Lucy Therapeutics Appoints Kim Drapkin as Board Chair

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Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) has appointed Kim Drapkin as Board Chair to guide the company's strategic direction as it enters clinical trial development. Drapkin brings over 25 years of experience in biotech and pharma, most recently serving as President and CEO of Graphite Bio. LucyTx, which develops small molecule therapies for complex neurological diseases, recently secured $12.5 million in additional funding, bringing its total to $37 million.

The company's approach involves analyzing various disease drivers, including mitochondrial, environmental, and genetic factors, to create detailed knowledge maps and identify unique drug targets. LucyTx currently has three drug discovery programs in its pipeline, with Investigational New Drug (IND) studies planned for next year, focusing on treatments for Rett syndrome, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease.

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) ha nominato Kim Drapkin come Presidente del Consiglio per guidare la direzione strategica dell'azienda mentre entra nello sviluppo di trial clinici. Drapkin porta con sé oltre 25 anni di esperienza nel settore biotech e pharma, avendo recentemente ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente e CEO di Graphite Bio. LucyTx, che sviluppa terapie a piccole molecole per malattie neurologiche complesse, ha recentemente acquisito 12,5 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti aggiuntivi, portando il totale a 37 milioni di dollari.

L'approccio dell'azienda prevede l'analisi di vari fattori scatenanti le malattie, tra cui fattori mitocondriali, ambientali e genetici, per creare mappe di conoscenza dettagliate e identificare bersagli unici per i farmaci. Attualmente, LucyTx ha tre programmi di scoperta di farmaci nella sua pipeline, con studi per farmaci investigativi (IND) pianificati per il prossimo anno, focalizzati su trattamenti per la sindrome di Rett, il Parkinson e l'Alzheimer.

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) ha nombrado a Kim Drapkin como Presidente de la Junta para guiar la dirección estratégica de la empresa mientras entra en el desarrollo de ensayos clínicos. Drapkin aporta más de 25 años de experiencia en biotecnología y farmacéutica, habiendo servido recientemente como Presidente y CEO de Graphite Bio. LucyTx, que desarrolla terapias de pequeñas moléculas para enfermedades neurológicas complejas, ha asegurado recientemente 12,5 millones de dólares en financiamiento adicional, llevando su total a 37 millones de dólares.

El enfoque de la empresa implica analizar varios factores que provocan enfermedades, incluidos factores mitocondriales, ambientales y genéticos, para crear mapas de conocimiento detallados e identificar objetivos únicos para los medicamentos. Actualmente, LucyTx tiene tres programas de descubrimiento de medicamentos en su pipeline, con estudios de Nuevos Medicamentos Investigacionales (IND) planeados para el próximo año, centrados en tratamientos para el síndrome de Rett, el Parkinson y la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

루시 치료제(LucyTx)는 킴 드랩킨을 이사회 의장으로 임명하여 임상 시험 개발에 진입하는 회사의 전략적 방향을 이끌어 나가게 합니다. 드랩킨은 최근 그래파이트 바이오의 사장 및 CEO로 재직한 25년 이상의 생명공학 및 제약 분야 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 복잡한 신경 질환을 위한 분자 치료제를 개발하는 루시Tx는 최근 1,250만 달러의 추가 자금을 확보하여 총 3,700만 달러에 이르게 되었습니다.

회사의 접근 방식은 미토콘드리아, 환경 및 유전적 요인을 포함한 다양한 질병 유발 요인을 분석하여 상세한 지식 지도를 만들고 독창적인 약물 대상을 식별하는 것입니다. 루시Tx는 현재 파이프라인에 세 개의 약물 발견 프로그램을 보유하고 있으며, 내년에 레트 증후군, 파킨슨병 및 알츠하이머병 치료를 중심으로 임상 시험(IND)을 계획하고 있습니다.

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) a nommé Kim Drapkin en tant que Président du Conseil pour guider la direction stratégique de l'entreprise alors qu'elle entre dans le développement d'essais cliniques. Drapkin apporte plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans le secteur de la biotechnologie et de la pharmacie, ayant récemment occupé le poste de Président et CEO de Graphite Bio. LucyTx, qui développe des thérapies à petites molécules pour des maladies neurologiques complexes, a récemment sécurisé 12,5 millions de dollars de financement supplémentaire, portant le total à 37 millions de dollars.

L'approche de l'entreprise consiste à analyser divers facteurs entraînant des maladies, y compris des facteurs mitochondriaux, environnementaux et génétiques, pour créer des cartes de connaissances détaillées et identifier des cibles médicamenteuses uniques. Actuellement, LucyTx dispose de trois programmes de découverte de médicaments dans son pipeline, avec des études de médicaments expérimentaux (IND) prévues pour l'année prochaine, ciblant des traitements pour le syndrome de Rett, la maladie de Parkinson et la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) hat Kim Drapkin als Vorsitzenden des Vorstands ernannt, um die strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens zu leiten, während es in die Entwicklung klinischer Studien eintritt. Drapkin bringt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Biotechnologie und Pharma mit und war zuletzt Präsident und CEO von Graphite Bio. LucyTx, das kleine Molekültherapien für komplexe neurologische Erkrankungen entwickelt, hat kürzlich 12,5 Millionen Dollar an zusätzlicher Finanzierung gesichert, was den Gesamtsumme auf 37 Millionen Dollar erhöht.

Der Ansatz des Unternehmens umfasst die Analyse verschiedener Krankheitsfaktoren, einschließlich mitochondrialer, umweltbedingter und genetischer Faktoren, um detaillierte Wissenskarten zu erstellen und einzigartige Arzneimittelziele zu identifizieren. Derzeit hat LucyTx drei Programme zur Arzneimittelentdeckung in der Pipeline, mit geplanten Studien zu neuen Arzneimitteln (IND) für das nächste Jahr, die sich auf Behandlungen für das Rett-Syndrom, Parkinson und Alzheimer konzentrieren.

  • Appointment of experienced biotech executive Kim Drapkin as Board Chair
  • Secured $12.5 million in additional funding, bringing total to $37 million
  • Three drug discovery programs in pipeline with IND studies planned for next year
  • Novel approach to drug development targeting complex neurological diseases
  • None.

Drapkin brings decades of biotech and pharma experience as the company prepares for clinical trial development.

WALTHAM, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lucy Therapeutics, Inc. (LucyTx), a biotech company developing proprietary small molecule therapies for complex neurological diseases including Rett syndrome, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, today announced the appointment of Kim Drapkin as Board Chair. She will help guide the strategic direction of LucyTx as the company enters its next phase of growth: clinical trial development.

“It’s an honor to lead LucyTx’s Board. The company’s non-traditional approach to developing treatments for complex diseases is already paying off, and I’m eager to contribute to both their clinical and strategic success as they grow,” said Ms. Drapkin. “In just three years, the LucyTx team took two programs from idea to in vivo proof-of-concept in key animal models. Now the company is ready for clinical trials of an entirely new class of potentially curative treatments for people suffering from Rett syndrome, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.”

Ms. Drapkin brings more than 25 years of experience with private and publicly traded biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. She most recently served as President and CEO of Graphite Bio, which she successfully merged with LENZ Therapeutics (Nasdaq: LENZ).

“As we advance our development candidates for Rett syndrome and Parkinson’s treatments, I’m thrilled to welcome Kim and the invaluable experience she offers,” said Dr. Amy Ripka, founder and CEO of LucyTx. “She brings decades of financial acumen, operational and strategic knowledge, and industry relationships to LucyTx. Kim will bring even greater breadth and depth to our Board as we enter this exciting new stage of growth.”

In May, LucyTx secured $12.5 million in additional funding, bringing its total funding to date to $37 million. The company develops novel therapies based on small-molecule treatments and diagnostic biomarkers of key nexus points of disease. Instead of focusing solely on genetic links, the company analyzes a wide range of drivers central to disease progression, including mitochondrial, environmental and genetic factors. By simultaneously analyzing these factors, LucyTx’s platform creates a detailed knowledge map for the disease in question, allowing identification of common underlying biological pathways that can be addressed by unique drug targets. The company currently has three drug discovery programs in its pipeline, with Investigational New Drug (IND) studies planned for next year.

Prior to her work at Graphite Bio and LENZ Therapeutics, Ms. Drapkin served as CFO at Jounce Therapeutics, playing a key role in building the company’s financial infrastructure and securing $600 million in financing. Ms. Drapkin also previously owned a financial consulting firm, where she served as interim CFO for numerous early-stage biotechnology companies, including Jounce, Blueprint Medicines and other Third Rock Ventures portfolio companies. Prior to her consulting work, Ms. Drapkin was CFO at EPIX Pharmaceuticals. She also spent a decade in roles of increasing responsibility within the finance organization at Millennium Pharmaceuticals, and started her career in the technology and life sciences practice at PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Ms. Drapkin currently serves on the Boards at Acumen Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ABOS), LENZ Therapeutics (Nasdaq: LENZ) and Imugene Limited (ASX: IMU), chairing the audit committee at both Acumen and Imugene. Ms. Drapkin also previously served as a board member of Proteostasis and Yumanity Therapeutics.

About Lucy Therapeutics

Lucy Therapeutics is a private biotechnology company in Waltham, MA, founded by Amy Ripka, Ph.D., in 2017, dedicated to unraveling the complex and interrelated biological processes driving central nervous system diseases. Sitting at the center of genetics and mitochondrial function, Lucy Therapeutics is leading the change in how we think about the intersecting pathways that play critical roles in human health and disease, particularly those of the central nervous system, including Rett syndrome, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. For more information, visit


Lucy Therapeutics

Jessica Garrant

Source: Lucy Therapeutics, Inc.


Who is the new Board Chair of Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx)?

Kim Drapkin has been appointed as the new Board Chair of Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx).

What is Lucy Therapeutics' (LucyTx) focus in drug development?

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) focuses on developing small molecule therapies for complex neurological diseases, including Rett syndrome, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's disease.

How much funding has Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) secured recently?

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) recently secured $12.5 million in additional funding, bringing its total funding to $37 million.

What is Lucy Therapeutics' (LucyTx) approach to drug discovery?

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) analyzes various disease drivers, including mitochondrial, environmental, and genetic factors, to create detailed knowledge maps and identify unique drug targets.

When are Lucy Therapeutics' (LucyTx) Investigational New Drug (IND) studies planned?

Lucy Therapeutics (LucyTx) has planned Investigational New Drug (IND) studies for next year.

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