Longeveron® Announces Full-Year 2024 Financial Results and Provides Business Update

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Longeveron reported its full-year 2024 financial results, highlighting a 237% year-over-year increase in total revenue to $2.4 million. The company's pivotal Phase 2b clinical trial (ELPIS II) for Lomecel-B™ in treating Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome has achieved over 90% enrollment, with completion expected in Q2 2025.

Key financial metrics include a reduced net loss of $16.0 million (down 25% from 2023), with cash and equivalents of $19.2 million as of December 31, 2024. The company anticipates its current funds will support operations into Q4 2025.

Notable developments include WHO's approval of 'laromestrocel' as Lomecel-B's non-proprietary name and plans for a potential Biological License Application (BLA) submission in 2026. The company expects an FDA meeting in late Q1 2025 to discuss development paths for Lomecel-B in mild Alzheimer's disease.

Longeveron ha riportato i risultati finanziari per l'intero anno 2024, evidenziando un aumento del 237% rispetto all'anno precedente nel fatturato totale, pari a $2,4 milioni. Il trial clinico cruciale di Fase 2b (ELPIS II) per Lomecel-B™ nel trattamento della Sindrome da Ipoplasia del Cuore Sinistro ha raggiunto oltre il 90% di arruolamento, con completamento previsto per il secondo trimestre del 2025.

I principali indicatori finanziari includono una perdita netta ridotta di $16,0 milioni (in calo del 25% rispetto al 2023), con liquidità e equivalenti pari a $19,2 milioni al 31 dicembre 2024. L'azienda prevede che i fondi attuali supporteranno le operazioni fino al quarto trimestre del 2025.

Sviluppi notevoli includono l'approvazione dell'OMS del nome non proprietario 'laromestrocel' per Lomecel-B e piani per una potenziale presentazione di domanda di Licenza Biologica (BLA) nel 2026. L'azienda si aspetta un incontro con la FDA alla fine del primo trimestre del 2025 per discutere i percorsi di sviluppo per Lomecel-B nella malattia di Alzheimer lieve.

Longeveron informó sus resultados financieros del año completo 2024, destacando un aumento del 237% interanual en los ingresos totales, alcanzando $2.4 millones. El ensayo clínico clave de Fase 2b (ELPIS II) para Lomecel-B™ en el tratamiento del Síndrome de Hipoplasia del Corazón Izquierdo ha logrado más del 90% de inscripción, con la finalización esperada para el segundo trimestre de 2025.

Las métricas financieras clave incluyen una pérdida neta reducida de $16.0 millones (una disminución del 25% respecto a 2023), con efectivo y equivalentes de $19.2 millones a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2024. La compañía anticipa que sus fondos actuales apoyarán las operaciones hasta el cuarto trimestre de 2025.

Desarrollos notables incluyen la aprobación de la OMS del nombre no propietario 'laromestrocel' para Lomecel-B y planes para una posible presentación de Solicitud de Licencia Biológica (BLA) en 2026. La compañía espera una reunión con la FDA a finales del primer trimestre de 2025 para discutir las rutas de desarrollo para Lomecel-B en la enfermedad de Alzheimer leve.

Longeveron은 2024년 전체 연도 재무 결과를 발표하며 총 수익이 $2.4 백만으로 전년 대비 237% 증가했다고 강조했습니다. Lomecel-B™의 저형성 좌심실 증후군 치료를 위한 중요한 2b상 임상 시험(ELPIS II)은 90% 이상의 등록을 달성했으며, 2025년 2분기 내 완료가 예상됩니다.

주요 재무 지표로는 $16.0 백만의 순손실이 2023년 대비 25% 감소했으며, 2024년 12월 31일 기준 현금 및 현금성 자산이 $19.2 백만에 달합니다. 회사는 현재 자금이 2025년 4분기까지 운영을 지원할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

주목할 만한 발전으로는 WHO가 Lomecel-B의 비독점 이름으로 'laromestrocel'을 승인한 것과 2026년 생물학적 라이센스 신청(BLA) 제출 계획이 있습니다. 회사는 2025년 1분기 말에 Lomecel-B의 경증 알츠하이머병 개발 경로에 대해 논의하기 위해 FDA와의 회의를 기대하고 있습니다.

Longeveron a rapporté ses résultats financiers pour l'année complète 2024, soulignant une augmentation de 237 % d'une année sur l'autre du chiffre d'affaires total, atteignant 2,4 millions de dollars. L'essai clinique clé de Phase 2b (ELPIS II) pour Lomecel-B™ dans le traitement du syndrome du cœur gauche hypoplasique a atteint plus de 90 % d'inscription, avec une finalisation attendue au deuxième trimestre 2025.

Les indicateurs financiers clés incluent une perte nette réduite de 16,0 millions de dollars (en baisse de 25 % par rapport à 2023), avec des liquidités et équivalents de 19,2 millions de dollars au 31 décembre 2024. L'entreprise prévoit que ses fonds actuels soutiendront ses opérations jusqu'au quatrième trimestre 2025.

Parmi les développements notables, on note l'approbation de l'OMS du nom non exclusif 'laromestrocel' pour Lomecel-B et des plans pour une éventuelle soumission d'une demande de licence biologique (BLA) en 2026. L'entreprise s'attend à une réunion avec la FDA à la fin du premier trimestre 2025 pour discuter des voies de développement pour Lomecel-B dans la maladie d'Alzheimer légère.

Longeveron hat seine Finanzzahlen für das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht und hebt dabei einen Anstieg des Gesamtumsatzes um 237 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr auf 2,4 Millionen USD hervor. Die entscheidende Phase-2b-Studie (ELPIS II) für Lomecel-B™ zur Behandlung des Hypoplastischen Linksherzsyndroms hat über 90 % Einschreibung erreicht, mit einem Abschluss, der für das 2. Quartal 2025 erwartet wird.

Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen umfassen einen verringerten Nettoverlust von 16,0 Millionen USD (ein Rückgang um 25 % gegenüber 2023), mit Zahlungsmitteln und Zahlungsmitteläquivalenten von 19,2 Millionen USD zum 31. Dezember 2024. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass die aktuellen Mittel die Betriebe bis ins 4. Quartal 2025 unterstützen werden.

Bemerkenswerte Entwicklungen sind die Genehmigung der WHO für 'laromestrocel' als nicht geschützten Namen für Lomecel-B und die Pläne für eine mögliche Einreichung eines Biologischen Lizenzantrags (BLA) im Jahr 2026. Das Unternehmen erwartet ein Treffen mit der FDA Ende des 1. Quartals 2025, um die Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten für Lomecel-B bei leichter Alzheimer-Krankheit zu besprechen.

  • Revenue increased 237% YoY to $2.4M
  • Net loss decreased 25% to $16.0M
  • Operating expenses reduced by 16% in G&A and 10% in R&D
  • 100% 5-year transplant-free survival rate in Phase 1 ELPIS I study
  • FDA granted multiple designations including Fast Track and RMAT
  • Additional financing needed for 2025 operations
  • Current cash runway only extends to Q4 2025
  • Operating expenses expected to accelerate in 2025
  • Still operating at significant net loss ($16.0M)


Longeveron's 2024 financial results demonstrate significant commercial progress with 237% revenue growth to $2.4 million, driven by their dual revenue streams: clinical trial services ($1.4 million) and newly established contract manufacturing ($1 million). This revenue diversification strengthens their financial foundation while advancing their core therapeutic programs.

The company has successfully reduced their annual net loss by 25% to $16 million, through strategic cost management – cutting both G&A expenses by 16% and R&D expenses by 10% while still progressing their clinical pipeline. This operational efficiency has extended their cash runway, with $19.2 million cash on hand expected to fund operations into Q4 2025.

However, investors should note the projected capital gap, as their BLA submission for HLHS is targeted for 2026 while current funding only extends into late 2025. Management has explicitly signaled plans to seek additional financing and non-dilutive funding options to support accelerated BLA-enabling activities, indicating potential dilution ahead. With a current market cap of approximately $22.4 million, the company trades close to cash value, suggesting the market is assigning minimal value to their clinical assets despite approaching key milestones.

Longeveron's lead candidate Lomecel-B (now officially designated "laromestrocel" by WHO) is approaching critical inflection points across multiple programs. The ELPIS II trial for HLHS represents their most advanced program, with the FDA designating it as pivotal for potential full traditional approval – a significant regulatory advantage that could accelerate commercialization.

The 90% enrollment milestone in their HLHS trial positions them for potential recruitment completion in Q2 2025, setting up a clear timeline for their anticipated 2026 BLA submission. The clinical significance is underscored by their Phase 1 results showing 100% transplant-free survival up to five years post-surgery, compared to 80% historical control – a meaningful difference in this rare pediatric condition affecting heart development.

Their regulatory profile is exceptionally strong, with Orphan Drug, Fast Track, and Rare Pediatric Disease designations for HLHS, plus Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) and Fast Track designations for Alzheimer's disease. These designations provide multiple advantages including expedited review, increased FDA interaction, and potential market exclusivity. The upcoming FDA meeting for Alzheimer's disease in late Q1 2025 will be important in determining their path forward in this significantly larger market opportunity, though investors should recognize Alzheimer's represents a more challenging clinical and regulatory landscape than their core HLHS program.

  • Pivotal Phase 2b clinical trial (ELPIS II) evaluating Lomecel-B™ (laromestrocel) in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a rare pediatric disease and orphan-designated indication, has achieved more than 90% enrollment and is expected to complete enrollment in the second quarter of 2025
  • Lomecel-B™ Biological License Application (BLA) submission for full traditional approval anticipated in 2026, if ELPIS II is successful
  • FDA meeting anticipated late in first quarter of 2025 to discuss possible development paths for Lomecel-B™ in mild Alzheimer’s disease
  • WHO International Nonproprietary Names (INN) Expert Committee approved “laromestrocel” for the non-proprietary name of Lomecel-B™
  • Total Revenue for 2024 increased 237% year-over-year to $2.4 million, primarily due to the successful initiation of contract manufacturing services and increased participant demand for the Bahamas Registry Trial
  • Company to host conference call and webcast today at 4:30 p.m. ET

MIAMI, Feb. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Longeveron Inc. (NASDAQ: LGVN), a clinical stage regenerative medicine biotechnology company developing cellular therapies for life-threatening and chronic aging-related conditions, today reported financial results for the full-year ended December 31, 2024 and provided a business update.

“Throughout 2024, we continued to advance the development of our investigational cellular therapy candidate, Lomecel-B™, as a potential treatment for both Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, or HLHS, and mild Alzheimer’s disease,” said Wa’el Hashad, Chief Executive Officer of Longeveron. “We are now approaching multiple potentially transformational milestones over the next 12 months, including, completion of enrollment in our pivotal Phase 2b clinical trial in HLHS, which may establish the timeline for a potential Biological License Application, or BLA, submission for full traditional approval for HLHS, and our upcoming meeting with the FDA to determine the development pathway for the Alzheimer’s disease program. Our team’s expertise in clinical development and manufacturing, combined with several positive initial results across five clinical trials in three indications, continues to position Longeveron as a leader in stem cell therapy research and, potentially, commercialization of cellular therapeutics.”

Development Programs
Longeveron’s investigational therapeutic candidate is Lomecel-B™, a proprietary, scalable, allogeneic cellular therapy being evaluated in multiple indications.

In February 2025, the International Nonproprietary Names (INN) Expert Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) approved “laromestrocel” for the non-proprietary name of Lomecel-B™.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) – a rare pediatric congenital heart birth defect in which the left ventricle (one of the pumping chambers of the heart) is severely underdeveloped.

  • Phase 2b controlled clinical trial (ELPIS II) evaluating Lomecel-B™ as a potential adjunct therapy for HLHS is currently enrolling 38 pediatric patients at twelve premiere infant and children’s treatment institutions across the country. ELPIS II has achieved more than 90% enrollment and is currently anticipated to complete enrollment in the second quarter of 2025.
  • In 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicated that ELPIS II is a pivotal trial and, if it demonstrates sufficient evidence of efficacy, it would be acceptable for a Biologics License Application (BLA) submission for full traditional approval.
  • ELPIS II is being conducted in collaboration with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) through grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
  • In the open-label Phase 1 ELPIS I study, 10 children treated with Lomecel-B™ achieved 100% transplant-free survival up to five years post-Glenn surgery. This represents a significant improvement compared to historical control data, which show an 80% transplant-free survival rate at five years. These findings underscore the potential of Lomecel-B™ to enhance long-term outcomes and quality of life for children with single ventricle congenital heart disease.
  • The FDA has granted Lomecel-B™ Orphan Drug designation, Fast Track designation, and Rare Pediatric Disease designation for the treatment of HLHS.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) – a neurodegenerative disorder that leads to progressive memory loss and death and currently has very limited therapeutic options.

  • The Company anticipates meeting with the FDA late in the first quarter of 2025 to discuss possible development paths in mild Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The FDA has granted Lomecel-B™ both Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation and Fast Track designation for the treatment of mild Alzheimer’s disease.

2024 Summary Financial Results

  • Revenues: Revenues for the year ended December 31, 2024 and 2023 were $2.4 million and $0.7 million, respectively. This represents an increase of $1.7 million, or 237%, in 2024 compared to 2023, primarily driven by higher participant demand for our investigational Frailty and Cognitive Impairment registry trial in the Bahamas (the “Bahamas Registry Trial”) and the addition of a third-party manufacturing services contract. Clinical trial revenue, which is derived from the Bahamas Registry Trial, for the year ended December 31, 2024 and 2023 was $1.4 million and $0.7 million, respectively. This increase of $0.7 million, or 110%, for the year ended December 31, 2024 was a result of increased participant demand. Contract manufacturing revenue for the year ended December 31, 2024 was $1.0 million, consisting of $0.5 million from manufacturing lease services and $0.5 million from manufacturing services contract.
  • Cost of Revenues and Gross Profit: Cost of revenues for the year ended December 31, 2024 and 2023 was $0.5 million and $0.5 million, respectively. This resulted in a gross profit of approximately $1.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2024, an increase of $1.7 million, or 752%, compared to a gross profit of $0.2 million in 2023.
  • General and Administrative Expenses: General and administrative expenses for the year ended December 31, 2024 decreased to approximately $10.3 million, compared to $12.2 million for the same period in 2023. This decrease of approximately $1.9 million, or 16%, was primarily due to lower personnel expenses as a result of reduced severance in 2024 and lower legal and other administrative expenses.
  • Research and Development Expenses: Research and development expenses for the year ended December 31, 2024 decreased to approximately $8.1 million from approximately $9.1 million for the same period in 2023. This decrease of $1.0 million, or 10%, was primarily driven by a reduction of $2.3 million in expenses related to the completed CLEAR MIND Alzheimer’s disease clinical trial, reduced costs for the Aging-related Frailty clinical trial following our decision to discontinue trial activities in Japan, and a $0.9 million decrease in supply costs. These reductions were partially offset by $1.7 million in higher compensation and benefit costs and a $0.3 million increase in equity-based compensation expenses allocated to research and development.
  • Other Income (Expense), net: Other income (expense) for the years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023 was an income of $0.6 million and an expense of $0.4 million, respectively. Net other income for 2024 was driven by higher interest income, compared to net other expense for 2023 driven by realized losses on sales of marketable securities of $0.3 million, write-offs of intangible assets of $0.3 million and reduced benefit of tax credits of $0.3 million.
  • Net Loss: Net loss decreased to approximately $16.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2024, from a net loss of $21.4 million for the same period in 2023. The decrease in the net loss of $5.4 million, or 25%, was for reasons outlined above.
  • Cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2024 were $19.2 million. The Company currently believes its existing cash and cash equivalents will enable it to fund its operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements into the fourth quarter of 2025 based on its current operating budget and cash flow forecast. However, as a result of its successful Type C meeting with the FDA in August 2024 with respect to the HLHS regulatory pathway, the Company has started to ramp up BLA enabling activities as it currently anticipates a potential filing with the FDA in 2026, if the current ELPIS II trial is successful. The Company’s operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements are expected to accelerate in calendar year 2025 as a result of these activities, including CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls) and manufacturing readiness, and there will be a need to increase its current proposed spend and further increase its capital investments. The Company intends to seek additional financing and non-dilutive funding options to support these activities, and current cash projections may be impacted by these ramped up activities and any financing transactions entered into.

Conference Call and Webcast Details:

Conference Call Number: 1.877.407.0789
Conference ID:13751432
Call me™ Feature:Click Here  
Webcast: Click Here  

An archived replay of the webcast will be available on the “Events & Presentations” section of the Company’s website following the conference.

About Longeveron Inc.

Longeveron is a clinical stage biotechnology company developing regenerative medicines to address unmet medical needs. The Company’s lead investigational product is Lomecel-B™, an allogeneic medicinal signaling cell (MSC) therapy product isolated from the bone marrow of young, healthy adult donors. Lomecel-B™ has multiple potential mechanisms of action encompassing pro-vascular, pro-regenerative, anti-inflammatory, and tissue repair and healing effects with broad potential applications across a spectrum of disease areas. Longeveron is currently pursuing three pipeline indications: hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), Alzheimer’s disease, and Aging-related Frailty. Lomecel-B™ development programs have received five distinct and important FDA designations: for the HLHS program - Orphan Drug designation, Fast Track designation, and Rare Pediatric Disease designation; and, for the AD program - Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation and Fast Track designation. For more information, visit or follow Longeveron on LinkedIn, X, and Instagram.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which reflect management’s current expectations, assumptions, and estimates of future operations, performance and economic conditions, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other important factors that could cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those anticipated, expressed, or implied by the statements made herein. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “contemplate,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expects,” “intend,” “looks to,” “may,” “on condition,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “preliminary,” “project,” “see,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” or the negative thereof or comparable terminology, or by discussion of strategy or goals or other future events, circumstances, or effects and include, but are not limited to, statements about the various below-listed factors. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this release include, but are not limited to, our cash position and need to raise additional capital, the difficulties we may face in obtaining access to capital, and the dilutive impact it may have on our investors; our financial performance, and ability to continue as a going concern; the period over which we estimate our existing cash and cash equivalents will be sufficient to fund our future operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements; the ability of our clinical trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy of our product candidates, and other positive results; the timing and focus of our ongoing and future preclinical studies and clinical trials, and the reporting of data from those studies and trials; the size of the market opportunity for certain of our product candidates, including our estimates of the number of patients who suffer from the diseases we are targeting; our ability to scale production and commercialize the product candidate for certain indications; the success of competing therapies that are or may become available; the beneficial characteristics, safety, efficacy and therapeutic effects of our product candidates; our ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval of our product candidates in the U.S. and other jurisdictions; our plans relating to the further development of our product candidates, including additional disease states or indications we may pursue; our plans and ability to obtain or protect intellectual property rights, including extensions of existing patent terms where available and our ability to avoid infringing the intellectual property rights of others; the need to hire additional personnel and our ability to attract and retain such personnel; and our estimates regarding expenses, future revenue, capital requirements and needs for additional financing.

Further information relating to factors that may impact the Company’s results and forward-looking statements are disclosed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including Longeveron’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 28, 2025, its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and its Current Reports on Form 8-K. The Company operates in highly competitive and rapidly changing environment; therefore, new factors may arise, and it is not possible for the Company’s management to predict all such factors that may arise nor assess the impact of such factors or the extent to which any individual factor or combination thereof, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date of this press release based on information available as of the date of this press release, are inherently uncertain, and the Company disclaims any intention or obligation, other than imposed by law, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Investor and Media Contact:
Derek Cole
Investor Relations Advisory Solutions

---tables follow--- 

Longeveron Inc.
Condensed Balance Sheets
(In thousands, except share and per share data)
  December 31, 
  2024  2023 
Current assets:      
Cash and cash equivalents $19,232  $4,949 
Marketable equity securities  -   412 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets  308   376 
Accounts and grants receivable  84   111 
Total current assets  19,624   5,848 
Property and equipment, net  2,449   2,529 
Intangible assets, net  2,401   2,287 
Operating lease asset  882   1,221 
Other assets  202   193 
Total assets $25,558  $12,078 
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity      
Current liabilities:      
Accounts payable  99   638 
Accrued expenses  1,820   2,152 
Current portion of operating lease liability  623   593 
Deferred revenue  40   506 
Total current liabilities  2,582   3,889 
Long-term liabilities:      
Long-term portion of operating lease liability  824   1,448 
Other liabilities  265   - 
Total long-term liabilities  1,089   1,448 
Total liabilities  3,671   5,337 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 9)      
Stockholders’ Equity:      
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value per share, 5,000,000 shares authorized, no shares
issued and outstanding at December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023
  -   - 
Class A common stock, $0.001 par value per share, 84,295,000 shares
authorized, 13,407,441 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2024;
1,025,183 issued and outstanding at December 31, 2023
  13   1 
Class B common stock, $0.001 par value per share, 15,705,000 shares authorized,
1,484,005 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2024; 1,485,560
issued and outstanding at December 31, 2023
  1   1 
Additional paid-in capital  131,480   91,823 
Stock subscription receivable  -   (100)
Accumulated deficit  (109,607)  (84,984)
Total stockholders’ equity  21,887   6,741 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $25,558  $12,078 

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.

Longeveron Inc.
Condensed Statements of Operations
(In thousands, except per share data)
  Year Ended
December 31,
  2024  2023 
Clinical trial revenue $1,402  $668 
Contract manufacturing lease revenue  503   - 
Contract manufacturing revenue  487   - 
Grant revenue  -   41 
Total revenues  2,392   709 
Cost of revenues  508   488 
Gross profit  1,884   221 
Operating expenses      
General and administrative  10,269   12,184 
Research and development  8,137   9,066 
Total operating expenses  18,406   21,250 
Loss from operations  (16,522)  (21,029)
Other income and (expense)      
Lawsuit expense  -   (30)
Other refundable tax credits  -   23 
Other income (expense), net  549   (377)
Total other income (expenses), net  549   (384)
Net loss $(15,973) $(21,413)
Deemed dividend - warrant inducement offers  (8,650)  (798)
Net loss attributable to common stockholders $(24,623) $(22,211)
Basic and diluted net loss per share $(2.62) $(10.22)
Basic and diluted weighted average common shares outstanding  9,411,164   2,173,490 

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed financial statements.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What were Longeveron's (LGVN) revenue and growth figures for 2024?

Longeveron reported total revenue of $2.4 million in 2024, representing a 237% increase from $0.7 million in 2023.

When will Longeveron (LGVN) complete enrollment for the ELPIS II trial?

The ELPIS II trial is expected to complete enrollment in the second quarter of 2025, having already achieved over 90% enrollment.

What is the cash position of Longeveron (LGVN) as of December 2024?

Longeveron had $19.2 million in cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2024, expected to fund operations into Q4 2025.

When does Longeveron (LGVN) plan to submit the BLA for Lomecel-B?

Longeveron anticipates submitting the Biological License Application (BLA) for Lomecel-B in 2026, contingent on ELPIS II trial success.

What was Longeveron's (LGVN) net loss for 2024?

Longeveron reported a net loss of $16.0 million for 2024, a 25% improvement from the $21.4 million loss in 2023.

Longeveron Inc


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States