Leafly Announces Partnership With the New York Cannabis Retail Association

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Leafly (NASDAQ: LFLY), a leading cannabis discovery marketplace, has announced a partnership with the New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA) to support licensed cannabis retailers in New York. This collaboration aims to create a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive cannabis industry in the Empire State.

The partnership will sponsor industry events in 2024 and implement marketing initiatives to increase awareness about the importance of buying legal and local cannabis. Leafly and NYCRA emphasize that supporting legal cannabis creates sustainable jobs and provides tax revenues for community initiatives.

Leafly CEO Yoko Miyashita highlighted the challenges faced by legal cannabis businesses in New York, including unfair competition from unlicensed retailers. The partnership seeks to promote a fair marketplace and ensure consumer access to safe products and information.

Leafly (NASDAQ: LFLY), una delle principali piattaforme di scoperta della cannabis, ha annunciato una partnership con la New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA) per supportare i rivenditori di cannabis autorizzati a New York. Questa collaborazione mira a creare un'industria della cannabis più sostenibile, equa e inclusiva nello Stato dell'Empire.

La partnership sponsorizzerà eventi del settore nel 2024 e implementerà iniziative di marketing per aumentare la consapevolezza riguardo l'importanza di acquistare cannabis legale e locale. Leafly e NYCRA sottolineano che sostenere la cannabis legale crea posti di lavoro sostenibili e fornisce entrate fiscali per le iniziative comunitarie.

Il CEO di Leafly, Yoko Miyashita, ha evidenziato le sfide che affrontano le aziende di cannabis legali a New York, tra cui la concorrenza sleale da parte dei rivenditori non autorizzati. La partnership cerca di promuovere un mercato equo e garantire l'accesso del consumatore a prodotti e informazioni sicure.

Leafly (NASDAQ: LFLY), un mercado líder en descubrimiento de cannabis, ha anunciado una asociación con la New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA) para apoyar a los minoristas de cannabis con licencia en Nueva York. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo crear una industria cannábica más sostenible, justa e inclusiva en el Estado de la Empire.

La asociación patrocinará eventos de la industria en 2024 e implementará iniciativas de marketing para aumentar la concienciación sobre la importancia de comprar cannabis legal y local. Leafly y NYCRA enfatizan que apoyar la cannabis legal crea empleos sostenibles y proporciona ingresos fiscales para iniciativas comunitarias.

La CEO de Leafly, Yoko Miyashita, destacó los desafíos que enfrentan los negocios de cannabis legales en Nueva York, incluida la competencia desleal de minoristas no autorizados. La asociación busca promover un mercado justo y garantizar el acceso del consumidor a productos e información seguros.

리플리(Leafly, NASDAQ: LFLY), 선도적인 대마초 발견 마켓플레이스가 뉴욕 대마초 소매 협회(NYCRA)와 협력하여 뉴욕의 라이선스 대마초 소매업체를 지원한다고 발표했습니다. 이 협업의 목표는 엠파이어 주에서 보다 지속 가능하고 공정하며 포괄적인 대마초 산업을 만드는 것입니다.

이 파트너십은 2024년 산업 이벤트를 후원하고 합법적이고 지역 내 대마초 구매의 중요성에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해 마케팅 이니셔티브를 시행할 것입니다. 리플리와 NYCRA는 합법적인 대마초를 지원하는 것이 지속 가능한 일자리를 창출하고 지역 사회 이니셔티브를 위한 세수 수익을 제공한다고 강조합니다.

리플리의 CEO인 요코 미야시타는 뉴욕에서 법적 대마초 사업이 직면한 도전, 즉 비인가 소매업체로 인한 불공정 경쟁을 강조했습니다. 이 파트너십은 공정한 시장을 촉진하고 소비자가 안전한 제품과 정보에 접근할 수 있도록 보장하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Leafly (NASDAQ: LFLY), une plateforme de découverte de cannabis de premier plan, a annoncé un partenariat avec la New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA) pour soutenir les détaillants de cannabis agréés à New York. Cette collaboration vise à créer une industrie du cannabis plus durable, équitable et inclusive dans l'État de l'Empire.

Le partenariat sponsorisera des événements de l'industrie en 2024 et mettra en œuvre des initiatives marketing pour sensibiliser à l'importance d'acheter du cannabis légal et local. Leafly et NYCRA soulignent que soutenir le cannabis légal crée des emplois durables et génère des revenus fiscaux pour les initiatives communautaires.

La PDG de Leafly, Yoko Miyashita, a souligné les défis auxquels les entreprises de cannabis légales à New York sont confrontées, y compris la concurrence déloyale des détaillants non agréés. Le partenariat vise à promouvoir un marché équitable et à garantir l'accès des consommateurs à des produits et à des informations sûres.

Leafly (NASDAQ: LFLY), ein führender Marktplatz für die Entdeckung von Cannabis, hat eine Partnerschaft mit der New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA) angekündigt, um lizenzierte Cannabis-Einzelhändler in New York zu unterstützen. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, eine nachhaltigere, gerechtere und integrativere Cannabisindustrie im Empire State zu schaffen.

Die Partnerschaft wird 2024 Branchenveranstaltungen sponsern und Marketinginitiativen umsetzen, um das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung des Kaufs von legalem und lokalem Cannabis zu erhöhen. Leafly und NYCRA betonen, dass die Unterstützung von legalem Cannabis nachhaltige Arbeitsplätze schafft und Steuereinnahmen für Gemeinschaftsinitiativen bereitstellt.

Leafly-CEO Yoko Miyashita hob die Herausforderungen hervor, mit denen legale Cannabisunternehmen in New York konfrontiert sind, einschließlich des unlauteren Wettbewerbs durch nicht lizenzierte Einzelhändler. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, einen fairen Markt zu fördern und sicherzustellen, dass Verbraucher Zugang zu sicheren Produkten und Informationen haben.

  • Partnership with NYCRA expands Leafly's support in the New York cannabis market
  • Collaboration aims to create a more sustainable and inclusive cannabis industry
  • Planned industry events and marketing initiatives for 2024 to raise awareness
  • Potential for increased user engagement and market presence in New York
  • Challenging regulatory environment in New York for legal cannabis retailers
  • Unfair competition from thousands of unlicensed operators in the market
  • Potential impact on Leafly's operations due to market complexities

This partnership between Leafly and NYCRA is a strategic move in the evolving New York cannabis market. While it doesn't directly impact Leafly's financials, it positions the company as a key player in supporting legal cannabis businesses. The collaboration aims to address critical issues like unfair competition from unlicensed retailers and consumer education, which could indirectly benefit Leafly's business model in the long term.

However, the immediate impact on Leafly's stock is likely to be minimal. The partnership's success depends on various factors, including regulatory developments and the effectiveness of their joint initiatives. Investors should monitor how this alliance translates into tangible benefits for Leafly, such as increased user engagement or market share in New York. Until concrete results emerge, this news is more about potential than immediate financial impact.

The partnership between Leafly and NYCRA highlights the ongoing challenges in New York's cannabis market, particularly the issue of unlicensed retailers. This collaboration could potentially influence future regulatory decisions and enforcement actions against illegal operators. It's a proactive approach to address a significant legal hurdle in the industry.

However, the effectiveness of this partnership in combating illegal operations remains to be seen. The success will largely depend on how well they can engage with policymakers and law enforcement. Investors should pay attention to any subsequent changes in New York's cannabis regulations or enforcement strategies, as these could significantly impact the legal cannabis market's growth and, by extension, Leafly's business prospects in the state.

Focused on supporting licensed cannabis retailers in New York, this collaboration highlights Leafly’s dedication to supporting local, legal cannabis businesses in the Empire State

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Leafly (NASDAQ: LFLY), one of the world’s leading cannabis discovery marketplaces and trusted educational resources, is expanding its support of the legal New York cannabis market with a new alliance with the New York Cannabis Retail Association (NYCRA), a non-profit coalition of New York dispensary owners united under the slogan ‘Collaboration Over Competition.’ The partnership aims to help create a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive cannabis industry.

Together, Leafly and NYCRA will sponsor a series of industry events in 2024 and implement marketing initiatives designed to strengthen New Yorkers' awareness of the importance of buying legal and local cannabis. New Yorkers can directly support their local economy by shopping for legal weed that is grown, cultivated, tested and sold in the great state of New York. Legal cannabis creates sustainable jobs throughout the supply chain and provides tax revenues that support community initiatives.

“The operating environment in the Empire State for legal cannabis retailers has been formidable and the continued proliferation of unlicensed retailers in New York creates unfair competition for licensed retailers and confusion for cannabis consumers,” says Yoko Miyashita, CEO of Leafly.

“As the first cannabis marketplace to operate in New York, we have seen first-hand the struggles legal cannabis businesses face in a challenging regulatory environment and unfair competition from thousands of unlicensed operators who sell unregulated cannabis to New Yorkers and tourists alike,” says Miyashita. “Simply put, retailers deserve to operate in a fair and competitive marketplace and the citizens of New York deserve access to safe products and information to make informed purchasing decisions.”

NYCRA was co-founded by New York Conditional Adult-Use Retail Dispensaries Recipients (CAURD) license holders Jayson Tantalo, Brittni Tantalo & Coss Marte. The non-profit organization offers New York dispensary owners a private network that shares resources with licensees as they prepare to join the legal market.

“New Yorkers need to know that when they shop with licensed dispensaries, they not only know what they are consuming, but they’re also directly supporting their community,” says Jayson Tantalo, co-founder and Vice President of Operations of NYCRA. “We are working tirelessly to ensure that legal cannabis is represented the right way in New York and we couldn’t be happier to partner with Leafly to further raise awareness within the community.”

The Leafly app and website are useful resources for New Yorkers looking to shop at legal cannabis businesses. For more information on Leafly’s support of New York’s cannabis industry, visit

About Leafly

Leafly helps millions of people discover cannabis each year. Our powerful tools help shoppers make informed purchasing decisions and empower cannabis businesses to attract and retain loyal customers through advertising and technology services. Learn more at or download the Leafly mobile app through Apple’s App Store or Google Play.

Callie Driehorst

Source: Leafly Holdings, Inc.


What is the purpose of Leafly's partnership with NYCRA?

The partnership aims to support licensed cannabis retailers in New York, create a more sustainable and inclusive industry, and raise awareness about the importance of buying legal and local cannabis.

How will Leafly (LFLY) and NYCRA collaborate in 2024?

Leafly and NYCRA will sponsor a series of industry events and implement marketing initiatives designed to strengthen New Yorkers' awareness of the importance of buying legal and local cannabis.

What challenges do legal cannabis retailers face in New York, according to Leafly (LFLY)?

Legal cannabis retailers in New York face a formidable operating environment, unfair competition from thousands of unlicensed retailers, and a challenging regulatory landscape.

How can New Yorkers support the local cannabis economy according to the Leafly (LFLY) and NYCRA partnership?

New Yorkers can support their local economy by shopping for legal cannabis that is grown, cultivated, tested, and sold in New York, which creates sustainable jobs and provides tax revenues for community initiatives.

Leafly Holdings, Inc.


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