Centrus to Conduct Hill Briefing on Restoring U.S. Uranium Enrichment

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Centrus Energy (LEU) is hosting a Capitol Hill briefing on September 24, 2024, to discuss restoring large-scale American uranium enrichment capabilities. The event, titled 'Rebuilding America's Uranium Enrichment Capacity: Why it Matters, and How to Get It Done,' will feature CEO Amir Vexler and supply chain leaders. They will outline plans to expand the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio, to meet U.S. commercial and national security needs. The initiative requires a public-private partnership with federal investment and private capital. The briefing aims to update policymakers, industry, and media on efforts to regain America's position in uranium enrichment, addressing the displacement by Russia and China in the global market.

Centrus Energy (LEU) ospiterà un incontro al Capitol Hill il 24 settembre 2024, per discutere del ripristino delle capacità di arricchimento dell'uranio americane su larga scala. L'evento, intitolato 'Ricostruire la capacità di arricchimento dell'uranio in America: perché è importante e come fare', vedrà la partecipazione del CEO Amir Vexler e dei leader della catena di approvvigionamento. Saranno presentati i piani per espandere l'impianto di centrifughe americane a Piketon, Ohio, per soddisfare le esigenze commerciali e di sicurezza nazionale degli Stati Uniti. L'iniziativa richiede un partenariato pubblico-privato con investimenti federali e capitali privati. L'incontro mira ad aggiornare i responsabili politici, l'industria e i media sugli sforzi per riconquistare la posizione dell'America nell'arricchimento dell'uranio, affrontando la concorrenza di Russia e Cina nel mercato globale.

Centrus Energy (LEU) llevará a cabo un informe en Capitol Hill el 24 de septiembre de 2024, para discutir la restauración de las capacidades de enriquecimiento de uranio a gran escala en Estados Unidos. El evento, titulado 'Reconstruyendo la capacidad de enriquecimiento de uranio de América: por qué importa y cómo lograrlo', contará con la participación del CEO Amir Vexler y líderes de la cadena de suministro. Presentarán planes para expandir la Planta de Centrífugas Americana en Piketon, Ohio, para satisfacer las necesidades comerciales y de seguridad nacional de EE.UU. La iniciativa requiere una asociación público-privada con inversión federal y capital privado. El informe tiene como objetivo actualizar a los responsables políticos, la industria y los medios sobre los esfuerzos para recuperar la posición de América en el enriquecimiento de uranio, abordando el desplazamiento por parte de Rusia y China en el mercado global.

Centrus Energy (LEU)는 2024년 9월 24일 국회의사당 브리핑을 개최하여 대규모 미국 우라늄 농축 능력 복원을 논의합니다. '미국의 우라늄 농축 능력 재건: 그것이 중요한 이유와 수행 방법'이라는 제목의 이 행사는 CEO Amir Vexler와 공급망 리더들이 참석합니다. 그들은 미국의 상업적 및 국가 안전 요구를 충족하기 위해 오하이오주 픽톤의 미국 원심분리기 공장을 확장하는 계획을 설명할 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 연방 투자와 민간 자본이 필요한 공공-민간 파트너십을 요구합니다. 브리핑의 목적은 정책 입안자, 산업 및 미디어에게 우라늄 농축 분야에서 미국의 입지를 회복하기 위한 노력을 업데이트하는 것이며, 글로벌 시장에서 러시아와 중국에 의한 대체 문제를 다룹니다.

Centrus Energy (LEU) organisera un briefing au Capitol Hill le 24 septembre 2024 pour discuter de la restauration des capacités américaines d'enrichissement de l'uranium à grande échelle. L'événement, intitulé 'Reconstruire la capacité d'enrichissement de l'uranium en Amérique : Pourquoi c'est important et comment y parvenir', mettra en vedette le PDG Amir Vexler et des leaders de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Ils présenteront les plans pour étendre l'usine de centrifugation américaine à Piketon, Ohio, afin de répondre aux besoins commerciaux et de sécurité nationale des États-Unis. L'initiative nécessite un partenariat public-privé avec des investissements fédéraux et des capitaux privés. Le briefing vise à informer les décideurs, l'industrie et les médias sur les efforts de reconquête de la position de l'Amérique dans l'enrichissement de l'uranium, en abordant le déplacement par la Russie et la Chine sur le marché mondial.

Centrus Energy (LEU) veranstaltet am 24. September 2024 ein Briefing im Capitol Hill, um die Wiederherstellung der amerikanischen Urananreicherungsfähigkeiten im großen Maßstab zu diskutieren. Die Veranstaltung mit dem Titel 'Wiederaufbau der Urananreicherungsfähigkeit Amerikas: Warum es wichtig ist und wie man es umsetzt' wird von CEO Amir Vexler und Führungskräften der Lieferkette geleitet. Sie werden Pläne zur Erweiterung der amerikanischen Zentrifugenanlage in Piketon, Ohio, vorstellen, um den kommerziellen und nationalen Sicherheitsbedürfnissen der USA gerecht zu werden. Die Initiative erfordert eine öffentlich-private Partnerschaft mit Bundesinvestitionen und privatem Kapital. Das Briefing zielt darauf ab, Entscheidungsträger, Industrie und Medien über die Bemühungen zur Wiedererlangung der amerikanischen Position in der Urananreicherung zu informieren und die Abdrängung durch Russland und China auf dem globalen Markt anzusprechen.

  • Potential expansion of American Centrifuge Plant to meet U.S. commercial and national security requirements
  • Opportunity for public-private partnership combining federal investment with private capital
  • Addressing the need to re-establish America's domestic uranium enrichment supply chain
  • Current displacement of U.S. leadership in global uranium enrichment by Russia and China
  • Dependency on significant federal investment and private capital for expansion plans

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Tuesday, September 24, Centrus Energy will host a special briefing on Capitol Hill to outline the path forward for restoring a large-scale, American-owned, American-technology uranium enrichment capability and the associated supply chain. 

The briefing will discuss how Russia, China and others have displaced the United States as the global leaders in uranium enrichment – and what it will take to re-establish America's domestic supply chain. 

Centrus President and CEO Amir Vexler, joined by leaders of other large and small businesses in Centrus' nationwide manufacturing supply chain, will discuss their plan to expand the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio, so it can meet the full range of U.S. commercial and national security requirements for enriched uranium. The potential expansion will require a public-private partnership combining robust federal investment with significant private capital and commercial offtake agreements. The briefing will update policymakers, industry, and the media on this effort and what's needed to make the expansion a reality.

Event Details:


Briefing -- "Rebuilding America's Uranium Enrichment Capacity: Why it Matters, and How to Get It Done"


2075 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC


Tuesday, September 24, 2024
11:00 a.m. to Noon


Encouraged but not required. Please RSVP to Lindsey Geisler at

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SOURCE Centrus Energy Corp.


When and where is Centrus Energy (LEU) hosting the Capitol Hill briefing on uranium enrichment?

Centrus Energy (LEU) is hosting the Capitol Hill briefing on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to Noon in 2075 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC.

What is the main focus of Centrus Energy's (LEU) Capitol Hill briefing on September 24, 2024?

The main focus is on restoring large-scale American uranium enrichment capabilities and discussing plans to expand the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, Ohio, to meet U.S. commercial and national security requirements.

Who will be speaking at Centrus Energy's (LEU) Capitol Hill briefing on uranium enrichment?

Centrus Energy (LEU) CEO Amir Vexler, along with leaders from the company's nationwide manufacturing supply chain, will be speaking at the Capitol Hill briefing.

What type of partnership is Centrus Energy (LEU) seeking for its uranium enrichment expansion plans?

Centrus Energy (LEU) is seeking a public-private partnership that combines robust federal investment with significant private capital and commercial offtake agreements for its uranium enrichment expansion plans.

Centrus Energy Corp.


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