accessible to all regardless of economic circumstance.

For more information, visit

About Matco Tools

Founded in 1979, Matco Tools is an award-winning franchise business that provides premium tools, diagnostics equipment, and tool storage to professional mechanics in a wide range of industries including automotive, aviation and marine. With over 1,900 mobile tool truck franchisees across the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico, Matco Tools is focused on growing its footprint with outstanding customer service and thoughtfully designed solutions that help highly-skilled professionals build their future. Learn more at



How much is Matco Tools donating to the Lincoln Foundation for Education annually?

Matco Tools is donating $100,000 annually to the Lincoln Foundation for Education through 2028.

What programs at Lincoln Technical Institute will benefit from the Matco Tools donation?

The donation will benefit students in Automotive Service Technology, Diesel and Truck Service Technology, and Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology programs at 12 LTI campuses.

How will the Matco Tools donation be distributed to Lincoln Technical Institute students?

$90,000 will be allocated for need-based scholarships for new students, while $10,000 will be awarded to current students based on academic performance and skills-based competitions.

How many job openings are projected in the transportation industry by 2032?

More than 1 million job openings are projected nationwide in the transportation industry by 2032.

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