Lexaria Releases Strategic Letter from the Outgoing CEO

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Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (NASDAQ:LEXX) announces a strategic update as CEO Chris Bunka steps down. Key points include:

  • New focus on pharmaceutical studies in cardiometabolic and GLP-1 sectors
  • Appointment of Richard Christopher as new CEO with pharma/biotech operations experience
  • FDA clearance for Phase 1b hypertension study using DehydraTECH-CBD
  • Over $8.5 million raised in 2024 through equity raises and warrant exercises
  • Market cap growth from $5 million in June 2023 to $60 million
  • Ongoing GLP-1 studies with promising results
  • Plans for two Phase 1 studies in 2025
  • Material Transfer Agreement with a pharmaceutical company

Bunka will continue as Executive Strategic Advisor and Chairman of the Board.

Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (NASDAQ:LEXX) annuncia un aggiornamento strategico in seguito alle dimissioni del CEO Chris Bunka. I punti chiave includono:

  • Nuovo focus sugli studi farmaceutici nei settori cardiometabolico e GLP-1
  • Nomina di Richard Christopher come nuovo CEO con esperienza in operazioni farmaceutiche/biotecnologiche
  • Approvazione della FDA per lo studio di fase 1b sull'ipertensione che utilizza DehydraTECH-CBD
  • Oltre 8,5 milioni di dollari raccolti nel 2024 attraverso aumenti di capitale e esercizio di warrant
  • Crescita della capitalizzazione di mercato da 5 milioni di dollari a giugno 2023 a 60 milioni di dollari
  • Studi GLP-1 in corso con risultati promettenti
  • Piani per due studi di fase 1 nel 2025
  • Accordo di Trasferimento di Materiale con un'azienda farmaceutica

Bunka continuerà come Consulente Strategico Esecutivo e Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione.

Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (NASDAQ:LEXX) anuncia una actualización estratégica ya que el CEO Chris Bunka renuncia. Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Nuevo enfoque en estudios farmacéuticos en los sectores cardiometabólico y GLP-1
  • Designación de Richard Christopher como nuevo CEO con experiencia en operaciones farmacéuticas/biotecnológicas
  • Aprobación de la FDA para el estudio de fase 1b sobre hipertensión utilizando DehydraTECH-CBD
  • Más de 8.5 millones de dólares recaudados en 2024 a través de aumentos de capital y ejercicios de warrants
  • Crecimiento de capitalización de mercado de 5 millones de dólares en junio de 2023 a 60 millones de dólares
  • Estudios GLP-1 en curso con resultados prometedores
  • Planes para dos estudios de fase 1 en 2025
  • Acuerdo de Transferencia de Materiales con una empresa farmacéutica

Bunka seguirá como Asesor Estratégico Ejecutivo y Presidente de la Junta.

렉세리아 바이오사이언스 코프. (NASDAQ:LEXX)는 CEO 크리스 분카가 사임함에 따라 전략적 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 심혈관 대사 및 GLP-1 분야의 약리학적 연구에 새로운 초점을 맞춤
  • 제약/생명공학 운영 경험이 있는 리차드 크리스토퍼를 새 CEO로 임명
  • DehydraTECH-CBD를 사용한 1b 단계 고혈압 연구에 대한 FDA 승인
  • 2024년 8천5백만 달러 이상을 자본 증대와 워런트 행사로 모금
  • 2023년 6월 500만 달러에서 6천만 달러로 증가한 시장 점유율
  • 유망한 결과를 보이고 있는 GLP-1 연구 지속 진행
  • 2025년에 두 개의 1단계 연구 계획
  • 제약회사와의 물질 이전 계약

분카는 계속해서 실행 전략 고문 및 이사회 의장으로 활동할 것입니다.

Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (NASDAQ:LEXX) annonce une mise à jour stratégique alors que le PDG Chris Bunka démissionne. Les points clés incluent :

  • Nouvelle orientation vers des études pharmaceutiques dans les secteurs cardiométabolique et GLP-1
  • Nommer Richard Christopher en tant que nouveau PDG avec expérience en opérations pharmaceutiques/biotechnologiques
  • Approbation de la FDA pour une étude de phase 1b sur l'hypertension utilisant DehydraTECH-CBD
  • Plus de 8,5 millions de dollars levés en 2024 grâce à des augmentations de capital et à des exercices de bons de souscription
  • Croissance de la capitalisation boursière de 5 millions de dollars en juin 2023 à 60 millions de dollars
  • Études GLP-1 en cours avec des résultats prometteurs
  • Plans pour deux études de phase 1 en 2025
  • Accord de transfert de matériel avec une entreprise pharmaceutique

Bunka continuera en tant que Conseiller Stratégique Exécutif et Président du Conseil d'Administration.

Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (NASDAQ:LEXX) gibt ein strategisches Update bekannt, da CEO Chris Bunka zurücktritt. Wichtige Punkte sind:

  • Neuer Fokus auf pharmazeutische Studien in den Bereichen kardiometabolisch und GLP-1
  • Ernennung von Richard Christopher als neuen CEO mit Erfahrung in der Pharma-/Biotechnology-Branche
  • FDA-Freigabe für die Phase-1b-Studie zur Hypertonie mit DehydraTECH-CBD
  • Über 8,5 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2024 durch Kapitalerhöhungen und Warrant-Übungen gesammelt
  • Marktkapitalisierungswachstum von 5 Millionen Dollar im Juni 2023 auf 60 Millionen Dollar
  • Laufende GLP-1-Studien mit vielversprechenden Ergebnissen
  • Pläne für zwei Phase-1-Studien im Jahr 2025
  • Materialtransfervereinbarung mit einem Pharmaunternehmen

Bunka wird weiterhin als Exekutiver Strategieberater und Vorstandsvorsitzender tätig sein.

  • FDA clearance received for Phase 1b hypertension trial using DehydraTECH-CBD
  • Over $8.5 million raised in 2024 through equity raises and warrant exercises
  • Market capitalization grew from $5 million to $60 million in 15 months
  • Positive results in GLP-1 R&D program, demonstrating potential superiority in oral semaglutide and liraglutide
  • Material Transfer Agreement signed with a pharmaceutical company
  • Plans for two Phase 1 studies in 2025: hypertension and GLP-1 diabetes/weight-loss
  • Additional funding required to launch the Phase 1b hypertension study
  • Delay in starting the hypertension study, now likely to begin in 2025
  • CEO transition may cause temporary operational disruption

KELOWNA, BC / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / Lexaria Bioscience Corp. (NASDAQ:LEXX)(NASDAQ:LEXXW) (the "Company" or "Lexaria"), a global innovator in drug delivery platforms is pleased to provide this letter from outgoing Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") Chris Bunka as a strategic update to all stakeholders.


It is with mixed emotions and a heavy heart that I write my final strategic letter to my Lexaria family. Lexaria has been "home" for 16 years, and, similar to raising a family, there have been difficult times that test your resolve, and many other times of incredible joy and pride.

Many people will focus on the "why". There is just one, fairly simple reason: Lexaria has arrived! We have finally found a sector that desperately needs our technology and we are pursuing our commercial opportunities vigorously; this includes our recently announced entrance into a Material Transfer Agreement with a pharmaceutical company. With our clear new focus, the need to pivot - one of my particular skillsets - is no longer necessary. Lexaria is now focused on pharmaceutical studies in the cardiometabolic and GLP-1 sectors; on operations; and, on expected industry collaborations.

Given the new focus, we need a steely-eyed CEO with years of pharma/biotech operations experience - something I do not possess. Under most of my tenure our strategy was one of exploration. Our strategy today has evolved to one of execution. Today we are well known to the investment banking and investor communities, and we are increasingly known to the pharmaceutical industry. Our immediate tasks are no longer primarily focused on discovery - today we focus on execution. Our new CEO, Richard Christopher, has years of experience running operations and facilities, dealing with the FDA and other regulators, and loads of public market and financing experience. He also has the "fire in the belly" that cannot be taught.

Lexaria has graduated! It is time for our exciting new chapters to unfold.


We've had a truly exciting first eight months of 2024!

  • We filed our IND with the FDA and received our clearance letter to proceed with our Phase 1b hypertension study. Subject to financing, that study is likely to begin in 2025.

  • We've raised over $8.5 million during 2024, through equity raises and warrant exercises.

  • We launched multiple studies in GLP-1 and have recently started reporting results.

  • Our market capitalization has grown from roughly $5 million in June of 2023 to approximately $60 million today.

LEXX stock price (daily bars) vs. XBI biotech Index (solid blue line)

Lexaria has experienced strong trading volume relative to our still-small share capital structure, and we have many new shareholders since we've announced our focus on the GLP-1 sector. I'm confident that we have the strongest and smartest shareholder base ever. It has been my pleasure to serve you during my tenure, and many of you know that I have always placed you first. I truly believe that Lexaria's new CEO, Richard Christopher, will be able to serve your needs during this next exciting phase of our growth, better than I.

Shorters and distorters are an unfortunate part of the market environment and roughly equally as useful as buzzards - they serve a purpose and feed off of emotional reactivity. But to all of you, I would say; never believe anything you read on chat boards - the entire concept of anonymous posting begs for abuse. For our thousands of shareholders, be sure you get your news directly from the Company and from our regulatory filings. I encourage everyone to phone or email George Jurcic "our internal IR guy" if you need explanations or require additional information (contact information below).

Phase 1 Studies

On March 1, 2024, we received clearance from the FDA for our Phase 1b hypertension trial utilizing DehydraTECH-CBD ("DHT-CBD"). Since then, we have been busy complying with other FDA requests for additional information; have made some design changes to the study and are also obtaining fresh quotes from service providers to conduct the study. We will be opportunistic in raising additional funds that will be required to launch that study, as well as to manufacture fresh DHT-CBD test articles as we get closer to a launch date. While we still do not have any firm dates, it seems highly likely that this registered trial may begin in the first half of 2025.

We meanwhile have created a new wholly-owned Australian subsidiary which has been very aggressive with our GLP-1 study investigations, and with our CRO, is currently working on our Australian-registered Phase 1b DehydraTECH-GLP-1 diabetes and weight-loss study to be conducted over 12 weeks of dosing. We have sufficient funds on hand to conduct this study. We are preparing for manufacturing of the drug product which should be completed within 100 days. Clinical site investigations are ongoing and Lexaria will have a more fulsome update on the progress of this study, soon.

So, it appears we are likely to have TWO Phase 1 studies running in 2025: quite an achievement for a company with a ~$60 million valuation; and a smart way to strategically diversify.


Lexaria has been generating a lot of data from our ongoing GLP-1 studies, and the Company expects to do so for most of the rest of 2024 and 2025. I'm not intending to update each study here: review our recent press releases for more detailed information and watch for more upcoming news.

A couple of general points: Lexaria never expected to report double-digit percentage weight loss numbers from our current rodent study. If any of you had that expectation, I'm sorry to inform you that isn't realistic. Rodents will often eat themselves to a morbid state if given the opportunity to do so with unlimited food such as we offered during our ongoing rodent study. In this type of study, simply not gaining any additional weight can be considered something of a win.

Instead, we hoped the data would guide us in other pursuits such as deciding on formulations for our upcoming 12-week human study. It also is helpful to our imminent decisions to design and execute additional human pilot study work, and additional directional animal work. Stay tuned!

We have incredibly positive results accumulating utilizing DHT-CBD, and in our current animal study we have one specialized DHT-CBD formulation outperforming in weight loss applications, and another DHT-CBD formulation outperforming in blood sugar control. This is unexpectedly bountiful and strongly affirms our prior years of research and investigation into DHT-CBD.

As all you athletes know, you train and prepare for success by focusing on success - you repeat those things that deliver results. Lexaria is the same: we follow our successful data and look for ways to build commercial success from positive R&D data. I firmly believe that our recent success in GLP-1 R&D is going to manifest into commercial success in 2025. And yes, I'm aware that my earlier timelines have sometimes been too aggressive - but I'm also aware of the ripples that our recent work has created within the pharma industry leading, for example, to our recently announced Material Transfer Agreement with a pharmaceutical company. We are focused on success and will not rest until we have achieved both R&D and commercial success.


Lexaria is enjoying considerable success in our GLP-1 R&D program, with results already demonstrating interesting areas of superiority including DehydraTECH-processed oral semaglutide and liraglutide, as well as DHT-CBD. The Company has also made great progress with its DHT-CBD in the hypertension space as an area of great promise for expanded registered clinical testing expected through 2025. Lexaria has stated publicly that we've caught the attention of "Big Pharma" and our ongoing discussions and relationships could provide for increased activity in the months and quarters to come.

It is because of the combination of events that include our successful money-raising, our R&D success, our new relationship with one pharmaceutical company and continued pursuit of others, and our confidence in our strategic direction for the foreseeable future, that I am using the opportunity to replace myself with someone with stronger skillsets than my own, in corporate operational areas that we've identified as necessary for our commercial success.

Indeed, it is my high level of confidence that commercial success is in our path, that endows me with the certainty to step aside for new leadership at Lexaria. I literally would work myself to death at Lexaria if I lacked that confidence - I can make no stronger a statement in my level of comfort in Lexaria than turning over the helm to a younger, more experienced executive ideally suited for the Company's evolution.

As I said in January, "I have been a shareholder of Lexaria for a very long time: I know how our shareholders feel as you watch our progress because I feel most of the same things you do. I've always tried to be straight-up with you even as we've juggled some daunting challenges. We have new shareholders… who have enthusiastically supported our most recent corporate strategies - to you I offer a special "thank you" for your support."

It is my honour to be part of Lexaria's past as well as contribute to its very bright future.

Chris Bunka

Mr. Bunka has been appointed as Executive Strategic Advisor to the management team where he will continue to provide support and advice to Lexaria. He also remains as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lexaria and looks forward to providing more focused strategic leadership in that role.

About Lexaria Bioscience Corp.

Lexaria Bioscience Corp.'s patented drug delivery technology, DehydraTECH™, improves the way active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) enter the bloodstream by promoting more effective oral delivery. Since 2016, DehydraTECH has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to increase bio-absorption with cannabinoids, antiviral drugs, GLP-1 and more. DehydraTECH has also evidenced an ability to deliver some drugs more effectively across the blood brain barrier. Lexaria operates a licensed in-house research laboratory and holds a robust intellectual property portfolio with 46 patents granted and many patents pending worldwide. For more information, please visit


This press release includes forward-looking statements. Statements as such term is defined under applicable securities laws. These statements may be identified by words such as "anticipate," "if," "believe," "plan," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "could," "should," "will," and other similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements by the Company relating to the Company's ability to carry out research initiatives, receive regulatory approvals or grants or experience positive effects or results from any research or study. Such forward-looking statements are estimates reflecting the Company's best judgment based upon current information and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, and there can be no assurance that the Company will actually achieve the plans, intentions, or expectations disclosed in these forward-looking statements. As such, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those estimated by the Company include, but are not limited to, government regulation and regulatory approvals, managing and maintaining growth, the effect of adverse publicity, litigation, competition, scientific discovery, the patent application and approval process, potential adverse effects arising from the testing or use of products utilizing the DehydraTECH technology, the Company's ability to maintain existing collaborations and realize the benefits thereof, delays or cancellations of planned R&D that could occur related to pandemics or for other reasons, and other factors which may be identified from time to time in the Company's public announcements and periodic filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission on EDGAR. The Company provides links to third-party websites only as a courtesy to readers and disclaims any responsibility for the thoroughness, accuracy or timeliness of information at third-party websites. There is no assurance that any of Lexaria's postulated uses, benefits, or advantages for the patented and patent-pending technology will in fact be realized in any manner or in any part. No statement herein has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Lexaria-associated products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Any forward-looking statements contained in this release speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or links to third-party websites contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise, except as otherwise required by law.


George Jurcic - Head of Investor Relations
Phone: 250-765-6424, ext 202

SOURCE: Lexaria Bioscience Corp.

View the original press release on


Why is Chris Bunka stepping down as CEO of Lexaria Bioscience (LEXX)?

Chris Bunka is stepping down as CEO because Lexaria has shifted focus to pharmaceutical studies and operations, requiring a leader with more pharma/biotech experience. He believes the company needs a CEO with expertise in industry collaborations and regulatory dealings for its new execution-focused strategy.

What are Lexaria Bioscience's (LEXX) main research areas in 2024?

Lexaria Bioscience is focusing on pharmaceutical studies in the cardiometabolic and GLP-1 sectors. They are conducting research on DehydraTECH-CBD for hypertension and exploring GLP-1 applications for diabetes and weight loss.

When is Lexaria Bioscience (LEXX) expected to start its Phase 1b hypertension study?

Lexaria Bioscience's Phase 1b hypertension study using DehydraTECH-CBD is likely to begin in the first half of 2025, subject to financing and completion of FDA requirements.

What recent financial achievements has Lexaria Bioscience (LEXX) reported?

Lexaria Bioscience has raised over $8.5 million during 2024 through equity raises and warrant exercises. The company's market capitalization has grown from approximately $5 million in June 2023 to about $60 million in September 2024.

Lexaria Bioscience Corp.


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