LifeStance Survey Finds 79% of Americans Are Experiencing Anxiety Over the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

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A LifeStance Health survey reveals widespread election-related anxiety among Americans, with 79% experiencing anxiety over the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Key findings include:

  • Younger generations are more likely to experience moderate to significant election-related anxiety
  • 57% think about the election daily
  • 60% of respondents in therapy discuss politics during sessions
  • 44% report conflicts in personal relationships due to political discussions
  • 33% would not date someone with opposing political views
  • 72% say social media and news coverage contribute to election anxiety

The survey underscores the need for accessible mental healthcare to help people navigate election-related stress and maintain overall well-being. Dr. Ujjwal Ramtekkar, Chief Medical Officer at LifeStance, emphasizes the importance of mental health care in managing daily life stressors and building long-term resilience.

Un sondaggio di LifeStance Health rivela un diffuso ansia legata alle elezioni tra gli americani, con il 79% che vive ansia per le elezioni presidenziali statunitensi del 2024. I risultati chiave includono:

  • Le generazioni più giovani sono più propense a sperimentare un'ansia moderata o significativa legata alle elezioni
  • Il 57% pensa alle elezioni quotidianamente
  • Il 60% dei partecipanti in terapia discute di politica durante le sedute
  • Il 44% riferisce conflitti nelle relazioni personali a causa delle discussioni politiche
  • Il 33% non uscirebbe con qualcuno con idee politiche opposte
  • Il 72% afferma che i social media e la copertura delle notizie contribuiscono all'ansia elettorale

Il sondaggio sottolinea la necessità di una salute mentale accessibile per aiutare le persone a gestire lo stress legato alle elezioni e mantenere il benessere generale. Il Dr. Ujjwal Ramtekkar, Chief Medical Officer di LifeStance, sottolinea l'importanza della cura della salute mentale nella gestione degli stress quotidiani e nella costruzione di resilienza a lungo termine.

Una revela una amplia ansiedad relacionada con las elecciones entre los estadounidenses, con el 79% experimentando ansiedad por las elecciones presidenciales de EE. UU. de 2024. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Las generaciones más jóvenes son más propensas a experimentar ansiedad moderada a significativa relacionada con las elecciones
  • El 57% piensa en las elecciones a diario
  • El 60% de los encuestados en terapia discute política durante las sesiones
  • El 44% informa conflictos en las relaciones personales debido a discusiones políticas
  • El 33% no saldría con alguien con opiniones políticas opuestas
  • El 72% afirma que las redes sociales y la cobertura de noticias contribuyen a la ansiedad electoral

La encuesta subraya la necesidad de atención de salud mental accesible para ayudar a las personas a navegar el estrés relacionado con las elecciones y mantener el bienestar general. El Dr. Ujjwal Ramtekkar, Director Médico de LifeStance, enfatiza la importancia del cuidado de la salud mental en la gestión de los factores estresantes de la vida diaria y en la construcción de resiliencia a largo plazo.

라이프스탠스 헬스 설문 조사에 따르면, 미국인들 사이에서 선거 관련 불안감이 널리 퍼져 있으며, 79%가 2024년 미국 대통령 선거에 대한 불안을 겪고 있습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 젊은 세대가 중간에서 심각한 선거 관련 불안을 겪을 가능성이 더 높습니다
  • 57%가 매일 선거에 대해 생각합니다
  • 치료 중인 응답자의 60%가 세션에서 정치에 대해 토론합니다
  • 44%가 정치적 논의로 인해 개인 관계에서 갈등을 보고합니다
  • 33%는 반대 정치적 견해를 가진 사람과 데이트하지 않을 것이라고 말합니다
  • 72%는 소셜 미디어와 뉴스 보도가 선거 불안에 기여한다고 말합니다

이 설문 조사는 사람들이 선거 관련 스트레스를 관리하고 전반적인 웰빙을 유지할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 접근 가능한 정신 건강 관리의 필요성을 강조합니다. 라이프스탠스의 최고 의료 책임자인 Dr. Ujjwal Ramtekkar는 일상 생활의 스트레스 요인을 관리하고 장기적인 회복력을 구축하는 데 있어 정신 건강 관리의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Une enquête de LifeStance Health révèle une vaste anxiété liée aux élections parmi les Américains, avec 79% ressentant de l'anxiété concernant l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2024. Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Les jeunes générations sont plus susceptibles de ressentir une anxiété modérée à significative liée aux élections
  • 57% pensent à l'élection quotidiennement
  • 60% des répondants en thérapie discutent de politique lors des séances
  • 44% signalent des conflits dans les relations personnelles en raison de discussions politiques
  • 33% ne sortiraient pas avec quelqu'un ayant des opinions politiques opposées
  • 72% affirment que les réseaux sociaux et la couverture médiatique contribuent à l'anxiété liée aux élections

L'enquête souligne la nécessité d'un accès à des soins de santé mentale pour aider les gens à naviguer dans le stress lié aux élections et à maintenir un bien-être général. Le Dr Ujjwal Ramtekkar, médecin-chef chez LifeStance, souligne l'importance des soins de santé mentale dans la gestion des facteurs de stress quotidiens et la construction d'une résilience à long terme.

Eine Umfrage von LifeStance Health zeigt weit verbreitete wahlbezogene Ängste unter Amerikanern, wobei 79% Angst vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2024 in den USA empfinden. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • Jüngere Generationen neigen eher zu moderaten bis erheblichen wahlbezogenen Ängsten
  • 57% denken täglich an die Wahl
  • 60% der Befragten in Therapie sprechen während der Sitzungen über Politik
  • 44% berichten von Konflikten in persönlichen Beziehungen aufgrund politischer Diskussionen
  • 33% würden niemanden mit gegensätzlichen politischen Ansichten daten
  • 72% geben an, dass soziale Medien und Nachrichtenberichterstattung zur Wahlangst beitragen

Die Umfrage unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit von zugänglicher psychischer Gesundheitsversorgung, um Menschen zu helfen, mit wahlbezogenem Stress umzugehen und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden aufrechtzuerhalten. Dr. Ujjwal Ramtekkar, Chief Medical Officer bei LifeStance, betont die Bedeutung der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung für das Management alltäglicher Stressoren und den Aufbau langfristiger Resilienz.

  • None.
  • None.

Election stress is contributing to an increase in anxiety and strained relationships, reinforcing the importance of accessible mental healthcare 

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A LifeStance Health survey released today reveals how widespread election-related anxiety is impacting Americans' mental health, straining their personal relationships and prompting many to limit social media exposure.

Nearly four out of five (79%) respondents said the upcoming U.S. presidential election has caused them anxiety this year. Key generational differences were evident, with younger individuals more likely to experience moderate to significant election-related anxiety. Additionally, nearly two-thirds (60%) of respondents who are currently in therapy say they have discussed politics or the election with their clinician during sessions.

These findings underscore the ongoing need for high-quality, accessible mental healthcare, as therapy plays a critical role in helping people effectively navigate election-related anxiety, develop healthy coping techniques and maintain their overall mental well-being during times of stress. For tips on how to cope with election-related anxiety, visit LifeStance's blog.

Key findings from LifeStance's survey, "The 2024 Election Cycle's Impact on Mental Health & Relationships," include:

The U.S. presidential election is a significant source of stress and anxiety for Americans, especially among younger generations.

  • The vast majority (79%) of respondents said the upcoming presidential election has caused them some degree of anxiety this year, with 21% saying it has caused them significant anxiety.
  • Younger generations are the most likely to have experienced "moderate" to "significant" election-related anxiety, including 64% of Generation Z and 54% of millennials, as compared with 47% of Generation X and 52% of baby boomers.
  • More than half (57%) of respondents think about the election daily, including nearly one-third (31%) who said they think about it multiple times per day.
  • Forty-four percent of Gen Z have even postponed major life events such as moving, going to college, getting married or having children due to anxiety about the political climate.
  • Therapy plays a crucial role in helping people process external stressors like politics. In fact, nearly two-thirds (60%) of respondents who are in therapy say they discuss politics or the election with their mental health clinician during sessions.

Political disagreements are meaningfully impacting relationships, causing conflict among friends and family and even ending friendships, all of which can significantly impact one's mental health.

  • Nearly half (44%) of respondents said political or election-related discussions have led to conflicts in their personal lives.
  • This is especially true of younger generations: 29% percent of Gen Z and 25% of millennials say that discussing politics leads to conflicts "always" or "often," compared to 12% of Gen X and 9% of baby boomers.
  • Nearly a quarter (22%) of respondents said they have considered ending a friendship due to opposing political views, and 18% said they have done so before.

Differing political views are creating tension in romantic relationships and impacting who people choose to date.

  • Half (50%) of Gen Z say "political compatibility" is an important factor when considering who they date, compared with 42% of millennials, 31% of Gen X and 29% of baby boomers.
  • One-third (33%) of respondents said they would not date someone with opposing political views, while more than a quarter (28%) would consider it a "deal breaker" if they found out someone they were currently dating had opposing political views.
  • Nearly a quarter (24%) of Gen Z and (23%) millennials have ended a romantic relationship due to political disagreements at least once, compared to 10% of Gen X and 4% of baby boomers.

To cope with election anxiety, people are adjusting their social media habits and even blocking friends and family members.

  • Over one-third (34%) of respondents said they unfollowed or blocked a friend or family member on social media due to their political views, while 22% said they haven't but have considered it.
  • Over two-thirds (72%) of respondents said social media and news coverage contribute to their anxiety about the election, and more than half (54%) limit their exposure to news and social media to manage election-related stress.
  • More than half of Gen Z (52%) and 44% of millennials said social media and news coverage have moderately or significantly contributed to their anxiety about the election, compared to baby boomers (37%) and Gen X (35%).

"Election-related anxiety is just one example of the mounting mental health challenges people face in today's complex world," said Dr. Ujjwal Ramtekkar, Chief Medical Officer, LifeStance. "Our survey highlights the ongoing need to improve access to high-quality mental health care, which would provide even more people with the tools to effectively manage daily life stressors, build long-term resilience and ultimately foster healthier, more resilient communities."

On behalf of LifeStance Health, Researchscape International conducted an online survey of 1,052 U.S. adults aged 18 and older. The survey was fielded from Aug. 7 to 15, 2024. The credibility interval is plus or minus four percentage points for questions answered by all respondents. The data was weighted to the U.S. population by eight demographic questions.

Founded in 2017, LifeStance (NASDAQ: LFST) is reimagining mental health. We are one of the nation's largest providers of virtual and in-person outpatient mental health care for children, adolescents and adults experiencing a variety of mental health conditions. Our mission is to help people lead healthier, more fulfilling lives by improving access to trusted, affordable and personalized mental healthcare. LifeStance and its supported practices employ nearly 7,000 psychiatrists, advanced practice nurses, psychologists and therapists and operates across 33 states and more than 550 centers. To learn more, please visit

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SOURCE LifeStance Health


What percentage of Americans are experiencing anxiety over the 2024 U.S. presidential election according to the LifeStance (LFST) survey?

According to the LifeStance survey, 79% of Americans are experiencing anxiety over the 2024 U.S. presidential election.

How often do Americans think about the 2024 election according to the LifeStance (LFST) survey?

The survey found that 57% of respondents think about the election daily, with 31% thinking about it multiple times per day.

What percentage of people in therapy discuss politics or the election during sessions, as per the LifeStance (LFST) survey?

According to the survey, 60% of respondents who are in therapy say they discuss politics or the election with their mental health clinician during sessions.

How has the 2024 election impacted personal relationships according to the LifeStance (LFST) survey?

The survey found that 44% of respondents said political or election-related discussions have led to conflicts in their personal lives, with 18% ending friendships due to opposing political views.

What role does social media play in election-related anxiety according to the LifeStance (LFST) survey?

The survey revealed that 72% of respondents said social media and news coverage contribute to their anxiety about the election, with 54% limiting their exposure to manage election-related stress.

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