Ovia Health Expands Women's Health Offerings with Comprehensive Postpartum Experience

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Ovia Health by Labcorp has announced the expansion of its women's health solutions with a new Postpartum Experience program. This 12-month digital solution, available from October 2024, is designed to help women manage various aspects of the postpartum period. Key features include:

1. Personalized Recovery Modes tailored to delivery type and complications
2. Symptom Tracking and Critical Alerts for monitoring risk factors
3. Mental Health Support with screening tools and health programs

The program aims to address the gap in postpartum care, as many women do not attend even one postpartum appointment due to various barriers. Ovia's solution aligns with ACOG's recommendation for ongoing postpartum care and supports women in managing potential complications and conditions that can have life-long implications.

Ovia Health di Labcorp ha annunciato l'espansione delle sue soluzioni per la salute femminile con un nuovo programma Esperienza Postpartum. Questa soluzione digitale di 12 mesi, disponibile da ottobre 2024, è progettata per aiutare le donne a gestire vari aspetti del periodo postpartum. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Modalità di Recupero Personalizzate adattate al tipo di parto e alle complicazioni
2. Monitoraggio dei Sintomi e Avvisi Critici per il monitoraggio dei fattori di rischio
3. Sostegno alla Salute Mentale con strumenti di screening e programmi di salute

Il programma mira a colmare il divario nella cura postpartum, poiché molte donne non partecipano nemmeno a un appuntamento postpartum a causa di varie barriere. La soluzione di Ovia è in linea con la raccomandazione dell'ACOG per la cura postpartum continua e supporta le donne nella gestione di potenziali complicazioni e condizioni che possono avere implicazioni a lungo termine.

Ovia Health de Labcorp ha anunciado la expansión de sus soluciones de salud para mujeres con un nuevo programa Experiencia Postparto. Esta solución digital de 12 meses, disponible a partir de octubre de 2024, está diseñada para ayudar a las mujeres a gestionar varios aspectos del período postparto. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Modos de Recuperación Personalizados adaptados al tipo de parto y a las complicaciones
2. Seguimiento de Síntomas y Alertas Críticas para monitorear factores de riesgo
3. Apoyo en Salud Mental con herramientas de detección y programas de salud

El programa tiene como objetivo abordar la brecha en la atención postparto, ya que muchas mujeres no asisten ni a una cita postparto debido a diversas barreras. La solución de Ovia se alinea con la recomendación de ACOG sobre la atención postparto continua y apoya a las mujeres en la gestión de complicaciones y condiciones potenciales que pueden tener implicaciones a largo plazo.

Labcorp의 Ovia Health가 새로운 산후 경험 프로그램으로 여성 건강 솔루션을 확장한다고 발표했습니다. 2024년 10월부터 제공되는 이 12개월 디지털 솔루션은 여성들이 산후 기간의 다양한 측면을 관리할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 개인화된 회복 모드 - 출산 유형 및 합병증에 맞춤화
2. 증상 추적 및 중요한 경고 - 위험 요소 모니터링
3. 정신 건강 지원 - 검사 도구 및 건강 프로그램 제공

이 프로그램은 많은 여성들이 여러 장애물로 인해 산후 진료에 한 번도 참석하지 않기 때문에 산후 치료의 공백을 메우는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Ovia의 솔루션은 ACOG의 지속적인 산후 관리 권장 사항과 일치하며, 여성들이 잠재적인 합병증과 장기적인 영향을 미칠 수 있는 상태를 관리할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

Ovia Health de Labcorp a annoncé l'expansion de ses solutions de santé pour les femmes avec un nouveau programme Expérience Postnatale. Cette solution numérique de 12 mois, disponible à partir d'octobre 2024, est conçue pour aider les femmes à gérer divers aspects de la période postnatale. Les caractéristiques clés comprennent :

1. Modes de Récupération Personnalisés adaptés au type d'accouchement et aux complications
2. Suivi des Symptômes et Alertes Cruciales pour surveiller les facteurs de risque
3. Soutien à la Santé Mentale avec des outils de dépistage et des programmes de santé

Le programme vise à combler le fossé dans les soins postnatals, car de nombreuses femmes ne se rendent même pas à un rendez-vous postnatal en raison de diverses barrières. La solution d'Ovia est en accord avec la recommandation de l'ACOG pour un suivi postnatal continu et aide les femmes à gérer d'éventuelles complications et conditions pouvant avoir des implications à long terme.

Ovia Health von Labcorp hat die Erweiterung seiner Lösungen für die Gesundheit von Frauen mit einem neuen Postpartalen Erlebnis-Programm angekündigt. Diese digitale Lösung für 12 Monate, die ab Oktober 2024 verfügbar sein wird, ist darauf ausgelegt, Frauen bei der Bewältigung verschiedener Aspekte des Wochenbetts zu unterstützen. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

1. Personalisierte Erholungsmodi, die auf den Entbindungstyp und Komplikationen abgestimmt sind
2. Symptomverfolgung und kritische Warnmeldungen zur Überwachung von Risikofaktoren
3. Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit mit Screening-Tools und Gesundheitsprogrammen

Das Programm zielt darauf ab, die Lücke in der postpartalen Versorgung zu schließen, da viele Frauen aufgrund verschiedener Barrieren nicht einmal zu einem Termin nach der Geburt erscheinen. Ovias Lösung steht im Einklang mit der Empfehlung von ACOG zur fortlaufenden postpartalen Betreuung und unterstützt Frauen dabei, potenzielle Komplikationen und Zustände zu managen, die langfristige Auswirkungen haben können.

  • Launch of a comprehensive 12-month Postpartum Experience program
  • Expansion of Ovia Health's women's health solutions portfolio
  • Addressing a significant gap in postpartum care
  • Alignment with ACOG recommendations for ongoing postpartum care
  • Potential for improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs
  • None.

Ovia Health's new Postpartum Experience marks a significant advancement in digital women's health solutions. This 12-month program addresses a critical gap in postpartum care, aligning with ACOG's recommendations for ongoing support. The app's personalized approach, including tailored recovery modes and symptom tracking, could potentially improve postpartum health outcomes and reduce complications.

The integration of mental health support is particularly noteworthy, as postpartum depression affects up to 15% of new mothers. By offering screening tools and data tracking, Ovia's solution may help identify at-risk women earlier, facilitating timely interventions. However, it's important to note that while digital tools can enhance care, they should complement, not replace, in-person medical consultations.

Ovia Health's Postpartum Experience represents a strategic move in the competitive digital health landscape. By offering a comprehensive, year-long program, Ovia is positioning itself as a leader in women's health tech. The October 2024 launch gives the company time to refine the product and build anticipation.

The app's features, particularly the personalized recovery modes and critical alerts, leverage data-driven insights to provide value-added services. This could potentially increase user engagement and retention. For employers and health plans, offering such a comprehensive solution could lead to reduced healthcare costs and improved employee wellness. However, success will depend on user adoption rates and the app's ability to demonstrate measurable health outcomes.

New solution is the first holistic program available in a digital app to help women manage the postpartum period

BOSTON, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ovia Health by Labcorp (Ovia) today announced the expansion of its women's health solutions to include a personalized, comprehensive Postpartum Experience – a 12-month program designed to help women manage multiple aspects of the postpartum period through personalized recovery modes, symptom tracking and alerts, and mental health support.

For employers or health plans interested in offering Ovia as a benefit, for more information about the new Postpartum Experience, or to download Ovia's app, visit

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends postpartum care be treated as an ongoing process rather than a single doctor's visit. However, estimates suggest that a significant number of women do not attend even one postpartum appointment, in part due to access barriers like lack of health insurance, transportation and childcare.

"The postpartum period is a precarious time for women in the United States. Current standards of care provide insufficient support for women who may be suffering from postpartum complications such as high blood pressure, depression, infection, or pregnancy-associated conditions such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, all of which can have life-long implications," said Dr. Leslie Saltzman, Ovia's chief medical officer. "Ovia's Postpartum Experience is the first personalized, digital program designed to help new mothers manage the postpartum period by offering tools, resources and reminders to support their health journeys."

The Postpartum Experience will be available to Ovia Health Plan and Employer members via the Ovia app beginning in October 2024. Key features and functionalities include: 

  • Personalized Recovery Modes: Tools and resources that are tailored to each user's delivery type (e.g., vaginal delivery, c-section, VBAC), delivery complications, number of weeks/months postpartum and pregnancy risk factors to support women as they progress through pregnancy to postnatal recovery.
  • Symptom Tracking and Critical Alerts: Daily logs that allow users to track symptoms and monitor risk factors for common conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunction or hypertensive disorders. In-app notifications help indicate a symptom, mood or health need that should be discussed with a care provider, such as shortness of breath or heavy bleeding.
  • Mental Health Support: Screening tools, data-tracking and health programs that are designed to address the social and emotional aspects of the postpartum period, such as postpartum depression, peri/postnatal anxiety, returning to work and financial health.

The Postpartum Experience further expands Ovia and Labcorp's position as a leading, go-to source for women's health insights, offering new capabilities for personalized care experiences, fostering better dialogue between physicians and their patients, and empowering women to take control of their health.

About Ovia Health
Ovia Health by Labcorp is a leading digital platform dedicated to supporting the full spectrum of women's health from preconception through menopause. The platform's wide range of solutions includes 50+ clinical programs that aim to improve health outcomes, prevent unnecessary healthcare costs, and increase retention and return to work. Ovia Health by Labcorp is the only women's and family health solution clinically proven to effectively identify and intervene with high-risk conditions and has supported millions of women in their health and parenthood journeys since 2012.

About Labcorp
Labcorp (NYSE: LH) is a global leader of innovative and comprehensive laboratory services that helps doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, researchers and patients make clear and confident decisions. We provide insights and advance science to improve health and improve lives through our unparalleled diagnostics and drug development laboratory capabilities. The company's more than 67,000 employees serve clients in approximately 100 countries, provided support for 84% of the new drugs and therapeutic products approved in 2023 by the FDA, and performed more than 600 million tests for patients around the world. Learn more about us at



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When will Ovia Health's new Postpartum Experience program be available?

Ovia Health's new Postpartum Experience program will be available to Ovia Health Plan and Employer members via the Ovia app beginning in October 2024.

What are the key features of Ovia Health's Postpartum Experience program?

The key features of Ovia Health's Postpartum Experience program include Personalized Recovery Modes, Symptom Tracking and Critical Alerts, and Mental Health Support.

How long does Ovia Health's Postpartum Experience program last?

Ovia Health's Postpartum Experience is a 12-month program designed to help women manage multiple aspects of the postpartum period.

How does Ovia Health's Postpartum Experience program address postpartum care challenges?

The program addresses postpartum care challenges by offering personalized digital tools, resources, and reminders to support women's health journeys, helping to overcome barriers like lack of health insurance, transportation, and childcare that often prevent women from attending postpartum appointments.

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