Longeveron® to Present at the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day

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Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), a clinical stage regenerative medicine biotechnology company, announced its participation in the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day on October 15, 2024. The company's CEO, Wa'el Hashad, will engage in a Fireside Chat with Ash Verma, SMID-cap Biotech & Specialty Pharma Analyst at UBS Equity Research.

The virtual event is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. ET. Interested parties can register for the event by contacting their UBS representative. Additionally, Longeveron's investor presentation is available in the 'Events & Presentations' section of the company's website.

Longeveron focuses on developing cellular therapies for life-threatening and chronic aging-related conditions, positioning itself at the forefront of regenerative medicine research.

Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), una azienda biotecnologica in fase clinica specializzata in medicine rigenerative, ha annunciato la sua partecipazione al UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day il 15 ottobre 2024. Il CEO dell'azienda, Wa'el Hashad, parteciperà a una conversazione informale con Ash Verma, analista Biotech e Specialty Pharma di SMID-cap presso UBS Equity Research.

L'evento virtuale è programmato per martedì 15 ottobre 2024, dalle 15:00 alle 15:45 ET. Le parti interessate possono registrarsi per l'evento contattando il proprio rappresentante UBS. Inoltre, la presentazione per gli investitori di Longeveron è disponibile nella sezione 'Eventi e Presentazioni' del sito web dell'azienda.

Longeveron si concentra sullo sviluppo di terapie cellulari per condizioni croniche e potenzialmente letali legate all'invecchiamento, posizionandosi all'avanguardia della ricerca in medicina rigenerativa.

Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), una empresa biotecnológica en etapa clínica especializada en medicina regenerativa, anunció su participación en el UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day el 15 de octubre de 2024. El CEO de la compañía, Wa'el Hashad, participará en una charla informal con Ash Verma, analista de Biotech y Pharma Especializado de SMID-cap en UBS Equity Research.

El evento virtual está programado para martes, 15 de octubre de 2024, de 3:00 p.m. a 3:45 p.m. ET. Las partes interesadas pueden registrarse para el evento contactando a su representante de UBS. Además, la presentación para inversores de Longeveron está disponible en la sección 'Eventos y Presentaciones' del sitio web de la compañía.

Longeveron se enfoca en el desarrollo de terapias celulares para condiciones crónicas y potencialmente mortales relacionadas con el envejecimiento, posicionándose a la vanguardia de la investigación en medicina regenerativa.

Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), 임상 단계의 재생 의학 생명공학 회사,가 2024년 10월 15일에 UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day에 참여한다고 발표했습니다. 회사의 CEO인 Wa'el Hashad는 UBS Equity Research의 중소형 생명공학 및 전문 제약 분석가인 Ash Verma와의 파이어사이드 챗에 참여할 예정입니다.

가상 이벤트는 2024년 10월 15일 화요일, 오후 3시부터 3시 45분까지 ET로 예정되어 있습니다. 관심 있는 분들은 UBS 담당자에게 연락하여 이벤트에 등록할 수 있습니다. 또한, Longeveron의 투자자 발표 자료는 회사 웹사이트의 '이벤트 및 발표' 섹션에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Longeveron은 생명을 위협하는 만성 노화 관련 질환에 대한 세포 치료 개발에 집중하고 있으며, 재생 의학 연구의 최전선에 자리잡고 있습니다.

Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), une entreprise de biotechnologie en phase clinique spécialisée dans la médecine régénérative, a annoncé sa participation au UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day le 15 octobre 2024. Le PDG de la société, Wa'el Hashad, participera à une discussion informelle avec Ash Verma, analyste en biotechnologie et en pharmacie spécialisée pour les entreprises de taille intermédiaire chez UBS Equity Research.

L'événement virtuel est prévu pour mardi 15 octobre 2024, de 15h00 à 15h45 ET. Les parties intéressées peuvent s'inscrire à l'événement en contactant leur représentant UBS. De plus, la présentation pour investisseurs de Longeveron est disponible dans la section 'Événements et Présentations' du site web de l'entreprise.

Longeveron se concentre sur le développement de thérapies cellulaires pour des conditions graves et chroniques liées au vieillissement, se positionnant à l'avant-garde de la recherche en médecine régénérative.

Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), ein biotechnologisches Unternehmen in der klinischen Phase für regenerative Medizin, gab seine Teilnahme am UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day am 15. Oktober 2024 bekannt. Der CEO des Unternehmens, Wa'el Hashad, wird sich in einem Fireside Chat mit Ash Verma, Analyst für SMID-Cap-Biotech und Spezial-Pharma bei UBS Equity Research, austauschen.

Die virtuelle Veranstaltung ist für Dienstag, den 15. Oktober 2024, von 15:00 bis 15:45 Uhr ET geplant. Interessierte Parteien können sich für die Veranstaltung anmelden, indem sie ihren UBS-Vertreter kontaktieren. Darüber hinaus ist die Investorenpräsentation von Longeveron im Bereich 'Veranstaltungen & Präsentationen' auf der Unternehmenswebsite verfügbar.

Longeveron konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von Zelltherapien für lebensbedrohliche und chronische altersbedingte Erkrankungen und positioniert sich damit an der Spitze der Forschung im Bereich der regenerativen Medizin.

  • None.
  • None.

MIAMI, Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), a clinical stage regenerative medicine biotechnology company developing cellular therapies for life-threatening and chronic aging-related conditions, today announced that Wa’el Hashad, Chief Executive Officer of Longeveron will participate in a Fireside Chat at the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day, taking place virtually October 15, 2024.

Fireside chat with Ash Verma, SMID-cap Biotech & Specialty Pharma Analyst, UBS Equity Research:

 Date:Tuesday, October 15, 2024
 Time:3:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. ET

To register for the event, please contact your UBS representative.

The Longeveron investor presentation is available at the “Events & Presentations” section of the Company’s website.

About Longeveron Inc.

Longeveron is a clinical stage biotechnology company developing regenerative medicines to address unmet medical needs. The Company’s lead investigational product is Lomecel-B™, an allogeneic medicinal signaling cell (MSC) therapy product isolated from the bone marrow of young, healthy adult donors. Lomecel-B™ has multiple potential mechanisms of action encompassing pro-vascular, pro-regenerative, anti-inflammatory, and tissue repair and healing effects with broad potential applications across a spectrum of disease areas. Longeveron is currently pursuing three pipeline indications: hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Aging-related Frailty. Lomecel-B™ development programs have received five distinct and important U.S. FDA designations: for the HLHS program - Orphan Drug designation, Fast Track designation, and Rare Pediatric Disease designation; and, for the AD program - Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation and Fast Track designation. For more information, visit or follow Longeveron on LinkedIn, X, and Instagram.

Investor and Media Contact:
Derek Cole
Investor Relations Advisory Solutions


When is Longeveron (LGVN) presenting at the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day?

Longeveron (LGVN) is presenting at the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. ET.

Who will be representing Longeveron (LGVN) at the UBS Virtual event?

Wa'el Hashad, the Chief Executive Officer of Longeveron (LGVN), will be representing the company at the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day.

What type of event will Longeveron (LGVN) participate in at the UBS Virtual conference?

Longeveron (LGVN) will participate in a Fireside Chat with Ash Verma, SMID-cap Biotech & Specialty Pharma Analyst at UBS Equity Research, during the UBS Virtual Organ Restoration and Cell Therapy Day.

How can investors access Longeveron's (LGVN) presentation materials for the UBS Virtual event?

Investors can access Longeveron's (LGVN) investor presentation in the 'Events & Presentations' section of the company's website.

What is the focus of Longeveron's (LGVN) research and development?

Longeveron (LGVN) focuses on developing cellular therapies for life-threatening and chronic aging-related conditions in the field of regenerative medicine.

Longeveron Inc.


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America