Lifecore Biomedical Regains Compliance with Nasdaq Listing Requirements

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Lifecore Biomedical (NASDAQ: LFCR) has announced that it has regained compliance with Nasdaq listing requirements. The company received written notice from the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Department confirming its compliance with Rule 5250(c), which requires timely filing of periodic financial reports, and Rule 5620(a), which mandates annual stockholder meetings. As a result, Nasdaq has ceased any delisting actions against Lifecore's common stock.

However, Lifecore will be subject to a Mandatory Panel Monitor until September 4, 2025. During this period, if the company fails to comply with Rule 5250(c) again, it will not be allowed to provide a compliance plan or receive a cure period. Instead, Nasdaq would issue a delisting determination letter, after which Lifecore could request a new hearing with a Hearing Panel.

Lifecore Biomedical (NASDAQ: LFCR) ha annunciato di aver ristabilito la conformità ai requisiti di quotazione di Nasdaq. L'azienda ha ricevuto una comunicazione scritta dal Dipartimento delle Qualifiche di Quotazione di Nasdaq che conferma la sua conformità alla Regola 5250(c), che richiede la presentazione tempestiva di rapporti finanziari periodici, e alla Regola 5620(a), che prevede le riunioni annuali degli azionisti. Di conseguenza, Nasdaq ha cessato qualsiasi azione di delisting contro le azioni ordinarie di Lifecore.

Tuttavia, Lifecore sarà soggetta a un Monitor di Commissione Obbligatorio fino al 4 settembre 2025. Durante questo periodo, se l'azienda non dovesse nuovamente rispettare la Regola 5250(c), non le sarà consentito presentare un piano di conformità o ricevere un periodo di recupero. Invece, Nasdaq emetterebbe una lettera di determinazione del delisting, dopo di che Lifecore potrebbe richiedere un nuovo ascolto con un Panel di Ascolto.

Lifecore Biomedical (NASDAQ: LFCR) ha anunciado que ha recuperado el cumplimiento con los requisitos de listado de Nasdaq. La empresa recibió un aviso por escrito del Departamento de Calificación de Listados de Nasdaq confirmando su cumplimiento con la Regla 5250(c), que requiere la presentación oportuna de informes financieros periódicos, y la Regla 5620(a), que obliga a reuniones anuales de accionistas. Como resultado, Nasdaq ha cesado cualquier acción de deslistado contra las acciones ordinarias de Lifecore.

Sin embargo, Lifecore estará sujeta a un Monitor de Panel Obligatorio hasta el 4 de septiembre de 2025. Durante este período, si la empresa no cumple nuevamente con la Regla 5250(c), no se le permitirá presentar un plan de cumplimiento ni recibir un período de recuperación. En su lugar, Nasdaq emitiría una carta de determinación de deslistado, tras lo cual Lifecore podría solicitar una nueva audiencia con un Panel de Audiencia.

Lifecore Biomedical (NASDAQ: LFCR)는 Nasdaq 상장 요구 사항을 재확인했다고 발표했습니다. 회사는 정기 재무 보고서의 적시 제출을 요구하는 규칙 5250(c) 및 연례 주주 회의를 의무화하는 규칙 5620(a)에 대한 준수를 확인하는 Nasdaq 상장 자격 부서의 서면 통지를 받았습니다. 그 결과, Nasdaq은 Lifecore의 보통주에 대한 상장 폐지 조치를 중단했습니다.

그러나 Lifecore는 2025년 9월 4일까지 의무 패널 모니터의 적용을 받습니다. 이 기간 동안 회사가 다시 규칙 5250(c)를 준수하지 않을 경우, 준수 계획을 제출하거나 구제 기간을 받을 수 없습니다. 대신 Nasdaq은 상장 폐지 결정서를 발급하며, 이후 Lifecore는 청문 패널과의 새로운 청문회를 요청할 수 있습니다.

Lifecore Biomedical (NASDAQ: LFCR) a annoncé avoir retrouvé sa conformité avec les exigences de cotation de Nasdaq. L'entreprise a reçu un avis écrit du Département des Qualifications de Cotation de Nasdaq confirmant sa conformité avec la Règle 5250(c), qui exige la soumission ponctuelle de rapports financiers périodiques, et la Règle 5620(a), qui impose des réunions annuelles des actionnaires. Par conséquent, Nasdaq a cessé toutes actions de désinscription contre les actions ordinaires de Lifecore.

Cependant, Lifecore sera soumis à un Moniteur de Panel Obligatoire jusqu'au 4 septembre 2025. Pendant cette période, si l'entreprise ne respecte pas à nouveau la Règle 5250(c), elle ne pourra pas soumettre de plan de conformité ni bénéficier d'une période de grâce. Au lieu de cela, Nasdaq émettra une lettre de détermination de désinscription, après quoi Lifecore pourra demander une nouvelle audience avec un Panel d'Audience.

Lifecore Biomedical (NASDAQ: LFCR) hat bekannt gegeben, dass es die Anforderungen an die Nasdaq-Notierung wieder erfüllt. Das Unternehmen erhielt eine schriftliche Mitteilung von der Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Abteilung, die die Einhaltung der Regel 5250(c) bestätigt, die eine fristgerechte Einreichung periodischer Finanzberichte verlangt, sowie der Regel 5620(a), die jährliche Hauptversammlungen der Aktionäre vorschreibt. Infolgedessen hat Nasdaq alle Delisting-Maßnahmen gegen die Stammaktien von Lifecore eingestellt.

Allerdings wird Lifecore bis zum 4. September 2025 einem verpflichtenden Panel-Monitor unterliegen. Während dieser Zeit, wenn das Unternehmen erneut gegen die Regel 5250(c) verstößt, wird es nicht gestattet sein, einen Konformitätsplan vorzulegen oder eine Heilungsfrist zu erhalten. Stattdessen würde Nasdaq ein Delisting-Bestimmungsbrief ausstellen, woraufhin Lifecore eine neue Anhörung bei einem Anhörungsausschuss beantragen könnte.

  • Regained compliance with Nasdaq listing requirements
  • Avoided delisting of common stock
  • Subject to Mandatory Panel Monitor until September 4, 2025
  • Risk of immediate delisting process if non-compliance occurs again


Lifecore Biomedical's regaining of Nasdaq compliance is a positive development for the company's market position. This news addresses a critical concern for investors: the risk of delisting. By meeting the filing requirements and holding the annual stockholder meeting, Lifecore has removed a significant overhang on its stock.

However, investors should note the Mandatory Panel Monitor until September 2025. This indicates that Lifecore remains under scrutiny and any future compliance issues could lead to a swift delisting process. The lack of a cure period in case of future violations adds a layer of risk that prudent investors should monitor closely.

While this news doesn't directly impact Lifecore's financial performance or operations, it does improve investor confidence and reduces uncertainty around the stock's listing status. This could potentially lead to improved liquidity and easier access to capital markets if needed in the future.

The resolution of Lifecore's Nasdaq compliance issues is a significant legal milestone. By addressing both the periodic filing requirement (Rule 5250(c)) and the annual stockholder meeting requirement (Rule 5620(a)), the company has demonstrated its commitment to regulatory compliance and shareholder rights.

The Mandatory Panel Monitor status until September 2025 is a crucial legal consideration. It essentially puts Lifecore on a probationary period, with a zero-tolerance policy for future filing violations. This heightened scrutiny demands impeccable regulatory adherence and robust internal controls to ensure timely filings.

Investors should be aware that any future compliance missteps could trigger an expedited delisting process, bypassing the usual remediation opportunities. This underscores the importance of Lifecore maintaining stringent legal and regulatory oversight in the coming year.

CHASKA, Minn., Sept. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. (NASDAQ: LFCR) (“Lifecore” or the “Company”), a fully integrated contract development and manufacturing organization (“CDMO”), today announced that it has received written notice from the Nasdaq Listing Qualifications Department stating that the Company has regained compliance with the filing requirement in Nasdaq Listing Rule 5250(c), which requires listed companies to timely file all required periodic financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and that the Company has also cured the deficiency under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5620(a), which requires listed companies to hold an annual meeting of stockholders during each fiscal year. With the Company in compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5250(c), and having cured its deficiency under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5620(a), Nasdaq has ceased any action to delist the Company’s common stock.

While the Company is now in compliance with the listing rules, Nasdaq has informed the Company that it will be subject to a Mandatory Panel Monitor until September 4, 2025, during which time, if the Company again fails to comply with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5250(c), the Company will not be permitted to provide the Nasdaq Staff with a plan of compliance with respect to that deficiency, nor will the Company be afforded a cure period. Instead, upon the Nasdaq Staff would issue a delisting determination letter, the Company would then have an opportunity to request a new hearing with the initial Hearing Panel or a newly convened Hearing Panel if the initial Hearing Panel is unavailable.

About Lifecore Biomedical

Lifecore Biomedical, Inc. (Nasdaq: LFCR) is a fully integrated contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) that offers highly differentiated capabilities in the development, fill and finish of sterile injectable pharmaceutical products in syringes, vials, and cartridges, including complex formulations. As a leading manufacturer of premium, injectable-grade hyaluronic acid, Lifecore brings more than 40 years of expertise as a partner for global and emerging biopharmaceutical and biotechnology companies across multiple therapeutic categories to bring their innovations to market. For more information about the Company, visit Lifecore’s website at


What Nasdaq rules did Lifecore Biomedical (LFCR) regain compliance with?

Lifecore Biomedical regained compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5250(c), which requires timely filing of periodic financial reports, and Rule 5620(a), which mandates annual stockholder meetings.

How long will Lifecore Biomedical (LFCR) be under Mandatory Panel Monitor?

Lifecore Biomedical will be subject to a Mandatory Panel Monitor until September 4, 2025.

What happens if Lifecore Biomedical (LFCR) fails to comply with Nasdaq rules during the monitoring period?

If Lifecore fails to comply with Rule 5250(c) during the monitoring period, Nasdaq would issue a delisting determination letter without allowing a compliance plan or cure period. The company could then request a new hearing with a Hearing Panel.

Lifecore Biomedical, Inc.


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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America