Lennox Donates 400+ HVAC Units to Homeowners in Need to Provide Year-Round Comfort

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Lennox's Feel The Love program, sponsored by the LII Lennox Foundation, marked its 15th anniversary by donating 413 HVAC units to deserving homeowners during Installation Week from October 5-12, 2024. Dealers across 45 U.S. states and several Canadian provinces installed the units free of cost for nominated recipients and local heroes facing financial challenges, illness, or other difficult circumstances.

The program aims to provide comfort through extreme weather conditions with energy-efficient HVAC solutions. Since its inception in 2009, Feel The Love has benefited over 2,750 families in need. The LII Lennox Foundation, established in 2023, supports this initiative as part of its commitment to improving communities where Lennox employees work and live.

Il programma Feel The Love di Lennox, sponsorizzato dalla Fondazione LII Lennox, ha celebrato il suo 15° anniversario donando 413 unità HVAC a famiglie meritevoli durante la Settimana di Installazione dal 5 al 12 ottobre 2024. I rivenditori in 45 stati degli Stati Uniti e in diverse province canadesi hanno installato gratuitamente le unità per i destinatari nominati e gli eroi locali che affrontano difficoltà finanziarie, malattie o altre circostanze difficili.

Il programma mira a fornire comfort durante condizioni climatiche estreme con soluzioni HVAC ad alta efficienza energetica. Dalla sua creazione nel 2009, Feel The Love ha beneficiato oltre 2.750 famiglie bisognose. La Fondazione LII Lennox, istituita nel 2023, supporta questa iniziativa come parte del suo impegno a migliorare le comunità in cui lavorano e vivono i dipendenti Lennox.

El programa Feel The Love de Lennox, patrocinado por la Fundación LII Lennox, celebró su 15° aniversario donando 413 unidades HVAC a propietarios merecedores durante la Semana de Instalación del 5 al 12 de octubre de 2024. Los distribuidores en 45 estados de EE. UU. y varias provincias canadienses instalaron las unidades sin costo para los destinatarios nominados y héroes locales que enfrentan dificultades financieras, enfermedades u otras circunstancias difíciles.

El programa busca proporcionar confort durante condiciones climáticas extremas con soluciones HVAC energéticamente eficientes. Desde su inicio en 2009, Feel The Love ha beneficiado a más de 2.750 familias necesitadas. La Fundación LII Lennox, establecida en 2023, apoya esta iniciativa como parte de su compromiso con la mejora de las comunidades donde trabajan y viven los empleados de Lennox.

레녹스의 Feel The Love 프로그램은 LII 레녹스 재단이 후원하며, 2024년 10월 5일부터 12일까지 설치 주간 동안 자격이 있는 주택 소유자에게 413개의 HVAC 유닛을 기부하며 15주년을 기념했습니다. 미국 45개 주와 여러 캐나다 주에서 딜러들은 재정적 어려움, 질병 또는 기타 어려운 상황에 처한 추천 받는 수혜자와 지역 영웅들을 위해 무료로 유닛을 설치했습니다.

이 프로그램은 극한의 날씨 속에서 에너지 효율적인 HVAC 솔루션을 통해 편안함을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 2009년 시작 이후로 Feel The Love는 도움이 필요한 2,750개 이상의 가족에게 혜택을 주었습니다. 2023년에 설립된 LII 레녹스 재단은 레녹스 직원들이 일하고 생활하는 커뮤니티를 개선하려는 그들의 헌신의 일환으로 이 이니셔티브를 지원하고 있습니다.

Le programme Feel The Love de Lennox, sponsorisé par la Fondation LII Lennox, a célébré son 15ème anniversaire en faisant don de 413 unités de conditionnement d'air à des propriétaires méritants pendant la Semaine d'Installation du 5 au 12 octobre 2024. Des revendeurs dans 45 États américains et plusieurs provinces canadiennes ont installé les unités gratuitement pour les bénéficiaires nommés et les héros locaux faisant face à des défis financiers, des maladies ou d'autres circonstances difficiles.

Le programme vise à fournir du confort dans des conditions météorologiques extrêmes grâce à des solutions HVAC écoénergétiques. Depuis sa création en 2009, Feel The Love a bénéficié à plus de 2.750 familles dans le besoin. La Fondation LII Lennox, établie en 2023, soutient cette initiative dans le cadre de son engagement à améliorer les communautés où travaillent et vivent les employés de Lennox.

Das Feel The Love-Programm von Lennox, das von der LII Lennox Stiftung unterstützt wird, feierte sein 15-jähriges Bestehen, indem es während der Installationswoche vom 5. bis 12. Oktober 2024 413 HVAC-Geräte an bedürftige Hauseigentümer spendete. Händler aus 45 Bundesstaaten der USA und mehreren kanadischen Provinzen installierten die Geräte kostenfrei für nominierte Empfänger und lokale Helden, die finanziellen Herausforderungen, Krankheiten oder anderen schwierigen Umständen gegenüberstehen.

Das Programm zielt darauf ab, Komfort bei extremen Wetterbedingungen durch energieeffiziente HVAC-Lösungen zu bieten. Seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2009 hat Feel The Love über 2.750 Familien in Not geholfen. Die LII Lennox Stiftung, die 2023 gegründet wurde, unterstützt diese Initiative im Rahmen ihres Engagements zur Verbesserung der Gemeinschaften, in denen die Lennox-Mitarbeiter arbeiten und leben.

  • Donated 413 HVAC units to homeowners in need, showcasing corporate social responsibility
  • Program operates across 45 U.S. states and multiple Canadian provinces, indicating wide reach
  • Energy-efficient units help recipients reduce energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Over 2,750 families have benefited since the program's inception in 2009
  • None.

Through the Feel The Love program, sponsored by the LII Lennox Foundation, Lennox and its dealer network supply and install new HVAC units to local community heroes throughout North America.

RICHARDSON, Texas, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Marking its 15th year anniversary, Feel The Love, sponsored by the LII Lennox Foundation, donated 413 heating and cooling (HVAC) units to deserving homeowners during Installation Week, which occurred from October 5-12.

Dealers across 45 states in the U.S. and several Canadian provinces worked alongside Lennox to install HVAC units for nominated recipients and beloved local heroes free of cost. Whether the recipient had been affected by financial challenges, unexpected injury or illness or other difficult circumstances, Feel The Love supported their needs by providing perfect air to keep their home at the ideal temperature through increasingly extreme winter and summer seasons.

"The hard work and generosity of our dealers and their employees have allowed us to bring comfort to deserving members of the community," says Gary Bedard, EVP & President, Lennox Home Comfort Solutions. "Over the past 15 years, we've made a positive impact, and we look forward to continuing our mission of providing essential HVAC solutions to our neighbors in need."

The donated units are the most efficient and modern designs, helping to keep energy bills down for recipients, heat and cool the home with less energy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, ultimately showcasing Lennox' dedication to long-term investments in the community.

"We were really taken aback because this is a huge relief for me as a father," says Mike Hooper, 2024 Feel The Love recipient. "When we heard about the (Feel The Love) program, we were just taken away. I am just really grateful for the relief this program has provided for us."

Feel The Love is sponsored by the LII Lennox Foundation. Established in 2023, the LII Lennox Foundation is committed to improving the communities where Lennox employees work and live through impactful programs, strong partnerships and an emphasis on employee volunteerism.

Over 2,750 families in need have benefited from Feel The Love since it was first launched in 2009. Stay up to date on Feel The Love by following along with @LennoxFeelTheLove on Facebook. To nominate a member of your community for next year's Installation Week, visit

About Lennox
Lennox (NYSE: LII) is a leader in energy-efficient climate-control solutions. Dedicated to sustainability and creating comfortable and healthier environments for our residential and commercial customers while reducing their carbon footprint, we lead the field in innovation with our cooling, heating, indoor air quality, and refrigeration systems. Additional information is available at For media inquiries, contact

About Feel The Love™
Since 2009, Feel The Love has been a key program for Lennox Residential to give back to its communities. Culminating in Feel The Love Installation Week this October, Lennox partners with HVAC installers and local community members in the United States and portions of Canada to deliver units at no cost to people who consistently put others before themselves and need a helping hand. For more information about how Lennox is bringing perfect air to deserving households across the United States and Canada, visit Beginning this year, in 2024, the LII Lennox Foundation is sponsoring the Feel the Love program.

About LII Lennox Foundation
Founded in 2023, the LII Lennox Foundation amplifies the scope and impact of charitable initiatives focused on health, education and the environment. With an emphasis on sustainability, the Foundation broadens the impact on the communities where Lennox employees live and work through community grants, volunteer grants, matching donations and volunteer opportunities. Through the LII Lennox Foundation, Lennox will give back up to 1% of its net income yearly. For additional information about the LII Lennox Foundation's philanthropic work, email

Lennox and its dealer network in 45 U.S. states and several Canadian provinces donated and installed hundreds of free heating and cooling units for deserving homeowners.


Feel The Love, sponsored by the LII Lennox Foundation, donated heating and cooling units to deserving homeowners in the United States and Canada.

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SOURCE Lennox International Inc.


What is Lennox's Feel The Love program?

Feel The Love is a program sponsored by the LII Lennox Foundation that donates and installs HVAC units for deserving homeowners and local heroes facing financial challenges or other difficult circumstances.

How many HVAC units did Lennox (LII) donate in 2024?

Lennox (LII) donated 413 HVAC units during the Feel The Love Installation Week in October 2024.

When was the Feel The Love Installation Week in 2024 for Lennox (LII)?

The Feel The Love Installation Week for Lennox (LII) occurred from October 5-12, 2024.

How many families have benefited from Lennox's (LII) Feel The Love program since its inception?

Over 2,750 families have benefited from Lennox's (LII) Feel The Love program since it was first launched in 2009.

Lennox International Inc.


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